The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 181: The king's banquet opens, can I have a drink while I wait?

Spent in a very lively atmosphere in the second half of the night, to what extent is this lively? ... At least Lin Luo felt that if he could sleep peacefully for two hours, it would be a sacred and wonderful thing!

In short, for various reasons, Lin Luo did not get a little rest until the morning, and during this time, Little Saber volunteered to collect information... originally this kind of thing was like her "most "Strong Servant" will never do it, but there is really no way!

The hateful women in the room all treat her as a mascot. You touch your head, I pinch your face, and some people even want to take her clothes and take her to take a bath... This makes her the strongest. What's the love for the little Saber of "Servant"!

Little Saber discovered at this time that it turned out that being cute and popular is also a mistake, and she can't make mistakes again and again. Therefore, in order to avoid creating a psychological shadow, she did her part even for spying on the enemy, something that only scouts can do.

Although Lin Luo has long known the plot, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no unknown changes because of his chaotic entry. It is like the "rooted" evil of this world... Then, the little Saber is going to detect The enemy's situation is not bad, anyway, with her A++ concealment ability, as long as she is a little cautious, no hero will find her.

After Saber left, Lin Luo greeted everyone in the main hall, and then walked to the next room to sleep... Since he came out of Millennium City, he has hardly slept until now, even if he is returning to Winterwood City. On the tram, I just closed my eyes to rest my mind, and didn't dare to really fall asleep. Just kidding, with his character who would be shot while lying down, and the bad luck of being attacked by the mysterious uncle while walking on the road, how dare he sleep easily in a place that is not absolutely safe!

Although Lin Luo's current physique has far surpassed ordinary people, after all, he has not reached the level of ignoring the human body functions, so he was tired and tired, but he didn't wake up until night.

Then hurriedly ate dinner with everyone, not long after that, little Saber had already returned from outside.

To Lin Luo's surprise, Little Saber's enemy reconnaissance trip really yielded a lot of gains. There were three pieces of news he brought back. First: Last night, there was an explosion in the Hyatt Building in Fuyuki City, which caused a huge fire. Among them, Lancer's Master Kenneth disappeared, and his whereabouts are unknown so far.

Lin Luo was not surprised by this incident. The original culprit of the arson must have been Eimiya Kirishu. After all, these two were also the first to meet in the original work. Even though his appearance has caused some impact, Saber has been injured by Lancer. Before he defeats Lancer, Saber will not be able to regain his full strength. Then... Whether it is to maximize benefits or act according to the original plan, Wei Gong Chess will attack Kainas first.

However, although Kenneth was missing, it shouldn't be so simple to die, now it's probably in an abandoned factory in the suburbs.

The second news: The church announced that the Holy Grail War was temporarily suspended, and everyone first attacked Caster and his Master. Anyone who kills Caster can get a curse from the church.

There is nothing surprising about this. Although Rin and the others have attacked Caster’s Master Yusheng Ryunosuke before and rescued many people, but the people who died in the hands of these two love states before are no longer Less, this kind of thing, neither the church nor the Tosaka Toshimi will sit back and watch...

Then came the third news. At noon, Caster appeared in the Einzbern Forest 30 kilometers west of Fuyuki City, and was finally defeated by Saber and Lancer. The Master of the two knights was also in Einzbern. The castle fought, and the final result was that Kenneth was defeated, and Keiji Eomiya did not give up pursuing... Sure enough, the battle between these two guys continued.

Lin Luo knew all these pieces of information, and there was not much difference from the memory. The only difference was probably that the time was slightly different. It seems that his actions are still not big enough, and the butterfly effect caused is not obvious. Of course, or the mystery on him has not been fully revealed, those guys don't want to take the lead in dealing with themselves and not be the first bird.

But what really surprised Lin Luo was that the little Saber was able to collect so much information in just half a day, and its efficiency can be said to far exceed that of Assassin. After all, Assassin has multiple clones, it is easier to spy on the enemy, but little Saber has only one person.

