The Bleak Walker

Chapter 39: Pale Shine 3

Tania of the Obsidian has connected herself to a tube that supplied a circle rune. She has been keeping the gate alive for the demons to enter the outer lands. This method wouldn't have worked if Oasis City was still standing. Oasis City wasn't just a defensive line or a curtain wall that kept the inner lands safe.

It also acts as a symbol that disrupts the space around the inner lands. Even though the gate travel spells can now be used through certain magical gates and techniques, the space around the Inner Lands was still protected by the symbols of the Light.

The Outer Lands didn't have any symbols of Light. The Fortress of Three Fates was considered one but their location was hidden and was naturally strong against teleportation and gate travel spells. These spells are considered the highest and only special techniques and devices allowed the use of these spells. Therefore it can only be used in the Outer Lands.

Tania of the Obsidian was pale. Her complexion was getting closer to that of a corpse. If it wasn't for her special bloodline she knew that she wouldn't have survived this transmutation spell that required her blood. She was a special blooded devilish woman. She was part of a long-lasting bloodline that served the Overlord of the Demons.

"With this...will we finally be able to experience the fertile lands that we have desired for too long?" she thought. Her reddish lips shivered at the thought of finally being able to take the lands. "Ancestors have always longed these lands. How great would it be if we are able to cultivate crops here? We wouldn't turn into these monsters that those blessed ones love!"

She could remember her hidden village cry and wail as the energy of the barren lands enter their blood. She was blessed since the energy of the barren lands only turned her into a devilish woman who had the bloodline of her ancestors. Did she wish for this power? Did she wish to become a devilish woman? Tania of the Obsidian was given no choice.

A rational being would always seek comfort and betterment. They've tried negotiating with the inner lands but they fear them. They cannot accept their forms and appearances. They could not accept the towering-size monsters of the Pale Pass. People feared things they could not understand. Not wanting them they waged war and built walls to keep them out.

And so forth it became a hatred that has lasted till ages. How can they be blamed when they want to correct the grievances of the past? To right the wrong that was put upon them? They only call their Lord Evil for they want to. They call him names and think of him as 'evil' when in her mind the inner land people were the wronged one.

In Tania's mind, they are the good ones. In the mind of people of the Inner Lands, they are the evil ones. They could not blame God for their suffering. If God abandoned them they would have long lost their powers and ability to live in the barren lands.

It was not God's fault. They understood that clearly. But without acting upon their own they would stay miserable in their homelands. No fool would stay in a land that would make them suffer. Tania wanted to better her life. She followed the orders of the Overlord and served the Warden of the Barren Lands who became instrumental in taking down Oasis City.

"Mistress," said a voice. "The Inner Landers have come to the fortress. Shall we attack or defend?"

Tania slowly looked at the demon-kin, "Keep them at bay. I shall summon a giant of the Pale Pass. It will stop these fools and we shall regain the lands we lost."

"Understood, madam," said the demon-kin. "We shall thy reach the Green Pastures we desire."

"And wilt shall be though," replied Tania of Obsidian.

The demon-kin left the chamber. Tania of the Obsidian channeled her blood into the circle of blood. Her pale slowly getting pale as the sounds of battle rang outside. She gritted her teeth. Her bloodshot eyes reddened as she tries to keep herself in control. Her body shuddered and convulsed as the tube sucks her blood out.

She was slowly losing control of her mind. Her mind was swirling and there was a storm brewing so hard that she was unable to focus on what was in front of her. Her eyes dilated and her beautiful golden eyes slowly became red. Her hair turned mystical white and her brown skin was long gone. She was pale and weak. Her ears were ringing and her reddish lips trembled as streaks of blood flowed between her teeth.

The horn on top of her head shattered into mirror-like fragments. There was only a broken horn on her head. She stopped moving like a corpse. Her mouth hung down and saliva flowed down her neck to her breast. There was an earthquake outside the fortress. The despairing shouts as the earth shuddering steps of a pale pass giant

Her eyelids twitched. Her limbs moved stiffly as she tries to suck in air from her non-functioning mouth. She was pale yet her beauty could rival a princess. Her 'devilish' like nature was gone. What was left was a weakened devil-kin that made use of her weakened legs to walk over the window. She could see the pale pass giant wreck havoc and annihilate the adventurers and various factions that decided to attack the fortress.

A weak smile formed upon her lips. Yet, this smile slowly vanished as the pale pass giant got hit by barrels that suddenly exploded. She grabbed the bars of the window and eyed the direction of where the barrel came from. There were giant slingshots that were placed upon the ridges. They slung these barrels and it hit the pale pass giant right in the head. The pale pass giant's rock skin turned into fragments. The skin of the giant got exposed and before long a barrel hit the giant again.

The giant kneeled on its knees. It roared against its enemies and tried to stand up. The pale pass giant got hit by three or four barrels. Its head exploded and its brain matters rained down upon the attackers of the natural fortress.

