The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 1067: Once again, the title mother and everything are floating clouds

"Of course it is, because my ability is what you gave me. Without you, there would be no child, so it is the child of the two of us." Shen Qi said seriously.

Lin Luo was speechless, he felt that Shenqi's remarks were a bit confusing.

It’s like Nuwa created a man, created a pair of men and women, and then the couple gave birth to a child. Although the life of the man and woman was given by Nuwa, she has nothing to do with the birth of that child. So, although that For men and women, they can be regarded as Nüwa's children, but their children obviously can't be said to be Nüwa's children... Why does it feel a bit confusing?

Of course, if the couple think that there would be no them without Nvwa, it is because Nvwa gave them life that allowed them to have a child, so that child can be regarded as Nvwa’s child... It makes sense.

However, it is only emotionally speaking.

Obviously, Shenqi’s current thinking circuit is based on emotions. Perhaps for her, the unborn child is not only a child, but also her spiritual sustenance, whether she is a witch, she is destined. For her lonely life, or the waiting for thousands of years, she needs a kind of expectation to go on. That's why she thinks so stubbornly.

Lin Luo understood this, so he didn't say anything any more. Since Shenqi thinks so, then he is rarely confused for a while, and besides, this is not a bad thing.

"Speaking of which, when will the child be born?" Lin Luo asked about this not important but interesting question.

Shenqi shook her head, "I'm not sure about this. After all, I have just learned your abilities and haven't fully mastered it. Creating a life is not an overnight thing, but I will work hard, and I have already figured out the name of the child. Up."

"Oh, what's your name?"



"Alice." Shen Qi repeated it again, looking at Lin Luo's weird face, she couldn't help but asked in confusion, "Is there any problem?"

Lin Luo patted his head like a headache, and said, "There is no problem, but... how did you come up with this name?"

"Because this name makes me feel beautiful, just like a fairy tale, doesn't it?" Shen Qi asked back, with a natural expression on her face.

Lin Luo nodded secretly. Indeed, the name Alice is not uncommon, but the reason why it became popular is because a certain fairy tale has gradually become one of the most popular and common girl names in the Western world. At the same time, countless There are also a lot of girls named Alice appearing in cultural works. Even if there is no one hundred, there are eighty... It is not surprising that Shenqi can think so, after all, everyone has their own fairy tale in their heart.

And at this time Lin Luo also understood that in the future, when he first saw Shenqi, Shenqi would say the reason why he became Alice's father. As for the special features of Alice, it is probably based on this.

After all, for emotional people, feelings are more than everything in many cases.

However, regarding Alice's question, it is too early to make a conclusion. Anyway, one thing is doomed, and that is...In any case, he will have one more daughter who is not related by blood.

Is this a good thing or a good thing or a good thing?

"How about this name?" Shen Qi couldn't help asking when seeing Lin Luo not responding.

Lin Luo was thinking about how to get along with the mother and daughter Shenqi Alice when she returned to the future. After hearing her question, she didn't think about it, and said casually, "Alice, this name is not bad. , But I think Megatron seems more relevant."

"Megatron?" Shen Qi frowned, "It would be embarrassing for a girl to take such a second name... But since you said it, then I will refer to it. If I give birth to a girl in the future, I will be called Aili. Silk, if it's a boy...reluctantly, it's Megatron."

"..." Lin Luo finally reacted at this time, but he didn't know what to say anymore.


Lin Luo and Shenqi's underground relationship went smoothly. Although Youxiang and Xiaozi occasionally noticed the ugliness in their eyebrows, but after all, they never thought that they had done lustful things, and then another one was relatively smooth. It was Xiao Zi...Based on her aptitude far beyond genius, one week later, she finally reached the realm of the rule level.

In just a few months, she had grown from an unknown little demon to a high-level demon. Although this was inseparable from Lin Luo's careful teaching, she had to admit that her talent was enough to surprise anyone.

