The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 183: For the king, who is the real king!

"Tsk, it's delicious!" The King of Conquer sat in his seat, tasting the fresh liquor, and he didn't hesitate to praise him, "It's great, it's definitely not a wine made by humans, it's a **** drunk!"

"It is indeed a very good wine, and only this kind of wine is worthy of the King's Banquet... As a great artist, it is a shame not to be able to sing a song here!" Next to it, Nero's face I couldn't tell whether it was disappointment or excitement. I was shaking my head there with a glass of wine.

Is it so delicious? Lin Luo didn't understand what the two of them said. After all, he is not a king, and he does not have that high taste. He can tell which drink is good, but he can tell which drink is good. I'm completely confused, but then again, Shining Loli's wine tastes really good, at least it's better than Sprite plus MSG...

"Now, Lily, what do you think?" Lin Luo asked in a low voice to the pure white knight next to him.

"It's okay, it's the first time I drank this kind of wine." Lily took a glass of wine and tasted it carefully.

"Woo...I'm going to be drunk, people are going to be drunk..." The banquet had just begun, and one of the kings had already lost Maicheng in disgrace. Little Saber has a big belly, lying in the glass, unable to get up.

No way. Originally, this was not a competition to see who was more decent, but a competition of wine. Since everyone is king, there is no difference in size, but Saber is too small after all, her whole body It's not as big as that wine glass, it's already held after the first one, so...out!

"Are you two going to drink too?" I found that everyone was drinking, only Alice Phil and Webber were standing beside them like escorts. Lin Luo felt that this was somewhat bad, so he kindly shook them to them. Wine glass.

"Uh...?" The two of them were stunned. After less than half a second, after they recovered, the two of them seemed to say that their heads were shaking like a drumming... just kidding! That's the king's banquet! Just standing here is almost out of breath, and you have to sit and drink with these guys, you think everyone is as crude and perverted as you!

When the two connected Masters stared at each other, Weber looked at Alice Phil with an expression like "I want to go home soon", and likewise, Alice Phil also voted "You are not at all." I should come, of course I shouldn’t come."

"Really, that's a pity." Since the two refused, Lin Luo didn't reluctantly took a sip from the glass. It seemed that the drink was much better than before. He couldn't help but praised, "As expected of Ying...Archer, it is indeed. A rare good wine."

I was careless and almost uttered the three words of Hero King. Although Nero and Lily both knew her identity, as Nero said, it is more interesting to hold the secret in the hands of a few people. There is no need to take Archer’s Everyone knows his identity.

Although the King of Heroes is the oldest king, she has no mind-reading skills after all, so she can’t hear Lin Luo’s thoughts. Otherwise, if she knows that her wine was taken by Lin Luo to compare with Sprite’s MSG, she would have to chop him off. !

Therefore, the girl who can only hear everyone’s praise, is also sitting in her seat at the moment, shaking her wine glass, her face of satisfaction and pride makes no secret, “Of course, whether it’s wine or sword, my treasure trove There are only the best things in it, this is the king's taste."

Everyone’s praise aroused Saber’s curiosity. After tasting the wine, even she felt that it was a good wine that she had never drunk before. It was strong and pure, mellow and refreshing, and the strong fragrance filled the nasal cavity. The whole person had it. Kind of erratic. But when she heard the blonde girl's words, she suddenly yelled: "What a joke, Archer! I'm tired of hearing you boast about the possession of wine. You are not like a king, but like a clown!"

The blonde girl sneered at Saber, who was full of gunpowder, with disdain, "Cut, a guy who doesn't even understand wine is not worthy of being king."

"You...!" Saber was furious.

"Okay, you two are really boring. This is not the place for you to fight." The Conquer Wang smiled bitterly and motioned to Saber, who wanted to say something, and then turned his head to continue with the previous topic. "What we are doing now is to consider whether each other is eligible for the Holy Grail question and answer. First of all, you have to tell the others in the room why you want the Holy Grail? So, as the king, we will try to convince us that who is qualified to get it. Holy Grail."

"Is it king? Well, it seems very interesting." Nero touched his chin and nodded.

