The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 1069: To embark on his own path, this is Youxiang's determination!

The strength of the mind is the real strength. When You Xiang understands this, she also asks herself, is her mind strong enough?

No one can help her answer this question, because her heart belongs to her only, and only she knows it, but... You Xiang clenched her fist tightly, with a confident expression on her face.

There is no need for an answer at all, as long as you believe in yourself, that is the strongest!

"Master, I finally understand, thank you for coming here to enlighten me." Thinking of this, You Xiang said to Lin Luo loudly, no more haze on his face.

Lin Luo nodded, "Now that I have figured it out, what should I do next, do you have a clue?"

"This... I didn't expect it." You Xiang immediately scratched his head and said embarrassedly.

Lin Luo didn’t mind, after all, it’s just such a little time. It’s good for You Xiang to get rid of the psychological barrier. It’s a fantasy to ask her to come up with a cultivation method at the same time, so she said, “Since we have already reached this point. , Then I will give you another hint."


Lin Luo stretched out his hand, lit her head, and then pointed at herself, "You and I are not geniuses, but we also have things that geniuses don’t, and more importantly...we are all combat-oriented. Do you understand it?"

"Practical type..." These three words made Youxiang stunned and couldn't help but think of the past experience. It was an unbearable past with blood and tears, but at the same time it was also a memory that made people heartbeat, time and time again. In the battle of life and death, every time I came back with a scarred body, and sometimes I reached the edge of life and death, even I thought it was impossible to live anymore. I just don’t want to recall such a painful experience, but... it is because of it. Only with that kind of experience can she grow little by little.

He, without a doubt, transformed in the battle!

Because of fighting, I become stronger, and because I will become stronger, I am eager to fight.

Ah, it turned out to be so.

At this time, Youxiang finally understood that the strongest thing has always been in her hands, and the road to the strongest has always been under her feet. So, since when did she forget all this?

No, not because she forgot, but because she found something more important.

The friendship that I thought I would never get. Since I was with Xiaozi, too many happy things have happened. Although many times I will encounter danger, but as long as two people are together, there is nothing to worry about. , I can laugh even when it is painful.

And the dependence that they thought was impossible to get. After meeting Lin Luo, they learned how to depend for the first time. It was also the first time to have a warm home, and it was the first time that they could sleep and play carefree. , Never have pain anymore, every day is an extremely happy day.

However, precisely because all of this was so beautiful, she couldn't help but forget it.

If you can maintain such a happy day forever, it doesn’t matter if you are an ordinary person, but this is impossible. The world is still turning and the chaotic era is not over. If there is not enough protection, such happiness will end. One day it will be lost.

Don't don't don't, don't want to lose anyway.

So, it's time to say goodbye to all of this.

In order to be surrounded by this happiness in the future, I...must give up my current happiness!

At this moment, Youxiang completely woke up, and finally realized what kind of path she should take in the future. Maybe it will be very hard, even full of pain and loneliness, but as long as she thinks of the happiness that can be held in her hands in the future, then The big pain doesn't matter.

As a result, Youxiang raised his head, staring at Lin Luo tightly, and said sternly: "Master, I have decided..."

Before she finished speaking, Lin Luo stretched out her hand to stop her from continuing, then turned around and walked towards the hut, and said as she walked: "You have decided what, don’t tell me, you don’t have to do anything you want. I report that although you are your master, you have no intention of restricting your life. As long as you think that is what you should do, then do it. Your path can only be taken by yourself."

"Master..." Seeing Lin Luo's fading back, Youxiang knew what it meant, couldn't help but moved, opened her mouth, but couldn't say what she wanted to say, only the tears in her eyes fell down the corners of her eyes. Spit out two words, "Thank you."


Half an hour later, Youxiang returned to their room, but she did not go back to sleep, but stood in front of her room and looked at the girl inside through the gap in the door.

After a while, Youxiang opened the door of the house and went to the courtyard outside, holding an umbrella in her hand and a baggage.

