The Bloody Taoist

Chapter 80: On the Road

After understanding the general situation of Qingyin Town, several people have already made plans in their minds.

He cast a spell to disperse the spirit, allowing Zhou Ansheng to return to the statue, and then put away the statue with a wave of his sleeve.

Since it was decided to move all the mortals in the town, bringing the statue with them was just a convenient move.

The residents of the town had already heard the news that they were about to leave the town to avoid disaster. Although they were reluctant to give up, they had also made preparations in advance.

The mayor of the town, Song Yushu, personally led the government officials to go door to door to inform the news. Within a day, the news spread throughout the town.

The immortal master sent by Qin Tianjian has arrived in the town, and everyone feels both happy and uneasy.

Early the next morning, residents of Qingyin Town gathered in the center of the town with their families, large cars and small cars.

Thousands of people were huddled together, carrying large and small bundles on their backs, and their faces showed worry.

They looked up and saw two immortal masters standing on the steps in front of the Yamen. Not only were their figures strange and unlike ordinary people, but their faces were stern and imposing.

The residents were silent and did not dare to make any noise. They could only whisper and whisper to each other.

Occasionally, the children cried, but they were quickly coaxed by their anxious parents, who did not dare to make any more noise.

Zuo Yinyang looked down at the dense crowd below with cold eyes, feeling a little lucky in his heart.

Because Qingyin Town was established not long ago, most of the people who moved here were young and strong laborers. Therefore, there were few old, weak, sick and disabled people in the team, only some women and young children.

"Mayor Song, are we all here?" Zuo Yinyang asked in a deep voice, with a majestic tone in his voice that left no room for doubt.

At this time, Song Yushu, who was dressed in simple clothes, took a step forward and replied respectfully:

"Reporting to the Immortal Master, there are 4,567 people in the town. Except for 23 people who are unwilling to leave, the rest are all here."

Hearing this, He Qingni, who was standing in front, frowned, his face suddenly darkened, and he asked unhappily: "Why are there still people who don't want to leave? What's going on?"

The task of migrating mortals is related to the mission merit. The more people there are, the more generous the rewards will be.

At the beginning, there were more than twenty people missing. Wouldn't this affect my income?

He Qingni was very dissatisfied, with a hint of anger in his tone.

Song Yushu quickly explained: "These people are the original mountain people, and they have been living in this mountain before the town was established.

They were already dissatisfied with the government's management.

I've tried my best to explain the situation to them, but they still don't want to leave the land where their ancestors lived. "

"Humph, disobeying discipline?"

A hint of coldness flashed in He Qingni's eyes, and murderous intent loomed in his tone, "I want to see how they refuse to obey the law!"

As he spoke, he clenched his hands into fists and cracked his knuckles, obviously preparing to teach these stubborn mortals a lesson.

Seeing this, Zuo Yinyang shook his head slightly, stretched out his hand to stop him and said:

“It’s just a few people, don’t worry about it.

It’s hard to leave my homeland, and it’s understandable that delaying the business won’t be enough, so it’s better to set off early. "

When He Qingni heard this, he snorted coldly, barely suppressed the unhappiness in his heart, and muttered:

“Since Taoist Priest Chi Xuan has said so, then forget it.

These idiots will be eaten by monsters sooner or later if they don't want to leave! "

After saying that, he didn't care anymore, turned around and waved his hand and ordered: "Let's go, let's go!"

As the order was issued, Song Yushu began to direct the residents of the town to leave the town one by one and embark on a migration journey.

Due to prior arrangements, several large vehicles were prepared in the town for the young and infirm to ride.

Several immortal masters were originally arranged to sit in sedan chairs, but they were rejected by Zuo Yinyang and others.

There were many hunters in the town who were very skilled, and Capt. Wang divided them into three teams.

One team is led by He Qingni, who walks at the front of the team and is responsible for exploring and clearing the way; the first team is led by Wang Baotou himself, marching in the middle of the team to maintain order; the last team is led by Zuo Yinyang, walking at the rear of the team, Just in case, make sure no one is left behind.

