The Bleak Walker

Chapter 38: Pale Shine 2

The forest was now covered in white. The trees that towered were now naked and the terrain changed. A young man in leather armor sprawled across with the snow around him dyed in blood. He was breathing heavily. His face was pale and there were tears on his eyes.

A hooded man covered in snow neared the young man. He kneeled on one knee. He tapped the forehead of the young man. His expression could not be seen. The young man saw the figure of the man in a silhouette. He opened his mouth slightly.

"H-help," he spat out. Blood leaked from the side of his mouth.

"You got lost, brother?" said the Ghost.

" sneaked attacked," he pointed at the creature a few steps away from him. "I somehow made it out alive...I doubt I'll last."

Ghost reached out for his pockets. He took a bottle and spilled the content on the young man's mouth. The young man swallowed the liquid. His face grew red and his pale complexion turned rosy. He touched his wound. He could feel pain but it was like it was not there anymore.

"It's not magic, brother," said the Ghostly man. "It just numbs the pain and raises your temperature. You will still die if you do not get warmed up."

"Can you help me?"

"Certainly, I can."

"Really, I'll pay you whatever I can."

"Pay me? Oh, that's good. Still, if you didn't say that I would still help you."

He carried the young man across his shoulder. The young man didn't groan or grunt as the man in Hooded Cloak started walking.

"Are you really going to help me if I didn't say that I would pay?"

"Why would I not?"

"Because that's how things are."

"Not because it is decent and kind to do so?" he asked.

"No one works for free."

"I know. But it doesn't mean that you can stop being good. I am not saying that I am a good person. You should know me, right?"

"I do. You're that Ghost that threatened everyone while alone. You've guts, brother. Though I confess that I had no choice but to swallow my pride and ask for your help here."

"Not an odd choice," said The Ghost. "Everyone wants to live. I do not blame you for abandoning that pride."

"I am ashamed. To think that I would be helped by you of all people," the young man narrowed his eyes. "Most of the adventurers thought of you as a cold man. Would someone like that help someone who's dying?"

"Depends," said Ghost. "There are monsters in this world that would help them. To the contrary monsters cannot be wholly satisfied as evil. They have their own goals and values that it would be hard to completely tell what they want. For example, in the barren lands, there is a community of fairies that stays neutral. They are 'servants' of a figure that have long lost her interest in this world."

"Who is this figure?"

"Pale Shine was her name."


Vero of Sorer was wrapped in a fur cloak. His bastard sword was held open as he leans it on his right shoulder. The armored person watched with Vero of Sorer. Their eyes were pointed at the column of sword maidens wrapped in cold gear. Their faces showed sharp bravery as the sigil of the War Maiden invigorates them with strength.

The armored person sucked in cold air, "Looks like the Sword Maidens are stronger than ever. Isn't it envious that we adventurers don't get the same blessings?"

"Nicola," said Vero of Sorer. "Do you really assume that we are weak?"

"Not at all," said Nicola. "I am a False Knight myself but I still feel envious when I see such girls brimming with power. Look, even that simple braided farm girl is filled with power. And look at Captain Celesta, that Amazonian woman looks dangerous than ever!"

Captain Celesta of the Sword Maidens led her maidens through the snow. Her face was covered in scars and her hulking figure coupled with the greatsword on her back made her inhumane. The adventurers who were on the side watched with a strange expression on their faces.

"What happened to that Ghost?" Nicola said.

"Who knows?" Vero of Sorer said. "He disappears and melts away like a shadow. Unless he wants to there's no way that man would want to come into our camp again. Not to mention that the fools who wanted to teach them a lesson are scarred for life."

"They could not even find him. Should we cross out the missing person?"

Vero of Sorer wanted to speak. Yet, he saw a ghostly man carrying a person across his shoulder. He sidled towards Vero and Nicola who straightened their posture. They did not feel his presence at all. They felt spook and they were trying their best to remain indifferent.

"I found this person. He's still alive for now," he placed the young man on the ground.

Vero of Sorer took a step forward. His eyes pointed at the young man. "Are you perhaps one of those that went out of the group?"

The young man scratched his right cheek, "Yes, Sir. I believe that I am that person. I got attacked by a monster and Sir Ghost here gave me medicine and hauled me to safety."

Nicola patted his right wrist, "And it looks like you owe him now. Can you stand?"

"Barely," replied the young man.

"Looks like we owe you one, Ghost," said Vero of Sorer.

"It's fine. I don't need to be owed," The Ghostly man turned and looked at the column of Sword Maidens who were resting around a gigantic tree. His eyes examined each and one of them. "It looks like Captain Celesta's still alive and well. She's a tough one alright."

He eyed the others, "I guess she's after the Devilish Woman as well," he thought. "No, I should find Tania the Obsidian before they do. She's an important material that I can use. She's a devil and because of her devilish blood alone that I need to capture her."

