The Bleak Walker

Chapter 37: Pale Shine 1

Lanon blocked the sun with his arm. He watched the great-helmed knights of the Salt Passing passed over. They ride their great horses and trotted towards a direction. The street was filled with curious folks. They watch the riders and were fond of their appearances.

The parade continued until Lanon noticed that it was noon. He walked along the streets of Moirai while occasionally glancing at the stalls. It took him a while to reach an area where he pulled his helmet off and laid it down. He pulled a cloth bag from his waist and laid it on his lap. He took out the sandwiches he made. It had a meat, lettuce, and some vegetable he began to get fond of. He ate the bread. Crumbs fell down from his mouth.

The sun shaded his face. He squinted. He brushed his nose and watched the building that was in front of him. He heard the rustle of the tree leaves. Behind him was a tree that was quite ancient. He was fond of this place. After his work, he would sit on this spot every noon.

There was an ambiance sounding out. Lanon doesn't know if it was a passing bard but it made him feel calm. The city was calmer than the outside world. He could hear news like the campaign of the War Maiden Ciara or the Grey Leader of the Adventurers leading his men to conquer the captured Outer Lands.

To Lanon it felt like he was hearing heroic tales. He never expected that he'd hear tales of Heroes. His memories or at least the fragments have recompiled in his head but he never knew that they would be real. It made him feel little and like a speck of dust.

But he didn't care. Lanon found some sort of coping in this world. He had a friend that understood him. Who would help and talk with him? He didn't have any friends. The minds of the people in this world were different from him. He could not simply understand how they think or what their values are.

Lanon continued sitting until it was way past noon. He moved into an old market where he stood next to the door of a tavern, waiting and watching the people pass by. The old market was filled with fishes and meats. He could smell the scent of the fishes and the meat that was dried under the sun.

Merchants hollered and tugged customers to their stalls. The rug sellers were the loudest that Lanon was glad that he has his helmet to muffle the sound of their voices. After his time in the old market, he moved to the river docks that ran zigzag across the city of Moirai. He watched the fishermen reel in the little fishes. A fisherman cursed his luck and almost breaks his back complaining. He stayed near the docks and felt the cold air. And after that, he moved out of the place and went near the adventurer's society establishment and listened in to the adventurers.

They talk about the Campaign of the Warden and the awakening of the Six Heroes and the Hero Ryle, who was gathering the Heroes of the Elemental Light. They were also fond of talking about the War Maiden whose beauty made the adventurers dream of meeting her.

Lanon could not understand that thought. How could they possibly reach such a flower in the mountain? He couldn't understand. Lanon stood and leaned on the walls of the building. The adventurers who would walk out would nod at him. The haughty ones would mess with Lanon. He didn't have the guts to mess with them so he just did his job.


Lanon walked to the gate of the city. It was guarded by different factions. Since the fall of Oasis, the Cities of the Inner Land have started to think about the defenses of the city. Lanon moved to his usual spot and watched the time go by. By evening he was walking down the lamp-lit alley. He entered a tavern and planted his face on the table.

He ordered a beer and fried meat. He waited for the meal and ate it with haste. He went out of the tavern and ambled around the small cramp streets where he saw men from the factions watching the streets. He thought it would be another silent day.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" a voice resounded.

His heart tightened. His hand balled as he sticks to the wall and watched where the sound came from. The men from the factions ran towards the location only for them to fly from the scene and crash-landed on the stalls. Lanon curled into a ball. He melted into the shadows without making a noise.

A small stature appeared covered in gauzes. It was as if the person was constantly bleeding. The person examined the surrounding and saw men from the factions appear. Lanon continued hiding and covered his mouth as he watches the men from the factions fight the monster-like person.

Lanon was bewildered by this sudden change of tone. His peaceful day was now ruined as the bleeding person skewered the sword-wielding knight. A woman in wizard's robes launched transparent spears of light to the bleeding person. The bleeding person shrugged it off and launched a spike that made a hole in the wizard's stomach.

Lanon shivered. He closed his eyes and waited for the battle to be over. Men from the factions kept on attacking the bleeding person until finally, a knight wearing the sigil of the Sun brought it down along with a woman. There was someone with a green poison-like hair standing near the bleeding person. She has driven her poisonous sword into the heart of the bleeding person.

"Another blood ghoul," said the green-haired woman. "They've been coming around everywhere."

The Knight of Sunspawn lifted his right foot and crushed the blood ghoul's head. "It is because of Tania the Obsidian. Her presence alone is dangerous enough to the outer lands."

The woman that was near the Knight of Sunspawn gently nodded her head. "That devilish woman could summon legions of her demon-kin brothers and sisters into the lands. The City of Oasis was not only a defensive wall but a formation that prevented them from being summoned inside the inner and outer lands."

The woman with the gentle look turned to where Lanon was, "How long are you going hide at that place guardsman?"

Lanon slowly raised his body up. He placed his hands up. "I saw nothing," said Lanon fearfully. "I do not know anything."

