The Bleak Walker

Chapter 40: Pale Shine 4

Alcina took her breath. Covered in wounds and blood, her fatigued ridden body stood with the War Maiden's glow giving her that breathes of wind that allowed her to firmly stand on her both feet. Intoxicated with adrenaline she felt her entire body covered in a feeling she hasn't felt in her life.

She was afraid. She didn't want to die. Yet, as she puts her enemy down the trembling of her hands stopped. She found herself following the footsteps of her sisters-in-arms. She stood with them and fought with me and marched along the corpses.

The pale pass giant's appearance gave her heart despair. But when the giant fell down dead, Alcina felt her heart filled with vigor. The screams of the men and women around turned her into someone she wasn't. She didn't know why she was running and finishing off enemies. She didn't know why there was fierce expression happening on her face.

Captain Celesta led the charge in the natural fortress. The adventurers followed along with the faction that appeared to help. Yet inside the natural fortress they could only see a scene of slaughter. Demon-kin's were cut in a precise and concise manner. There was a demon that stabbed through a wall. There was a demon whose head was smashed in the edge of the wall. There were traces of explosion and traps. There was liquid splattered on the head of the demons. A demon was stabbed with three bolts in the head. Another one was killed by something that was sharp enough to split a demon in half.

The scene was bizarre and the demons were still holding their weapons at hand. The walls were made by one single weapon. The attackers continued heading inside the fortress only to find no trace of the enemy. Every hall and room was covered in demon's blood. The fortress was emptied and the place where demons should be resting was covered in rubble. Demons that survived growled and screamed at the attackers. They cursed a single entity that they could only call as a Revenant. They spoke of him as a vengeful ghost and even at the edges of death they could only grumble and curse at this Ghost that turned their natural fortress into a bloody one.

Alcina wondered who this ghost was. She could tell that however, the maker of this one-sided massacre was well-versed in killing the demons. Captain Celesta stroked her chin as she examined the scene. She sidled towards Vero of Sorer and Nicola with her eyes squinted.

Vero of Sorer kept his bastard leaned on his shoulder. Nicola carried a shield and a mace while keeping a careful eye on the corners. They couldn't stand still at the scene before them. Vero of Sorer kept his cool and looked at the tall woman that was approaching him.

He stepped to left and balled his fists. The smell of blood and water entered his nostrils. Nicola nodded at Celesta and lowered the mace and shield Nicola was holding.

"Who could have done this?" said Celesta

"I have an idea," replied Vero of Sorer

"Give it to me."

"There was Ghost that wanted Tania of the Obsidian alive."

"Why? Can't that person know how valuable that sinner is to the court? He's a fool if he thinks that he can just take that devilish woman away and not think of the consequences of doing so."

"I know who take that devil away. No one other than that two-sigil walker wants Tania of the Obsidian."

"Two-sigil walker?" gasped Celesta. "A bleak walker with two sigils you say? Is he armed to the teeth? Does he have any tools that are peculiar?"

"What do you mean?" Vero of Sorer turned towards Celesta.

She folded her arms, "At the attack of the Warden of the Barren Lands. There were three figures that allowed us to survive. If it wasn't for Hero Ryle using all of his energy to deflect the attack of the floating eye we would have all died. If it wasn't for the Royal Guard's Captain, Zachariah, defeating the floating eye we would have suffered more. There was another person who helped. The Bleak Walker whose name a few people know."

"Do you know his name?" asked Vero of Sorer.

"Nolan," mouthed Celesta. "That's what they call him. Is he around this battlefield?"

"Who knows?" Vero of Sorer shrugged his shoulders. "That man acts and moves like a Ghost. My men are not sure how to react to him and we cannot predict what that Ghost is thinking. But I can think of two things here. Either that man has taken Tania of the Obsidian and dragged her away. Or he has eliminated the devilish woman."

"Why would you say that?" Celesta asked.

He pointed around the room, "The room is the clue itself. I can tell that there was a short fight. The blood spilled on the ground has the smell of demon's blood. I can feel that blood pulsing. What confuses me is how did he drag that woman away from here? If he killed her then she should have a trail. But we can see here that only that spot of blood is there. Where did the body go? Did he find a way to drag her out? We cannot see a trail of blood and I doubt that devilish woman would let herself be captured without a fight. Therefore I can only think that this Ghost captured her."

Celesta frowned, "But how could he do so?"

"That is what I am surprised about," said Vero of Sorer. "I've seen him fight. But to neutralize a devilish woman like her and leaving the room intact. Is this how Two-sigil walkers are? Are they this terrifying?"

"Experience," said Celesta. "That man clearly has walked farther than us. He knows how to handle the demons and exploit their weak spots. I saw him as a great fighter in that war but if your words are true. Then I can understand why she would dream of his return."

She?" muttered Vero of Sorer. He shook his head, "Anyways, we can still proclaim that we have captured the fortress and its leader taken by an ally."

