The Bleak Walker

Chapter 42: Down the Dungeon 1

Lanon scurried over cover. He looked past cover and saw the lower monsters gawking at one another. He readied his spear and tightly holds on to it while eyeing the other guardsmen of Throes that were ready to attack. His chest heaved up and down as he hears the sound of the whistle.

He sprinted towards the gecko's that were standing near a bush of berries. The rest of the guardsmen threw their spears as they distracted the geckos. Lanon placed the shaft of the spear on his right armpit. He pushed the spear forward and targeted the throat of the Gecko.


The Gecko clawed the tip of Lanon's spear. It swung its tail towards Lanon. Lanon dived under and cupped the pebbles unto his palms. He swung his right hand and threw the pebbles at the gaping mouth of the gecko. The gecko spat violently and clawed at him again.

He crawled away and narrowly dodged the claw. He picked up his spear and thrusted it at the stomach of the Gecko. The gecko moaned in pain as it then spat saliva on Lanon's face. Lanon planted his foot down and pushed the spear forward. He gritted his teeth. He made an iron grip and put his weight into it.

"Hold that fucker still!" a man pounced at the Gecko and cleaved his sword at the back of the Gecko's head. The Gecko squealed and fell back.

Lanon pulled his spear back and planted it on the Gecko's neck. The man penetrated the stomach of the Gecko and cut its front savagely and stabbed his sword at the Gecko's heart. Lanon took his spear and looked around him. The guardsmen were finishing off the Gecko's.

"That's it," said the man. He sized up Lanon and said. "Oh, you're that coward guy. Hmm, did something good happened to you, Brother?"

"What?" Lanon asked.

He stood up, "You're that guy who slew a hob right? I thought you were a coward but you seem to have changed. Did something good happen? Is it a woman?"

"I don't know," said Lanon. "I am Lanon, what about you?"

"Elias of Tariff, that's my name. So I heard that you've been doing well?"

"I am, I guess," Lanon sat cross-legged. "Shouldn't you be looking at me in disdain or something?"

He snorted, "You want that?"

"Not really," Lanon shook his head. "It's good that someone actually talks to me."

"It was your fault," said Elias. "You abandoned your comrades and acted like a coward. Sir Rave would have beheaded or hanged you if it wasn't for the Doctor's intervention and you slaying a hob. I can see that you've changed, Brother. Still, I will say this to you. Never act like a coward again. This world isn't kind to cowards and fear would only take you down to your grave. I do not blame you for fearing. Yet, I am not fond of you abandoning your comrades. There's nothing as hateful as someone who abandons his brothers in arms."

Lanon nodded. He lifted himself and stared at Elias, "I understand. I'll try not to be a coward then. And I really cannot do that anymore can I?"

Lanon eyed the blue sky. Winter has passed and spring has arrived. The news of the victory over the Outer Lands swept the entire Inner Lands. The Sword Maidens, the Adventurers, and the various factions succeeded in retaking the Outer Lands, driving Tania the Obsidian away.

"I see," said Elias. "It looks like we're clear here. We should move to the nests that popped up around the outskirts of Moirai City."

Lanon nodded his head. He followed Elias's lead as he walks around the forest holding on to his spear. The forest was wide and tight. The vegetation has grown again. The naked trees have leaves and fruits. Lanon and Elias skulked around the forest along with the other guardsmen of Throes.

The forest was cramped with obstacles. Leaves and branches blocked their path as they made their way towards the nests. The guardsmen of Throes did what they to minimize casualties but even the best of plans could go wrong. Lanon was battered and worn by the time he killed another Gecko. It took him time to defeat one Gecko while Elias was able to slay five.

To Lanon the Gecko's were dangerous. Even he could not face a normal dog barking at him without fear. Lanon has faced a hob and creatures that would have killed him if he wasn't madly carefully. He was already glad that in this mission he was able to kill a Gecko on his own. It saved him from embarrassment.

Lanon leaned near his kill. Elias trotter towards him and said, "Can you lend me your back?"

"Sure," said Lanon.

Elias sat and leaned on Lanon's back. "You lean on me as well, Brother. Hah, you did well today, Brother. I thought you'd be useless like earlier. Good job."

"Stop joking," Lanon patted the top of his helmet. "You killed five Geckos' with a sword. You did better than me, Elias."

"Hah!" hollered Elias. "I am naturally stronger than you, Brother. You fear too much. I saw you in good positions yet you never took the opportunity to strike. That fear held you back in taking that Gecko's life. You could have ended it right there but you didn't."

"Is that so?" Lanon lowered his head. "I am not that good at fighting. I never was a warrior."

"A man's thought is what makes him!" Elias said curtly. "People don't believe in you. They will scold you and tell that you are not good enough! If you can't even dare to believe in what you can do then you might as well clean your neck for the enemies!"

Elias stood up in front of Lanon with his eyes firm. "Don't be afraid, Brother. Fear is a sickness that you must not let engulfed you. It will kill you if you let it weaken you."

"Is that really it?" said Lanon. "Just believe in yourself? What a typical advice isn't it?"