"Everyone's kingly way is different. To conquer the king, do you think that words can be convincing?" Lily put forward different arguments.

"Hmm..." The King of Conquer was taken aback for a moment, then he bowed his head for a while and nodded, "Indeed, even if someone is more qualified than me, I will not give up, haha, then remove the premise of fighting for the Holy Grail. Let’s talk about their own kingly ways."

"Hmph! I really can't stand you,'We are fighting for the Holy Grail.' I really don't know how you came to this conclusion." At this time, the blonde girl slammed the glass on the table and said coldly.

Seeing other people’s confused gazes, the girl raised her eyebrows and said proudly, “It should have been my possessions. All the treasures in the world come from my collection, but because it has been a long time since My treasure trove is lost, but its owner is still me, and there is no contention at all."

"Then you mean, did you ever own the Holy Grail? Do you know what it is?"

Not only the King of Conqueror and the King of Knights were surprised, but even Lily and Nero were surprised. Although they knew the true identity of this golden hero from Lin Luo, they had never heard of the others, so they couldn't help but look at them. Go to Lin Luo.

Lin Luo smiled bitterly and shook his head, what should I say about this? ... Shining Loli is utterly utterly nervous?

"No, this is not something you can understand. The total amount of my property is even beyond my own recognition, but as long as it is a treasure, it must belong to me. This is very clear. I actually want to take my treasure. , I’m still a little self-aware, hum!” The girl sneered at the crowd, sneering.

The kings were stunned for a moment, and Saber said quite speechlessly, "Your words are similar to Caster. It seems that he is not the only Servant with insanity."

"Hahaha, isn't this just bragging, you say it's yours, it's yours, it won't work, I will hurt my head if I laugh." For Nero, the girl's words are the same as the children's waywardness. The words are no different.

"You bastard...what's so funny?!" The girl was so angry that her face was blue.

"Hey, how should I put it..." Unlike other people's sarcasm or speechlessness, the King of Conquer muttered as if responding, "The prince of Rome seems to know your identity very well. Speaking of it, I I think I also know your real name. The king who is more arrogant than Iskandall should be the only one."

Although the few people who didn't know were listening attentively, the King of Conquer did not continue to speak, but changed the subject, "Then Archer, that is to say, as long as you nod your head and agree, then we can get the Holy Grail? "

"Hey, big man, do you really believe her stupid words?!" Nero looked unbelievable.

"Huh, it's not time to fight, I'm too lazy to care about you!" Archer gave Nero a fierce look, then looked at the King of Conquer, "Of course, but I have no reason to reward rats like you unless you are willing to surrender to me. , Then I will give you a cup or two."

"Ah, this can't be done. But Archer, it doesn't matter whether you have the Holy Grail or not. You didn't fight for the Holy Grail just to achieve any wish." The King of Conquer shook his head and said.

"Of course. But I can't let go of the guy who took my treasure. It's a matter of principle."

"Hmph! I think you are making trouble for nothing!" Nero couldn't stand it anymore, she stood up abruptly, and looked at the blonde girl with sharp eyes, "Taking all the treasures in the world as her own, but she never did. I've seen a bit of this, Archer, it's better to restrain your arrogance to me!"

"You bastard!" Archer also stood up from his position, his scarlet eyes were full of murderous aura, "This is the law I made as a king. If you dare to violate my law, you are ready to bear my sanction! "

"Ha!" Nero smiled happily, and didn't care. "Very well, in front of my absolute emperor circle, I want to see what your sanctions are!"



The eyes of the two collided, sparks shot in all directions, not giving way to each other.

...Not long after the banquet began, there was a fierce collision between the king and the king, which made the two Masters, Alice Phil and Weber, frightened, and when they looked at the wine table, It was discovered that one of the kings, Master Lin Luo, was drinking wine with a calm face, occasionally chatting and laughing with the pure white girl next to him, and occasionally chatting with Conquer the red who had a dispute with Archer Saber has nothing to do with him.

The two looked at each other, their faces unclear.

A few minutes later, the two of them were worried that the two kings would fight halfway, but found that they had already sat back to their original positions. Although there was still a trace of "fighting" on their faces, they were no longer like them. So rushed before.

