The Blue Eyes

Chapter 142 - THE EXTRACTION

It was only two days since the conversation with AZURE in their apartment. Even though AZURE had explained the real situation to him, Kevin didn't have any intention to change his mind. He was ready for the extraction, and he fully believed that Kris could save him during the process.

Both of them wouldn't die. He was sure about that.

They were in Professor Selena's secret laboratory. Kevin had changed into an operation gown and got ready to lie down on the operation bed. But before he could do as he planned, he glanced at his lover, who looked panic at his side.

"I believe in you, Kris. I'm sure that you will save my life," Kevin tried to comfort his lover, but Kris was still frowning at him.

"I'm scared," the taller man replied. "Professor Selena once told me that you and I are meant to be together, that the Gods above deliberately wrote down a fate for us to save each other in the future. But it still gives me pressure. I'm afraid that I can't save you, Kev."

Kevin had lied down on the bed and gazed at his lover wistfully. He could sense his lover's troubled heart now.

"It's the Old Master's plan, so you don't have to worry, Kris," AZURE suddenly chimed in as it walked over to the bed. "Your power will heal Kevin, and Kevin power will heal you. The Old Master had planned all of this. She injected the antidote in Master's body because she was sure you would save him. Just trust the Old Master. She was the best scientist in the world."

What AZURE just said was not wrong. Selena Beischel had planned all of this. Kris and Kevin's powers looked like opposing each other, but that was not true. The ice would heal the fire, and the fire would heal the ice. That was why the professor dared to inject the antidote into Kevin's body. She knew that Kris would save her son.

"Anyway, which method will you use for the extraction, AZURE?" Kevin decided to leave Kris and turned to the robot.

"We will use the cutting DNA method, Master," the robot answered.

Kevin frowned at the answer. "Why are you cutting the DNA?" He asked again.

"The antidote that was injected by the Old Master seventeen years ago was like a virus. It infected the DNA. To extract it, we have to cut the DNA that had been infected by the antidote."

"Is it the same with the werewolf's case? The formula that transformed humans into werewolves also infected the DNA, right? If so, we can just cut the DNA to transform the werewolves back to humans, right?"

Kris could only listen to the human and the robot's conversation. He didn't know much about what they were talking about, so he didn't want to disturb the conversation.

"The werewolves' case is not that simple, Master," the robot explained again. "The formula that turned humans into werewolves didn't only infect a part of DNA, but it infected the whole DNA. We can't use the method for them. We still need the antidote."

Kevin nodded curtly before he asked, "Then, how will you extract the antidote from my body? Are you going to use the CRISPR tools?"

"It's something like CRISPR, but it's way better than that tools, Master," the robot replied again. "The Old Master created a new bacteria to cut the antidote and instantly extract it. The normal CRISPR is not strong enough to cut the DNA."

Kevin's heart skipped a bit upon hearing the answer. Of course, he knew that the power within his body was not ordinary. It was a superpower with great strength.

"That's why the procedure is life-threatening, Kev," Kris finally chimed in. "When AZURE is doing the cutting process, your power will reject it and will stubbornly try to attach to your DNA. Your power will take over your body at that time, and that's very dangerous."

Kevin sighed as he looked up at his lover. "I know, Kris," he replied. "AZURE had explained that matter to us two days ago, right? I know it's dangerous, but I believe in you. I know that your power will defeat my power and we will be safe. I believe that both of us will not die, Kris."

Kevin was so sure about that. Even after knowing the deadly risk, he still believed in Kris. He had seen how powerful Kris was, and he believed that Kris was way more powerful than him.

And on top of that, he also believed in Kris's love. He believed that Kris's love was very strong, and the love would make him stronger. He was certain that Kris would not let him die.

"Are you ready?" The robot chimed in again. "Once I inject the bacteria, we can't draw it back again. Master will fall unconscious after I inject the bacteria, and the bacteria will start working in instant. There's no cancellation in this mission."

Kevin and Kris both held their breaths. This procedure was not just a play. It was seriously life-threatening.

"How will you inject the bacteria into my body, AZURE?" Kevin asked nervously.

AZURE's monitor in its head showed a big grin as the robot lifted its left hand. The fingers on its left hand subsided into the hand, and they were replaced by a pointy needle.

Kevin and Kris's eyes widened at the scene.

"Is that needle safety? Have you disinfected it, little devil?" Kris asked the robot while squinting his eyes.

The robot glared at him and answered, "It's not just a regular needle. The bacteria is inside this needle, and it was created by Old Master herself." It then turned to Kevin. "Don't worry, Master. This needle is definitely safe. It's just like a needle that's used for IV. You aren't afraid of needles, right, Master?"

Kevin wasn't afraid of needles, but he was still nervous. He looked back at his lover, and his lover was also staring at him deeply. Kris then smiled while his hands started holding Kevin's right hands.

"You believe in me, so I'll also believe in you, Kev. Let's walk on this thin line together. I'll hold your hand until we reach our destination."

Kevin felt like crying. This was a critical condition when both of them gambled their lives, but there was no turning back. If they didn't do it today, then they couldn't save the innocent humans who had turned into werewolves.

The scientist then nodded his head as he returned his lover's smile.

Kris then bent his body and kissed Kevin's forehead lovingly. Kevin closed his eyes as he felt the warm sensation on his forehead. He also could feel Kris's tears fell on his cheek.

After a few minutes, Kris's lips finally left his lover's forehead as he straightened his body. "Let's do it now, little devil," he said to the robot.

AZURE nodded its head and started bringing the needle on its left hand closer to Kevin's vein. The robot then carefully injected the needle into the vein.

Kevin's eyes were open after Kris kissed his forehead, and now they stared gloomily at Kris's as if saying goodbye. A few seconds passed, and the scientist's eyes gradually closed by themselves. The bacteria was already inside the scientist's body.

"You have to keep holding Master's hand during the process, Kris," AZURE warned for the last time before its eyes and lips disappeared from its monitor. The monitor now displayed the current situation in Kevin's body.

The bacteria was extraordinary. It connected to AZURE, and it acted like a camera. Everything that happened inside Kevin's body would be displayed on AZURE's monitor.

Kris looked at the monitor nervously. It seemed that the bacteria was still searching for the infected DNA. It continued searching until it stopped in a part of Kevin's DNA. Kris stopped breathing at the sight.

The bacteria started doing the work by cutting the infected DNA. The said DNA had a different appearance than other parts of the DNA. It was blue in color, and it started glimmering brightly as the bacteria tried to cut it from the rest DNA.

Kevin's hand in Kris's grip turned icy in instant. His body trembled strongly as a bluish aura began to envelop the body. Kris started to panic as he tightened his hold on his lover's hand. "Please, hold on, Kevin. I know you can do it. I know we can do it, Kevin!" He whispered desperately.

The caramel-haired man started using his power to conquer Kevin's power. His eyes turned red in an instant, and a reddish aura started surrounding his body. The blue and red aura seemed to fight against each other at the moment.

Kris tried so hard to transfer his warmth to Kevin's icy body. AZURE had told him that the critical condition was when Kevin's body turned icy, and it would completely freeze into ice if he couldn't defeat his lover's power.

And if Kevin turned into ice, that meant he was dead. If that happened, the power within Kevin's body would emerge and enter Kris's body through their interlocking hand. Kris's life would be in danger afterward.

Kris was still struggling, but he was shocked when he saw Kevin's lips started freezing. He shifted his gaze to examine Kevin's whole body and found that the skin was covered by a thin layer of ice. Kris's heart dropped. Would they die today?

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