Because monsters and humans are different in their living conditions, the forms of their regular powers are also different. Xiao Zi did not acquire a special ability like Lin Luo and the walkers he knew, but was activating the source. At the same time, directly integrate her rule power into the realm.

In other words, Xiao Zi is now a real realm controller.

Of course, the mystery of the realm is endless. With Xiaozi's current power, it is impossible to completely control the realm. At most, she only knows a little bit of fur. But even so, she has been able to overturn the facts to a certain extent and has the ability to challenge the lord. Qualifications for level monsters.

However, it is only qualified. If she really fights against a lord-level monster, the probability of her defeat is more than ninety-nine percent... You know, almost any lord is above the peak of the spiritual level.

Lin Luo was surprised and delighted at the rapid progress of Xiao Zi, even he did not expect that Xiao Zi could reach this speed in such a short period of time, so he touched her head and praised her.

Xiao Zi enjoyed this kind of head-touching movement, and suddenly smirked.

If there is a good thing, there must be a bad thing. Although Lin Luo and Xiaozi are going well here, Shenqi and Youxiang are in trouble. Shenqi’s trouble is that she cannot use creation. Although this rule can already be used, how to apply it to creating life is a huge problem.

In theory, before reaching the heavenly level, the rules of creation cannot create life at all, but Shenqi is not the same. Her creation of life is not created out of thin air, but instead uses creation to counter the world’s rejection of her and make her renew Possess the fertility ability to achieve her goal.

But the key difficulty is also this process of transformation. For this reason, during this period of time, she has been shutting herself in the room and thinking alone, but the situation is not very optimistic.

Of course, Lin Luo is not very worried about Shenqi’s situation. After all, Shenqi has a lot of knowledge, and as a witch, she has lived alone in the wilderness for decades. In order to be able to successfully refine a medicine, she can It took a few years to show how strong her patience is.

Now it's only a few days, and there will be no psychological burden at all.

The person who really cares about Lin Luo is Youxiang.

You Xiang knows that in terms of talent and understanding, she is far inferior to Xiao Zi, so after the common practice is over, she will practice quietly alone, almost every day, after Xiao Zi falls asleep, she will run to compare He did not return until dawn, and the effort he put in was at least twice that of Xiao Zi... None of these Xiao Zi knew about it, but Lin Luo saw it in his eyes.

It’s just that although Youxiang worked hard enough, her gains were pitiful. In this more than a month, not to mention reaching the rule level, even the feeling of the rules is getting weaker and weaker. From the beginning, she was able to Easily enter the realm of rules to explore, and now, it is quite difficult for her to even enter the realm of rules.

More hard work than anyone else, more serious than anyone else, but in exchange for not a little progress, but a regression...This kind of thing, no one can accept it.

Therefore, after learning that Xiao Zi had successfully promoted to the rule level, although Youxiang was sincerely happy for her friends, Lin Luo could still see her anxiety and panic in her eyes.

Late that night, Lin Luo got up from the bed and quietly checked the room where the two girls were resting. Sure enough, there was only Xiao Zi in it, not You Xiang.

After leaving the house, Lin Luo followed Youxiang’s breath and looked for him. Before long, he saw him in a small wood...Under a big tree, Youxiang squatted with his arms, his head buried in his knees. On, she was motionless, faintly making people feel her loneliness and depression.

Lin Luo leaned forward calmly, until he walked to the girl's side, he didn't speak, "Sit here alone to watch the moon? By the way, the air tonight is good."

Hearing the sound, You Xiang raised her head fiercely, revealing a pair of red eyes. Seeing Lin Luo, she was shocked: "Master! You... why did you come to this place?"

Youxiang does not have red eyes, but her eyes are red at the moment. It is obvious that she has cried, but Lin Luo knows that her self-esteem is very strong, and she will not easily show her weak side in front of others, not to say it is broken, not to say it is. She came here because she was worried. Instead, she sat down, looked up at the starry sky, and said with a relaxed expression: "I just came out for a night tour. I didn't expect you to be here."

