The Bleak Walker

Chapter 30: The Choice to Bleakness

The fortress of the three fates was heavily guarded. It was a secret location only known by a few who have long forgotten the Three Fates and their roles in the affairs of the world. They are the weaves of fate that has always weaved through the fates with their watchful eye.

Lately, the fortress and their long-time servants have grown weary. Their masters have predicted the end of the fortress and that the Three Fates will have to retreat from the world, let it fight the darkness that will come over and cover the whole world. They've received the fate of the world through the Creator of All. They were ready to sew the fate yet they were hoping that one would defy fate.

They wouldn't have this thought at all when they haven't heard the fall of Oasis and the awakening of the Beholder that was sealed in ancient times. They were glad that the Beholder was killed before it could truly regain its potential of unleashing untold destruction. They could feel a meddler of fates among the world. Who was this fate meddler? They didn't know.

Lady Decima, Lady Aisa, and Lady Nona gathered around a dancing fire. Lady Decima wore a headdress, clothed in white. Lady Aisa wore a blue gown with a headdress. Lady Nona wore a fierce red robe along with a headdress. The three of them observed the fire that danced in front of them.

None of them spoke in the round chamber that they were in. Only the dancing fire's crackle could be heard and the three ladies of fate nodding their heads. Their eyes glowed with the color of the fire. They perceived through the fire and yet they could not see what they were looking for.

Who was the meddler of fates?

They wanted to know yet their time was ticking short. Their 'end' was coming and the War Maiden that would receive the blessing of the Three Ladies of Fate was nowhere to be found. They felt the awakening of the War Maiden through the fire. Yet, no Kingdom or King brought the War Maiden with them. Many started to believe that the War Maiden was lost or captured. Or that the War Maiden knows what her identity was but refused to resign to her fate. She refuses to bear the burden of being the favored maiden of the God of War.

In their time as watchers, the three ladies have seen these scenarios. They could not blame a woman for refusing to bear the burden of the world on her shoulders. Yet, what perplexed the Three Ladies of Fate was that there was a will coming from the War Maiden to bear the burden. The will was strong and overbearing that they wanted to know who this war maiden was. They've sent their servants to look for this War Maiden yet they were not successful. Even their scrying proved no use in knowing the locations of the War Maiden.

It could only mean that there was someone or something covering the War Maiden's tracks. It made the three fates confused and worried. That's why they wanted to consult the fire. But the fire only told them to wait. The Three Ladies never felt this worried.

Only when that the door gently opens and a woman with the horns of a dragon entered the round chamber that the Three Ladies of Fate moved. The Three Ladies of Fate looked at the woman with warm eyes. "What is it?" said Lady Decima.

"She's here," said the woman. "She's...being carried by someone."

"Someone?" said Lady Aisa. "Who is it?"

"It would be best if you see him yourself," said the dragon-horned woman.

The Three Ladies shared a look before they went out of the chamber with a lockstep. They moved gently and when they were out of the chamber they saw a man in a hooded cloak. His face was covered with a scarf but the Three Ladies could tell what he was from the sigils in his eyes.

"A Bleak Heir of the Old Revenant," said Lady Nona. "No wonder we could not perceive the War Maiden. The Bleak Walker of the Old Revenant would curse his heirs with the ability to be seen by any wards. So are you the reason why the War Maiden was nowhere to be found."

He took a step forward, "I shall not bore you with my name. Beyond this chamber is the War Maiden. I carried her to fulfill her fate and be blessed by the War Maidens of the Old."

"You know of the sharing of thoughts from the Past Incarnations of the War Maiden?" asked Lady Aisa.

"Yes." He replied with a nod. "I've heard of the ritual and I came here to deliver her."

Lady Decima examined him. "To carry the War Maiden through this fortress means that you've faced the dangers of reaching this place. Why?"

Nolan eyed the Lady with no fear. "The Three Ladies should know why a man would carry a woman through mountains and forests filled with monsters. You should know why I would do all of this. The Ladies should know this well."

"We do," answered Lady Decima. "And we praised you for doing this. For the sake of this love, you'd carry her through many obstacles. I can guess what you want from us."

"No. You could not possibly guess," Nolan breathe a sigh. "I've carried Ciara here out of my will. She's a woman worthy to be the War Maiden. She never lost her will and along the way she only thought of the burdens that she has given to me by carrying her. If I was selfish I would have allowed myself to be by her side. But, the Three of you ladies should know what a Bleak Walker is."

"Indeed," Lady Aisa agreed. "An Heir of the Old Revenant being by the War Maiden's side would prove troublesome. Yet, we are the Three Fates, if you wish we can always alter that."

Nolan smiled lightly. "I've seen many through these eyes. Removing these sigils and allowing me to by her side would be an insult to those that have died." Nolan eyed the Three Fates with his eyes glowing with the two sigils brightly.

