The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 1068: You are truly powerful... isn't it here?

give up? Do not! Youxiang shook her head. She never gave up these two words in her dictionary, and she never gave up the idea, but the question now is not whether to give up or not, but that she can't move forward at all.

"When you think in your heart that you can't move forward, you actually have the idea of ​​giving up, but you didn't realize it, or didn't dare to admit it." Lin Luo said with a straight face.

You Xiang was stunned, and instinctively wanted to refute, but she could not say a word with her mouth open... She had already realized that she had never been so discouraged before, even if she was looked down upon by everyone. I have never stopped practicing myself, but what about now?

Sitting here crying alone like a bereaved dog, isn't it just giving up to yourself?

Thinking of this, Youxiang couldn't help but lower his head in shame.

Lin Luo touched her head and smiled slightly, "Giving up is not a shameful thing, just like people crying and laughing, if there is persistence, there must be giving up. This is human nature. Even if it is I have also had the idea of ​​giving up in the face of desperation several times. Of course, that was not really wanting to give up, but just like you, thinking that I can no longer move forward."

Hearing these words, You Xiang raised her head fiercely, her eyes full of expectation, "Then how did Master move forward?"

"Persevere!" Lin Luo solemnly spit out two words and said, "Take my black inflammation as an example. After more than a dozen deaths, my heart is gradually covered by despair. With each death, It made me feel almost numb, thinking that I could not get this power at all, but at that time I had no retreat, and there was only a dead end if I didn’t move forward, so I continued to persevere... At that time, I never thought that I could persevere. More than 1,700 times, I only know that without the persistence at that time, there would be no me who I am now."

While talking, Lin Luo patted Youxiang on the shoulder and stood up and said to her: "In a person's life, there will be countless setbacks, and because of various fetters, the road ahead will be full of thorns, and sometimes it will make you even more troublesome. The pain is too hard to move, and the heart is desperate, but are we really willing to give up?"

"Not willing!" You Xiang shook his head fiercely.

"Yes, just unwilling! We can admit our weakness and weakness in the face of setbacks and difficulties, because that is not shameful, because weakness is our nature, but we must never bow our heads in the face of setbacks and difficulties, let alone stop. Footsteps, because...we are still alive, we must move forward!"

"You must move forward if you are alive..." Listening to Lin Luo's words, Youxiang's eyes widened. Although she didn't quite understand the meaning of this sentence, she was inspired by this sentence, yes, As long as you are alive, nothing can stop growth.

At this moment, Youxiang felt a lot more relaxed in her heart, and she finally understood that the reason why Lin Luo came here was obviously not a night tour.

Standing in the moonlight, looking at the tall figure on the opposite side, Youxiang's heart throbbed, her lips murmured, and then she threw herself into Lin Luo's arms and burst into tears.

She was crying not because of sadness and pain, but because she was moved by care, and because she finally had someone to rely on and talk to.

For a long time, Youxiang has set up a door in her heart. Her weak side is shut inside the door. No one can reach that door, and no one can open that door. Therefore, outsiders can All I saw was her who was always strong, and the name of that door was... self-esteem!

Because of her strong self-esteem, Youxiang will not show her weakness to anyone, even her closest friends, but at this moment, the door of self-esteem is slowly opened.

Of course, this does not mean that Youxiang gave up her self-esteem, but because Lin Luo, as an elder, as a master, showing a weak side in front of him does not affect her self-esteem.

The girl's tears covered her clothes. Lin Luo looked at her crying bitterly, and didn't say anything to comfort her, just stroked her head and waited quietly.

He knows that Youxiang’s self-esteem is extremely strong, and generally speaking, the stronger the self-esteem, the greater the inferiority complex. He was born in Kusano, and was looked down upon since he was a child. Only when such a young Xiang faces mystery of birth can he prevail over anything. Xiao Zi Shi, who is above genius, will not prevent the two from becoming true friends, but it will inevitably make You Xiang feel ashamed.

This is human nature, just like the short, rich and handsome in reality, even if Gao Fushuai doesn’t look down on the short, rich and handsome, and sincerely makes friends with him, but wearing a torn clothes, the short and the poor are as brilliant as tall, rich and handsome. Can a palace-like home really stand up?

Can't it!

When Gao Fushuai and his other friends were talking about spending tens of thousands of dollars in pocket money today, Xiaozuoqiong touched the only 30 cents in his pocket. Can he really remain indifferent?

