The Bloody Taoist

Chapter 81: Sheep Demon


With a light sound, the white-haired mouse on the altar exploded into a ball of black water, and the master of the Black Mountain Altar had left.

The face of Wuyan Lady, who had just received the new order, was stern. Without a trace of hesitation, she gently turned her wrist and took the simple altar in front of her into her palm.

Then, she flicked her jade finger, and a colorful evil spirit rolled up the dust on the ground, completely erasing all traces of the altar.

After doing all this, her figure flashed and disappeared silently in the depths of the dense forest.

Wuyan Lady was originally the close concubine of the master of the Black Mountain Altar. Due to coincidence, she followed her master to join the evil witch organization.

Later, she was given an opportunity to embark on the path of cultivation.

She went through life and death hardships before she refined a five-color demon insect demon, and luckily entered the realm of practicing evil.

She was seen shuttling in the forest, and the color of her body kept changing with the environment, like a color-changing octopus running on land.

Whether it was an open space with sunlight or a dark place with mottled shadows of trees, she could easily hide her figure.

After a while, she came to a gathering place of demons and lurked quietly.

This was a temporary camp of the demons, and not far away was the residence of human monks.

The forces of both sides were intertwined and confronted here, guarding the entrance to a strange place nearby.

Both sides were on guard against each other's movements to prevent each other from entering this strange place first.

It was late at night and it was midnight. There was silence in the demon camp, only a few wisps of mist floating gently on the ground.

Suddenly, an old monkey demon staggered out of the demon group, as if drunk, with weak steps.

"Old monkey, where are you going?" A little demon who was on night watch saw this and raised his eyes and asked, with a bit of laziness in his tone.

"Shit and pee!" The monkey demon didn't even turn his head, his voice was hoarse and low.

"Then go away, don't smoke me!" The little demon waved his hand impatiently, continued to support his head with the spear, and dozed off.

The monkey demon went into the dense forest in the dark and soon came to the hiding place of Wuyan Lady.

It looked around and confirmed that no one was following it. Suddenly, it raised its head, its eyes dimmed, and its mouth opened little by little.

A creepy scene happened - an old face full of wrinkles slowly appeared in the monkey's mouth, as deep as the bark of a tree.

An old voice sounded: "Wuyan, what do you want to find me for? What arrangements does the altar master have!"

Wuyan Lady's figure appeared silently from the dead tree beside her, as if she was originally part of the trunk.

She looked at the old monkey coldly and whispered: "Three days later, the team with the sacrifice will pass through Beishan. This is the mission."

Her tone was cold and there was no emotional fluctuation.

After that, she took out a jade card from her sleeve, raised her hand, and the jade card turned into a white light and flew towards the old monkey.

The old monkey reached out to catch it, and then swallowed the jade token in one gulp, as if the monkey demon's stomach was a bottomless pit.

At this time, Wuyan Lady had disappeared in the forest, as if she had never appeared.


The next morning, fine snowflakes slowly fell from the gray sky.

The migrating team walked on the rugged mountain road. The accumulated snow made the road slippery and difficult to walk, and the team's speed gradually slowed down.

"It's almost the beginning of spring, why is it snowing again?" He Qingni, who was in front of the team, looked up at the sky, with a bit of helplessness and complaints in his tone.

Behind the team, Zuo Yinyang also looked up at the sky, with a hint of deep thought in his eyes.


In the monster camp, the leading monster was a long-horned sheep monster named Yang Youjian, whose cultivation had reached the realm of refining Gang.

This monster had profound magic power and had completely transformed. He looked like a middle-aged man, with no trace of the sheep monster in the past.

This level of cultivation is among the best among the monsters who came to Black Cloud Mountain.

The cultivation of the monsters is similar to that of humans, and they also go through the stages of cultivation such as Qi Sen Realm, Lian Sha Realm, and Lian Gang Realm.

However, the innate advantage of the monsters is that they can directly cultivate monsters with their talents, eliminating the trouble of looking for evil spirits everywhere.

Only a very small number of lucky geniuses among humans can be born with talents, and most ordinary people need to take the trouble to find evil spirits that match themselves before they can embark on the path of cultivation.

Of course, the cultivation of the monsters is not entirely superior.

Most monsters are confused at the beginning of their birth and rely entirely on instinct. Only a few monsters have the opportunity to awaken wisdom before they can start to cultivate.

And before they are fully transformed into humans, their cultivation speed is extremely slow.

In this world, the human race is regarded as the spirit of all things, born close to the way, and thus has become the goal of many creatures.

Transforming into a human means getting closer to the way of heaven, and the hope of achieving the right result is brighter.

Only when a monster reaches the Refining Gang Realm can it completely transform into a human form.

Even monsters in the Refining Evil Realm will still retain some original characteristics and it is difficult to completely get rid of the monster state.

For this reason, transforming into a human is also an important sign of a powerful monster.

At this moment, Yang Youjian was sitting alone in a secret formation, with spiritual energy surging around him. While regulating his breathing and introducing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into his body, he focused on refining the seeds of Gang Qi hidden deep in his body.

This Yang Youjian was gifted. In addition to his own demonic power, he also received a Wu Earth Gang Qi from the Tiger Monster King Lu Shanjun by chance.

This Gang Qi was in perfect harmony with his own attributes, helping him to successfully break through to the Refining Gang Realm fifty years ago.

Now, the evil spirit in his body has been completely condensed and manifested, and his cultivation has become more profound. That is why he was sent to Black Cloud Mountain to confront the human cultivators.

A few hours later, Yang Youjian finished his practice and completed today's practice.

He took back the array plate and stopped the array.

Since taking over the task, the evil witch monkey has often wandered outside the array intentionally or unintentionally.

At this time, after he sensed that the spiritual power of the array had dissipated, his expression moved slightly, and then pretended to walk slowly near the array.

He glanced at a black-haired pig demon not far away, and said with a smile:

"Zhu Shiba, you said that Zhu Xianyi and his two brothers have been out for four days, right?

Hey, I wonder how many mortals they can get this time. Tsk, the meat of these human children tastes especially delicious."

After saying that, he deliberately smacked his lips, as if he was savoring the long-lost taste of human flesh.

When Zhu Shiba heard this, his mouth immediately drooled, his eyes were wide open with greed, and he grinned and said, "What four days? It's five days including today! They are having a great time in the human race's territory this time."

The old monkey chuckled and asked in confusion, "You are also a pig demon, why didn't they take you with them?"

Zhu Shiba glanced at the old monkey unhappily, raised his voice, and said disdainfully, "Although we are all pig demons, we are not from the same nest, and I am not their brother.

Besides, I have a mission to protect Commander Yang, and I don't have time to accompany them to have fun!"

The old monkey heard this and grinned, "Haha, Commander Yang needs your protection?

If you ask me, it's more comfortable to patrol the mountains and explore.

I heard that there are many human villages in the Black Cloud Mountain. Now those human cultivators dare not enter the mountain. It's so comfortable to go out and find some lonely mortals to satisfy their greed!"

The old monkey's eyes were full of envy.

Zhu Shiba sighed and said indignantly: "Hey, these ungrateful guys, they have been out for so long and didn't even think of bringing anything back for us brothers.

When I see them, I'll scold them. They are so hateful!"

Suddenly, Yang Youjian's sharp and piercing voice came from the big tent: "Monkey Three, come in!"

When the old monkey heard this voice, he was secretly happy in his heart, but his face immediately showed an expression of panic, turned around and quickened his pace, and walked quickly to the main tent where Yang Youjian was.

He carefully pushed open the curtain, bowed his head and bent over to walk in, showing respect and fear in his movements.

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