The Bleak Walker

Chapter 52: Grave Misunderstanding

Elias of Tariff was carried by a carriage to the city of Rotary and he brought a friend's coffin. It was a coffin that carried a person who he never knew much. He only found him lying dead on the ground. He couldn't abandon a brother's corpse so he took it with him; he never found anyone other than him.

Moirai City was the first stop for Elias. But there was no one who knew of his friend. It was crazy of him but he planned to find the person who only knew of him. She was a sword maiden and he thinks that she has the right to know what happen to her friend.

The city came to his view. He vaulted out of the carriage and strapped the coffin to his back. The coachman gazed at the coffin with his eyes half-open. "What is that?"

"A friend's corpse," he said. "I plan to let his friend see him."

"Odd," said the coachman. "I never smelled any stink."

He smiled, "I have my ways of dealing with it."

There was a pessimistic look on the coachman's face. Elias of Tariff ignored that. He paced towards the gate with the coffin sticking out. The guards eyed him. There was this look of questioning upon their faces. Elias bound and revealed the manifestation of the wind spirit.

"The wind spirit?" said the guard. "Are you the?"

"Yes," the wind spirit looked at Elias and to the guard. "He's the Elemental Hero of the Wind, Elias of Tariff. Do you wish to bar him entry from this city?"

"No, Spirit," said the guard. His eyes pointed down, sweat pouring from his forehead.

"I see. Then let us pass. We will need the presence of the Sword Maidens and the War Maiden herself. He shall be connected to the War God and that should be another Hero."

"How many Heroes have awakened?" asked Elias.

"Two only, Sir," said the guard politely.

The other guard chimed in, "The Fire Hero Ryle is everywhere, Sir. You're the second Hero to awaken, Sir."

"I see," said Elias dispassionately.

Elias moved forward. The guard made way and let him pass the gate. The city of Rotary was crowded. Various eyes landed upon Elias who had the wind spirit floating along with him. This attracted the attention of the guards and the wandering knights. He did this to attract authority and that the War Maiden would know of his arrival.

"Where's she?" he thought. Elias wanted to find the Sword-Maiden that was said to be close with the friend he was carrying. She was named Alcina and it was said that she has become a part of the Sword Maiden's. It was cruel of him to do so but there was a need to tell her. Elias thought of his lonesome friend. The way he found him made him feel like he needs to carry him. The dead no longer knows but still; it was his selfish wanting.


It was a simple fort, well-maintained. Files of Sword Maidens wearing leather armor stood with their backs straight as arrows. A dim milky aura surrounded the maidens who looked like they can break a man or two. They heard of an awakened Hero coming over to ask some of them.

Alcina stood in front of the row. She felt the beating hearts of the women around her. The thought of a Hero coming over excited them. An excited aura and there was this gleeful smile on their faces. Alcina calmly stood while the wind caressed her hair gently. Did the wind have something to tell?

There was the sound of footsteps. A figure carrying a coffin sauntered towards their direction. The man had the wind spirit as his guide. The sword maidens eyed the figure that had this lonely gait on him. He stood calmly while being showered by the eyes of the sword maidens.

"Who knows Lanon?" said Elias.

Heart thumping wildly—Alcina stood listlessly as that name came out of the Hero's mouth. Her head told her that it was a lie but in the end, she could only move a step forward with a frozen expression on her. Why did the Hero call her? Why does he carry a coffin on his back?

Elias bitterly gave a smile. He gestured for Alcina to look at the coffin. He opens the lid of the coffin and gestured with his hand. Alcina neared the coffin and her heart almost stopped. Tears poured down her cheeks, and her heart ached that she thought she must have been stabbed by something.

"I am sorry," said Elias. "I couldn't find anyone other than you who knew him. I wish that you'd forgive me for this. But I have to let you know."

"It's okay," Alcina dazedly stood. She looked at the lifeless Lanon who was pitiable to look at. Her expression lost all color and there was this bitter sadness emanating from her. The Sword Maidens lowered their heads at the sight of their sister sobbing.

"Where are you taking?" asked Alcina.

"I wish to have him blessed by the War Maiden."


"I don't know," said Elias truthfully. "I could bury him but I didn't do anything for him. I had all this power and yet I couldn't save a single one of the Guardsmen of Throes that fell down upon that dungeon. He's the only one that was left intact and I believe that having a friend blessed by the Lady herself would prove wonderful."

"I see no reason for doing so. He's dead," said Alcina. "Can you return him to me?"

"I will," said Elias. "Not now."

"I see," she nodded faintly. "I'll be going back to file now."

She left and went to the line she was standing with her expression blank. The sun shined brightly upon them yet her darkened expression showed bitterness and sadness. This should be an event where these maidens would smile at the visit of a Hero. Yet, they only witness a scene that made them wonder who the person was. They wish to know but doing so would only wound the heart of the maiden who was one of them. Alcina needed time to reflect on her loss. Waiting for her to calm down was their only choice.