"Little Saber, you really are the best scout." After digesting all this information, Lin Luo touched the little guy's head and praised sincerely.

"They are not scouts! They are the strongest Servant! Humph!" But the little Saber was obviously not satisfied with this position, and slapped Lin Luo's hand hard, saying indignantly.

"Hey, didn't you apply for this position on your own initiative?" Lin Luo deliberately put on a questioning expression, and occasionally molested this cute mascot, which is also very interesting.

"No, it's just because...huh?" Little Saber was stunned in the middle of speaking. She saw that Lin Luo's gaze had been looking out of the window somehow, so she subconsciously followed his gaze and looked outside. .

what is that?

Looking into the distance through the window, Lin Luo couldn't help but frown. Just now, he seemed to see a flash of thunder in the distance. Although it was only a short moment, it gave him a strong sense.

Thunder? How can there be thunder at this time? ...Lei Guang? Hmm... not right! It's a chariot! But now at night, what the stupid man of the King of Conquer wants to do in his mighty chariot, and that direction seems to be Einzbern...Ah!

Suddenly, Lin Luo slapped his head. He remembered that when the King of Conquer went to Einzbern Castle for the first time, there was a huge excitement!

However, it doesn't seem to be this day in memory? Could it be that because of your own random entry, other things haven't changed much, but this time span has begun to loosen up?

……do not care! Whether he is it or not, this Einzbern castle seems to have to go to the last time anyway, otherwise, if the excitement is missed, it will be a pity for a lifetime!

Thinking of this, Lin Luo's mouth made a playful smile, and then turned around and said to the two of them in the room: "Lily, Nero, it's time for us to drink."


From the bustling streets of Fuyuki City to the west for about 30 kilometers, there is an east-west national highway that traverses the inaccessible mountains far from the village. On both sides of this national highway is a dense forest. Legend has it that there is a mythical city in the deepest part of this dense forest.

This castle only welcomes the owner who enters the castle to participate in the war every sixty years. In short, it is a castle of magic. It is shrouded by multiple layers of illusion and magic enchantment, and will never be exposed except for extremely accidental circumstances, and is almost completely isolated from the outside world.

This is a strange space. People who know the existence of this castle call this dense forest Einzbern Forest.

At this moment, night once again descended on this mysterious forest. And in the Einzbern Castle in the depths of the forest... the night is still dark and quiet, but the traces of fierce fighting scattered around are still clearly visible.

Looking at the ruined castle, Alice Phil sighed and walked through the corridor. The castle that had been deliberately cleaned up before had become like this in less than two days, which she had never imagined.

Try to ignore this ruined scene, recalling the battle during the day, Alice Phil has lingering fears.

Not long ago, Caster, who had been wanted by the church, came to the Einzbern Forest and challenged Saber with more than a dozen underage children as hostages with extremely despicable and cruel means. Although the Knight King fought bravely, the girl who had fallen into the enemy's trap at the very beginning was caught in an extremely hard fight.

And immediately after Alice Phil and Keiji Eomiya's assistant, Hisou Maiya, also encountered a terrifying enemy-Yonmine Kirei. Even Eimiya Kirito had a fierce battle with Lancer's Master inside the castle, and the castle was damaged because of the battle between the two.

Fortunately, at a critical juncture, Lancer, who believes in the spirit of chivalry, helped Saber repel Caster, and then quickly returned to the defense, Saber scared off Yanfeng Qili, and rescued the two women who had been seriously injured and almost killed in time. . On the other hand, Lancer was eager to protect the lord and left the battle group because he sensed that Kenes was in a state of life and death. Instead of stopping Lancer, Saber took the initiative to make way for him, so that Lancer was rescued from Eomiya Kirito. Kenneth... I have to say, this is a chaotic, inexplicable, unclear, and messy battle.

Saber and Lancer, who believe in the same chivalry spirit, have a friendship that recognizes and trusts each other despite the hostile camps everywhere, but this friendship is extremely stupid for Keith Eimiya, and the relationship between the two The gap has grown, almost to the point where it is irreparable.