"It's decided! Nero Claudius, I must kill you myself!" Archer poured herself a glass of wine, which is a bit different from the arrogant and domineering before. She looked at Nero, red. There is more hostility and solemnity in his eyes...not called a bastard, but commensurate with his name.

"There is always a chance, I will cut off your head by myself, Archer!" And Nero, who was opposite her, also released a murderous aura that was not inferior to her, but the murderous aura disappeared after the two looked at each other. Without a trace.

There is no need for any explanation, everyone on the scene already knows, at least in this Holy Grail war, these two people have already chosen opponents for themselves. The arrogant King Archer and the Roman King Nero, who is known for his tyranny, will know who is better than the king. It will be clear in the near future.

The entire banquet seemed to have been divided into two batches. Archer and Nero were competing very seriously. Although they had declared war with each other, it was not the time to fight at this moment. Even if it was a fight, they didn't want to lose to each other.

On the other side are Lin Luo, Lily, the King of Conquest, and Saber. The dispute between Archer and Nero just now was completely inaccessible to them, but after all, it was a banquet of the king, so since they are the king, they definitely won’t. Do it before the end of the banquet, which is why they are absolutely calm.

"What a perfect king, he can implement the rules he has set, he can firmly believe in his emperor circle, and he has no doubts about his royal way. He is indeed the king of the world, but ah..." At this point, conquer Wang Jiang poured all the wine he had just poured into his mouth, and said in a deep voice, "I still want the Holy Grail! My way is to grab it if I want it, because I am the Conquer King Iskandar!"

For the King of Conquer, Archer and Nero, who believed in his own kingly way, were the perfect kings. But not for Saber. With a deep tone, she raised her head and asked the Conquer King, "Conquer King, since you have admitted that the Holy Grail is someone else's property, do you still want to use force to seize it?"

"Huh? Of course, my belief is to conquer, that is, to seize and invade." The King of Conquer replied without hesitation.

"You..." Saber forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart and asked, "Then why do you want to get the Holy Grail?"

When asked about this, the Conquer King smiled embarrassedly, "I want to be a human."

"..." This was a completely unexpected answer. Of course, apart from Lin Luo, not only Saber who was questioning was stunned, even Lily, the glass in her hand trembled a little, and the king was conquered. Master Webber even shouted in an almost crazy tone, " you still want to conquer this world?!"

"Idiot, how can I conquer the world in this life!" He used his finger to force his Master to be quiet, the King of Conquer shrugged, and then said, "Conquest is my dream, and I can only entrust the first step to the realization of the Holy Grail."

"In other words, do you want to have a physical body?" Lin Luo cast his gaze towards the sturdy man in front of him, conquering the meaning of the king's words. Even if he doesn't know the original work, he can still feel it at this time, wanting To conquer the world, there must be a physical body. Existence like a Servant that is essentially like a ghost is not acceptable.

"Yes!" Faced with Lin Luo's question, the King of Conquer did not deny the slightest, "I am not satisfied! I want to be reincarnated in this world and live as a human being. Why do I want the flesh so much? Because this is the basis of conquest. "

Conquer King Iskandar clenched his fists and stared at the people in front of him. At this moment, he showed everyone his domineering conqueror, "Having a body, marching toward the world, and practicing my conquest is mine. The King’s Way! But now I don’t have a body, which is impossible, and nothing can start without this! I am not afraid of anything, I just feel that I must have a body!"

The three listeners on the table fell into a brief silence. Lin Luo felt that no matter whether the Conquering King was a tyrant or a sage, there was at least one thing that no one could object to, and that was his domineering, which could indeed make anyone excited.

Lily listened carefully to the other party’s words, drinking in silence from beginning to end. This calmness made the original Saber somewhat agree with, but now, there is a little more something that didn’t exist in her calm eyes, it seems Is it excitement... or fighting spirit?

Unlike these two people, Saber, who has attended the banquet but has not shown a smile yet, has not been able to intervene in other people's words, at this moment, there is no doubt in her heart.

These people are far from the way she believes in the king, so she and them can't say that they are together. According to Saber, who believes in incorruptibility, whether it is Archer or Nero, or the king of conquest, they are simply Not a king, but a tyrant.

