The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 182: At this moment, ascend to the throne! Banquet of the Seven Kings!

This Holy Grail War was broken, and there was an eighth Master and a second Saber. This is no secret. However, when they saw Nero, everyone except Archer couldn't help but move again. There is no doubt that the flame-like battle robe and the scorching crimson sword... It is definitely the Servant! It's definitely Saber!

In other words, this time the ninth Servant appeared in the Holy Grail War? ! Moreover, looking at the current situation, it seems that it was called by the same person?

The five people in the field looked at the three abruptly appearing. Everyone had a different expression. The two Masters, Alice Phil and Weber, were already shocked and speechless, just staring blankly. As if already scared silly.

While the King of Conquer was shocked, his gaze kept shooting back and forth on two figures, one red and one white, which seemed to be baffled by these two identical Servants.

As for Archer because he had met Nero before, he didn’t care much about her. Instead, he stared at Lily fiercely with a pair of red eyes. He was obviously more interested in her. After all, she would go to Lin Luo at the beginning because of Lily. Relationship.

Of course, the most shocking person in the court was the Knight King. After the first battle at the dock last night, she finally suppressed the pure white figure, and devoted herself to the Holy Grail War with all her heart, but she couldn't think of it, it was not thorough yet. Forget the white figure, now there is another red one? !

For a while, no one spoke, and the entire banquet fell into a dead silence, but this silence was soon broken.

"Since this is the King's Banquet, can I also have a drink while I wait?"

Taking a step forward, Lin Luo calmly faced everyone's astonished eyes, with a calm smile on his face, and said neither humble nor arrogant.

"Mongrel!" The face of the blonde and red-eyed girl changed in an instant. She glared at Lin Luo, her arrogant eyes were slightly angry, "This wine can't be drunk by any bastard, are you the king?!"

"I am the King Arthur of Britain!" It was Lily who was speaking. She took a step forward with a sword in the stone. Her pure white body shone with bursts of flawless brilliance, and her clear eyes were ashamed as she was, so she was not inferior to that of the other party. The momentum looks at him.

"Hahahaha! I am the prince of Rome, the prince of the world! Since this is the king's banquet, how can there be no me! Master, you are right, this is really a good party, hahahaha..."

Unlike Lily's composure and calmness, which is as sharp as a sheathed sword but not aggressive, Nero is majestic, a look like the only one in the world, his arrogant and domineering arrogance is unstoppable, domineering!

If Lily is the sword that breaks through the night of the cloud, then Nero is the sword that sweeps through the army!

"Um..." Without any doubt, even the hero king has to admit that the king's spirit of the two in front of you is very different, and it is by no means comparable to the "little landlord" coming out of any corner. You can only feel it in the Supreme King!

"Since you are the king, you can drink this wine!" After a brief shock, the King of Conquer present laughed loudly, and then swept his gaze over Nero, "The King of Rome, you are the Nero K. Laudius?"

"Exactly!" Nero looked up proudly, without any intention of concealing it. If she didn't even dare to disclose her name, then she would not deserve to be called a tyrant. "How about you?"

"The King of Conquerors, Alexander Iskandall!"

"Very good." Nodding as if in agreement, Nero looked at the other two girls who were kings, "I know who this is, it is the king of knights, ah, and the one in my family seems to be the same from different parallel worlds. People, hahaha, really interesting."

She smiled for a while at the genuine Knight King with an iron face, and then turned towards Archer, a girl with blond hair and red eyes, "Well, although I also know it, but... As expected, it is better to have the secret alone, haha!"

"You bastard!" The girl suddenly glared, with murderous intent in her eyes. Nero's words made her very upset, as if she was transparent in her eyes.

"Do you dare to scold me!" Similarly, Nero was unwilling to be outdone. It seems that the two unfinished battles have a tendency to come again.

However, before the conflict spread further, the King of Conqueror acted as a peacemaker, "Well, it’s time for drinking, not the place where you fight and fight. If you have any grievances, don’t talk about it after drinking this banquet. late."

Although both Nero and the King of Heroes are extremely arrogant masters, the words of Conquering the King obviously cannot be ignored by them, and the banquet has not yet begun, so it is indeed not suitable for war.

"Humph!" With a cold snort, Archer found a place to sit down. Then, Nero and Lily also sat down, but before the banquet started, suddenly, a voice suddenly reached everyone's ears. "The King's Banquet, others will drink it too."

