The Blue Eyes

Chapter 211 - AZURE'S DAD

The apartment had been the silent witness of the brutal murder of the seven guards, and Kevin asked Kris to move to his biological parents' house again. Kris didn't have any objections, and they immediately moved to the house.

The house suffered from massive damage because of their fight with Mario Doxon during the last year's war. Kris had asked some people to repair the damage, and the house was ready to become their home once again.

Kevin looked like he had recovered from the pain his parents had caused him, and he seemed relaxed at home now. When Kris asked his lover if he should take down the family photo frame at home or not, his lover said that he wanted to keep those memories in his heart.

Kris was relieved that his lover finally had moved on from the past.

Kevin was currently in the study. Yes, the underground laboratory had been his study ever since they moved into the house two days ago. Kris, as the most ideal lover in the world, had helped with the renovation of the laboratory. Now, the previously dull and dusty laboratory turned into a sophisticated laboratory for Kevin.

Now Kevin was busy. Yes, he was busy daydreaming.

Yes, he did daydream because he didn't do anything and just rested his chin on his palm. His eyes looked blank as he stared at the empty table. He had been busy daydreaming.

And even when someone entered the laboratory and walked over toward him, the young scientist didn't budge at all.

The newcomer was Kris, and he seemed to have realized that his lover was daydreaming right now. Grinning evilly, he tiptoed as he continued his steps towards his lover. He was about to surprise Kevin from behind, but he froze when he heard his lover's words.

"I know that you are there, Kris."

Kris's naughty plan was failed, and he scoffed irritatedly. Kevin seemed to be busy with his mind, but he still managed to notice his presence.

Sighing in disappointment, Kris then sat himself down on the stool next to his lover. "What are you thinking about, Kev? I'm sure you didn't even hear me when I opened the door earlier, right?"

There was another thing that changed from the laboratory's arrangement, and it was related to the fingerprint scanner on the horizontal door. They still used the same old fingerprint scanner, but they added Kris's fingerprints to the database. That was why Kris could open the door freely without needing to wait for his lover to open the door for him.

"I'm thinking about AZURE," Kevin responded.

Kris had expected the response, so he didn't look surprised. "I know you've been missing your son, but you shouldn't forget to rest, Kev. It's already midnight, you know?"

Kevin turned his head stiffly toward Kris. His chin still rested on his palm as he asked, "AZURE is just my son and not yours? Should I go look for AZURE's dad out there?"

Kris just realized that he had dug his own grave. "No!" He immediately shouted. "AZURE is our son, okay? You don't need to find another father for him."

Kevin rolled his eyes. Kris was always like that.

No one spoke again after Kris denied Kevin's idea, and the latter's mind seemed to be occupied by something again. Kris was curious. There seemed to be a lot going on in his lover's little head.

"You can always tell me if you need anything, Kev."

Kris didn't have the mind reader power, so he could only guess that his lover was worried about something.

Kevin turned his head to his lover and was about to open his mouth to speak, but suddenly his phone on the table vibrated. He swallowed his intention and shifted his gaze to the phone.

His right hand grabbed the sophisticated object, and he could see his adoptive father's name on the transparent screen.

"It's my father."

Hearing his lover's words, Kris's hazel eyes widened.

"Answer the call immediately, Kev. Don't let him wait."

Kris sounded panicked, and Kevin chuckled at the adorable reaction of his lover. Probably Kris was still afraid of his father.

Not wanting to make his father wait any longer, Kevin immediately pressed the icon to answer the call and brought the object to his ear.

"Yes, Dad? Why did you call me in the middle of the night? Do you need something?"

It was already midnight, so Kevin was puzzled because his father called him at this time.

"Did I disturb your rest, Kevin?"

"It's not like that, Dad. I haven't slept yet, and I was just worried because you suddenly called me. Nothing bad happened, right, Dad?"

Kevin couldn't help but worry about the safety of his adoptive parents. The incident that happened at the apartment still haunted him, and he couldn't help but worry about his adoptive parents.

Steve had hired some new men based on Kris's order, and Kris assigned the two of the new men to guard Kevin's parents' house in secret. Yes, they had to do it secretly because they didn't want the parents to feel worried about the situation.

Kris seemed to notice his lover worried expression, and he stretched out his hand to rub his lover's shoulder. Kevin glanced at him and flashed a small smile to assure his lover that he was alright.

"Nothing bad happened, Kev. Your mother is sleeping soundly now, and I'm calling you not because something bad happened. I just want to inform you about something, and I'm just too eager that I can't wait until tomorrow to let you know. I'm sorry."

His father just gave him a long explanation, and Kevin could heave a sigh of relief because his parents were unharmed.

"Don't be sorry, Dad. I'm perfectly fine with your call, so you don't need to feel guilty," Kevin responded. "But, what information do you want to share with me, Dad?"

The worry in his heart was replaced by curiosity as he waited for his father's answer.

"I've found the information related to the buried valley in Chilad, Kev."

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