The Bloody Taoist

Chapter 53: Zombies again, again, again

In this strange environment, the gray sky cannot see the sun, moon and stars, so it is impossible to determine the time.

The snow was flying and the soil was splashing.

In a large pit that was more than ten meters deep, three people and one demon were digging hard.

The monks who were usually high and mighty did not care about their image at this moment. Everyone was covered with mud and water, looking a little embarrassed.

However, they did not stop their actions and continued to dig hard.

As the few people dug deeper and deeper, the whistling wind and the sound of falling snowflakes became weaker, and the whole world seemed to fall into silence.


Zuo Yinyang took a deep breath and stopped.

He turned his head and looked behind him, and asked: "Do you smell a fishy smell!"

He Qingni was digging the soil. Hearing this, he replied without raising his head: "It must be that little snake demon, let it go away!" After that, he continued to wave the paper hoe in his hand.

"Hmm?" Zhang the Paper Man also stood up and looked around with a puzzled look: "Not quite right!"

Just when everyone was puzzled, a "hissing" sound suddenly came from the side.

The three turned their heads and saw that the giant python was constantly making sounds, then raised its head and motioned them to look up.

The three looked at each other and raised their heads.

When they looked up, a trace of surprise flashed in their eyes at the same time.

It turned out that a full moon appeared above their heads at some point.

The three hurriedly jumped out of the pit and came to the ground.

Zuo Yinyang looked at the surrounding environment with a look of surprise. He found that the environment outside had changed a lot. Although the ground was still covered with snow, the dark and depressing atmosphere had disappeared.

The sky was no longer covered by dark clouds, and the bright full moon was hanging high in the sky.

"We seem to have come out of the strange world." Zuo Yinyang sighed, with a rare smile on his face.

However, the good times did not last long. With the sound of several people jumping to the ground, countless red lights suddenly lit up around them. They were pairs of human eyes with fierce light.

"Fuck!" He Qingni's voice was full of astonishment.

Following He Qingni's curse.

One after another, the wandering corpses, mixed with scattered zombies, rushed towards the few people from all directions, with swift movements and fierce momentum.

Zuo Yinyang shouted in a low voice, and before he could sigh, he quickly entered the combat state.

He took a deep breath, and the evil spirit in his body surged wildly. A faint red glow appeared on the surface of his body, and ten claws flashing with cold light appeared on his hands.

He Qingni directly manifested his demon body. He was seen to have a wide mouth and bulging eyes, and his head and neck shrank together. A demonic evil spread out, and his body expanded rapidly. The whole person was like a giant green frog, with awe-inspiring power.

Paper man Zhang was the fastest. The moment he jumped out of the ground, he found something wrong. He quickly took out a few pieces of talisman paper from his arms, chanted a spell, and quickly pinched his fingers.

Several fire talismans were instantly shot out, turning into several flames, rushing straight into the group of corpses.


The explosion of the fire talisman, accompanied by the shrill cries of the corpses, came one after another.

The flames bloomed in the night sky, illuminating the surrounding snow and reflecting countless hideous and twisted faces.

The clothes on these corpses were very old, and they should be the same as the two zombies the three encountered in the mountain temple.

Many corpses had already rotted away, with some dry rotten meat hanging on the remaining skeletons, and even the dark brown organs inside could be seen directly.

Zuo Yinyang's figure was like a galloping giant elephant, and he suddenly pounced on a mutilated zombie in front of him.

His sharp claws, with a sharp gust of wind, directly tore the chest of the zombie, and black corpse fluid gushed out.

With the practice in the strange realm, his strength has increased a lot!

He did not dare to stop, and the third level of the "Ten Dragons and Ten Elephants Sutra" was fully exerted, and the blood of the earth covered both sides of his body. At the same time, he silently recited the giant spirit formula, and his already fat body grew three points larger, and then he quickly crashed into the enemy group.

He chose to avoid the black-haired zombies wearing iron armor, and only picked the rotten wandering corpses and the white-haired zombies with insufficient corpse qi.


Where he passed, the wandering corpses and white zombies were directly knocked away by his huge body, and the broken bones and rotten flesh were scattered all over the ground.

He Qingni attacked violently on the side, and each blow was accompanied by the power of demons, smashing the approaching wandering corpses and zombies into pieces.

His venom was like a green light blade, spraying out, and wherever it went, the corpses immediately fell down, and bursts of green smoke came out of their bodies.

