The Bleak Walker

Chapter 31: The Soldier Robbed of Memories

He leaned on the table while keeping his head down. The soldiers and guardsman of throes raised their mugs and laughed heartily. Common men drank with the soldiers inside the Inn's bar with smirks reaching up to their ears. Sir Rave, the usually aloof Captain howled a hearty laugh as well.

"The War Maiden favored by the God of War."

He thought internally. It was already fall when suddenly the whole world got shook by the news that the War Maiden has finally shown up. The War Maiden was a favored maiden blessed by the God of War. This War Maiden, in particular, received the blessings of all the incarnations and was considerably stronger than them. Her beauty was heavy-defying and that there was man that could not be charmed by her who eludes a gentle and domineering aura.

So when the Three Ladies of Fates announced her awakening to the known world. Kings, Queens, Princes, Princesses, Dukes, Bishops and powerful men traveled to the fortress of the Three Fates in a parade that turned into a marching army that transformed into a clearing campaign that swept the lower monsters. It took the War Maiden's arrival and grace for the Known Lands to act finally

The Knights of Talons, the Crusaders of Salt Passing, the Hegemony Scholars, the Wizard's Society, the Tian Islanders, the Sunspawn Knights, the Sword-Maiden of Throes, the Bleak Walkers, the Royal Huntsmen of Zayas, the Adventurers Fraternity, and the Holy Knights of the Pontifex marched and cleared a path.

The Guardsmen of Throes were invited and now they were on Moirai City celebrating the news. The War Maiden will arrive on the City and will be escorted by the 'Light's Army' that gathered for her sake. The Guardsmen of Throes were already celebrating along with the city.

Every citizen of the City was in a festive mood. Outside of the Inn's bar, there were banners and the streets were decorated with flowers and all sort of assortments. The Merchants were making use of the festive mood to sell their goods to the common people.

It was bustling and the crowd was restless to catch a glimpse of the War Maiden. Travelers and pilgrims waited along the sidewalks in hope that they'd be able to be gazed by the War Maiden that will be coming to the main road of the city.

He didn't know what to take about these events. He wasn't hanged by Sir Rave because of the hob that he killed and the Doctor's persuasion saved him truly. He was not that joyful but he kept a facade of it to blend in with a crowd. He doesn't know things work here so he had to act like a local but his heart was never here.

The beer and food juggled in the wooden tray that the waitress held. He noticed that the barkeep and the cook behind the stove were starting to grow fatigue in cooking the food for the patrons of the bar. He stayed silent while nibbling the roasted pig's leg on his hand. He would occasionally adjust his elbow to prevent it from hitting a fellow patron who was drinking heartily.

"Looks like the God's have been good to us!"

"That's right! That's right!"

"Oasis City has fallen but with the War Maiden's grace then all the Elemental Heroes shall gather again!"

The War Maiden is the core of the Six Heroes. The Heroes shall gather and surround the War Maiden while she acts as a conduit for the Heroes, allowing them to enhance their powers to their highest potential. Yet, it does not mean that they'll be as favored like the War Maiden who the God of War chose.

They are only a vessel of power that was able to manipulate the elemental light that was bestowed upon them in their birth. It is only the matter of the time being right that such power will awaken. The War Maiden's awakening was believed to be destined as well.

There was only one Hero that was known to have awakened. The Hero Ryle who controlled the Elemental Light of Fire took part in the defense of Oasis City and protected the defenders enough for the Royal Guard of the King of Oasis and a nameless Walker to bring down the Beholder and the Warden of the Barren Land. No one knew what happen to Hero Ryle other than he trained away from people's eyes after the battle in Oasis City.

The other Heroes have still not awakened. They are silent and people believe that when the time comes that they will awaken to bear the burden of saving the world from the dim world that will soon to come. Although the mood was festive and glorious the people pretend to hide the fear that the darkness will come.

Maybe it was their way of taking it. The Fall of Oasis left the known world furious and nervous. So how can they not drown the fear by using joy? They could leave life at any moment thus they decided to fill their lives with happiness instead of drowning in such worrisome thoughts. No man would want to be miserable while those that around them are cheerful and joyful.

He should be like them. He was acting like them but he was drowned out by a sense of longing. He was homesick and the thought of home - made him miserable inside. He could not unleash these thoughts upon the people around him. They would mock, ridicule, and insult him. It was not ideal for him to be hated more than the Guardsmen of Throes have. He didn't want to add any more reason for these men to hate him further. He was tolerated because of him finally killing a monster on his own and that the Doctor persuaded them to let him be. A pair of arms and legs still has a use for the Guardsmen of Throes.

He now carried menial tasks along with the camp followers and was rather content of his position. He was not ambitious and he did not want to complain about how life was treating him. He has grown sick and tired of caring about things. He was tired of living yet he continues on. He could only trek on despite how hard it was even to live.