Just follow his own will, this is not what Wang should think, no matter how strong the other party is, Saber's heart is burning with unyielding fighting spirit. Only these three are opponents that he can't lose, absolutely cannot give them the Holy Grail!

Archer's words are totally unreasonable. The prince of Rome is also a world-famous tyrant, who ruled with an absolute emperor circle, and Rider's wish can only be regarded as the wish of a warrior. Moreover, that was only the beginning of all human desires. Compared with their wishes, Saber felt that the wishes in her chest were more noble than theirs, and she had no doubts about this.

"Hey, I said Saber, you can also talk about your wishes." At this time, the King of Conquer finally turned the focus of the problem to Saber.

Ah, here comes... I glanced at the genuine Knight King girl with a calm and unshakable expression. Although Lin Luo looked calm on the surface, she was full of flavors in her heart... A girl who insisted on her wrong wishes. How rough should the road be? Faced with so many kings, how can she go on?

"My king's way is my pride." The girl raised her head and looked straight at everyone in front of her. No matter when, her heart's wish never wavered, "I want to save my hometown, and I want to change Britain. Destiny of destruction."

After Saber resolutely finished speaking, everyone was silent for a long time. Even Archer and Nero on the other side stopped their dispute when they heard the words of the Knight King, and they were speechless when they looked over.

The first thing that felt puzzled in the silence was Saber herself. Even if her words were full of momentum, these people were not people who would bow their heads easily. Even if they were unexpected, they were also very easy to understand.

Clear and clear, there is no strange place, this is her king's way. Whether it's a compliment or a rebuttal, someone should immediately put it forward, but...why no one speaks?

"I said the King of Knights, we heard it wrong, right?" The first to break the silence was the King of Conquer, his face was full of doubts, "Are you saying you want to change your destiny? That is to overturn history?"

"Yes, no matter how difficult it is to realize the wish, as long as you have the omnipotent holy grail, you can definitely achieve it." Saber proudly asserted that until now Saber finally knows why the atmosphere among the people is so wonderful that the scene suddenly becomes cold. Come down.

"Saber? I want to confirm that the destruction of Britain should have happened in your time, when you ruled?" The Conquer King waved his hand and asked.

"Yes! So I can't forgive myself." Saber heard the words, and his tone became firmer, "So I was very unwilling to change that ending! It was because of me that led to that ending."

Inadvertently, someone burst into a laugh. It was a laugh without any thought and no understanding, casual and unscrupulous. Naturally, this laughter came from Archer's mouth, which exuded golden brilliance.

Facing this great humiliation, Saber's face was full of anger, and her most cherished thing was actually laughed at by Archer, "Archer, what's so funny about you!"

Regardless of Saber's anger, the blonde and cute girl laughed and replied intermittently: "If you claim to be a person like the king and praised by the people, you will not be reconciled? Hahaha! How can this make people not laugh? A masterpiece. ! Saber, you are the best clown!"

"I..." Nero seemed to want to speak too, but Lin Luo was pulled by Lin Luo just after she said a word, and motioned her to listen.

"..." Although Nero showed dissatisfaction, in the end he did not object. He listened to their conversation while drinking alcohol.

Beside the blonde girl who was laughing constantly, the King of Conquer also frowned, staring at Saber a little displeased, "Wait! Wait for the King of Knights, do you want to deny the history you created?"

Saber, who has never had any doubts about his ideals, will naturally not be asked by him at this moment, "Exactly! Was it surprised? Is it ridiculous? As a king, the country for which I dedicated my life has been destroyed. I mourn, and again. What's wrong?"

What answered her was another burst of laughter from Archer. She spread her hands to the crowd, and the disdain and teasing in her eyes were obvious, "Hey, have you heard? This little girl who claims to be the king of knights actually said something to dedicate herself to the country, hahaha... …"

The answer to Archer was everyone’s silence, which was the same insult to Saber as being laughed at. She blushed and tried hard to defend her ideals, “I don’t know what’s funny, as a king. Naturally, we should stand up and work hard for the prosperity of our country!"

