The Bloody Taoist

Chapter 82: Provocation

Inside the big tent, Yang Youjian sat firmly on the high-back chair in the middle, frowning slightly, and his eyes scanned every corner of the tent like a knife.

There were several oil lamps burning in the tent, and the flames flickered, reflecting his face, revealing a hint of impatience.

At this time, the old monkey knelt down, his hands hanging at his sides, and said respectfully: "My king, what do you want to call me for?"

Yang Youjian's eyes flashed with a sharpness, and he asked coldly: "I ask you, have the three brothers Zhu Xianyi been out on patrol and have not returned?"

The old monkey's eyes flashed slightly, and then he replied: "Reply to the commander, I have indeed not seen their traces during this period, and I have not heard other brothers mention them.

In my opinion, they should still be patrolling outside."

Yang Youjian heard this, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he snorted heavily:

"I have already issued a clear order, all patrols The little demon must come back to the camp to report every three days.

These idiots actually dared to ignore my orders.

If they mess around in the human territory, I'm afraid something will happen. "

He fixed his eyes, staring at the old monkey kneeling on the ground, and said in a stern tone:

"You have good body skills, go and check their tracks immediately.

If there are any clues, be sure to respond carefully and report back to me quickly! "

The old monkey felt Yang Youjian's tone and immediately bowed his head:

"Yes, sir!"

After receiving the order, he quickly stood up and left the tent, and the humility on his face was immediately replaced by a touch of cunning.

Outside the tent, the cold wind rolled fine snowflakes on the ground, and the low roar of beasts could be faintly heard around the camp.

The pig demon was guarding the door. When he saw the old monkey coming out, he whispered, "Monkey head, what does the commander want to see you for?"

The old monkey smiled and pretended to be mysterious, "Of course it's a good thing, hehe!"

Before he finished speaking, he jumped onto the big tree next to him, and then, like a spirit ape, he jumped repeatedly with the help of branches, and disappeared into the depths of the dense forest in a few steps.

The pig demon saw that he ignored him and angrily cursed, "You dead monkey, sooner or later someone will dig out your brain and eat it!"

After the old monkey left the camp, he immediately sped up, and he had a plan in his mind.

He followed the secret mark he had left on Zhu Xianyi before, and rushed to the place where the three demons disappeared last.

After a while, he came to the depths of the valley, and in front of him was a piece of open space that was obviously destroyed.

The trees around were broken, and the ground was full of scorched earth and gravel. It was obvious that there had been a fierce fight.

The old monkey's eyes flashed, and he walked slowly around the open space, carefully observing every detail.

After a long time, he stopped and looked at the quiet town in the valley, with a cold smile on his face.

Although the traces at the scene had been destroyed, combined with the information he had previously obtained, he quickly deduced that this must be the place where Zhu Xianyi and the other three monsters were killed.

"Three idiots, they died here."

The old monkey laughed in his heart. Although he could not judge how the three monsters died, he knew in his heart that Zhu Xianyi and his companions were most likely killed by Jiang Lingzi and his party.

"I originally wanted me to do it myself, but I didn't expect you to cooperate so well, which saved me a lot of trouble.

This is really God's help! Hahaha!"

The old monkey laughed up to the sky, and the laughter echoed in the empty valley, revealing a gloomy atmosphere.

The laughter stopped, and he regained his composure, and then randomly collected some gravel and dead branches at the scene, and then put the evidence that had been prepared long ago together, and finally jumped onto the treetop and returned to the camp.

After a long time, in a cave not far away, a weasel whose cultivation level was not up to the Qi-sensing realm cautiously poked its head out of the cave.

These few days, it has been living in fear. As a wild demon, how could it have seen so many "big shots"!


In the big tent, Yang Youjian frowned, his eyes flashed with cold light, and his voice was full of sharp murderous intent: "You mean, Zhu Xianyi and his three brothers may have been killed by human cultivators?"

The old monkey kneeling on the ground heard this and hurriedly whispered, his tone full of fear: "Report to the commander, I have searched in the forest for a long time and barely found some clues.

Please take a look!"

He carefully took out a pile of "evidence" from his arms and presented it to Yang Youjian.

He picked up a piece of stone with mottled bloodstains and explained in a low voice: "I found this near Qingyin Town, and the bloodstains on it are from Zhu Xianyi."

Yang Youjian's eyes moved slightly, and a wisp of divine thought swept across the stone like a gossamer, confirming that there was indeed Zhu Xianyi's breath left in it, and his face suddenly became a little gloomy.

Seeing this, the old monkey continued, "According to my understanding, there are no powerful cultivators in Qingyin Town, and it is impossible for them to threaten the three brothers of the Zhu family.

Three days ago, several inspectors from the Imperial Astronomical Observatory came to the town. They were ordered to move the mortals in the town out of the Black Cloud Mountain.

I am afraid that only they have the ability to kill the three brothers of the Zhu family."

When Yang Youjian heard this, he could hardly suppress the anger in his chest, and asked coldly, "Do you know why they showed their hands to the pigs?"

The old monkey pretended to think for a moment, then slowly raised his head and said, "My guess is that it should be an accidental encounter.

Those human cultivators have always been arrogant and domineering. When they see our demons, they call us "evil spirits" at any time, and they want to fight and kill without knowing right or wrong.

Commander, you can't let them go this time!"

After hearing the old monkey's words, Yang Youjian's eyes were full of murderous intent, and his anger was hard to contain.

Zhu Xianyi is a subordinate he values ​​very much. He is not only smart and has profound cultivation, but also has a glimpse of the true meaning of the Dharmakaya in the Refining Demon Realm. His future achievements are limitless.

He had hoped that he could become his right-hand man, but he didn't expect that he would die in this Black Cloud Mountain. How could Yang Youjian let it go?

He suppressed his anger and asked coldly: "Where are those cultivators now?"

The old monkey hurriedly replied: "Reporting to the commander, I only know that they are going east, and the specific location has not been found.

However, they are escorting a large group of mortals, so they will not move too fast and should not go too far."

Yang Youjian's eyes condensed, and his tone revealed a cold murderous intent: "Go and find out their whereabouts immediately, and be sure to report it quickly!"

The old monkey hurriedly kowtowed and said: "Yes!" As soon as the voice fell, he turned and ran away, disappearing into the darkness outside the tent.


In the Black Cloud Mountains, the wind and snow were fierce. On a winding mountain road, thousands of mortals dragged their tired steps, escorted by Zuo Yinyang and others, and slowly moved eastward.

With snowflakes flying and the weather freezing, every step on the road seemed particularly difficult.

The crowd left a long trail on the mountain road, with deep and shallow footprints interlaced.

In the dense forest halfway up the mountain, the old monkey hid behind the dense bushes, staring coldly at the slowly moving crowd below.

He said nothing and watched quietly.

Not long after, a faint figure flashed behind a big tree next to him, with snowflakes falling on it, looming like a ghost.

"What's the situation?" A cold female voice came, with a chill in the voice, it was Wuyan Lady.

The old monkey glanced at her from the corner of his eye, nodded slightly, and responded in a low voice: "Everything is going well on my side, there should be no problem."

"That's good, follow the plan and don't make any mistakes!"

The old monkey nodded lightly, without saying anything more, and cast his eyes back to the crowd on the mountain road, secretly planning the next action in his heart.

The figure of Wuyan Lady disappeared.

The wind and snow continued to sweep across the entire Black Cloud Mountain, and there was silence between heaven and earth, like the calm before the storm.

And under this tranquility, the hidden murderous intent became more and more intense, as if a deadly frenzy would erupt at any time.

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