The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 225: The beautiful woman pulls the bow, the female liar's parting words

Can't tell at all!

The flight trajectory of the fifth arrow was erratic, up and down, left and right, completely violated the laws of physics, Lin Luo could not see its flight trajectory at all, as if being controlled by someone looking for his target same.


"Because I am a hunter, deception and traps are my basics."

Suddenly Lin Luo remembered what Ling Yi had said before, and immediately understood. She is a hunter. Before dealing with her prey, she always arranges some traps to distract the enemy, so this fifth arrow is...Phantom!

The real ultimate move is...

"The five that disappeared!"

Lin Luo yelled and ignored the arrow in front of him. Instead, he waved his backhand. He knocked out the sixth arrow flying from behind during the electric current blast, and then his other hand was on his side. With a stroke, the seventh arrow was blocked from the current.

Suddenly felt a crisis coming from below, Lin Luo's regular force was activated, and instantly disappeared from the same place and appeared in the air a few meters away. The eighth arrow shot from the place where Lin Luo originally stood. A blue and white electric current flashed, knocking it down.

A sense of danger came again in front of and behind him. Two black arrows appeared almost at the same time, less than one meter away. One shot at his eyes and the other shot at the back of his head, tracking them.

With his neck slightly to the side, Lin Luo stretched out his right hand and flexed his fingers forward. The ninth arrow was broken, and his left hand turned around, holding the tenth arrow in his hand and breaking it.

Then, when his eyes were straight ahead, the erratic fifth arrow still swayed in front of him.

He closed his eyes slightly, then opened them sharply, and the phantom in front of him finally disappeared.

"It's amazing, I can see through my trap." Ling Yi's eyes flashed with surprise, admiringly.

"Nothing great." Lin Luo smiled indifferently, not knowing whether it was a satire or what, and said, "You are a deceitful hunter, I already know this."

"It's not good to say bad things about beautiful women like this." Ling Yi glanced at him bitterly, then smiled slyly, "Now that I know I'm a female liar, then try to take this trick again."

As she said, a strong aura suddenly burst out of her body, and she leaned back a little later... Pulling her bow and arrow, looking northwest, shooting Sirius!

"True and false, false and true, now let's tell which ones are true and which are false..."

Lin Luo's expression suddenly changed. At this moment, she felt extremely heavy pressure from the other party, and the hidden huge crisis, which was not a move that could be picked up casually.

Can't let her release this trick!

Lin Luo had such an idea in his heart, wanting to stop it, but it was too late, and the other party's hand holding the arrow feathers was already released.

"...Fake the real with the fake-May Rain!"

In the soft shout, the moment the fingers were released, countless arrows shot from the bowstring, but the target was not Lin Luo, but the sky above Lin Luo's head.

They flew by Lin Luo's side, flew up to the sky in an instant, and disappeared in his eyes, but soon they reappeared, and the countless arrows turned their heads and fell downward, so...the sky turned black. Rain.

When Lin Luo raised his head and looked at the dense rain of black arrows, he suddenly felt his scalp numb. How should I pick up this kind of thing? !

Without any hesitation, Lin Luo quickly disappeared from the spot and appeared in mid-air ten meters away, but to his surprise, the arrows that were supposed to hit the ground suddenly changed direction, turning in mid-air. , Struck him again.

Damn it! Is this tracked!

Lin Luo frowned and used his own ability to knock out the first dozen of them, but it didn't work at all, because there were more behind them. The countless arrows completely ignored his defenses and penetrated the white fog. Fired quickly.

In desperation, Lin Luo used teleportation again, and those arrows also followed him to turn at the same time.

After that was a gorgeous chase. Lin Luo continued to use teleportation while using extra time to knock out those arrows... But the problem is that these arrows are too many, let alone a hundred, there are already thousands. He can only knock down a dozen arrows each time, and some of them are still phantoms. How long will it take to knock down all these arrows?

Having said that, where did that woman conjure so many arrows? !

Lin Luo was about to vomit blood, the high-frequency use of teleportation and the need to guard against sudden arrows were quite exhausting. Even if I can finish this draw, I think I will be exhausted.

