The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 224: The true power of LV2, the power to see through everything

Hearing these words, Lin Luo almost vomited blood on the street. Sure enough, Zhang Wuji's mother is a saint, and he said a famous saying that hasn't changed through the ages...beauties are deceptive, and the more beautiful women are, the more deceitful they are.

This **** female liar!

It was the right thing to hide Mai Ye just now, otherwise that arrow would kill him.

"What's the matter, the innocent young virgin, just now my sister's acting skills were very good?" Ling Yi tucked her dark hair and smiled charmingly at Lin Luo. She looked like she was in her early twenties, while Lin Luo looked like she was only fifteen or sixteen. It was normal to call herself her sister...Of course, the positions of both sides were absolutely abnormal.

Lin Luo gritted his teeth and shot at the opponent fiercely, "Okay, then I'll see if your tricks and traps can keep you safe."

As he said, he took a step forward, stepped out, and the person disappeared in place, and his footsteps landed. The person had appeared behind Ling Yi, and the fist that gathered the power of magic and science swept towards Ling Yi’s neck like lightning. Go... Now, I don't show mercy at all.

"Sister is not so easy to deal with." Ling Yi smiled, her current appearance is completely different from before. As she spoke, her shoulder flashed, and her elbow lifted up against Lin Luo's fist. .


With the violent impact, an invisible wave suddenly appeared in the air, flying sand and rocks, and dust flying.

"Although I am an archer by profession, don't think I can't fight in close combat." With a triumphant smile, Ling Yi clenched his fist with another free hand and quickly hit Lin Luo... that close-range boxing almost produced Sound howl.

The strong wind blew on his face, Lin Luo's expression remained unchanged, and a cloud of white mist appeared in front of him while his thoughts were moving, and he blocked Ling Yi's fist without any difficulty. At the same time, there was another hand with a hand knife again. Cut to each other.

At this time, the black longbow in Ling Yi's hand suddenly disappeared, and his body turned slightly, using his fists and feet together to attack Lin Luo.

The two of you come and go at close range like this, without giving way to punches and kicks. Lin Luo has a regular force to protect him, ordinary attacks can't hurt him at all, but Ling Yi's close tactics are quite good. I don't know how mysterious she is, even if it is a fist that gathers electricity and magic. She has no effect.

The attacks of the two were as fast as lightning. Lin Luo's regular power was almost instantaneous. He suddenly appeared to Ling Yi's right and behind her, completely unpredictable. As for Ling Yi, her reaction speed was as short as possible, no matter how fast she attacked, she could easily follow her with a smile on her face.

The dazzling attacks of the two made Mai Ye frown. Although she wanted to help, it is difficult to guarantee that Lin Luo will not be injured if she takes the shot at will. Even if she has a regular force to protect her body, it is useless, because she The body has the ability to control the rules.

"This is the spirit level?!" Such an offensive and defensive battle finally made Mai Ye realize the gap between herself and the two in front of him. Although her destructive power may not be worse than these two, she is obviously much inferior to the power and control. , At least with her current strength, she couldn't penetrate the battle before her at all.

"Your fighting skills are not bad, it's really hard to imagine that you will be an archer." Lin Luo said while punching.

"You are not bad too." Ling Yi smiled slightly, blocking his fist with his elbow, and pressing his knees against the opponent's abdomen, with a charming look in his eyes, "Are those strange white mists the power of your mind?"

"The power of the heart and eye?" A trace of doubt flashed in Lin Luo's eyes. When Bai Wu blocked the opponent's attack, the person had already flashed behind her, and the hand knife slashed at the opponent's head.

"Hey, don't tell me that the white mist is not the power of the eyes. Except for restricted skills, LV2 walkers won't have other abilities." Ling Yi turned around like lightning, avoiding Lin Luo's hand knife, smiling.

The two attacked mercilessly, but they were chatting like old friends. Of course, they were not panicking, but probing each other's reality. After all, whether it was Lin Luo or Ling Yi, the ability of each other I don't know much about it.

