The Blue Eyes

Chapter 218 - A BIRTHDAY PARTY

Kevin was confused. Blue didn't mince words at all and immediately asked something he was avoiding.

He and Kris had agreed to take Jack and Blue off the investigative mission for their safety, but now that the blue-eyed girl was suddenly asking that question, he didn't know how to avoid it anymore.

The young scientist didn't say anything, but Kris seemed to be able to sense his lover's concern. "Turn on the speakers and let me talk to Blue, Kev," he ordered his lover tenderly.

Kevin glimpsed at Kris, and the latter nodded at the former to assure that he would be the one who talked to his niece.

Kevin appreciated his lover's understanding, and he smiled at his lover before turning on the speakers.

"I see you're very excited to continue our investigation, Blue," Kris finally spoke to his niece. "But maybe we can rest now since we've been working hard lately. You still remember that next week is my birthday, right? How about you prepare a party for me at the orphanage? We should reward ourselves with a small party."

Kevin looked startled when he heard his lover's statement. Kris could even guess what Blue said just now, and what surprised him the most was the fact that next week was his lover's birthday! He almost forgot about that because of his foggy mind!

Kris noticed his gaze, and he smiled while peeping at his shocked lover.

"You want to have a birthday party in this situation, Uncle? Are you sure about that?"

Blue's voice was heard again, and the two men glanced at each other.

"What's wrong with a birthday party, Blue?" Kevin chimed in. "The atmosphere has been so tense, and I think we need to relax. Don't you want to do it for your uncle?"

Kevin's help was quite helpful because Blue hurriedly answered, "I will prepare a birthday party for uncle, Brother! We will have a party with the kids and maybe we can invite your parents and also Sister Julia, right, Brother?"

Blue sounded so excited, and both Kevin and Kris chuckled. Their plan to distract the smart girl was a big success.

"You can prepare for my birthday party later, but now you have to focus on your school, Blue. Your brother needs to focus on his work as well, so we can continue talking about it later, alright?" Kris stated as he glanced at the said brother.

Kevin smiled at him, and the next thing he heard was Blue immediately agreed with the tanned man's idea. Without further ado, the blue-eyed girl bid goodbye before hanging up the phone call.

The raven-haired male could heave a sigh of relief while shoving the phone into his pants pocket again.

"You managed to use your birthday as an excuse, huh?" Kevin questioned the taller man, and the man chuckled as a response.

"I just have a feeling that you would forget my birthday, so I only reminded you about it."

Kris was being sneaky, and it was Kevin's turn to laugh softly. "Do you think I would forget your birthday if you didn't remind me about it earlier?"

Kevin indeed almost forgot about Kris's birthday, but he still dared to argue with his lover. His pride was still high as the blue sky.

"Alright," Kris replied. "Of course you would remember, but maybe you wouldn't prepare a birthday party for me if I didn't request for it. Perhaps you would just gift me two can of beer on my birthday."

It was time for them to feel nostalgic. Last year on Kevin's birthday, Kris gifted him two can of beer instead of a birthday cake or normal birthday present. Now Kris brought up the topic again, and Kevin couldn't help but think that his lover was shameless.

"I won't gift you two can of beer, but I will gift you two bottles of water instead. I'm sure you will like it."

Kris laughed out loud because of his lover's sarcasm. "I don't care about the gift from you, Kev," he replied in between his laughter. "I just want you to stay by my side. My birthday this year will be the best birthday for me."

Kris suddenly sounded solemn, and Kevin gazed at him lovingly. It would be the first time for them to celebrate Kris's birthday, and he was curious about how the taller man celebrated his birthday in the past.

He was curious, but he didn't want to ask his lover about it. Kris probably would say that he used to celebrate his birthday alone, and that would be hurtful for both of them.

Perhaps they should stay away from the past and started making new memory together. The past when they were both lonely was not important when they already had each other right now.

"Anyway, Kris," Kevin spoke again, and he sounded serious this time. "Even if we managed to deceive Blue for not continuing our investigation now, but I want us to continue the investigation secretly. Just the two of us."

It was indeed a serious conversation again, and Kris's face turned solemn as well. "I agree with you," he replied. "But, what do you want to do next? I will follow your idea."

Kevin smiled while bringing his gaze to the front again. "I will ask Julia to arrange a meeting with Mrs. Hasler. I want to talk to her personally."

The tan-skinned man frowned upon hearing his lover's statement. "You want to meet Mrs. Hasler? But I thought you would continue to question your parents about her."

"That was my original plan," Kevin answered. "But I think I need to hear Mrs. Hasler's version of the story. I want to be more objective regarding the matter related to her, Kris."

Kevin was quite mature. His foster parents indeed said something bad about the head of the Intelligence Agency, but he still wanted to hear out Grace Hasler's story as well.

"And we should continue investigating someone else too, Kris.. I think this person is not just a simple person as well."

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