The Bloody Taoist

Chapter 54: Hope

"What? You haven't gone out yet?"

He Qingni jumped up with an unbelievable expression on his face.

"Didn't we see those zombies?"

The paper man Zhang sighed helplessly: "You two fellow Taoists can feel the spiritual energy.

I think there may be more than one layer of this mystery, but multiple layers superimposed on top of each other! "

After hearing this, several people suddenly felt heavy.

Zuo Yinyang frowned and replied: "It's really not that easy to escape from this strange situation, but since we can find it the first time, we can find it the second time!"

The paper man Zhang nodded and said, "Fellow Daoist Chi Xuan is right, it all depends on people, and if we can bring out the information about this place, we will definitely get a huge reward."

He Qingni wiped the sweat from his forehead and said: "That's right, we can't waste any time, let's find a place to rest first!"

The three of them quickly found a boulder on the top of the mountain to take shelter from the wind.

After a short rest, He Qingni began to urge: "Two fellow Taoists, what should we do next, should we find a way out through spiritual energy?"

The paper man Zhang had already changed out of his muddy clothes at some point, and then put on another set of identical clothes. As he was arranging them, he said:

"We still use this method. Since we can jump from the previous level to this level, it shows that this method is useful.

When I cast the spell again, please two fellow Taoists identify it carefully! "

Seeing this, Zuo Yinyang added: "Zhang Daoyou first casts a spell to mobilize the spiritual energy. If we find something abnormal, we should not go directly there until we find a pattern. Moreover, this treacherous environment is full of dangers, so we must be more cautious!"

He Qingni nodded in agreement: "Yes, let's take a look first and then talk!"

After the three of them were ready, the paper man Zhang once again cast a spell to lay out the four-color spirit gathering array.

Zuo Yinyang and He Qingni watched from both sides, carefully looking for subtle changes in the spiritual energy!

However, things seem to be getting worse!

Because they discovered that although the changes in the aura of this strange layer were much more obvious, all the auras pointed directly in one direction - the valley full of wandering corpses and zombies that they had just escaped from.

All the spiritual energy seems to be flowing towards the valley!

The more He Qingni looked at it, the worse his face became. He said, "Did I see it wrong? Why did all the spiritual energy go to the group of corpses?"

Left~ Fellow Taoist Chicheng, have you noticed the flow of spiritual energy in other directions? "

Zuo Yinyang's face was also serious at this time. He looked around, then shook his head and said: "We should all see the same situation! I'm afraid it's not good, you two.

Looks like we have to go back again! "

Paperman Zhang's eyes dimmed when he heard this, and his hand that was casting the spell was trembling slightly.

The danger of being caught in a wave of corpses just now made him feel the threat of death again, and he had very few spells and other spell-casting materials left in his hands.

The phantom paper demon he cultivated was not good at direct combat. Without the magic paper prepared in advance, he was not even as good as Zuo Yin Yang in fighting against danger.

He said: "The corpses are all over the entire valley. There are too many. I'm afraid all the corpses in the upper level of the treacherous realm are here. Even if we rush over, we may just return to the upper level of the treacherous realm!"

He Qingni's tone began to be full of complaints: "Wouldn't it be better to wait for death when we go back?

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have joined this Poqin Heavenly Prison!

Old Zuo, tell me~!

Why! "

Zuo Yinyang saw that the mood of the two people had become low, and he, the lowest Qi Sensing monk, could only comfort him: "The matter has come to this, and we can only fight hard.

When encountering a strange situation, it is beyond human control. We can't just sit back and wait for death!

I think we can get closer to the valley first and observe the situation before we talk! "

The other two people had no other ideas at this time and could only act according to Zuo Yinyang's wishes!

So the three of them carefully and slowly returned to the original route.

Zuo Yinyang was still walking in the front, and the other two followed him step by step.

The three of them went down the mountain very slowly. They would stop and watch every once in a while, always alert to other unknown risks.

