The Bodyguard System

Chapter 2:General Meepers

The road tapered off. Long ago, this had been a hotspot for illicit trades, a haven for anything illegal. The SUV drove on, despite knowing this knowledge.

The unmanaged grass waved with the small breeze, further occupying the front that the area was deserted. A large complex came into view, a run-down building.

The lady came out, kneeling at the gates, "Symbolum Unitatis, Hoc unitum stabit." She kneeled there, waiting for the answer to come.

"Enter." A gravelly voice rasped, "Colonel, what news do you bring?" An ancient man sat upon a throne just inside the gate. His image flickered, the visible heat came off from him in waves.

"Good news sire. This child needs to join the squad. His temperament is decent, but his body is far beyond what it should be. Name's Ren, and he's ten. I suggest eight years." Reported the lady, "Make his training the harshest Meepers. He's powerful."

Meepers brought a shaky hand to his chin, rubbing it thoughtfully. "Granted, but I will teach him personally."

"Sire, thank you." She teared up, "Your kindness knows no bounds."

A bit later

"Uggh!" Ren groaned. His head hurt like he'd drunk too much wine. Ren once had drunk too much wine unknowingly and felt just like this. He'd only later found out it was wine, causing him a fear of wine and alcoholic beverages.

Ren struggled to get up, clenching his fists and testing his body out. Ren looked around, he was in a plain white room there wasn't anything in sight, 'prison huh?' he thought.


'Welcome to the Bodyguard System'

'Name: Ren'

'Status: Awoken'

'Area: Unkown'

'Speak aloud or in mind {Menu Open} to open the menu.'

"Umm, what?" Asked Ren, "Bodyguard System? I just killed children, and I'm supposed to guard them?"


'Question Received'

'Answer: Divine beings wished for you to learn lessons, and understand the importance of life.'


"Hmm, fair point..." Ren responded thoughtfully, "Menu Open."



Name: Ren

Age: 10

Status: Awakened

Bodyguard Reputation: None

Bodyguard Points (BP): None



Power: 100/1000

Speed: 200/1000

Agility: 130/1000

Intelligence: 10/1000

Flexibility: 20/1000 (Based on both physicality and intellectual flexibility)

Situational Awareness: 7/1000



Weapons: ()

Armour: ()

Misc: ()

Skills: ()

Abilities: ()

Weapon Creator: (0)

Armour Creator: (0)

Misc Creator: (0)



Titles: Cold-Blooded Killer (CBK), Poor Orphan (PO), Military Officer (MO)

Weapons: ()

Armour: ()

Skills: ()

Abilities: ()


"Wow, that's a lot..." Ren thought aloud, "System, is there a way to pull up a specific menu?"


'Question Received'

'Answer: Menu (Specific bar) Open.'

"Menu Inventory Open..." Ren spoke hesitantly. Seeing that it worked, he rejoiced, jumping up and down happily to the chagrin of his legs. "Oww" He cried in agony, "That hurts!"

"Wait..." A thought popped unbiddenly into Ren's mind, "What are you, and why me? Other than divine... Oh yea, Divine intervention..." His own question was answered by the system before he'd asked it. "Oh well, time to..."


A hidden door slammed open, six men in black rushed into the room like a swat team. Two stood at the door, holding Ak47's and the other four stood guard on Ren.

"Good job boys." The gruff praise came from a large man looking to be in his thirties. The man had a grey beard and a huge muscular frame. Ren goggled at the sheer unit of a man he was.

"My name's Meepers, young man, and I'm going to be your general." His eyes shifted to Ren warily, "When I say run, you say how far. When I say duck, you duck, and when I say jump, you say how high!"

"When I say run a hundred laps around this room what do you say?" He started to scream, "You say 'Yes Sir General Meepers!' And nothing more!"

"Run 500 laps around the room!" He screamed, spittle flying at Ren.

"Yes, sir General Meepers." Ren cried half-heartedly, rolling his eyes as he started to run.

"Don't you sass me!" Came the yell, with a swift kick to Ren's already sore buttocks. "Get moving! After you're done, do the same number of pushups, situps, and galic burpees!"

"Yes, sir General Meepers" Sighed Ren, earning himself another kick.

"Yes, sir General Meepers!" Cried Ren, trying to be enthusiastic to not earn another kick. Unfortunately, he didn't do so fast enough, causing his eyes to tear up from the boot.

"Yes, sir General Meepers!" Yelled Ren, having enough of the wallops.

"Good." Meepers nodded, smiling masochistically, "You will be doing this for a week, then we will double it up."

"By the time these eight years are up, you'll be doing billions a day!" Cackled Meepers, "And don't forget school! Ooh! Including a few suicide squad missions!"

These next few years were torturous for Ren, who doggedly kept up the performance. On many occasions, he saved his squadmates from certain death, giving him lots of merits and awards.

Due to his criminalistic background, Ren's awards were withheld until he was to be discharged from the squad. Days turned into years, and soon, eight years rolled by.

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