Turning around, Youxiang put the things in her hands on the ground, then knelt down on her knees, and slammed three heads against the room. When she raised her head, she said deeply: "Master, thank you for this time. If you take care of me, I would have died without you. I should have stayed by your side to repay your kindness, but I can’t do anything when I am weak, so...Thank you for understanding me. capricious."

"And Sister Shenqi, I don’t know what a witch is, or why people in this world hate witches so much. I only know that they care about me, care for me tenderly, and help me wash up my soiled clothes. You are the best sister, so please forgive me for leaving without saying goodbye."

"Finally, my best friend Xiao Zi, we promised to be together forever before, but I'm sorry, I have to leave now, I know if you tell you, you will stop me, so please forgive me for not keeping my promise ……You said that you want to build a Gensokyo where people or monsters, strong or weak can survive happily. Even though I still think your ideal is too absurd, I support it. Isn’t ideal what my friend should do?"

"So, I will work hard. Even if we are in different places, I will work hard for your ideals. I... I will end this chaotic era with my own hands. Get closer to that ideal."

"Trust me, I can do it. It's this kind of time that I need your trust. Then, when Gensokyo comes, all of us...are bound to be able to laugh."

When the farewell words are here, the girl's face is already covered with tears.

But even so, she still did not regret her decision. When she stood up, she wiped away the tears on her face, then took up her baggage, turned and walked towards the distant darkness... Never looked back, never hesitated , Never stopped, from now on, this endless road of battle is her destination.

Lin Luo leaned on the eaves of the window, gently opened the curtains, and looked at the night below through the glass of the window. Under the moonlight, a petite figure was stretched and moved away.

Lin Luo watched her leaving without saying anything, until the figure completely disappeared from his line of sight, he slowly raised his head, stared at the stars in the sky, and said softly: "This Bian... is about to start."


The next morning, Xiao Zi rushed to Lin Luo's room in a hurry. Before Lin Luo got up, he hit the door and entered. Then he pulled Lin Luo out of the quilt and exclaimed, "Master, it's not OK. , Youxiang is gone!"

Lin Luo probably hasn't woken up yet, rubbed his eyes, and said dazedly: "Oh, Youxiang is gone, what does this mean?"

"Of course it means literally!" Xiao Zi said loudly, her tone full of anxiety, "Every time before, Youxiang got up first, and then woke me up by the way, but this time when I woke up At that time, I didn’t see You Xiang. Originally I thought she forgot to call me or went to the bathroom, but after I got up, I couldn’t find her when I looked around. She...she really disappeared!"

"Then she may have gone to practice alone."

Xiao Zi shook her head and said: "It's impossible. I have found places where I can practice. I haven't even let them go behind, but I still can't find her."

Hearing this, Lin Luo's heart suddenly moved, because the back mountain that Xiao Zi said was the place where Youxiang quietly practiced, and Xiao Zi had even searched for this place. Could it be that...

"And most importantly, Youxiang’s umbrella is gone! She attaches great importance to that umbrella. She usually puts it in the easiest place to see, and she also said that she will carry it forever like a baby. But her umbrella is gone now...Master, You Xiang... Did You Xiang leave us?" After speaking, Xiao Zi red eyes with an expression about to cry.

Lin Luo sighed secretly and said: "Last night, I talked with Youxiang about cultivation, and then she said she was going to do something. I didn't ask her what she wanted to do, but if she really If you leave us, then it must have something to do with that... You are so close to her, you should know her better than me. Have you noticed anything special about her lately? Maybe there are any clues."

"Special place?" Xiao Zi couldn't help being stunned after hearing this. She was not clear about Youxiang's recent abnormal behavior. She was just worried about the other party's self-esteem and kept saying nothing, but if it is really related to this...


Suddenly, Xiao Zi thought of something not long ago, and her face changed drastically.

"Did you think of anything?" Lin Luo couldn't help asking.

But Xiao Zi didn't answer, but ran out of the room quickly, rushed out of the door, and flew towards the distance.

Xiao Zi thought of what You Xiang was going to do, but she didn't feel any excitement in her heart, but was full of fear.

No way! That thing can’t be done!

Will die, will definitely die!

At this moment, Xiao Zi had only one thought in her heart, and that was to stop You Xiang.

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