...Have it!

Suddenly, Lin Luo thought of a way, and saw a treacherous smile on the corner of his mouth. With his footsteps, he was teleported to Ling Yi's next moment. The two were less than ten centimeters apart face to face, and even the pores on each other's face could be clearly seen.

Then, while Ling Yi was slightly stunned, he quickly disappeared again, while leaving a sentence in his mouth: "Leave these arrows for yourself."

The distance between the two was so close just now, even if the arrows were all traceable, in less than 0.0001 seconds, even the traced arrows would definitely not be able to respond... Lin Luo thought so, but!

When he looked over, he vomited blood and found that the arrows had stopped ten centimeters in front of Ling Yi's body, paused slightly, folded the corners upwards, and attacked Lin Luo again.

Oh your sister! Let’s not talk about tracking, do these arrows still carry IQ? !

Lin Luo was about to collapse.

Seeing Lin Luo's embarrassing expression, Ling Yi laughed softly, "Although your method is good, it's a pity that these arrows have my consciousness attached to them. They are just like mine. The hands and feet are the same, do you think my fist will hit myself?"

"Before I die, or before you knock down all these arrows, they will never stop, and the only goal I set is you. They won't even hurt the flowers, plants, and grasses on the roadside, so ......You have fun with them."

"Then I will get rid of you first!"

Lin Luo also became fierce, shouting angrily, teleporting her body behind Ling Yi, and hitting her back with a fist, but as soon as the fist was punched, the other party had already left the place in a flash.

"Encircle and suppress." Ling Yi gave such an order the moment he left.

Then, the rain of arrows suddenly changed their formation. They surrounded Lin Luo group and shot from all directions.


Lin Luo suddenly changed color and teleported away immediately, but this time it didn't work much, because the arrows were already distributed in all the surrounding areas, and no matter where he teleported, he would be shot by a large number of arrows.

So every time he just stands still, he must immediately knock out the arrows that hit him. The most terrible thing is that some of them are still phantoms, which will disturb his vision. If you hit the phantom, it will seriously affect His next move.

So after teleporting for the third time, he seemed to have finally exhausted his energy. The movement stopped suddenly, and countless arrows shot into his body...arms, chest, thighs, head, even eyes and mouth. All of them have become an archery target in just an instant.

"Lin Luo!!" Seeing this scene, Mai Ye, who had been on the sidelines, was dumbfounded, exclaiming, his eyes full of horror.

"Finally killed it, it's really hard work, it takes all my mind to control this May Rain completely, but fortunately, the final nirvana is finally..."

Ling Yi sighed in relief, but she was stunned before she finished speaking, because at this moment a voice suddenly came. "What are you talking about? Who was killed?"

"Uh!" Ling Yi's face changed, and he quickly looked at the source of the sound. Lin Luo, who was supposed to be shot to death by May Rain, stood a dozen meters away, standing there, intact, even his clothes. No scratches.

"How is this possible, you obviously already..." Ling Yi looked into the air in a panic. What shocked her was that there was still a Lin Luo who was shot by the rain of arrows.

"This is..." Ling Yi's gaze scanned the two Lin Luo back and forth. After several times, two rows of question marks appeared in her head, indicating that she couldn't understand it completely.

"Sorry, you are not the only one who can deceive people, in fact, I am too, that is just my phantom." Lin Luo laughed while pointing at the other self in mid-air.


Ling Yi didn't quite believe it. After all, if it were a Phantom, how could he be shot by an arrow, but if it weren't a Phantom, Lin Luo wouldn't be safe, and Lin Luo, who was filled with arrows, didn't shed a single drop of blood. .

While she was guessing the true situation of the matter, she saw that Lin Luo in the air suddenly twisted, and then there was an explosion, and all the arrows were blown away in the black mist.


Lin Luo snapped a finger to attract the other's attention, and smiled, "The incarnation of fog, it's a good trick."

