The Blue Eyes

Chapter 172 - LUNCH BUDDY

They had lunch together today. He didn't expect that the other man would easily accept his proposal. The other man just nodded his head, and they immediately headed to a restaurant near the laboratory.

They headed to the restaurant on foot since it was close to the laboratory. And upon arriving at the restaurant, they chose a table in the back corner of the restaurant. A waitress took their order and excused herself after she finished writing the order.

The two men looked awkward as they sat opposite each other.

"Do you frequent this restaurant? It's close to our laboratory, but it's my first time coming here," Kevin broke the uncomfortable silence.

He wasn't the type who would easily eat together with a stranger, and Luke was basically a stranger for him.

Luke, who was sitting in front of him, finally looked up and answered, "I often eat here.."

The answer was short and cold, giving Kevin no room to prolong the conversation. It was a dumb decision to have lunch with Luke alone when they didn't even know each other that well.

He should have brought Anna along with them. The cheerful girl surely would light up the mood with her easygoing personality. He would rather spend more money to treat Anna than to be trapped in a chilly situation like this.

"Did you always eat alone here?" Kevin asked again.

His question made Luke frown at him. Crap! He just chose the worst question! Luke was a loner, so of course, he would eat alone here. Why did he need to ask about it and ended up offending the loner?

"Ah, sorry," Kevin quickly apologized. "Eating alone is good too. Eating with someone noisy might disturb our peace, right? We might lose our appetite because of that."

The grey-haired man just continued gazing at him with his sharp eyes, and Kevin gulped nervously. He was lucky to date a warm man like Kris. If he dated a cold man like Luke, he might end up being frozen food.

"What do you want from me?" Luke asked in an icy tone.

Kevin bulged his eyes. It seemed that the other man noticed that he had a hidden intention.

"I... I just want to ask you about the scientist database in Orka," Kevin answered in a hesitant tone.

The green-eyed man furrowed his eyebrows after Kevin finished speaking. "Why do you want to know about the database?" He asked again.

Kevin felt like he was being interrogated now, and yeah, he was indeed being investigated by his colleague.

He was nervous, but he couldn't back off because he had walked this far. He had gone a long way to ask the other man to have lunch with him, and he didn't want to make his effort go in vain.

"I want to know more information about our senior, Felix Smith."

Kevin's answer caused the other man to widen his emerald eyes. It was the first time Kevin saw a distinct reaction on the man's face because he was normally flat like an iron plate.

Kevin could see the reaction, but he couldn't guess what was on Luke's mind. That was why he kept silent and patiently waited for a response.

"Why do you want to know about him? He had resigned since two years ago, and he is no longer our senior."

Kevin had expected that the other man would continue his interrogation, so he didn't look surprised when he heard the response.

"I know that he had resigned two years ago," Kevin replied calmly. "I just want to know about the reason behind his sudden resignation. I heard he quitted because of a family matter, but I want to know the details."

Luke suddenly gave him a look of disapproval. "You do know that it's related to his family matter, but you still questioned me about that?" He asked again.

Luke seemed to be offended by Kevin's statement, and Kevin admitted that he was in the wrong. He shouldn't have pried on others' matters, and he shouldn't have asked Luke about that either.

But, he had no choice but to spy on another person's personal life. His heart told him that there was something wrong with the teacher. Ever since he heard that Felix lied to Blue about his hometown in Chilad, he couldn't help but sense something was not right with his former senior.

The Felix Smith he knew was an upright person and had never lied to anyone, but all of a sudden, he lied to his student about his hometown. That was just a simple lie, but Kevin wouldn't let it pass easily.

"I don't mean to be nosy, but I need more information about him. He suddenly became a teacher in my sister's school, and I smelled something fishy about that."

Kevin's statement caused Luke to raise an eyebrow. "You think something is fishy just because he became your sister's teacher? Aren't you too much?"

Luke asked him in a mock tone, and Kevin was a bit offended by it. However, he tried to maintain his expression and didn't take the mock to heart.

"Senior Felix had lied to my sister. That's why I want to know more about him," Kevin finally replied.

"He lied to your sister? What did he lie about?" Luke asked again.

Kevin had expected the question, but he had not prepared for an answer. He couldn't trust Luke so easily. Even though the green-eyed guy didn't look suspicious of him, he couldn't let his guard down. It was not a good idea to expose everything to his colleague.

"I can't tell you about that," Kevin answered. "It's really important, so can you tell me what you know about Senior Felix? You don't need to tell me about his private information. Just tell me about his information related to his previous work here."

Luke kept staring at him. It seemed that he was considering Kevin's request.

As someone who had the access to the scientists' database, Luke surely knew a lot about Felix's information. Even though Luke wasn't willing to tell him the private information of Felix, at least he could get information related to his work under Orka before.

"Are you sure you will not use the information wrongly?" Luke asked as he frowned at the raven-haired man.

"I promise that I will use it wisely. I won't let you down," Kevin tried to reassure the other man. He boldly challenged the other man's gaze with his intent gaze.

"You are weird," Luke replied as he sighed, and he was no longer looking at the black-haired man. "We were strangers before today, but you suddenly approached me for that matter." He shook his head helplessly.

Kevin was about to reply, but from the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of a waitress walking toward their table. The waitress then stopped at their table and placed down their orders. She then excused herself and left the two men alone again.

"I will tell you what I know about Senior Felix."

Kevin widened his eyes when he heard the unexpected answer. He didn't expect that Luke would give in so easily.

"Are you sure about that? Do you want something from me in return?" Kevin asked the grey-haired man.

Hearing Kevin's question, Luke suddenly chuckled. Kevin flinched for a bit when he heard the laughter. It was the first time he heard the other person laughing.

"Just buy me lunch for a month," Luke replied after he stopped chuckling.

"Just that?" Kevin asked doubtfully.

"Not only that, but you also have to accompany me to eat lunch for a month."

Kevin was taken aback, and he narrowed his eyes at the other man. "Are you flirting with me?" He asked suspiciously.

"Who's flirting with you?" Luke immediately denied the accusation. "I just need a friend to eat lunch, and I think you are quite interesting to get the position."

Kevin raised his eyebrow confusedly. "So, you are interested in me?" He asked again.

Luke shook his head in disbelief. "Can you not twist my words? I just need a lunch buddy. That's all," he replied.

"I didn't expect you would need a friend. You were a lone wolf all these times."

"Don't judge a book from its cover."

Kevin just gawked at the man. It seemed the other man was quite approachable just like what Anna said, but the man was still cold like a block of ice.

"Senior Felix argued with our boss before he resigned."

Kevin was stunned. He had never known about the fact. It seemed that the people above deliberately covered the issue.

"Do you know why did they argue back then?" Kevin asked again.

The man, who was sitting opposite him, looked hesitant after he heard Kevin's question. Kevin could guess that the reason must be so fatal that Luke was hesitant to tell him about it.

Luke suddenly glanced at his surroundings before he leaned forward to get closer with Kevin. He then carefully whispered, "Senior Felix wanted to create his version of werewolf to fight again the werewolves clan back then."

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