"Well, who is it?" The King of Conquer looked around with a puzzled expression, but he couldn't see anyone in sight. He couldn't help but asked Nero and Lily, "Are you still bringing others?"

"I am here!" Before the two of them answered, the voice came up again, and there was also a hint of dissatisfaction.

Perceiving the source of the sound, everyone looked down subconsciously, only to find that there was a small figure less than thirty centimeters tall standing on the wine table.

Which king of the Lilliputian country is this? Knight King, Hero King, Conquer King, the three looked at each other.

"Huh! People are the strongest Servant, King Arthur!" Knowing that he has the focus of success, the little Saber suddenly raised his head with his hands on his hips, changed his usual timidity, and met the eyes of the kings without fear. .


For a moment, everyone was speechless, looking at the palm-sized girl's head full of question marks, and finally the King of Conquer turned his eyes to Lin Luo, "This is also your Servant?" He asked this sentence. At that time, everyone except Nero and Lily looked at Lin Luo.

"Yes." Lin Luo nodded with a smile, and then pointed to Lily in the gaze of the genuine Knight King who was shocked to speak, "Like her, she is the King of Knights in a parallel world, well, although I am too It’s not clear why she is like this, but there is no doubt about her identity."

After hearing Lin Luo's answer, the true king of knights clutched her head in pain. She was numb, and she didn't want to figure out any reasons anymore, and told herself desperately in her heart: This is a parallel world. This is the parallel world, this is the parallel world...

"You have three Servants alone, and they are all Saber!?"

Full of shocked voices. It was Alice Phil who said this. After she said this, everyone realized the point of the problem at this time. Not only the king, but more importantly, a Master has three Servants. What is going on? This is not just breaking the rules, it is simply a fantasy.

If someone told them before that, a Master can have three Servants, they would definitely think that person is crazy!

"Yes." Lin Luo nodded and said, did not deny that although Lily is not his Servant, but her own spell can summon one more, and it is not a big deal to say three.

"This, how is this possible..." Alice Phil couldn't believe it at all, although the facts were before her eyes.

"That's the truth. Of course, it's not convenient for me to disclose the reason." Lin Luo smiled and shrugged. "By the way, it's a banquet for the kings, not the time to talk about those messy things, right?"

"Yes, this is the king's banquet, only talking about the king, only drinking!" The king of conquer nodded and said, looking at the little king on the table, holding his chin in thought for a while, "...well, although the little one is too small A little bit, but it's king anyway, this wine can be drunk.

"I'm not young, you're stupid and big!" Little Saber protested loudly.

Although he was scolded as a stupid man, the King of Conquer was not angry at all. Instead, he laughed out loud, which seemed to be very funny, which made little Saber quite depressed.

"Archer, prepare a few more glasses."

"Bastard, it's not your turn to order me!" The blonde and red-eyed girl gave Conquer Wang a fierce look, but after she finished cursing she still took out six golden cups, but Conquer King suddenly raised her hand: "Wait a minute, Archer."

"You bastard, it's really annoying! What's the matter?!" The girl said very angrily, her eyes were about to burst into flames.

Regarding her tone, the King of Conquer didn't mind, "I hope you get another cup."

"Hmm...get another cup?" The girl was taken aback for a moment, then frowned, "Why, is there a king here?"

The King of Conquer smiled and pointed his finger at Lin Luo, "One person has three kings as Servant. This kind of person is very interesting to me. I want to have a few drinks with this guy."

"Uh..." The words of the King of Conquer not only stunned Archer, but Lin Luo didn't even react for a while. His intention was to let Nero and Lily come for a drink. It was enough to see the excitement for himself, but he didn't expect to be the protagonist. opportunity.

"He?" The sharp red eyes swept towards Lin Luo, as if the girl was about to shoot him through. The next moment, she suddenly took out a golden wine glass from the "Treasure of the King" beside her. He handed it to Lin Luo forward, proudly raised his head, "Huh, do you dare to drink?!"

The wine glass has been filled with clear and fragrant liquid.

"...!!!" Shining Lolita really let herself sit on the table? Lin Luo wasn't surprised that the King of Conquer said that, but Jin Shining, who regarded everyone as a bastard, actually accepted it. This made Lin Luo somewhat unbelievable, he felt too weird!


"Of course!" After a short stun, Lin Luo already unceremoniously took the wine glass over, "Although I am not the king,... a mere banquet is not enough to make me retreat."

After all, he raised his head and drank it.

At this moment, go to the throne!

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