Elias smirked and nodded, "It is typical because it works. Come, we should join the others, Brother."

Elias offered his hand. Lanon took his hand and followed Elias along with the other guardsmen of Throes.

Sir Rave stood with his hands behind his back. Together with him were the leaders of the Guardsmen of Throes. They eyed the guardsmen that were sidling into a row with their backs straightened. Sir Rave observed the men. His gaze landed on Lanon but he ignored him.

Lanon stood in line with the others. Elias stood next to him with his sword at hand. Sir Rave took a step forward. His eyes pointed to the right and to the left. The trees swayed behind Sir Rave. The sun glared at the armor that he wore that was worn with use.

"For months we've gathered our forces. The guardsmen of throes have seen worst than this. In the years of old, the guardsmen of throes fell upon the barren lands and yet no matter how many beatings it takes. This organization remains solid and firm. No matter what, we always come back from the ground not caring about the dust that gathered upon our faces."

He stomped his right foot. "Men, we were not present when our City fell from the devils. You are sons of the Guardsmen of Throes. Many of you came here as weak men. Many of you are still weak. Many of you still fear what may come to us. We are not perfect. We are not born as Heroes. We were not born blessed. We trained ourselves ups to match the foes that we faced."

He raised his hands and waved it around. "The factions of the Inner Lands have recently conquered the Outer Lands that were captured by the devil that helped in the fall of Oasis City. The Sword Maidens, the Adventurers, the Talon Knights, the Huntsmen's and even the Scholars took part in this event. We, the guardsmen of Throes didn't do anything. They thought of as cowards but how can I allow all of you to take part in a battle that will kill you all? We don't have blessings of the War Maidens! We don't have the experience needed to take part in these battles! How can I allow us to be shamed even further than we already are?"

The crowd roared in agreement. Sir Rave placed his hands up as if and clenched it hard enough for everyone to see. "Men, I cannot allow us to be called as cowards. We are men damn it! We are the guardsmen's that faced enemies since ancient times relying only on our limbs and grit! Many of us faced dangers that would make men kneel in fear! Why do we fear and why do we stay here instead of conquering a dungeon that will bring forth monsters!?"

"Dungeon!?" shouted Elias. "Could it be that something like that popped up?"

"Yes," said Sir Rave. "Three days away from this city lays a dungeon that a kind adventurer told us about. With them gone to the Outer Lands we can only gather to that place and capture it for ourselves! How can we allow ourselves to sit still when a dungeon that could breed monsters are days away from us? So I ask you, men! Are you ready to follow me into battle?"

"We will!" shouted the guardsmen's with fierce eyes.

Elias shouted with them while Lanon held on to his spear with his jaw slightly shuddering. He wasn't that versed in the Talon language but he could understand the danger of what a dungeon is. If Sir Rave was not lying then it only means that he will have no choice but to leave this city and follow them to the dungeon. His eyes dilated. His hand shook but he did it well enough for none of the men to notice his fear.

He felt silence all around him. All he could think of was how he was going to survive this trouble. Should he run away? Should he run from this expedition and leave the city as fast as he could? Such thoughts ran wild inside his head.

Sir Rave looked at Lanon whose face showed an expression of fear. The look of desperation and despair was enough for Sir Rave to lift his finger and point it at him, "You will join us, Lanon of Nobody. As a member of the Guardsmen of Throes, you are obliged to be part of this. This will help in learning what it means to be brave!"

As he spoke the eyes of the guardsmen landed upon him. Lanon felt pressured at the fierce look upon their eyes. It was clear that they know of him as a coward. He knew that the moment he tries to escape these men would not hesitate to laugh at him and beat him up. They would not think twice of punishing a coward who wouldn't even dare to join their comrades.

There was no way he could escape with many eyes upon him. There was no choice for him other than raising his voice and nod his head in agreement. Sir Rave grinned at his reply. He stomped his right foot and shouted. "I'll give you all a day to prepare yourselves. In the dawn, we shall move. Those who knew how to drive carts shall stay. Go now!"

With a stomp the guardsmen of Throes dispersed. Sir Rave eyed the listless Lanon before striding with the leaders inside the building that the guardsmen of Throes occupied.

"Are you okay, Brother?" asked Elias. "Shall we go for a pint?"

Lanon craned his neck at Elias, "I think I am going to need a drink. going to need weapons for this trip. Ah, a crossbow will do."

"Is that so?" Elias patted his shoulder. He reached for his bag and took out a pouch. "Here, buy yourself one of those repeating crossbows, Brother. I think it will suit you better than a spear. I take it that you can buy ammunition for yourself?"

"I can," he took the pouch. "I thank you, Elias."

"No need." He grabbed hold of his sword. "You're no brave man and I can understand that. But you are a brother of arms of mine, and I cannot let you die so easily. We should buy that crossbow and have a drink in a tavern."

Lanon nodded listlessly. He followed Elias to the nearest weapon shop and bought a crossbow repeater and ammunition for the crossbow and went to a tavern for a round of drinks.

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