Can't it!

The situation of Youxiang and Xiaozi is similar to this. If they are in an era of peace, whether they are strong or weak does not have much to do with whether they can become friends, but now it is a chaotic era of the weak and the strong. I don't mind the strength of the other party, but the reality does not move forward according to their will.

Only the strong can stand beside the strong, and the weak can only watch from a distance.

Therefore, when Xiao Zi walked farther and farther on the road of the strong, she began to stagnate or even regress. Her inferiority complex that has been hidden well will inevitably occur, but her strong self-esteem She won't let her bow her head, so she just got into the tip of the horn, sinking deeper and deeper, and completely lost herself.

In other words, it is precisely because of the deep bond between Youxiang and Xiaozi that she feels anxious and panicked about her stagnation. If she is the only one and has no worries, then at best it will take time.

Lin Luo is not a psychologist, but after experiencing so many things, he can still see this, but although he understands Youxiang's psychological secrets, he will not tell them.

After a while, You Xiang probably finally had enough crying, got out of Lin Luo's arms, and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with her sleeves.

"Sorry, Master, I worried you." After a while, You Xiang raised her head. Although her eyes were a little red and swollen, the haze on her face was not as deep as before.

Lin Luo nodded and said, "Since you have realized your weakness, then you should consider how to defeat your weakness...what is it that bothers you?"

If it was before, Youxiang would definitely not say it, but chose to fight it alone, but now after being enlightened by Lin Luo, she no longer trumpeted her horns and truthfully stated her situation.

Of course, when it comes to terms, it is actually the rule force. Lin Luo also asked knowingly. The reason why he asked is that the answer is not the point. The important thing is to let Young Xiang say it in person.

After listening to Youxiang, Lin Luo was silent for a while, and then said in her expectant eyes: "You said you can’t comprehend the power of rules because you have no talent. Maybe this is correct, because the power of rules is not everyone. It can be learned, and some people can't master the rules even after exhausting their lives..."

Hearing this, You Xiang’s hope that had just arisen was instantly extinguished, her face full of despair, but before she could speak, Lin Luo turned her words, "However, this world is not only limited by rules, three One hundred and sixty lines, the best in the line, some people, even if they do not rely on the power of the rules, they can still reach the peak."

"Don't rely on rules?" You Xiang was stunned, she had never thought about this.

Lin Luo didn't answer, but turned around, facing the direction where their hut was, and pointed to the straight path, "We all walked this way. If we go back, naturally we have to go this way. But..." The next moment, Lin Luo stretched out his hand and waved, the billowing black flame spilt forward, burning down the path in an instant.

Looking back at You Xiang, who was already dumbfounded, Lin Luo smiled and asked, "Now this road is gone, can't we go back to our cabin?"

"This..." You Xiang was taken aback, and instinctively looked to his side.

Lin Luo nodded, "Yes, even if this road is gone, we can still climb the mountain next to us and return to our house. Even if there is no road to the mountain next to us, we can still fly over from the sky. Since you know all of this, So is there any confusion in the process of cultivating?"

Youxiang's eyes lit up, and she vaguely felt that she had caught something.

Lin Luo waved his hand again to restore the mountain road to normal, and then said: "As the saying goes, all roads lead to Rome. Since the rule of law does not work, then you can change the way. Your feet are not broken, just step out. , That is a path, your hands are also on your body, only hard work, may not be able to create a piece of your own world!"

Listening to these words, Youxiang instinctively looked at her hands and feet. At this moment, she suddenly thought of her previous self... before she was alone, and the difficulties and dangers encountered were greater than now, so she didn't rely on her own. Did you come here with your hands and feet!

Seeing Youxiang’s brighter and brighter expression, Lin Luo knew that she had realized something, and smiled in her eyes, saying: “The most important point is that everyone has their own strengths, and only finds it. , That's the real power, and what I want to ask is...Do you know where your real power is?"

"What is my real strength?" You Xiang was a little confused, what is his real strength? power? Demon power? Still working hard? No, these are not.

My real strength should be...

At this moment, Lin Luo stretched out his hand and pressed his fist gently against her chest, "Isn't it here?"

From the touch of her chest, Youxiang felt the beating of her heart, and then looked at Lin Luo's trustful expression. At this moment, she finally understood what her true strength was.

For an instant, she felt like she could see a sunny day by pulling out the clouds and mist.

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