This is also natural. After all, one is a knight king who believes in chivalry and is upright and upright, while the other is a cold-blooded killer who has victory as the first goal. The combination of these two people is originally one. Kind of error. Otherwise, Kirishu Eimiya wouldn't let Alice Phil serve as Saber's acting Master from the beginning.

Alice Phil, who was still in a dying state half a day ago, has completely recovered at this moment. This is not because she is a human being, but because she has a scabbard in her body-Avalon.

Originally, if Saber were to carry this scabbard, the Knight King would definitely be invincible in this Holy Grail War, but Kiritugu Eomiya did not do this because he did not trust the victory in the hands of the Knight King. In other words, he did not trust the Knight King to bring him victory, and he trusted himself more than the upright Knight King.

Therefore, the safety of Alice Phil, who is both the Holy Grail container and Saber's agent Master, must fight on the front line is very important. So, without Saber's knowledge, Avalon was transplanted into her body by Kirishu Eomiya in a conceptually armed way.

However, this is very contradictory to Alice Phil. When she thinks that she is protected by Saber, she feels very sad for the badly injured Kuu Maiya. At the same time, she also has deep feelings for the girl of the Knight King. Guilty. But considering his importance in the Holy Grail War, there is no doubt that he must be protected first. This is an indisputable fact. I will feel heartache because my partner is badly hurt, and I can't help but say that this is my childish sadness.

Alice Phil sighed deeply while worrying about the "hostile" relationship between her husband and the Knight King. But at this moment, a roar suddenly sounded in her ears!

Not only that, the roar of the tearing night also put a huge burden on her magic circuit, and the dizziness almost made Alice Phil fall down the corridor.

The roar came from the thunder at close range, and the ensuing magical impact meant that the enchantment in the forest outside the city had been attacked. Although the enchantment was not so easy to destroy, the art had been destroyed.

"What's going on... a positive breakthrough?!" Alice Phil's face changed drastically, no way! A fierce battle just ended during the day, and now someone is coming in? , Didn’t it mean that the Holy Grail War was temporarily stopped before Caster was eliminated? Who the **** is it? !

Alice Phil was inexplicably frightened, and suddenly, a pair of powerful arms supported her shoulders, which were the arms of Saber who appeared next to her for the first time after discovering the change.

"Is it all right? Alice Phil."

"Well, I was just taken aback. I didn't expect such a mess of guests to visit." Alice Phil shook her head, still calm.

Saber looked at the place where the sound was made, and said in a deep voice, "I'll go out to meet you. You stay by my side."

Alice Phil nodded when she heard this, and staying beside Saber who was going to meet her meant that she herself had to face the enemy. But the battlefield is the safest place for Alice Phil, because the strongest Servant is by his side.

Alice Phil speeded up and followed Saber, and the two rushed through the terrible castle, aiming directly at the terrace outside the hallway. Since the opponent is attacking from the front, you should be able to meet him there.

"The thunder just now, and this unscrupulous tactic, the opponent should be Rider." Saber said as she walked. In her impression, no Servant would be so messy except the tyrant and reckless.

"I think so." Alice Phil recalled the mighty power of the wheels of the Treasures and Gods that he had witnessed in Warehouse Street a few days ago. Easily destroy the magic points set in the forest. If the barrier was originally intact, forget it, but due to the attacks of Caster and Kenneth during the day, the barrier is in its weakest period.

"Hey, King Knight! I will meet you specially, come out soon." The voice came from the hall, and the opponent had stepped into the main entrance. There was no doubt that the enemy was the Conqueror King Iskandar.

Hearing his energetic shouts, his tone didn't seem like a fighter about to fight, but Saber didn't dare to slack off, she ran and materialized the silver armor.

Alice Phil and Saber finally walked through the corridor to the terrace, but when they saw the enemy Servant standing tall in the hall through the moonlight from the skylight, they suddenly didn't know what to say.