As the saying goes, knowing oneself and the other can win every battle. If two strong people of the same level don't understand the enemy's abilities at all, it will be quite difficult to defeat the opponent, and it will easily become a tug of war. Since the body can't feel it, the only way to use language loopholes to figure out the other party's information.

Both of them knew what the other was thinking about, so they kept their secrets very strict, but what Ling Yi said just now gave Lin Luo some information he didn't know.

The power of the eyes!

what is that? I don't have such a thing, is it perception?

But it's not right. Although the perception was possessed by oneself at LV2, that kind of ability can't be used to attack.

"It's true, that's probably because my perception is a bit special." Lin Luo tried to dictate again.

What didn't make him think about it was that Ling Yi's face was slightly taken aback after hearing what he said, "Perceive...what is that?"

Ugh! She doesn't know the perception? Lin Luo's heart was startled, but his face was calm, thinking to himself.

And Ling Yi didn't speak any more, and began to digest what she didn't know from Lin Luo's mouth.

The two didn't know, they both unconsciously revealed the abilities they had but the other did not. Of course, in their respective ideas, the other party should have that ability, but... things are not like this.

Although Lin Luo and Ling Yi are both walkers of LV2, there is a huge difference in their essence.

If you upgrade in a normal order, LV1 is an increase in its own strength, from ordinary humans to superhuman levels; LV2 is a transformation, from the recognition of the self and the human body to a new mysterious realm, and LV3 is from that mysterious Master the power of the rules.

Ling Yi was upgraded normally, so she got the mystery of LV2, but Lin Luo did not. He is a cross-class existence. Although it is only LV2, he has the rule power that only appears in LV3. This is the difference between the two. Place.

Jumping directly from LV1 to LV3, Lin Luo lost the mystery of LV2. Just like a person is walking up the stairs to step one more step, then the step that has not been walked does not exist to him, and it doesn't matter whether he has it or not.

So what Lin Luo gained was only LV3's ability, rule power and... perception domain!

Perception domain is not the ability that LV2 can possess, because the function of perception is to go deep into the world, to explore the truth, and to analyze the rules of the world. Its function exists only for the power of rules. So, how can it be possible to have a perception domain for LV2, which does not have regularity?

Because he doesn't have it, he doesn't understand it. Ling Yi doesn't know the perception domain. All subconsciously mistake Lin Luo's rule power for the power of the eye, but now...

Both of them had their own thoughts and questions about the information just now, and the actions of their men suddenly slowed down.

Huh! At this time, a white light came from a distance.

Mai Ye Shenli was finally able to see the movements of the two of them clearly. Taking this opportunity, she hurriedly shot Ling Yi atomically, but!

At this moment, she was facing the Maiye, but she seemed to be able to see the atomic wire clearly, and with a light flick of her right hand, the electronic wire was wiped out, and then she jumped out of the battle group in an instant.

"Uh!" Mai Ye was shocked, her atomic collapse was knocked out by bare hands. How could this be possible? !

Even Lin Luo was moved when he saw the scene just now. There are so many abilities in the world to counteract the collapse of atoms, but to counteract it with the body...Can the walker of LV2 really do it?

Lin Luo didn't understand, he only knew that he would never do it.

Sure enough, she had a mystery she didn't know...Lin Luo thought so as she looked at Ling Yi who stepped back several meters in an instant.

"It's not bad." Ling Yi's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a faint smile. The next moment, a strong momentum burst out of her body, and the smile disappeared, replaced by ice-like solemnity, "but the temptation has been It’s over, and we won’t get anything useful if we continue to talk about it. Let’s do something real from now on. Let’s see it, my eyesight!"

After speaking, she glared fiercely.

Buzz! ! !

In an instant, Lin Luo felt cold all over his body. It was not cold in the true sense, but a feeling of being peeped. It was like being stared at by countless pairs of eyes, naked, everything was exposed in front of the other party.

How is this going? Why do you feel this way? The power of the eyes...what is that? !

Lin Luo's heart was extremely shocked, and a strong anxiety surged subconsciously in his heart.