"You are wrong." Rider resolutely denied her words. "It is not the king's dedication, but the country and the people dedicating everything to the king. Don't be mistaken about this."

"What did you say!" Saber could no longer contain the anger in her heart, she shouted, "Isn't that a tyrant! Rider, Archer, it's a big mistake for you to be kings like this!"

"Indeed, but we are not only tyrants, but also heroes." Conquer replied calmly, without even moving his eyebrows. There is no need to doubt. The king's way he walks is the truth. "So Saber, if there is a king Being dissatisfied with the results of his own governance of the country can only show that he is a stunner, worse than a tyrant."

Unlike Archer, who constantly laughed at Saber, Rider fundamentally denied the idea of ​​a knight king.

Saber frowned and retorted in a sharp tone: "Iskandall, you... the empire you created was eventually split into four parts. Isn't it true that you are not unwilling to do so? Don't you want to Do it again, save the country?"

"I don't want to!" The Conquer King replied without hesitation. He straightened his chest and saw no guilt on his face. He looked straight at the knight king's stern gaze, "If my decision and my courtiers have caused this As a result, destruction is inevitable. I will mourn and cry, but I will never regret it."

"Why..." Saber could hardly believe it. Is this what a king should say?

The King of Conquer is approaching step by step, his words are as sharp as a blade, "not to mention attempting to subvert history! This kind of stupid behavior is an insult to all human beings of the era I have constructed!"

Regarding the words of Conquering Wang Aoran, Saber gave an absolute denial. She would not deviate from her belief in the slightest, and said loudly: "You say this only based on the glory of the warrior. The people don't think so. What they need is salvation!"

"You mean they want the king's salvation?" Rider shrugged and laughed, as if dismissing Saber's words, "I don't understand! Does this kind of thing have any meaning?"

"This is the king's duty!" Saber spoke proudly this time, straightening his chest, "Correct rule, correct order, this is what all the subjects expect."

"Then you are the right slave?" The King of Conquer glared suddenly and asked harshly.

"You have to say so, and you are worthy of being a king if you dedicate yourself to your ideals." The girl knight king did not flinch or doubt, expounding his own way of the king. "People can understand law and order through the king, and what the king embodies is not It should be the kind of thing that will disappear with the death of the king, but a more noble thing."

Looking at Saber, who was still determined, the King of Conquer on one side shook his head as if pitying her, "This is not the way people would choose to survive."

"Yes. Once you are born as a king, you can't expect to live the lives of ordinary people." Regarding this, Saber did not object anymore, but nodded for granted.

In order to become the perfect monarch, in order to become the embodiment of ideals, she is willing to abandon her body and throw away her personal affection. The life of a girl named Altria changed completely the moment she drew the sword out of the rock. Since then, she has become synonymous with undefeated legends, hymns and dreams. There have been pains and troubles, but there is the glory of victory in it. The faith that will never change has supported her sword-holding arm to this day.

Therefore, Saber sternly shouted at the person in front of him, "King of Conquer, people like you who only care about yourself will not understand my beliefs, you are just a tyrant who has been dazzled by desire!"

Rider immediately opened his eyes wide when he was scolded, and retorted in the same angry tone, "A king who has no desire is better than a vase!"

This banquet seems to have become a royal duel between the King of Conqueror and King of Knights. Without waiting for Saber to refute, the King of Conquer asked again: "Saber, you just said that you were dedicated to your ideals? Indeed, you used to be an incorrupt saint. No one can be holy. But who wants to expect to be martyred for their ideals? Who would think about the so-called saints day and night, who can only comfort the people but not guide the people?!"

He opened his hands as if he was about to embrace the world, and forced him towards Saber with an aura he had never shown before, "Only by showing his desires and singing the glory to the utmost can he lead the country and the people to the right path. As a king, you must He has stronger desires than anyone, bolder than anyone, and more irritable than anyone. He should be a human that contains clarity and turbidity, and is more real than anyone. Only in this way can the subject be subdued by the king. , The people will have such a longing that it would be better if I were the king!"

"Why is this kind of governance so just?!" Saber was not caught by the other's momentum, clenched his fists and gritted his teeth and asked.

