The Bleak Walker

Chapter 51: Rotary Inn

A long plain road with grasses on the side stretches towards this city. A caravan of men in horse carried villagers and travelers to the distant city. One of them was Nolan who was sitting in the carriages back with his torn cloak fluttering about.

The other villagers ignored Nolan. They were not that different and most of them were poor looking with their clothes dirtied. They wore eye bags and there was dirt on their faces. A kid was playing with a wooden toy and another one was watching Nolan carve a figure out of wood.

"Good carving skills," said the man.

"Thanks," said Nolan. "I learn from pa."

"You could earn money from this," said the old man who wore a straw hat and bucktooth teeth. "Are you staying long in Dristan City?"

"Who knows?" he responded with a shrug. "Like everyone I just want to take a glimpse of the war maiden."

"Ah," the old man looked up. "The War Maiden sure gives us hope, eh?"


"Beautiful and the strongest War Maiden to date, we are lucky to witness this age. I wonder if we'll able to know the lucky guy that'll marry the War Maiden," said the old man.

"I see. Well, I heard that Princes and Nobles are after her now. I guess she'd be better off with another mighty guy."

"Hah!" said another traveler. "The War Maiden barely looks at the Men that escort her. All she thinks is how to deal a heavy blow to the demons and ignoring parties. I heard that she could cleaved an entire hill if she wants."

A Knight wearing armor rode on his horse and passed by them. He was holding a flag that was familiar to Nolan who was busy carving and listening to the travelers.

"Is that so?" he said unimpressed.

"It's true," said the man excitedly. "Many folks saw her fight demons and call upon the blessings of the War God. Along with those Sword Maidens they conquered one of the dangerous lands of the Outer Lands. It is said that under her banner she can do anything. Now get this, the Heroes are not with her yet! She's like the perfect woman and those who would be able to be with her would feel heavenly."

"Why so?" Nolan said blandly.

"Because she's the War Maiden and her 'holiness' is enough to make anyone safe. I find no man who wouldn't stutter at the sight of the War Maiden. Blonde hair, heavenly blue eyes, and a gait that would leave those staring at the people," said the man.

Nolan took it all in. He looked at the carving he was making and handed it to the kid that was excited about it. The carriage continued shaking until it reached the gates of Dristan City. A rather tall curtain wall surrounded with heavily armed guards. Weapons were readied and the crossbowmen were ready to point it and shoot it on someone who would be foolish enough to attack the city.

Coachman said, "We're here folks. You all paid already so get out of my carriage so we can rest up and drink our bellies full of ale."

"Aye that," said Nolan. He vaulted out of the carriage and spotted some Walkers entering the city. Another group took his attention. A man wearing the symbol of the Sunspawn and a woman whose robes showed that she was a magician. Another Walker had green hair.

"Hey," he patted the woman with green hair.

The green-haired woman turned towards the man's voice. Her eyes widened with shock. "Brother Nolan, you are alive?" said Vie.

"I am," he nodded. He eyed Todd and Hannah. "It was nice seeing you two."

"You are alive," Hannah said dryly.

"This is good news," said Todd.

"Where were you?" asked Vie.

"Just around the countryside, lamenting about the fall of Oasis City, what you are up to, you three?" asked Nolan.

Vie excitedly nodded, "I am glad that you are alive, Brother Nolan. We were finding ways to develop weapons and the spells... We were just leaving. Are you staying in this city?"

"Yes for a while. Going to the Inner Lands?" said Nolan.

"Indeed," said Vie. "It was really nice seeing you Brother but we have something to care."

"Go and do your own thing, Vie." He squared his body. "I ain't your keeper."

"True," she smiled. Vie beamed at him. "I am just glad that you are alive. I thought you were dead."

"I am," he looked at the two. "So you were going with her?"

"Yes," answered Hannah. "We were. It was nice seeing you again, Nolan."

Todd chimed in, "We'll do our mission and return here. You need to tell me how you survived the troubles of Oasis City. Though I must say do you need help?"

Hannah eyed him, "You look battered. Must have been a rough road you've been trekking."

"It was," said Nolan. "But do not worry. I'll find some job and clean some tavern floor to earn money."

"I see," said Todd. "I guess you are odd as ever, friend. Anyone would gladly help a Bleak Walker with such skills as you but you choose to work with your own hands. I admire that."

Hannah sneered, "We could lend you money but seeing that you are adamant in wanting to work for it. Don't let me stop you."

Nolan smiled at that.

Vie eyed Nolan, "Anyway, I hope that you do fine. It's a tough road and I wish you well. Do you really not want to lend me your money?"

"No," he answered. "I may not look like it but I worked as a tavern boy once. I cleaned dishes and sorted wooden plates for a living. So do not worry about me."

The three shared a look before nodding, "Well, we should move on. Wait for us, Brother Nolan. Maybe we'll do this missions fast and return to share a drink." Vie gave Nolan a rather warm hug.