The Three Ladies felt the emotions coming from the sigils. The screams of the damned and the sufferings of those who died and the feeling of the one who saw them die. The countless souls that Nolan's eyes have seen through surge inside the Three Ladies like a curse that made their heart heavier. How could they embrace the sufferings that they are experiencing? How could he endure these endless recurring torments forever branded upon his eyes?

"You poor man," said the three in unison.

"I do not need the pity," said Nolan with a weary smile. "I am used to this and I believe that you can understand what I want."

"You do not want to by her side," said Lady Decima. "Pray tell, why do you insist to walk this path?"

Nolan nodded. He told the three ladies his thoughts.


Ciara stayed seated with the servants of the three ladies. She was garbed in a ritual outfit. The servants took care o her hair and the way she was. She could tell that they only have admiration for her especially at the sight of the War Maiden's sigil on her back. But that was all. She was only the 'War Maiden' on everyone's eyes.

"I guess he's the only that really looked at me like that," she thought. "Where's Nolan I wonder?" she looked around.

It was then that the doors swung gently. The Three Ladies of Fate appeared before Ciara. They emitted an aura that made Ciara feel like she was facing royalty. She lowered her head but Lady Decima lifted her head. She smiled at Ciara and gestured at Nolan to carry her.

Nolan gently lifted Ciara up from her seat and carried her like a Princess. Lady Aisa and Lady Nona pointed with their hand and made Nolan follow them along a marbled pathway leading up to an open stage. The pillars had torches that dance to the tune of the wind.

"Where are we going?" asked Ciara.

"To your fate," smiled Nolan. "We're here to fix your legs, right?"

"Is that?" Ciara furrowed her brows. "Are you hiding something from me?"

"I may have."

"What is it?"

"You will have to see it for yourself."

Nolan ascended up the stairs with a huff.

"Nolan...after this will I be fulfilling my role as the War Maiden?"


"Will I be a good one?"

"You will. I know that you will." He thought. "I've seen you lead armies of the light and carried the will of the light through the barren lands."

"You really think so?" she said. Her eyes were pointing at the top of the stage. "I will believe you. But, I have a wish that I hope that you will listen. I've burdened you by carrying me to this place. This is rather selfish but...can you stay by my side?"

Nolan stopped. He didn't expect that. "Why?"

"Are you really asking this question?" she eyed him. "You've carried me through dangers and took care of me despite the look of my face. No sane woman would miss this chance of having such a dependable husband. My head tells me that you deserve better than me who would bear some of the burdens of this world. But my heart aches at the thought of not having you all to myself. Is that selfish of me?"

"No," he chuckled.

"What's there to laugh about? I am being honest here yet you dare to chuckle?" she snorted through her nose. "You've seen what my body has to offer. I cannot be married to anyone other than you now."

"That's sounds logical."

"It is!" she said.

Nolan arrived in front of the stage. Ciara eyed the stage and turned to Nolan. "So after this ritual is done...would you want to discuss this?"

"Yes," he said with a smile.

Nolan carried Ciara and placed her in the middle of the open-stage. The Three Ladies went to their designated positions and raised their hands up. Fire materialized out of thin air and conjoined with a sharp light. The dragon-horned woman pointed her palm at Nolan.

She said, "To bear the curse of the War Maiden would mean that her natural ability to attract monsters shall be transferred unto your eyes. Monsters would chase you and you would have no rest. Are you sure about this? The War Maiden is not so weak that she would need you to do this."

"I am sure about this," Nolan nodded twice.

"I see," the dragon-horned woman nodded. "I praised you for this. But...are you sure that you want to walk the bleak path?"

"I am used to it," he mouthed. "Is it starting?"


The three fates started the ritual. The space around the area churned and trembled. Strings of energy moved like strings and weaved the soul of Ciara who was standing strong against this ritual. Nolan was getting the treatment but the strings stitched a sigil on his eyes.

Blood poured from his eyes sockets. He convulsed but he never kneeled and stood strong against this fate. The dragon-horned woman watched placidly without any change of emotions.

Ciara felt that her soul was getting sewed. The thoughts and the experiences of the past War Maidens bonded with her soul and body. She was being enriched and the pain was greater than she could have ever imagined. But she chose to endure this pain and told herself to be brave. She thought of Nolan who was watching her. She didn't want to disappoint him who suffered just to carry her here.

Suddenly, she found herself on a mirror sea. She looked down and followed a trail of dots. Her burnt skin slowly fell from her face like cracks from the ceiling. She felt her body stronger and she could tell that she has regained her beauty. She was happy for a moment before the pain erupted again.

She found herself floating with her dirty blonde hair flowing wildly. She felt intense power surrounding her and she felt like the world was made of paper. Her senses grew wild and the moment she landed on top of the stage. She felt like the world was clearer and that she could do anything!