"Oh, Saber. After I heard about the castle here, I wanted to come and see how it became like this." The Conquer King smiled without shame, showing his teeth, and then he moved his neck in a serious manner, "There are too many trees in the yard. Inconvenient, I almost got lost before I got to the city gate, so I cut some for you, thank me. My vision has become much better."

I forcibly destroyed the barrier that others had painstakingly arranged, and on the contrary, I asked others to thank him. It is estimated that this kind of words can only be said by the King of Conquer.

"Rider. You..." Saber said sharply, but she didn't know what to say next in the face of the enemy that always seemed inexplicable.

But the King of Conquer frowned in surprise and said, "Hey, King Knight, won't you change into a modern outfit tonight? Don't wear that rigid armor all the time."

As he spoke, he shook his jeans and T-shirt. He didn't know if he was showing off or what he was doing. In short, Saber was very speechless. Of course, she didn't know that the reason why the other party would wear such a outfit was inspired by her wearing a suit.

However, Saber wears a suit because of Alice Phil, so in the final analysis, the "culprit" is a silver-haired woman.

The Master Webber of the Conquer King half hid behind the huge body of the former, looking up at Alice Phil, and seeing whether his expression was hostile or fearful. Needless to say, his face clearly said he wanted to go home and hurry up.

Regarding such a pair of contradictory combinations, neither Saber nor Alice Phil knew what they were coming from. It was not like fighting, but it was friendly... Will there be friendly people forcibly destroying their enchantment?

If so, they swear that they will never want such a friend.

Moreover, what makes them even more strange is that the Conquer King’s hand is not a weapon or other battle use, but a barrel... No matter how you look at it, it is a wooden wine bottle. The sturdy man who easily clamped the wine bottle under his arm was not like a hero, but more like a wine shop owner who came to deliver goods.

"You..." Saber took a deep breath and said calmly, "Rider, what are you doing here?"

"I don't understand when I look at it? Come to see you for a drink. Don't be there, lead the way. Is there a courtyard suitable for a banquet? The castle is full of gray, no." The King of Conquer pointed to the surrounding ruins. The environment, said with a strong face.

Saber sighed helplessly, and the anger that had accumulated in his chest disappeared. Looking at this seemingly innocent opponent, she couldn't maintain her fighting spirit.

"Alice Phil, what should I do?"

Alice Phil was also confused. She was angry because the forest barrier was destroyed before, but after seeing the smiling face, she couldn't hate it anyway.

"He's not the kind of person who can set traps, is he really wanting to drink?"

The King of Conquer once said that he would wait for the victory and defeat between Saber and Lancer before challenging. Still abiding by the things agreed with the heroic pride and self-esteem, then his sudden emergence tonight is puzzling.

"Does that man want to adopt a gentle policy toward Saber?" Alice Phil was worried. The previous conquer king wanted to take the Knight King as his subordinates. Is this really coming to dig the corner? Although Saber is not like the kind of person who can easily be poached, she thinks she should pay more attention to it just in case.

"No, this is a challenge!" At this moment, Saber, who should have lost his fighting spirit, suddenly became serious for some reason.

"Challenge?" Alice Phil was full of question marks.

However, Saber had a solemn face and whispered in a deep voice, "Yes. I am the king, he is also the king. If you want to divide the high and low on the wine table, it means there is no **** battle."

Perhaps after hearing Saber’s words, the King of Conquerors smiled and nodded, "Haha, it’s good to understand. Since you can’t face each other with swords, let’s use wine to decide the outcome. Knight King, I won’t let you go tonight. Yes, get ready."

"Interesting, I accept." Saber responded resolutely, exuding bitter fighting spirit as if on the battlefield. Until now, Alice Phil realized that this was not a joke, but a real battle...Although this battle was very speechless.

The place for the banquet was chosen by the flower bed in the atrium of the castle. The battle during the day did not spread here, and it was not shabby to be used to entertain guests.

The King of Conquer took the wine bottle to the atrium, and the two Servants sat down and confronted each other leisurely. Alice Phil and Webber sat side by side, guessing the development of the situation, and realizing that this meant a temporary truce, so I just had to watch them.