"No! There is no such thing as justice in the way of the king, so there is no regret." said the king of conquer.

With such a straightforward assertion, Saber is already out of anger, and both take making the people happy as the basic criterion, but the two people's ideas are very different... one side is to pray for peace... the other is to hope for prosperity.

The king who suppresses troubled times and the king who stirs up wars naturally cannot have the same ideas.

The King of Conquer suddenly smiled, and said heartily, "The king who bears the name of a knight. Your justice and ideals may have saved the country and the people for a while, so your name will be celebrated today. However, those who have been You don’t know what the rescued guy is."

"You said...what?" The previous aggressive conquest couldn't scare the girl back, but the other party's lack of momentum at the moment made her face change...blood-stained sunset hill!

The scenery revived in Saber's mind again.

"You save your subjects blindly, but you have never guided them. They don't know what the king's desire is. You have left your lost subjects behind, but in a sacred posture, you are intoxicated by your own petty ideals. So you are not a qualified king. You just want to be a king for the sake of the people, and a little girl who is bound to become that kind of idol.” The King of Conquer said calmly, but with such words, it has already deprived the King of Knights. Beliefs and ideals are degraded to nothing.

"I..." There are a lot of words that I want to refute, but every time I speak, the scene that I once witnessed in Cam Ranh will appear in front of the girl's eyes. The corpse was everywhere, and blood was flowing into rivers, where lay her courtiers, her friends, and her relatives.

She had learned the prophecy the moment she drew the sword from the rock. She knew that this meant disillusionment, she had already realized that, but why...when she saw this miserable scene with her own eyes, she would be so surprised, she felt that she could do nothing but pray.

There was also a magician who predicted that it would be almost impossible to subvert, but she still thought if a miracle could really happen... Suddenly, a dangerous thought took over Saber's mind.

If you don't guard Britain as the savior, but as an overlord to ravage Britain, the troubled times will only become more chaotic because of the scourge of war. First of all, this is not the way she pursues the king. And no matter what angle she stood, she named Altria would not choose this option.

But if you really did that, the result would be more tragic than the battle of the sword fence?

"I..." Looking at the conquer king, who had no doubts about his own ideas and his own way of the king, S ah suddenly couldn't find anything to refute.

"Look, this is you..."

"Enough!" The King of Conquer sighed, as if there was something to be said, but suddenly, the table was slammed, and then a pure white figure stood up.

Looking at the astonished faces of the King of Conquer and the King of Knights, Lily's face showed a little anger, and said in a deep voice: "I'm tired of hearing your way of kings. If this is your way of being king, then, in In my are not worthy to be kings!"

The perfect king of the fantasy world sends a merciless attack on the two!

"What are you talking about?!" Whether it is the King of Knights or the King of Conquer, it is absolutely intolerable to be so humiliated. They both cast angry eyes at the pure white girl almost at the same time.

"Isn't it?" Lily completely ignored the anger of the two, as if looking down in the general eyes. "One is self-sacrifice as king, one is self-venting as king, one is a self-righteous saint, and the other is an out-and-out thug. , So you are not worthy of being kings!"

"You..." Saber was so angry that he couldn't speak. If the King of Conquer didn't understand her king's way before, then there is nothing but anger, but the "self" who came from other worlds in front of him would also My own kingly way is degraded to nothing...

"You are not me! You are definitely not me!" Saber pointed at Lily and shouted.

"Of course I am not you. Although I was born dependent on you, now I and you are two completely different people, so I dare to say..." Lily paused, and then said in a deep voice, "Knight King, you His wish is absolutely wrong!"

Error error error...

Lily's undisguised reprimand made Saber take a step back subconsciously. No matter when, she never doubted her ideals. She believed that it was absolutely correct and that she had to complete it, even if it was against the King of Conquer. Waiter, it doesn't matter if he doesn't understand it, but...

Why is even "self" refuting oneself? !

"Huh?!" At this moment, the girl's face suddenly changed, not because of Lily's words, but because she felt the strange air around her.

"It seems that other guests are coming."

Not only her, but other people obviously felt it too, and someone sneered.

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