As for Jiang Lingzi, he had already disappeared and was quietly protecting the entire team.

Although he has not shown up, he is responsible for keeping vigilant around him and is always ready to deal with threats that cannot be solved by a few people.

As the team set out, this mortal team stretching for several kilometers slowly entered the mountain forest.

Zuo Yinyang, who was walking at the end, looked back at the town.

In the morning sun, a group of dark-skinned people stood at the gate of the town. They looked at the leaving team with longing eyes. The leader was an old woman holding a cane.

These must be mountain people who don’t want to leave!


The migration went very smoothly at first.

The nearby mountain roads are already familiar to the hunters in the town. Although the team has a large number of people, these townspeople who have been with the mountains and forests all year round have a steady pace and no one is left behind.

In the evening, as the sky gradually dimmed, the team stopped moving and started to light a fire to cook.

The bonfire shines all around, and its warm light dispels the chill of the winter mountains and forests, and also dilutes the sadness of farewell in the hearts of the townspeople.

Although the day's trek was arduous, as the firelight danced, my tired body gradually relaxed and my mood became much more relaxed.

The mountain forest in winter is already quiet, and the first night was uneventful.

Outside the crowd, He Qingni and Zuo Yinyang were sitting by a fire.

The firelight reflected on their faces, making them look particularly warm.

He Qingni rubbed his hands with a relaxed smile on his face. It was obvious that he was very satisfied with today's progress.

"Today these mortals have traveled more than twenty miles, and they are still traveling on rugged mountain roads.

At this speed, once out of the mountains and onto the plains, the pace will definitely be faster.

If everything goes well, it will probably take less than half a month to reach the destination, hehe. "

His words were full of optimism and expectation.

Looking at the blazing bonfire in front of him, Zuo Yinyang also smiled and replied: "Yes, if everything goes well, this task will be too simple."

At the same time, he secretly said in his heart:

"If the group of evil witches find the contents of their letters, they will definitely try to contact me. This mission should be arranged by them. I wonder what other means they will use?"

Zuo Yinyang secretly calculated, but the smile on his face did not diminish at all.


Black Cloud Mountain, a dense forest.

Darkness shrouded a hidden altar.

On the altar, Wuyan Lady was prostrating herself on the ground devoutly. On the small altar in front of her, a white-haired mouse stood in it, and the voice coming out of her mouth was the voice of the Black Mountain Altar Master.

"How is the investigation going? "

Mrs. Wuyan raised her head and responded, with a bit of trepidation in her tone: "To the master, the information I found is that the injury of the deputy master of Shangqing Sword Sect seems not to be just due to the sneak attack of the demons, but there are deeper hidden stories behind it.

It is said that the high-level officials of Shangqing Sword Sect are also involved.

A few days ago, Shangqing Sword Sect mobilized more than ten sword masters, and Master Jingruo also participated in it. They used the 'Nine Palaces Curse Wheel Tribulation Immortal Array' to directly wipe out a stronghold on Shijue Island.

It is said that they found clues of the involvement of the high-level officials there.

Moreover, Shangqing Sword Sect seems to plan to continue to attack other strongholds on Shijue Island, and Master Jingruo will definitely not be able to come back in a short time. "

"It's best if you can't come back! Have you found out who used us in the first place?" The voice of the Black Mountain Master was full of sneers:

Mrs. Wuyan heard the words, her expression dimmed, and she whispered back: "There are no clues yet!"

The Black Mountain Master snorted coldly, his tone full of dissatisfaction: "Huh, trash! "

Mrs. Wuyan's heart tightened, and she kowtowed and apologized: "Master, please forgive me. I will continue to investigate and I believe we will find something."

The Black Mountain Master interrupted her coldly: "No need, it's meaningless even if we find it. What we really need to focus on is other things." His voice turned cold, as if he was hiding some kind of plan.

Mrs. Wuyan was stunned, and just as she was about to ask again, the master's voice sounded again: "Our 'sacrifice' seems to have some tricks up its sleeve. I asked you to come back because I have other plans. Next, you..."

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