"Yes... It turned out to be a night tour." You Xiang smiled, feeling a little relieved, and then staring at the sky while Lin Luo's gaze, she quickly wiped her eyes with her sleeve.

In this silent night sky, the half moon in the sky seemed very clear and beautiful. Lin Luo seemed to be fascinated by the beauty. He never looked away or spoke, just sitting there and enjoying it quietly.

Although Youxiang's personality is very generous, it is only in ordinary circumstances, and at the moment she has things on her mind, and at the same time she does not want to let others know, so that her mind is heavy and she is somewhat uncomfortable.

"Xiao Zi is really this genius." Just as Youxiang felt restless, Lin Luo suddenly spoke.

Hearing these words, You Xiang was taken aback for a while, and it took a long time before she came back to her senses, and nodded slowly.

"I have always believed that there will be a protagonist in every era, and luck is in time. If I guess right, Xiao Zi is undoubtedly the protagonist of this era, and as the protagonist, there will obviously be something unique. , Thinking about it this way, it's not surprising that Xiao Zi's progress is so fast."

"..." You Xiang didn't speak, but just listened to Lin Luo's words, her heart became heavier, if Xiao Zi is really the protagonist, then what is she? Supporting role? It doesn't matter if you are just a supporting role, but...

Lin Luo didn't look at her, and continued: "With Xiaozi's aptitude, he will definitely be able to achieve extremely high achievements in the future, and even my master will be surpassed..."

Yes, Xiao Zi's future is limitless. No one can doubt that it is enough to stand on top of himself, but what about himself? I have been walking in place, even starting to back up, is this really okay?

Thinking of this, You Xiang clenched her fists tightly. She seemed to be able to see that someday in the future, Xiao Zi would stand on the top of the world and look down on the earth, while she was standing on the ground looking up at the invisible peak. , The monster who fought side by side with Xiao Zi was the same powerful monster as her, and he could only watch from a distance, something like, absolutely not!

Thinking of this kind of future, Youxiang couldn't help feeling fear. If she couldn't move on, she would lose everything, so she must move forward, but...

"But the world is so big, is there really only one protagonist?" At this moment, Lin Luo suddenly turned his head, looked at her, and asked.

"Eh?!" You Xiang recovered from the hypothesis, with a face full of puzzlement.

Lin Luo smiled slightly, then stretched out his hand, and a black flame suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand. The next moment, Lin Luo sprinkled the black flame forward, and only heard a crash, the space in front of him was instantly burned.

You Xiang was stunned. Although he had seen the power of Lin Luo Heiyan a long time ago, he didn't expect that even the space could be burned.

Lin Luo said: "This black flame is my strongest offensive ability. It can not only instantly burn life, but also space and time, and even the existence of things. Do you think it is strong or not?"

Youxiang nodded instinctively.

"So, do you know how I got this black flame?"

Seeing Lin Luo's serious expression, Youxiang suddenly felt that his intention was not as simple as a night tour, but at this moment she didn't think about it, but shook her head, "I don't know."

"Then do you want to know?" Lin Luo asked.

You Xiang suddenly froze. After a while, she nodded heavily, "Thinking."

Lin Luo nodded, and then solemnly said: "I have never told anyone about this, even my closest person, but now I tell you, the thing that allows me to get this power... …It’s death!"

"Death?" Youxiang exclaimed.

"Yes, although death in the spiritual world does not really die, the trauma to the soul is extremely huge, and every death is more painful than death in reality, and the price of this power is my 1732 deaths in the spiritual world."

"This..." You Xiang was shocked, and could no longer speak.

"The reason why I tell you this is to let you know that I am not a genius, because a genius will not work so hard. To get this power depends on my endless efforts and the persistence to never give up. Even if my hard work and persistence were not rewarded at the beginning, in the end, I still succeeded."

"Then, what I want to ask is...Like me, you who are also not a genius, do you plan to give up?"

Lin Luo stared at You Xiang with scorching eyes, and said.

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