The Blue Eyes


They were beyond eager to get the information about the buried valley in Chilad, but they were not so impatient to go to the foster parents' house right in the middle of the night. Kevin's mother was sleeping soundly, and they shouldn't disturb the lady's rest.

That was why the young couple only visited the Lowell residence in the morning before Kevin went to the lab for work. Kris was the one who drove Kevin's car, choosing to drive the silver car instead of the red car because Kevin's car was safer for everyday use.

Kris was attacked once while in Chile with Jack, and his apartment was also attacked. He couldn't help but choose to be more vigilant by driving Kevin's car.

The foster parents welcomed them, and the hostess even offered them to have breakfast first. However, Kevin politely declined the offer saying that he and Kris had breakfast beforehand. It wasn't just a bluff because they did have breakfast.

"Did you even sleep last night, Kev? You should take better care of your health and stop staying up late," Benjamin immediately rebuked his son when they had gathered in the living room. He scowled at his son, but then his eyes suddenly turned to Kris. "You have to take good care of my son, Kris. I have given you my trust, but you can't even ask my son to have a good rest at night?"

Kris was slandered by the father again, and he could only remain quiet. He still needed to win the father's trust, so it would be better for him not to argue even though he wasn't completely wrong.

Kevin was the one who chose to stay up late last night, and he, being the most understanding lover in the world, could only let his lover do what he wanted to do. But now that he was scolded by his father, he pondered that next time, he should be stricter on his lover.

"It's not Kris's fault, Dad," Kevin chimed in. "Before you called me last night, Kris just told me to go to sleep because he was worried about me. I was just about to head to our room when you called me."

Kevin didn't mean to indirectly blame his father, but he didn't like it when his father kept attacking Kris when Kris did nothing wrong. Just by looking at his lover's expression, he knew how his lover felt.

The tension returned, and Charlotte decided to interrupt, "Drink your tea first so you can relax more. I brewed green tea to calm your mind."

The lady of the house had prepared some teas for them, but the tea remained untouched because Benjamin immediately used the time to scold his son and his son's lover.

Luckily, Benjamin seemed to be an obedient husband as he immediately grabbed the teacup. He blew it for a moment before bringing the cup to his lips. He then took a sip of tea elegantly.

"You two should drink your tea too, boys."

Hearing the lady's order, Kevin and Kris didn't have any other choice than to comply with the order. Following Benjamin's lead, the two young men immediately enjoyed the tea.

Charlotte smiled in satisfaction at the sight, and she also started enjoying her tea.

Their tea time didn't last long as they put the cups back on top of the coffee table almost simultaneously.

"I asked some of my men to gather the information related to Blacoal Company and the case in Chilad, and one of them called me last night. He told me that he had found an important finding of the coal mine in Chilad."

The information seemed important, and his dad's call last night almost kept Kevin up all night unable to sleep after hearing the news. Kris had to force his lover to sleep by hugging his lover and burying his lover's head in his broad chest. Kevin was finally able to fall asleep because of the hard work of the tan-skinned man.

"I don't know if this information will help you with the investigation, but the information is related to the person who ordered Fredy to move the material to the valley and not use it to restore the mine."

Kevin was stunned. "So, it's true that there's someone who deliberately wanted to use the material for a certain purpose?"

"I'm not sure if it's because of a purpose or not, but yeah, someone indeed wanted to use the material to bury the valley."

Kevin's heart skipped a beat, and his face displayed a nervous look that couldn't be described. Kris also looked nervous, but he didn't dare to utter any words and just listened to the conversation in silence.

"Is it true that it's someone powerful in the country, Dad?"

That was the main point that made Kevin curious the most. Their investigation seemed to lead them to conclude that someone important in the country indeed had a connection with the case, but they still didn't know who that someone was.

Benjamin's face became more solemn upon hearing his son's question, and he looked hesitant for a moment before answering, "Yes. It's someone powerful in the country."

The pair of blue eyes widened upon hearing the confirmation. It was indeed a conspiration here. Someone who had an important role in the country was playing with fire all the time, and perhaps that someone was related to the smuggling case in Rodein too.

That would be a haste conclusion, but Kevin could see that possibility. All of this couldn't be a coincidence, right?

"Do you know who the person is, Dad?"

The identity of that person was the most important thing, and Kevin hoped that his father could enlighten him about the mysterious identity.

He patiently waited for his father's response, and his father looked nervous for a moment before answering, "My men told me that the one who ordered Fredy to do that was Jaden Dunn.. He is the vice leader of the Intelligence Agency."

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