He nodded and squinted. He dragged his feet across the snow when he suddenly stopped. His eyes landed on where a braided farm girl was. He felt like time stopped for him. Every muscle and sinew in his body stiffened.


"I do it because it is decent and a nice thing to do!"

"For a guard, you are really rather weak?"

"You look grown up! I remember when you always cry about!"

"I really hope to see the sun again."

It was a memory of old. He couldn't remember her name. It was a long memory that he had forgotten until now. Before meeting Ciara he admired a certain optimist that had dreams. She would smile at the sight of danger. She would not shut light from her life.

She was a painful memory that he had to seal away. So seeing her face and her blind optimism despite the danger around her made Ghost, no, Nolan froze over. He remembered her face. Her name, however, was something he has truly forgotten.

His eyes glowed red. The sigils of the dove of thorns and the snake of woes appeared on his eyes. The painful memories flashed again but it did not reveal her name. He was fearless when it comes to anything. Yet, he could not move his legs knowing that he needed to walk towards her and ask for her name.

Then what? What would he do after learning her name again? He didn't want to be hurt and he had enough o tampering fate. He didn't know what he did to change her fate. Why she was in this area instead of spending her life in Moirai City where she worked as a lady guard and an instructor and hope for the young ones.

"Did I mess up again?" he thought. "What did I do to change the timeline? Could it be that my actions have reached so far that simple roles have been changed? What about those that I know? What about those people that gave me hope? Have they changed their minds? What did I do damn it!"

He raged internally. He was afraid to learn her name, but, he stretched his legs away from Nicola and Vero of Sorer. The two looked dumbfounded as they saw him easily blend in with the adventurers. Vero of Sorer sheathed his sword and placed his right hand on his hip.

"What was that about?"Nicola said.

"Who knows?" Vero of Sorer shook his head. "Ghost's an eccentric who we never could understand. Hmm, it doesn't matter anyway. Young man, you should go and get yourself patched up. You're lucky that he doesn't retaliate unless provoked."

The young man nodded curtly, "I understand Sir Vero!"

"Just go," said Nicola. "Do not try and break off from the main group again. Winter's harsh in the inner lands and the monsters aren't that worried about the damn cold."

"I understand!" the young man stood and went to the direction of the adventurers.

Vero of Sorer folded his arms. He looked at the reinforcements that came to help them. It was winter yet hearing their success has finally convinced the factions of the Inner Lands to act and deal the final blow. Like a spearhead, they pierced the defenses that surrounded the territory that Tania the Obsidian took. Vero of Sorer understood that he will be getting all the credit even though they've come to help.


Alcina rubbed her palms. Her body was covered in a slight glow. It was the glow of the War Maiden that was given to her. She was given the right to become a Sword Maiden and a servant of the War Maiden. Through the War Maiden, she can withstand the cold. It was a blessing that allowed the Sword Maidens to finally stand on their feet proudly.

"I wonder if he's missing me?" she thought. "I can't believe that he'd really be that oblivious. I mean I can understand that I am rather plain. But to think he'd see me as his big sister. To think that I would join the sword maidens because of this reason alone."

She calmly hugged her sword. She wasn't that great in using it. She was here because of the blessing and that Captain Celesta wanted everyone to learn the hard way. It was a three-week-long journey and here she was about to enter the battle facing monsters summoned by a devilish woman.

"Excuse me," said a voice. She slowly craned her neck to where that voice came from. She spotted a hooded man covered with a cloak. She could not see anything other than his glowing red eyes. He was standing silently and it took a while for the other sword maidens to notice her.

"What is it?" Alcina curtly said.

"Can I know your name?" the person kneeled on one knee.

"Why do you want to know my name?" she had to ask.

He continued starting at her. She was rather stunned on why did the man want her name. She scratched her wrist and looked around. The Sword Maidens were slowly noticing the man that was standing in front of her. She thought that she might as well answer him.

"I am Alcina," she said.

"Alcina," muttered the man. "I that's your name."

He stood up and started to turn around. Alcina widened her eyes as she watches the man go. She stood up herself and told him, "Hey! What's your name?"

He stopped walking, "I am Nolan. It was nice knowing your name, Miss Alcina. I hope that the War God blesses you in this battle. I'll help you when I can. Also, can you tell Captain Celesta that it was nice seeing her alive?" he looked up. "And if you ever meet the War Maiden. Tell her that I said hi too, will you?"

"Nolan?" she mouthed his name. She remembered the face of the person who was rather queer to heart. Yet, she could not compare him to the person who was walking away from her, melting into the background like a ghost. Alcina thought of that figure as lonely. He was nowhere to be found.

Alcina thought how similar their name was. Although she called him Lanon, his real name was Nolan. She found it odd but she could not associate the man who introduced himself as Nolan to Lanon who didn't give such a dangerous and lonely aura. "Did he only want to know my name? Why?" she thought about it. She wanted to ask but Nolan has already disappeared to who knows where.

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