It was a hall with simple decorations. It was minimalistic and there was a lack of luxury you wonder if she truly was a woman with simple needs. This sort of behavior persuaded men around her that she was no common woman. How many heartbreaks and lusty fools that she has seen through?

She has blond hair that reaches her waist. Her face was beautiful enough to make anyone fall in love with her. She has an aura of domination and magnificence that any normal man would cower at the sight of her. Her thin eyebrows met as she leans with patience on the chair she was provided. The columns showed no flag to wave. The light coming from the stained glass located above her head was the only thing that kept the room alight.

Ciara knew that a Hero has awakened. She guided him through his fight in the dungeon; allowed him to become what he was. Even though she guided him the man himself never said anything other than getting out of that dungeon. Somewhere along the line, Elias of Tariff's broke. She already heard of what happened at the attempt of the Guardsman of Throes failure. The dungeon was slain by Elias who was an experienced warrior and brought it down.

It was said that he fought monsters from the barren lands inside the dungeon. That a monster that could be in leagues with the monsters who attack Oasis City has been fought by Elias of Tariff, the Elemental Hero of the Wind. She was excited to meet this Hero in person despite her powers as the War Maiden favored by the War God.

"She's here, milady," said a woman in robes.

"Tell him to get inside."

"Certainly, I will."

A lonesome figure appeared in the doorways—covered in shadows the coffin stood out. His pace was slow and gently. Ciara stood firmly near her chair and waited for the man carrying the coffin to arrive. He eyed Ciara who was awe-amazing to look at. His eyes flickered once but that was it.

"I am, Elias of Tariff," he looked at Ciara. "It is an honor to finally see you, War Maiden Ciara."

"You've done well," said Ciara. "To capture a dungeon that has monsters from the barren lands. I may be chosen by the War God but I find it fascinating that you are able to do this alone," she eyed the coffin. "Why do you carry a coffin?"

Elias of Tariff straightened his pose, "My family has a tradition of carrying the bodies of those who I failed. This coffin stores a friend of mine that died in that dungeon. He had nothing much but he never stopped fighting the despairing dungeon. Milady, I know that you are able to bless this friend of mine."

She frowned, "I am no priest."

"I know," he said with a bitter look on his face. He knew that it was rather odd to as the War Maiden to do a priest's job. "But having him blessed by a War Maiden connected to the War God would absolve him."

"If that is what you wish," she just nodded.

"Thank you," he placed the coffin down and slid the lid. He revealed a rather pitiable corpse that has surprisingly been kept intact. Elias glanced at the War Maiden and saw the horror in her face. She possibly wouldn't be scared so it weirded him.

"Who is this?" asked Ciara. "Tell me his name."

"Lanon," said Elias.

A look of relief happened upon Ciara. "Is that so?"

He didn't know why she was looking relieved, but he continued. "That is the name that I have called him. I believe that his real name was Nolan Salvatore—Lady Maiden."

Then it was like time stopped. A feeling of coldness happened alongside Elias. He didn't know why but the intense energy made his world chaotic. The simply decorated room shook and he was flung to the wall. He held his head up and saw the War Maiden gazing upon the corpse. The elegance and the appearance of the War Maiden that he has seen broke into pieces.

The elegance that she naturally gave broke. The confident expression that was always plastered on her face disappeared and was replaced by the look of a helpless woman who just saw the love of her life's body. There was this helpless expression and seeing the War Maiden broke into tears alarmed Elias.

"Do you know him?"

Ciara muttered without any thought. Her expression of shock and unable to believe showed well. "He's dead...that cannot be...he was strong...there was no monster that could take him down...he was able to carry me through many, this can't be true."

"Are you okay, Lady Maiden?" said the wind spirit. The wind spirit suddenly frowned. "Elias, I don't think the War Maiden is stable."

Ciara continued her muttering. Elias took this chance and took the coffin. Her eyes glaring coldly before it turned that of a lifeless one. She took a deep breath, "What do you plan to do with the body?"

"I'll have him buried. I think his lover would like to spend you know him, Lady?"

"Lover?" she said with a deranged tone. "I...did. Back when he was in Oasis City," she bit her lower lip. "He was a good...friend and seeing him so pathetically lifeless aches my heart."

There was disbelief in her voice. "I don't know...I...have enough of this."

She turned her eyes away from the corpse. It was as if she wanted to hide the truth and turned her back away from it. Elias took that as a sign to leave the palace. He carried the coffin and went back to Alcina who was gloomy. The two hiked a hill where a huge tree could be found. It was a rather well-hidden sight, therefore, no was there to witness them burying the corpse of Lanon.

It was a simple funeral for him. Alcina cried her eyes out and Elias offered his chest for her to cry on. There was only silence and this silence was enough for Elias to think that maybe Lanon would like this place. Elias was sensitive to the wind and he could that they were giving their blessings to the poor soul that he carried as penance.

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