Zhang the Paper Man stood in the back, observing the battle situation calmly, constantly taking out various talismans, using fire talismans and golden light talismans alternately, and each talisman paper accurately hit the enemy, making a violent explosion. The flames and golden light intertwined, blowing the enemy group into pieces.

However, under the pale moonlight, the enemies still continued to pour out of the snow, as if endless.

"Run to the northwest, to higher ground!" Paper Man Zhang shouted loudly:

None of the three had reached the level of Lian Gang Realm, and none of them could learn the art of flying, so they could only move forward against the tide of corpses.

Hearing this, Zuo Yin Yang turned around and took the lead, his body exuding a strong evil spirit, and every step was like stepping on a war drum, shaking the ground.

He Qingni followed closely behind, his demon body looked particularly ferocious under the moonlight, and venom flew out from both sides of Zuo Yin Yang along with green evil spirit, and the zombies rushing up were knocked away one after another.

Paper Man Zhang was at the end of the team, and the talisman paper was like a sharp blade, constantly flying out.

His eyes were calm and focused, accurately calculating the trajectory and power of each talisman paper.

Four colors of brilliance were flashing in the four directions of the team, and four paper flags could be vaguely seen flickering among them. Every time the light lit up, there would be a force that would push all the surrounding corpses away.

Running wildly all the way, the three people's physical strength was gradually exhausted, but more intact zombies were jumping over the zombies towards the three people's team.

A strong pain hit him. A black-haired zombie was knocked away by Zuo Yinyang and bit his left arm. When it flew out, it took a large piece of meat from his arm with it.

The torn pieces of flesh left a horrific blood pit, with white bones and yellow fat leaking out directly.

Zuo Yin Yang didn't care about the pain at this time. He directly controlled the contraction of the muscles near the wound to stop the bleeding, and then covered it with the earthly blood evil energy.

Under the dark red light, dense granulation-like tentacles sprouted out from the wound crazily. These tentacles of flesh and blood that were difficult to identify with the naked eye kept squirming, entangled with each other, and at the same time squeezed out the black corpse poison from the body, and then quickly A thin layer of meat membrane is formed.

At this time, a wound appeared on his leg. After stumbling, he quickly recovered!

"Get out of the way!" He Qingni's voice came from behind.

Zuo Yinyang heard the instructions and hurriedly stepped aside.


Then only a deep and thick toad cry was heard spurting out from behind.

The sound of the toad was accompanied by a huge impact, pushing away the tide of corpses in front, like a huge wave, directly rushing out of a ravine.

The moment the tide of corpses was pushed back by the sound of toads, He Qingni's tongue quickly lengthened and quickly wrapped around a tree trunk twenty meters away. Then he grabbed the arms of Zuo Yinyang and Paper Man Zhang one after another. .

Just listen to the sound of "咻"!

The three of them were ejected directly, and then they were pulled directly to the tree by He Qingni's giant tongue, and jumped out of the wave of corpses.

Then, He Qingni followed suit and took the three of them out of the valley with the help of the woods and ran towards the mountainside!

Soon, the roar behind him gradually faded away.

Despite this, they still didn't dare to stop until they reached the top of the mountain and saw that the corpses had lost their scent and stopped chasing. Then they felt relieved. Then they collapsed on the roadside exhausted, gasping for air!

"Huhu, I'm really indebted to fellow Taoist Qingha this time, huhu, otherwise, it would be really dangerous, huhu!" The paper man Zhang gasped for air and said to He Qingni:

It was obvious that the move just now had exhausted He Qingni's mana. He fell to the side, his face looking paler than a paper figure.

"How about it, do you still dare to look down on our demon cultivators now?

Fellow Daoist Zhang, you have too many flashy spells. It’s impossible to defeat the enemy without powerful moves at critical moments! "

The paper man Zhang shook his head and did not speak again.

Zuo Yinyang looked down the mountain with lingering fear and said, "I really want to thank Brother Qingha for saving my life!"

With a smile on his face, He Qingni raised his head and replied: "Actually, everyone has contributed, but this time I am a little better! Hahaha!

But is your injury okay? "

Zuo Yinyang raised his arm and took a look. He saw that the wound was basically healed, leaving only a hideous scar. He should be able to recover soon!

"Don't worry, I'm fine! Fellow Daoist Zhang, are we out yet?"

After hearing this, Paper Man Zhang quickly sensed his luck, and then his face quickly darkened!

"The spiritual energy here is still different. I'm afraid, we are still in a strange place!"

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