"Be careful, there is movement!"

Zuo Yinyang raised his hand to signal the two people behind him to stop.

The two of them were like frightened birds and quickly entered a fighting state.

"Wait a minute, it's not a zombie!" Zhang, the paper man behind, said hurriedly:

At this time, Zuo Yinyang also smelled a familiar smell.

rustling, rustling

Sure enough, a familiar figure appeared, it was the giant python.

When the three people escaped from the group of corpses just now, they didn't even care about this little monster. They thought that this guy had been eaten alive by the wandering corpses and zombies!

The giant python was also frightened when he saw a familiar figure.

"His~xianhis~ people!"

He Qingni stepped forward and caught the giant python, and then asked in a low voice:

"Hey, how did this guy escape? How come you weren't eaten?"

The giant python raised its head and begged for mercy with a look of fear on its face: "His~immortal hiss~human hiss~spare hiss~life!"

Hearing the python's voice, He Qingni was a little confused and asked: "Eh? How can this little demon speak?"

After another round of questioning.

They learned the reason from the python's intermittent answers.

It turned out that the giant python had been following the three people, but it was not fast and quickly lost track of the three people. So it had an idea and got directly into the soil, then moved underground bit by bit, and finally escaped slowly. !

He Qingni smiled and cursed:

“Hmph, you’re lucky, you beast.

Those corpses were hiding in the soil. If we hadn't lured them out, how could you have escaped!

And how come you can speak human language all of a sudden?

Are you scared? "

The python stuttered and shook its head and replied: "Hiss~ I don't hiss~ I don't know~!"

The paper man Zhang on the side looked at the python meaningfully, thought for a while and explained: "It should be because of the full moon. The most important thing for the demon clan to practice is the essence of the moonlight. In addition, it was stimulated, so the transverse bone in the throat was refined a little. "

Zuo Yinyang looked puzzled, and then said: "Since it has escaped, Daoist Qinghe, take it with you, let's continue to get closer to check, don't waste time! "

After hearing this, He Qingni did not wait for the giant python to answer, but signaled it to shut up, and then directly wrapped it around his waist.

Next, the group continued to walk down the mountain.

After a while, the three of them came to the mountainside.

Zuo Yinyang stood on the top of a giant tree and looked at the group of corpses in the valley.

Without external stimulation, all the wandering corpses and zombies stopped motionless in place, like stone statues.

The valley under the moonlight was crowded with people, but it was silent. In this dead silence, there was not even a trace of wind!

Zuo Yinyang held his breath and concentrated on analyzing every change.

Finally, his eyes lit up, as if he had made some new discoveries.

He jumped directly from the tree. The moment he landed, his leg muscles compressed to the limit, but his body weighing hundreds of pounds made only slight movements.

"My two Taoist friends, I seem to have made a new discovery!"

Zhang the Paper Man and He Qingni asked excitedly at the same time:

"Oh! What discovery?"

"What did you discover? "

Zuo Yinyang said softly: "According to my observation, the direction of the spiritual energy flow is not the cave where we escaped.

I just calculated carefully. Although the spiritual energy in this strange environment seems to be flowing towards the valley, the direction of the spiritual energy flow is not to the underground. On the contrary, their end point is in the sky, above the heads of the corpses.

I think there should be a new exit above!"

Paper Man Zhang paced back and forth for a few steps after hearing this, and then said: "If it is a different location, it may really be a new exit. I think we can take a risk.

But how do we get through the corpses at the bottom of the valley?

In addition, Fellow Daoist Chi Xuan, how high is that location from the ground?

Can we find a way to get there in other ways? "

Zuo Yinyang thought for a while and said: "I calculated that the location where the spiritual energy is concentrated should be no more than four feet above the ground. If it is from directly below, the three of us should be able to reach it.

However, the location directly below is not very good. It seems to be in the middle of the corpses.

I'm afraid we have to find a way to get through!"

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