The Bleak Walker

Chapter 43: Down the Dungeon 2

The entrance to the dungeon was large enough to fit a house. The entrance had vine filled with thorns covering the passageway. The vines were covered in poison that it was excreting a green pungent liquid. There was a huge four-leaf flower beside the entrance that was emitting a strange odor.

The air was damp and wet. The cold wind from the forest entered the entrance. The entrance would have been missed if it wasn't for the vegetation covering the entrance. Not to mention that it was hard to distinguish it from the two or three countless entrances that coveted the side of this small mountain.

A group of men wore uniform outfits and started to bring down the curtain of vines from a distance. The curtain of thorns could not be cut within melee range. Doing so would cause the pungent green liquid to evaporate and turn into a dangerous poisonous gas that could kill faster than a snake's poison.

To remove the curtain of vines, the men threw grappling hooks to pull the vines down. They made use of this method to quickly pull down the curtains and clear the entrance. Of course, even with the vines down the men had to drag the vines into a hole where they would be able to burn the vines without the fear of taking the whole forest down. There was a faction of rangers that was ready to loathe anyone who would dare to burn the forests down. It was a tradition of these rangers to make a living by a carving their houses inside hollowed trees.

There was a community of rangers ten minutes away from the entrance of the dungeon. To anger them was equivalent to painting a bull's eye on their backs. Even as they work they could feel the watchful eyes of the rangers who have melted with the vegetation.

The men who wore uniform outfits readied themselves by establishing a base camp. The entrance of the dungeon was then covered in tents and barriers that allowed the men to defend the base camp when there are monsters who have decided to go out.

It was expected of an adventurer to face danger with courage. These men were not here to broaden their experience o take whatever treasure is inside the dungeon. They were here to eliminate the dungeon and take out the breeding nest that should be somewhere inside the nest.

To completely annihilate a dungeon the challengers must ensure that each floor is cleared. They shall then continue to dive deeper inside the dungeon until they could reach the last floor. The challengers shall eliminate the nest. Destroy the passages that lead deeper and check for any alternative entrances. Each floor of the dungeon shall be purged with no quarter and once the floors are cleared. The entrance of the dungeon shall be demolished to prevent the dungeon from existing. The 'heart' of the dungeon is usually referred as the nest. It also acts as the breeding point of the monsters.

Clearing the dungeon is easier said than done. The dungeon follows a hierarchy of weak to strong. The first floors are where the weaker monsters usually reside. As challenger dives deeper they would encounter stronger monsters and the head of these monsters. The Alpha of the Nest resides in the nest and to destroy the nest they must face the might of the Alpha who is a threat itself.

Foolish challengers usually tire themselves out in the first or third floors of the dungeon. Experienced challengers challenge the dungeon by establishing resting areas. Once a resting area is established it would easier for the challengers to proceed. It also allows them a breathing point and a safety neat. Naturally, the resting camps are cleared when the challengers are able to destroy the nest and purge the floors.

It should also be noted that the dungeons are the homes of the monsters. The environment of the dungeons caters to the monsters need. Therefore challengers are advised to dress in clothing that would allow them to resist the odor and scent that the monsters excrete from their bodies.

Any humanoid races have blood that doesn't boil. Monster blood boil and they release a corrupting scent that slowly corrupts the senses of non-monsters. Some monsters have natural gifts that allow them to spit fire from their mouth or have abilities that can instantly kill humans. Higher monsters also have natural magical defenses that need to be neutralized for them to be hurt.

Of course, even with this magical defense, they are vulnerable to natural disasters like rockslides and avalanches. Tacticians usually exploit them by burying them or hurling rocks at their bodies. The monsters have nature-defying abilities but they could not fully defy nature itself.

Absolute power can pierce through even the strongest magical defense. Of course, that 'defense' can also be reinforced and some monsters are able to endure these tactics by their sheer endurance and strength. To neutralize the magical defenses of these monsters they rely on blade ointments and oils. There are also runes, sigils, and spells that could temporarily cripple their defenses.

A wizard is a valuable asset to any challengers of a dungeon. They are able to see through the magical lines and predict what the changes would be. There are various monsters that live inside the dungeons and wizards are usually people that could easily distinguish the types of monsters. Alternatively, the challengers can invite a Bleak Walker who is sensitive to danger due to their wanderings and that they possess the sigils that are sensitive to danger.

There are many types of dungeons. However, it is hard for anyone to distinguish dungeons unless they have seen all the dungeons in the world. Dungeons are sometimes called living habitats. They change according to the movements and activities of the monsters that dwell inside them. There might be individuals who have managed to know all the dungeons. But it clear that there's only a few who are able to identify the dungeons just by the entrance. The men in uniformed outfits had no idea about the dungeon they are facing. All they know is that they need to purge the dungeon and prove that the Guardsmen of Throes are not cowards.