Although Ling Yi stood there motionless, Mai Ye didn't dare to attack at this moment. He intuitively told her that if he attacked that woman at this time, he would be very dangerous.

"Found it, your weakness."

At this moment, Ling Yi smiled suddenly, and then moved lightly on the ground...Huh! The dust was flying, and she rushed forward, punching Lin Luo in the chest, and the speed was more than several times faster than before.

Her attack can be completely blocked by my regular power. As long as I can sense it, it will be useless no matter how fast it is.

This was Lin Luo's previous thoughts, so he didn't pay attention to Ling Yi's attack at all, but... now seeing her attack, he suddenly felt that even the rules could not stop him.

Can't rely solely on the power of rules!

Lin Luo believed in his instinct very much, so at the moment when the white mist was created, his whole person also retreated, and then he saw that the mist-free white mist was shattered by the opponent... with a punch!


"Did you..." Ling Yi stood still, raised his head and glanced at Lin Luo, then said.

"Why can you break it?" Intuition is one thing, but real seeing is another thing. Watching his absolute defense be broken, Rao Lin Luo didn't believe it.

Only one percent of the regular power can block the ordinary treasures issued by the glittering gold, but the five percent of the regular power cannot block the punch of the LV2 walker. This kind of thing... how can people believe it!

"Didn't I just say that your weakness has been seen by me, by my eyes." Ling Yi said, pointing to his eyes, and believing himself, "Although you seem to be very capable of you It looks confident, but I can see its weaknesses, those white mists... should be incomplete."

"Uh!" Lin Luo changed color suddenly. Can you even see this? !

After all, it's only 5 percent. Of course, his white mist is not complete, and both power and existence are flawed. As Sieg said, the power of regulation is like a river, from spring to river, and finally into the ocean, which rises step by step, and what Lin Luo can use at present is the spring, which is not entirely inevitable.

"You look surprised, but ah..." Huh. Ling Yi rushed to Lin Luo's body again like an electric shot, kicked it, and the white mist that had just formed was once again shattered, "However, my heart and eyes can let me see all your weaknesses."

If you want to understand the rules, you must first understand yourself. If you want to analyze the world rules, you must first learn to see through. These two are the prerequisites for using the power of rules. Except for Lin Luo, the special one, all walkers will recognize their existence to the limit before learning the power of rules. This is the real ability of LV2 walkers, and also the ability that Lin Luo does not possess—Mind Eyes.

And the ability gained through the eyes of the heart is... see through the world!

There is no invincible ability in this world, and there is no invincible person. As long as there are defects, there are weaknesses. As long as there are weaknesses, they can be seen through the heart, and then...attack their weaknesses and defeat them instantly!

This is the complete manifestation of the power of mind and eyes!

This is the LV2 Walker!

"Your abilities are very interesting. It seems to be impossible to use ordinary attacks, so..." Then, Ling Yi's hand reappeared with the black longbow, instantly pulling it to the full moon, and ten arrows appeared on the bowstring. Arrow.

Swish Swish! ! !

A series of breaking sounds sounded, and the moment the ten arrows were shot, five of them disappeared in the air, and five of them shot towards Lin Luo in different directions.


If the regularity can defend, Lin Luo doesn't need to care at all, but now he dare not be the slightest careless. Since the opponent's fist can crush his white mist, of course the arrow as an archer is not to mention.

The white mist instantly spread all over his body, his perception narrowed to within three meters of his own, Lin Luo stared at the five flying arrows in full concentration...One shot to the chest, one to the throat, and one to the right shoulder. , One shoots towards the heart and liver, and one...there is still invisible, the trajectory is changing, and those four can be picked up!

Lin Luo quickly stretched out his hand, and when those arrows broke through the white mist, he clamped one of them with his right hand and quickly threw it away. Then, he leaned forward slightly and dropped the second bullet. Drop. At the same time, his left hand shot the atom collapse to break the third branch, and then the wind magic started to shift the position of the fourth branch and brush it from his side.

Then, he fixed his gaze on the fifth arrow whose position was constantly changing!

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