It was then that a guardsman flung the door open, he hollered at the bar patrons and told them, "The War Maiden has finally come to! Quick! We should stay in line now!"

Sir Rave raised his head. He pushed the table away and took his helmet, he gestured with his right hand, the drunken look on his face mellowed. The guardsmen who were drinking heartily change their expressions and straightened their faces. They sidled out of their tables and followed Sir Rave. He followed as well.

The streets were now filled. Men and women cramped the sidewalk and perked their heads up to gaze at the gates. He wove through the chaotic crowd and lined up behind the row of people. He melted along with the crowd and eyed the gates where the sounds of hooves were loud. The marching army in different uniforms and banners followed. In the front was the 'War Maiden' that everyone was looking for.

Everyone's eyes stilled. His eyes stilled as he gazes upon the beautiful War Maiden that everyone has been talking about. Golden Hair, an armor that releases an aura, a sword that shines as the sun's light meets with it. Her skin was pale a snow, her eyes were like the blue skies. She wore a gentle yet fierce expression that made both sexes eye her with such intensity.

She was like's God's favored children. He thought that the rumors were exaggerated but the way she carried herself made it no question that she was indeed a favored daughter of heaven blessed by the God of War. It was once loud and because of her single commanding appearance that it made common people silent and shut their mouths. How could they act so rudely in front of her? Even the Kings and Princes that followed her didn't emit such a powerful aura. They were like a pauper compared to her. Not to mention that accompanying near her was a dragon-horned woman who evokes the aura of a dragon. She carried a sawtooth-like greatsword that was as tall as her and was as wide as her hips. They could not understand how she could possibly wield such a greatsword. Adding to that she wore an armor clearly made from the scales of a dragon. Her fierce eyes matched beautifully with her armor that the knights and warriors behind looked like beggars. Even the decorated armor of the royalties following the War Maiden was no match for the dragon-horned woman's equipment.

The parade slowly moved forward to the castle of Moirai City. The march was so long that he thought that it would take time for the parade to be finished. But, he could not possibly move with how the crowd was. They were like statues that became stone after seeing the War maiden.

It was when the War Maiden and the dragon-horned woman finally neared where he was standing when he saw her eyes dart to the direction where he was standing. The crowd saw this and looked at the direction where the War Maiden was looking. They saw nothing and because of this, they gaze back at the War Maiden whose eyes were opened wide. The dragon-horned woman also looked at the direction but he could tell that her eyes were burned unto him.

She was examining him from head to toe. The War Maiden acted the same that it made him nervous. The escorts of the War Maiden turned to where the direction was and glared at him who was frozen solid. There was confusion on the two woman's eyes but ultimately they shook their heads.

"I am probably mistaken...he resembles him but he is...not that fragile-built."

"Certainly, the lady must have been mistaken."

The two urged their horse forward. The eyes of the dragon-horned stayed at him for a while before it pointed forward to where the castle was. He was shocked to the core. His heart was beating furiously just by remembering the eyes of those two women whose beauty was beyond him. What did they want from him? Did they mistake him for someone else? He doesn't know why but he could still feel the eyes of the two sometimes glancing back at him as if they were unsure on their own judgments.

The attention that was given to him made him nervous. Through the crowd, he melted away and left the masses and head into this narrow street where he could see some people walking to the parade in a hurry. He sauntered slowly and his head was cloudy as he enters a new street.

"Looks like you are having troubles?" said a voice.

He turned to where the voice was and saw a familiar woman. "You are Alcina, right? That farm girl in the rice berry farm?"

"I am!" she said heartily. "Who would have thought that you would remember me even though we haven't met after that? Where are you going? Isn't that parade of the army still ongoing?"

"I don't want to watch anymore," he answered.

"Why?" she asked with her hands on her back.

"Nothing really," he sucked in warm air. "I just want to continue my drink."

"I see," she nodded. "Although you remember my name I really didn't catch yours well. I mean after the hob attacked and you running in the forest I ran for my dear life! And I may say that you really don't speak well."

"Yes," he nodded. He was about to open his mouth and tell her his name when he remembered something. He thought of how he awoke in this world and felt like he was robbed of his memories. As if there was someone who stole his memories and took it for himself. He could only remember his dear name.

"So what's your name?"Alcina asked while leaned forward with a cheerful smile. She was a simple brown-haired girl with a braid in a villager's dress. She was simply yet there was something about her that made him calm down. His heart soothed and the nervousness he felt awhile ago melted away.

He smiled. "My name is Lano-," he coughed. "I mean my name is Nolan Salvatore – although people call me Lanon now because of how I spoke it for the first time. You can call me that if you want."

"I see," she smiled. "Then it is nice to meet you, Nolan or should I say Lanon?"

Lanon could only smile at her teasing way of speech.

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