Tania of the Obsidian kneeled. Her mouth wide opened as she stared at the pale pass giant whose head was gone. She wondered how they could bring cannon powder barrels to the outer lands. Whose ideas was it? She thought.

"Have you heard of the legend of the Pale Shine Lady?" asked a voice. "She's a lady who walks the earth in disguise. She wouldn't know of her past. For she has long abandoned it until it arrives naturally for her. In her death, she might not even know what the legendary lady of Pale shine was her."

Tania of Obsidian rose up from her feet. She saw a hooded man striding towards her location. She could smell the blood of her kin on the man's hands. She could feel the aura of death and that her opponent was not reckless. How could anyone sneak into the inner chambers unless they are skilled?

"In all the versions that many scholars and lovers told in their journals. They fondly remember her appearance as the woman who has white mystical hair and golden eyes. Her skin white was white as snow and men of this world would fawn over her," the voice continued talking. He stopped in front of her.

"Tania of the Obsidian was the Pale Shine Lady's incantation. To possess magical blood that could even summon the pale pass giant and draw power from the stasis river itself. You are a dangerous woman, Tania of the Obsidian."

She widened her eyes, "I remember you. You were that Walker who killed the Warden and the giant eye! You are still alive!?"

Two obsidian blades came out of her wrist. She struck at the hooded man but the man hit the back of her wrists and landed a straight hook on her liver. Tania of the Obsidian kneeled on her knees. She tried to stand up only for another punch to hit her forehead. She tried breathing in the air yet she could not do so. The man before her exploited her weak spots as if he knew it already.

"How could you possibly?"

"Knew?" he said blandly. "It is called experience, my lady devil."

"What do you mean?"

"Three miles away from the stasis river lay the hometown of the Obsidian. It is a small hamlet composed of houses made from crystallizes bricks. These bricks can easily adapt to the weather and can regulate the temperature of anyone who nears it. Quite the magical material and it would be popular in the inner lands if it wasn't for the fact that your people stand in the way of taking them," he explained.

"How could you know of my village, human!" she raises her body forcibly. "Speak human!"

She rushes at him like a madwoman. He swung his left leg and hit her right at the side of her face. She stumbled and rolled twice before falling flat on her face. She glared at the person who was walking at her. She was not an amateur but the man in front of her was well-practiced in dealing with people like her.

"Tania of the Obsidian, from the Clan of Demon-Obsidian kin has served the Overlord of Demons. Your blood can sustain a gate spell and summoned a pale pass giant near the stasis river. That river alone is an obstacle enough yet you were able to magnificently summon the devil-kin and one of the giants," he drew his sword and stabbed it on Tania's navel.

She screamed in pain. She glared hatefully at him, "Wicked human!"

"I know that this is not a decent thing to do," he said blandly. "Your blood contains magical powers. Your entire being is enough to continuously feed the runes inscribed in this sword. Wind and water, combine it and you can imitate a jet stream cutter that could cut through anything. It takes a lot of power but sealing you in this blade and making you a symbolism will be enough to bind you to this blade."

"No!" shouted Tania of the Obsidian. "Just kill me! To be used as an eternal fuel for that blade!"

"I, Nolan Salvatore declare thee; Do what though wilt. A man has the right to follow his own law, therefore, I shall bind thee to the Sword of Zachariah; as her power and strength; her blood and fresh. Let this Sword of Zachariah be the new binding vessel of Tania of the Obsidian!" he screamed at the top of his lungs.

Tania of the Obsidian felt an invisible force sucking her inside the Sword of Zachariah. Her soul and body were getting compressed and before long she found herself in a transparent room that only showed the chamber where she should be standing. She felt someone touching her and this someone was the hooded man who sealed her into the sword.

She tried to move. She gathered her power only to feel that the sword was absorbing the power that was she was releasing. She was now a living conduit of the sword. She was now the spirit and body of the sword that was compressed forcibly inside.

"Let it be known," said Nolan. "Henceforth this blade shall be called the Pale Obsidian Sword of Zachariah. Through blood and flesh; through sacrifice and courage; this blade shall cut through its enemies."

Nolan sheathed the blade and kneeled as if all energy that he was long gone. He looked at the sword that he held tightly on his hands and calls forth the Spirit of the Sword that now dwells inside the Pale Obsidian Sword of Zachariah. She appeared before Nolan like a vengeful white spirit.

"I curse you!" shouted the woman. Her body materialized and the sword was gone. "To turned me into a living weapon!"

Nolan kept his stoic façade, "Because it was necessary. I shall not say that what I did today was decent and kind. I don't know what is right or wrong for you. But I needed your blood to enhance this weapon. This allows this sword to continuously fuel the runes that we've engraved in the sword. It will help me in slaying your kind."

"Monster!" she sobbed hatefully with her golden eyes glaring at him. "I pray for a thousand deaths upon you!"

Nolan forcibly manipulated the runes and sheathed the sword. He walked out of the chamber and melted into the shadows.

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