That's right, this is exactly the ability that Lin Luo obtained after absorbing the book of evil spirits-the incarnation of fog. Except for the incarnation without his power, everything else is exactly the same, whether it is aura or anything, and even has an ability that Lin Luo doesn't have-self-destruction.

He can let his consciousness control his actions and explode. As for the power of the explosion... Lin Luo once experimented in the Forbidden World, and the result was that the nearly 100-square-meter mansion he lived in exploded into ruins. Fortunately, he was the only one who stayed in that room at the time, otherwise a human tragedy would be caused.

And this result also caused a panic among the guards and disciplinary committees nearby. They thought there was an invasion by terrorists. After that, the hanged man also claimed to Lin Luo for damage to the house...Of course, these were all small. Gossip, don't mention it.

So, just now, when he suddenly remembered that he still had this skill, he immediately created the incarnation of fog, and he teleported to the distance at the same time, and the incapable of resistance was the incarnation of fog.

"It turned out to be so, I really underestimated you." Ling Yi nodded with a sullen face.

"Okay, then it's time to come next." Lin Luo smiled sideways and geared up.

"Don't fight, I surrender." But Ling Yi suddenly put away the longbow, spread his hands, and sighed.

"Huh? What are you kidding about!" Lin Luo was startled and gave up? Can this kind of thing admit defeat? Besides, I was forced to be so miserable just now, how can I come back without being abused?

"I'm not joking. I have used my full strength just now, but I still can't hurt you any more. I can't use moves like May Yu's anymore. How can I fight you?" Ling Yibai He glanced at him and said helplessly.

"You fellow, do you think I will believe you?" Lin Luo said with a ugly face, but there was a female liar in front of her, who believed her words.

"You can't help it if you don't believe it, it's just..." Ling Yi said quietly. Just as Lin Luo was about to attack, she suddenly saw a blue book in her hand, and then a white light enveloped her. Body, connected to the infinite sky.

"This is..." Although it was a bit different from the Avenue of Stars, Lin Luo immediately noticed that this was a passage to other worlds. He had no idea that the other party would give up the pursuit of victory and leave this world.

"Now you believe it?" Standing in the white light, Ling Yi said.

"Did you give up this magical battle?" Lin Luo asked subconsciously, and didn't plan to attack anymore. After all, things like Avenue of Stars are the real absolute defense. He couldn't think of anyone who could defeat him except when he returned. .

"Of course." Ling Yi nodded naturally, "I have already died once, not only has my only trump card been used up, but the strength that was barely promoted to the peak state due to the resurrection can't beat you, that's a fart. And moreover. My power will drop in the near future, I don’t want to die in vain. In addition, before I leave, I’ll tell you a piece of news by the way. The other six walkers are already in an alliance. They plan to kill you first, and then divide the world. heart of."

"Why did you tell me?" Lin Luo frowned and asked. He had already guessed this, but he didn't understand why Ling Yi would tell him.

"Well, let's talk about the reason..." Ling Yi thought slightly and smiled, "Although it is an enemy, I like you as a person. If you die so soon, it would be a pity."

"..." Lin Luo was speechless, how could there be such a reason?

As if remembering something, Ling Yi said suddenly, "Oh, yes, there is one more thing, the girl who killed me once, when you see her, please tell me, wait until I reach LV3. Go find her again."

"That girl...who is it?" Lin Luo was taken aback, and hurriedly asked. He knew that the other party was talking about one of the hosts of the Heart of the World.

"I don't know who it is, but she seems to be just an eleven or twelve-year-old girl, but her strength... is simply a metamorphosis, and one move knocked me off." Ling Yi gritted her teeth, looking very Not reconciled.

Pick her up in one move? !

Lin Luo was taken aback for a moment, with surprise and joy in his heart, that the host had such a tyrannical strength, capable of defeating the LV2 walker in seconds.

"Then goodbye, there will be a period of time, the innocent little virgin." At this moment, Ling Yi waved his hand and said.

day! I didn't forget to tease me after I was gone... Lin Luo was depressed and gave her a fierce look, "Get out of here, you."

"Haha, my sister is looking forward to seeing you again."

Ling Yijiao smiled, and then the white light rose, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

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