"Calm and peace Guardsman," said the Knight of Sunspawn. "We are not here to kill you. We've done enough killing for today."

"That's right," the woman with green hair said. Her perpetually gloomy face darted at Lanon. "Hmm, you look familiar, but you don't have his stature, your stance is open, and you don't have that bleak aura on you. Maybe I am wrong...but you're really familiar."

"Huh?" said Lanon. "I've never seen you before, miss."

"What?" the Knight of Sunspawn said. "It couldn't be that Walker. This man looks weak and he's too terrified about all of this slaughter. Do you agree, madam?"

"Yes, certainly," she said. "He has the resemblance of that Walker, but I doubt a few months would bring that man's appearance this low. He lacks the eyes of that walker and that cold stare that pierces the soul."

Lanon was confused. His head was spinning on who on earth was the person that they were discussing. Not to mention that they were too casual about the death that surrounded them. He was afraid and starting to get baffled at these people.

"True," said the green-haired woman. "Hmm, I doubt that he'd be really him."

The Knight of Sunspawn turned to Lanon, "Pardon us, guardsman. You look like the man we used to know. I hope that we did not trouble you from our rather rude remarks."

"No, Sir," said Lanon meekly. "I wouldn't dare!"

"Good," said the gentle-looking woman. "We'll have to trouble you in taking care of this mess, Guardsman. Tell the adventurers and guardians of this city about this bloodbath. Tell them to bury all these good men."

"Yes, Ma'am," said Lanon hurriedly.

She turned her back. The Knight of Sunspawn followed behind that woman. The green-haired one watched Lanon or a while before following the two out of the alley. They were peculiar to Lanon. Those three gave him an odd feeling. He didn't know what it was but it gave him fear. The three was able to dispatch a monster of that caliber. They were a monster in their own right. Experienced, hardened by the bloodbath that they've participated in their lives.

Lanon didn't dare to think more. He left the scene and contacted the guardians of the city. He told the factions about the deaths of their fellows and he left and returned to his home with his head swirling with questions on what happened at that street.

He saw on a chair with forehead planted on the table. His mind recalled the scene of slaughter. He could see them as he closes his eyes. This was a reminder that under the cover of peacefulness. The night has many troubles. Even inside the walls of the city monsters can appear.

"Troubled," said a voice.

Lanon turned towards it, "Yes, I am troubled."

"I see," said Alcina. She walked onto the table with her sword. "I've been guarding the sword maiden of Throes. They're quite the spectacle to watch. Even a kind lady called Captain Celesta offered training to me."

"Offered you?" said Lanon. "Did you accept?"

Alcina nodded, "I did. As you know I do not know to protect myself. I am guardsman but I have no idea how to properly wield my sword. Captain Celesta told me that she'll allow my participation."

"That's great!" said Lanon. "I think you'll do well."

Alcina smiled, "Thank you, I've been thinking about what to do. I was a farm girl and I am strong enough to carry a sword. I don't think Captain Celesta would've allowed me to join the training if she didn't see that I can use this sword easily."

Lanon leaned on the table, "So what you will do? Join them?"

"Who knows?" said Alcina. "I've been thinking about it. The Sword Maidens have always been a dream of little girls like me who wanted to compete with men. Still, it would be a waste to leave when I got a home."

"I see," said Lanon. "Well, if you really want to then you can always come home. This house belongs to you too."

"I know," Alcina said. "But I have this gut feeling that someone would be lonely without me."

"Nonsense," Lanon retorted. "I'm not that weak to miss you!"

"You hate me?" she showed a sad look.

"No!" Lanon waved his hands. "Do not misunderstand."

"Haha," she smiled lightly. "You really are a good friend of mine."

"Well, you feel like a big sister to me."

Alcina gave him a helpless look. "So you always see me as a big sister?"

"Yes?" he answered.

"What a shame," she shook her head. "Hmm, maybe I am not being assertive enough?"


"It is nothing, Lanon. Still, I would like to think about joining the Sword Maidens. I shall head to bed now," she eyed with a gentle and longing expression. "Just...come inside my room if you want something, okay?"

"Okay," he nodded.

Alcina shook her head. She went to her room and left Lanon whose eyes drifted outside the window. They were friends, and he knows that. He didn't have a control over her life. If she wants to become a sword maiden then he would have no right to tell her no. Her world didn't revolve around Lanon and because of this thought, it made Lanon rather lonely.

"This is a bad day," he said. He recalled the scene that he saw. He thought of what he'd be doing again if Alcina truly left. He put the thought behind and went to bed. Yet, he was unable to sleep a wink until he heard the cackle of the rooster in the morning.

As he went out of bed and walked to the room. He saw a letter and read it. His eyes turned gloomy. His heart ached as he sits down and laid the letter on the table. "I see...she joined the Sword Maidens huh..."

Oddly, he was not surprised. He sat still on the chair and turned towards the window where the snow was starting to fall.

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