Lanon followed his fellow guardsmen with a scarf soaked with medicine. He could smell various herbs and the charcoal placed in the scarf. He was covered in thick clothing. He was carrying a rucksack on his back and he was holding a spear in his right hand. There was a repeater crossbow slung across his shoulder, ready to take out and use.

He followed Elias through this snake tunnel that leads him to the first floor of the dungeon. The ceiling was covered in green crystals that allowed dim lighting to shine upon the area. Lanon squinted. He rubbed his eyes with his right arm and crossed this gap.

Elias led the way. He scouted the surroundings and examined the area. There were no sightings other than the monsters that were killed by the guardsmen who went first. Elias has not been able to fight anything. He was calm and patient in waiting for prey to kill.

Lanon sidled behind Elias. He held his spear tightly and craned his head around the area. He spotted the dead monsters that look like the geckos they killed awhile ago in a mission. Beyond the dead monsters was a passageway where no light can be found. Elias halted Lanon's steps, "We should stop and wait for the spearhead to finish. They are veterans when it comes to exploring these dungeons."

"They are used to purging dungeons?" asked Lanon with a tilted head.

"Yes," Elias grabbed the hilt of his sword. "I've heard that the veterans leading us have conquered four dungeons. Of course, they did it when the whole organization was still at its peak. Not like today where we are struggling to travel to the dungeon."

"The way was...hard." Lanon thought of the rangers. "Are those rangers usually that way? They seem like they would murder us if we touch a tree."

"Bah," Elias scoffed. "Those tree hugging hypocrites sell lumbers. The only reason they are not allowing anyone to cut trees around this forest is that they can have the area for themselves. Not to mention that the prices of lumber coming from the outer lands are expensive. Did you saw it right? The trees here are ancient and robust."

"Yeah," Lanon nodded. "Is that it then? They are selling the lumbers?"

"Yup," said Elias. "They are selling lumbers to make a profit. You saw how armed they were, right? They have equipment that would make any adventurer drool over them. So why would they not do what they do?" He crossed a tunnel while Lanon followed.

Lanon halted his step, "So by using the reason that they should not cut the trees. They are able to capitalize and own the profits of selling the lumbers of the outer land?"

"Pretty much," Elias raised his shoulder. "They have a tight grip and the only reason that they are allowing us the glory of conquering this dungeon is to make use of us. Why should they do it when we are willing to do it? They'll probably clear this dungeon but they are allowing us to try first. What damage we could do here would turn to their advantage. If we clear this dungeon they will be the ones that will profit from it. If we don't clear this dungeon they can make use of our progress to send in their rangers and purge the floors and capitalize on making their names prominent."

"So, even in this damn forest, there are people who are willing to do anything to make a profit?" Lanon squatted near Elias.

"That's life," Elias eyed a crystal. "Society revolves around power and profit. It is a damned cycle that we cannot escape. We are willing to clear this dungeon to prove that the Guardsmen haven't lost their touch. But nonetheless, we are doing this because we need to have those merchants willing to hire us in their caravans. Before the fall of Oasis, we make a hefty profit of making use of our names. The Guardsmen of Throes scare potential robbers and bandits. But now the decline of our organization made the bandits and robbers think that we are not the same."

"And that's why we are here to clear our name?" Lanon said. "Can we even clear this dungeon?"

"I don't know," said Elias. "I do not fear this dungeon. What I fear is how many of our brothers are going to die in this place. This is not our home. This is the place where monsters live. They have the advantage of this place is their home. That's why...fuck, Lanon, dodge now!"

Elias landed a kick on Lanon. Lanon stumbled back and rolled. He saw Elias draw his sword and block a sharp claw of a monster with a fan-like head. Lanon couldn't think for two seconds. Before he knew it he was thrusting his spear at the monster.

The monsters easily dodged Lanon. It landed a kick on Lanon. Lanon spat saliva from his mouth and curled into a ball in pain. Elias pirouetted and landed a slash on the monster's shoulder. He drew a wound from his shoulder down to his waist.

"Lanon!" he shouted. "Stand up!"

Before Lanon could respond to Elias, he saw a mouth trying to devour Elias. Elias felt the presence of the monster and dragged Lanon with his other hand. Elias leaped up from the ground and narrowly dodged the attack of the monster. The ground below the two collapsed. The rucksack that Lanon was holding on to was dropped. Elias clicked his tongue and stabs the body of the giant dungeon worm. His blade punctured and using the body of the worm he slid down, creating a trail of blood along the way.

Lanon tried to keep his consciousness awake. His heart pounded madly and the abyss that was below him brought fear into his mind. He could hold on to courage. His heart and mind collapsed as he his consciousness slipped away. Elias glanced at Lanon. He gritted his teeth. He pushed himself away from the worm and pulled his sword along with it. He didn't have a choice. He took a leap of faith down the abyss. Hoping that whoever God was watching them and that Lady Fortuna was watching their backs.

And so he fell alongside Lanon along with the giant dungeon worm.

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