The King of Conquer smashed the lid of the barrel with his fist, and the mellow red wine scent immediately filled the air in the atrium, and then he proudly slapped the wine with a bamboo handle. First drank the wine in the spoon in one sip, and then said, "I heard that only qualified people can get the Holy Grail."

The serious tone immediately calmed the surrounding atmosphere.

"The ritual for selecting the qualified person is this war in Fuyuki, but if you just watch, you don’t need to shed blood. Both are heroic spirits, if they can identify with each other’s abilities, then I don’t have to say That's it." The King of Conquer continued, and handed the wine spoon to the **** the opposite side.

Saber took it without hesitation, and also took a spoonful of wine, then poured it into his mouth violently.

The girl's thin body always makes people worry about whether she can really drink. But seeing her savoury drinking, she was not at all inferior to the King of Conquer, and the latter couldn't help but utter a pleasant compliment.

"So, first of all, who are you going to be better than me? Rider." The girl's sharp gaze shot at the giant man on the opposite side, and the challenge was self-evident.

"Exactly, the real contest is carried out in the name of kings, but in this case, it is not called the Holy Grail War. It is better to call the Holy Grail Q&A. In the end, who can become the King of the Holy Grail? This kind of question couldn't be more appropriate for a wine glass." Wang Yi Conquer changed his serious tone and smiled mischievously. Then he said again as if talking to himself, "Ah, speaking of which there is another person who claims to be the king."

"The joke ends here, bastard." As if responding to the unclear words of the King of Conquer. A dazzling golden light flashed in front of everyone. The voice and the light made Saber and Alice Phil's body immediately stiffened-it was a petite girl full of supreme gold.

"Archer, why are you here?!" Saber asked sternly, and the answer was the composure King of Conquer, "Ah, when I saw her on the street, I told her to drink with her, but it was still late. Ah, but she walks differently from me, so I can't blame her."

Like Conquer King, the petite girl did not wear heavy armor, but a casual outfit often worn by ordinary girls in modern times. She first looked at Saber, and then stared at Conquer King proudly with her ruby ​​eyes. There was some dissatisfaction in it.

"Huh! It's really a shame that you chose such a dirty and messy ghost place for a banquet. You can only have this taste, and I came here on purpose. How can you apologize?"

"Don't say that, come, have a drink first." Conquer Wang Hao smiled and handed the spoon full of wine to the opponent. I thought she would be irritated by Rider's attitude, but he did not expect that he simply took the spoon and drank the wine in it.

Alice Phil remembered the challenge Saber mentioned earlier.

Archer, since this unidentified golden spirit claimed to be king, she couldn't refuse the wine that Rider had handed over.

"What kind of bad wine is this, you actually use this kind of wine to fight between heroes? Is your head pinched by the door panel?!" The girl spit out the wine she had just drunk with a look of disgust. To say.

"Really? I bought it from the market here. It's a good wine." The King of Conquer scratched his head, a little at a loss.

"I think so because you don't understand wine at all, you bastard!" The petite girl said as if venting, and then a vortex of virtual space appeared next to her. This is the strange understanding that can summon treasures. As a sign of, Weber and Alice Phil, who were standing nearby, immediately felt a chill.

But what Ling Ye saw next to her was not a treasure, but a series of wine utensils inlaid with dazzling gems. The heavy and gorgeous gold bottle was filled with fragrant and clear liquid.

"Look, this is the king's wine!" The girl raised her head and said proudly.

Others have not yet reacted to this change. Suddenly, at this moment, a voice floated in from outside: "If it is the King's Banquet, I think we are qualified to drink too, do we still have a seat?"


Hearing this voice, everyone turned their heads and looked around. Then they saw a red figure and a white figure in a corner of the flower bed, and between the two of them stood a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy, hanging A faint smile on his face.

"It's you!?"

Everyone was shocked. This was the eighth Master and his Servant who unexpectedly appeared in the Holy Grail War!

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