"The War Maiden has awakened!"

She heard shouts coming from everywhere. The servants of the three fates kneeled at her presence. The Three Ladies smiled gently as they welcomed the War Maiden.

Ciara was shocked to her core. All these people were looking at her with admiration and joy. There was hope in their eyes and she could feel that they truly were glad of her presence. She wanted to speak but no words came out of her mouth. It was then that she remembered the person who carried her.


She looked around yet Nolan was nowhere to be found. She examined the surroundings yet there was not a single trace of where Nolan was. Her senses were much better and the incarnations of the War Maiden gave her the skills to lead the world yet she could not find Nolan!

"Where is he?" she turned to the dragon-horned woman.

"He left," she answered.

"Where did he go?"

"We simply don't know," said the dragon-horned woman. "He disappeared without a trace. I thought he was standing just near me but he was long gone. He was like a Ghost that vanished into thin air."

"That's not possible!" Ciara shouted as she rushes out of the stage and outside the fortress gates. She spread her senses yet she could not find a single trail left behind by Nolan. The Three Ladies of Fate followed Ciara and they looked at her with eyes filled with lament.

"Lady Ciara, I believe that you have the right to know this," Lady Decima lowered her head.

"Know what?" Ciara's heart started beating furiously.

"The person that has brought you here...he was the heir of the Old Revenant. He was simply the guide that was sent for you to be in this fortress. It was his duty to carry you here and now that his duty has been fulfilled. You could see that he has vanished. You should have tried feeling his presence."

Ciara's eyes dilated. "That cannot be. I spent my time on his back! I've heard and felt his beating heart and the warmth of his body! He cannot be a lie or a ghost!"

The dragon-horned woman shook her head. "We do not know if he exists or simply a ghost. But the truth is that he has disappeared."

Ciara stood still. She hung her head. "Was he a lie then?" she scoffed. "A shadow sent by someone or something to have me fulfill my fate? Is that why he saved me exactly right in time as if he knows that it will happen? Is that why he was around when I was at the edge of death? Was it all an act for me to bear this role?"

"We don't know," said Lady Decima. "Whether he's real or not is even us Three Fates could never know."

"Is that so?" she laughed wearily. "Hah...I thought that maybe if I have this power I would be able to repay him immediately and I would blind him with the beauty that I once lost. Yet, what is this? He's gone and that he might a shadow? All of those times we spent talking and the hardship we shared was for nothing? No...I refused!" She gathered strength from her diaphragm and shouted!

"If you can hear me know that I will find you! I will have you! So until then let me believe that you are not a lie!"

Her tears poured.


Nolan listened to that shout with his scope. The sigils on his eyes had a now a dangerous color of red on them. He would have been found out by Ciara if he didn't have the curse transferred to him. It was simple really. If he didn't have this curse then he would have been sensed by her. The curse allowed him to evade Ciara's new war maiden senses.

Why would he do this? It was not that hard to think about. He simply didn't want to give her this curse. It would not affect Ciara's growth and it was nothing but a small burden. He loved her dearly. He knew her dearly. He knew the troubles she had to face because of the sigil's curse.

He didn't want to meddle. He didn't want to alter her course because of his meddling anymore. So he thought of taking at least taking this curse from her. It was his own way of repaying all the good that she did for him. He has too many debts with her and he could only think of repaying her by taking a bit of burden that she has.

She didn't need the curse to be transferred. Nolan was confident that she could handle what will be thrown at her. He knew because when she didn't have the full blessings she was able to contend. Now that she has the powers of the War Maiden and their experiences through the bonding of incarnations. How could she be weak?

There was no need for it. Truly, there was no need for him to do something so foolish. Yet, Nolan did so without hesitation. It was a simple repaying of debt. He didn't mind bearing her burden if it means that she could save the world along with the Six Elemental Heroes.

It was a stupid choice for him to make.

But...Nolan was quite satisfied. He was able to take the curse away and helped in awakening the War Maiden that will help in defeating the Overlord of the Demons of the Barren Lands. He could feel her power and it felt like how she was when he saw her standing on the battlefields.

There was nothing to talk about here. A foolish man wanted to do some good for the woman he loved. He doesn't know what will happen from now on. He only knows that there will be ripples of events that will change because of what he has done.

She would bear the light with her. She will carry that light and will be looked upon by Kings, Princes and Great Men who would want her.

She didn't need help from Soldier A.

She might even forget the Soldier A, who brought her to the path of glory.

She will lead the sons and daughter of the light against the enemy.

While Nolan will be what he is, a Bleak Walker that walks the bleak path.

He didn't have any regrets. He didn't have any thoughts to turned back. Nolan took a step to the shadows and slowly melted away with his back stern. Around him were the eyes of the monsters that sensed the curse that was branded newly upon his eyes.

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