"An ally, huh," Celesta laughed wearily. "But a Walker never stays too long in one place."


He stood observing the natural fortress in silence. The cheers of the victorious echoed. The beheaded heads of the enemies being put into sticks for people to see. The pale pass giant was mutilated into many pieces and the scavengers and scholars were starting to gather a sample from the pale pass giant. The skin and rock plates of the giant was going to be useful to some of the adventurers.

"Look at your people," said Tania who was inside the Pale Obsidian Sword of Zachariah. "They call us monsters yet even we don't cannibalize our own kin. Do you see us wearing the skins of giants and demons? How would you feel if we wear the skins of humans? You would call us abominations! Hah! Look at these 'good' people of the sons and daughters of light!"

Nolan kept his silence. Tania who was watching inside the sword sneered. She crossed her legs and looked at the humans who were continuing their activities. Her face was crumpled. Her fists were balled hard. Her teeth were gritted hard. She could not bear to look at the scene and closed her eyes.

"I've enough of this disgusting scene," said Tania. "Do you feel the same joy as these humans? Why not grab a plate of the pale pass giant? Wouldn't the skin of the giant do you good?"

"I am good enough," he kneeled on one knee. His left hand leaned on the tree. "Tough skin but I am fond of this garments of mine."

Nolan eyed his hoodie of his. He has been patching it up and adding improvements to it. He could abandon it but the sentimental value of the hoodie was too much. It was the last reminder of a home he could never return. How could he discard the last possession that he had from his past world so easily?

"How foolish, human," said Tania.

"You wouldn't understand," he said. His eyes stared a thousand yards away.

"I won't. I am not a human. But I will not dare to underestimate a human like you. You captured me easily and without any problem. How did you do it, human?"

Nolan sat on the giant tree branch and swayed his legs. His eyes darted at the restless crowd that was dancing over their victory. His face stolid as he speaks, "Experience, I know how to deal with devils and demons. It has been my life."

"Your life?" said Tania. "You sound like an old man mulling over the past. I can tell that you are barely old, human. Or have you been walking this path for too long?"

"Certainly, the road has been long. I don't know how many roads I've traveled and how many enemies and obstacles that I've faced to reach this far." He placed the sword on his lap. Nolan's face reflected on the sword that was now glimmering. The sealing of Tania inside the sword made it magical.

"Is that so?"Tania snorted loudly. "You wouldn't earn those eyes if you were lying to me. So what is your goal? What did you mean by sealing me in this sword? How could you possibly know a method to seal a devil inside a sword?" said Tania.

His eyes pointed at Tania the Sword. "Do you really expect me to say the method? All you need to know is that I've made use of the elements to complete a ritual. Do what though wilt; means that I've made my own law to follow. And that law allows me to seal you inside the sword."

"I expected this reply," said Tania the Sword. "But let me ask again, human. What do you intend to do in sealing me? What is your goal for all of this?"

Nolan smiled, "You really expect someone to say what he or she plans? I would call you a fool for asking a question. But, let me say that I've no goal. I am just a wanderer that needed a good sword to kill my enemies."

Tania's expression contorted. "Is that it? You expect me to believe that you sealed me inside this sword just so that you can kill your enemies better? So that you can kill my kin easily! Is that it you cruel human!?"

"Yes," he said blandly. "What did you expect? I am Bleak Walker. I've no home to protect and I am forever lost. I know how to seal and create a sharp sword that could slice my enemies. Did you think that I have a grand plan? That I have a goal that I needed to complete? You praise me too much, Tania the Obsidian! Who now owns you is nothing more than a goalless walker that tries to do what he could in a world that doesn't need him! I am sorry to disappoint you. But I've tried changing the world and yet it did nothing but show me misery. So if you are expecting this miserable self of mine to do grand things other than this then I will say now that you will be extremely disappointed."

Tania stayed still. She closes and opens her mouth twice as if she couldn't comprehend what he said for a moment. "What a big joke. Is that it then? I'll accompany you forevermore? In sickness in health until death do us part?"

"Yes," he said. "I will not apologize but you will accompany me until my death. You have the option to materialize yourself but you cannot leave my side. I promise that your soul will not enter your heaven. I believe that would be worse than death is it?"

Tania materialized in front of Nolan in anger. "Human, you are cruel. I've never thought that I would end up as a sword spirit to a monster like you. I've faced enemies yet they've never treated me this harshly nor wish my soul damnation. I loathed you. I hate you from the bottom of my heart. I wish that misfortunes would strike you so that I may be free,"

"I see," Nolan smiled. He stood up and squared his body in front of her. His eyes locked with Tania. "I understand the sentiment and your hatred. You have that right. I will not apologize for making use of your blood. But I will thank you for giving me a sharp weapon."

He smiled. Tania widened her eyes in fear.

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