"You do well, Vie," he patted her back and bid them farewell. The three left his field of view and soon they were out of his vision. He turned to the gates and pace inside the city with a slow gait. He melted with the crowd and vanished in thin air and disappeared within plain sight.

He walked past the stalls that had merchants trying to tug his cloak. All he needed for them to try was a good glare with his eyes. Down a street and past this tight corner he entered a rather small inn that no one seems to go. It was well-maintained and the sign of the small inn said 'Rotary Inn'.

The entrance was rather dusty. The door made a sound as a burly man leaned on the counter with drolly eyes. He examined Nolan. His eyes landed on the sigil that was in his tattered cloak, "A Bleak you need some shelter and possibly work?"

"No one comes here other than that."

"Bah, I am just honoring the wishes of my Papa. Do you know me already?"

"Yes," Nolan lightly smiled. "Alto of Rotary Inn"

"That's me alright," he nodded with a smile reaching up his hears. "This practice is unprofitable to me but having a Bleak Walker do their job keeps this room a sort of museum for odd people to come. I will never get how they would come here to just sleep on the beds of Bleak Walkers."

"That's odd as always, Alto."

"Your name?" asked Alto.

"Nolan," he said. "Just call me that."

"Certainly, Nolan, so what are you here for?" asked Alto.

He moved to the counter, "Just needed a rest."

"You're here for the War Maiden like everyone is here for!" said Alto with this cheeky smile. "Ah, a beautiful woman that is as holy as the Holy Princess. She's quite the looker and way she glows with the elements is quite the sight to see."

"Is that so?" said Nolan.

"Yes. I doubt anyone would stop here for anything other than that. This city's a peaceful one and there's little to none trouble that can be found here. Well, if you do not count the thugs but they usually stay in the shadows, skulking like rats waiting for cheese." He played with a mug. There was a rich aroma on it.

"Well, I came here to rest," he lifted his cloak. "I need some new clothes and gear. I hope that you could help me in this, Alto."

"I can," he nodded. "But as they say nothing is ever free. See, I have this business of delivering ale to loyal patrons using my own brew. I usually have them delivered by my self but since you are here you might as well do it. You help me clean the Inn and some minor chores and I'll give you pay enough to cloth and gear you."

"Sounds nice," Nolan said. "Though is that all you want?"

"Can you take care of the thugs who didn't pay me?" he said with a serious look.

"I can."

"Good, then I'll add that to the list. Anyways, you are in need of funds. I will let you earn them as per tradition and by God, my Pa in heaven would kick my ass if I don't." He tapped his mug on the counter.


He was given a room with a soft bed and a warm blanket. Alto was nice enough to give him some clothes to wear. He took off his modified leather armor and kept his hoodie inside the cloth bag that he had and hid it under the bed. The white shirt and brown pants fit him well. He tied his long hair that was mixed of black and grey. The sword of Zachariah still hung on his belt.

Nolan didn't have anything to do. So he went and delivered the ales that Alto wanted to send to his lazy patrons. The sky had this afternoon look on it. He strode along the streets as if the crowd didn't even notice him passing by. He delivered the ale and after that, he went to the place where the thugs were.

The thugs hang around this narrow and dim alley. They didn't even notice him sneaking upon them. Without them noticing they were knocked down and were hanged upside down. Nolan wrapped a cloth around his face and started scaring them with nonsense that was enough to make them cower.

After scaring the thugs he paced around the area near where the War Maiden was staying. It was a heavily guarded palace and entry was impossible unless they know their way around detection spells. Nolan stood watching around the part of the castle where she should be.

"Isn't it great?" he said with a lonesome smile. "Everyone's looking up to you now. I once said to you that one day these people will look up to you in awe without that disgusted look on their faces. Now they see a Goddess in you, Ciara."

"It is cheating that I say this but I did what I promised. I hate that these people are looking at you like that. Makes me wish that you'd stay the same to what I was used to seeing. Nothing makes me happier than knowing that you are safe and that no one would dare to question you now. A beauty that can destroy nations and strength that could fight against armies, I feel inferior but it is what it is."

"Choices are hard. I want to talk to you but here I am acting like a retard. I could just drag myself inside but doing so would mean that I will have to stop you from doing your role. I'll be staying away because I need to do so. Or could I be selfish and ask you to forsake this world. I saw it saved once. No need to spend a lifetime fighting for it again. All of your struggles are still fresh in my mind. But you don't know of it and the thought of me dragging you out of this role after I put you into it is stupid. I gave you the world to bear upon your shoulders. I am quite cruel but you have to do it. You are chosen after all."

He looked up above the stars that revealed themselves, "It ain't easy but know that you'll have someone watching your back all the time. Though I don't think you really need my help. I'll be here for a while so if we meet then that's that."

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