The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 270: Prelude exercises to guide Gensokyo

Oriental Gensokyo, also known as Oriental Loli Group, is the largest cute concentration camp in the world of the second dimension. No matter the quantity and quality are impeccable, such a place is definitely a holy land for homesteading. Lin Luo didn't know if he had the opportunity to go to Gensokyo, after all, he hadn't encountered anything related to Gensokyo until now, but this did not prevent him from doing a strategy exercise in advance.

And his self-made "Guide to Gensokyo" is infinitely close to 100% authenticity. The simulation here does not refer to the virtual reality projection, but refers to the reality of the character's personality, which is completely in accordance with the character of the girls familiar in his memory... Although he can also make the virtual reality projection, he finally gave up on that. intend.

The ultimate goal of the game is to overthrow all the beautiful girls in Gensokyo and achieve the ambition of dominating the Eastern Harem...Of course, passers-by who have no name and no name are not counted. Because it is an extremely simulation game, the difficulty of this game is also infinite, which can be called the most in history, reaching the MAX level.

This is a challenge for Lin Luo, a challenge to surpass himself! If he can successfully complete this game perfectly, then he will no longer be less than a fairy, but above a fairy.

As a special GAL game used by Lin Luo for more self-exertion and exercise, of course, it cannot be as ordinary as the ones that have been played before. There are two biggest features in it, one of which is Yuyi.

If you think it's an ordinary storm clothes scene, you are quite wrong! The process of Yuyi is like this... When the goodwill of the two sides reaches a certain level, they will automatically enter the battle scene. Each person includes 10 ornaments such as gloves and hairbands. When the protagonist takes the 10 pieces of the girl After all the accessories have fallen off in the battle, the overthrowing scene can be entered.

However, if the protagonist is incompetent enough to be counter-violent, then he is embarrassed to wait on him.

The second of them is synchronization. The synchronization here is also very different from ordinary GAL games. It is not the synchronization of a single object, but the synchronization between groups.

For example, Huiye and Meihong, a pair of eternal opponents, can only attack one if the two separate strategies. Therefore, only when the strategy is synchronized and the affection degree increases simultaneously, can the two become friends and live in harmony. However, when the two players are attacked, they will automatically enter the bamboo forest route and the teacher group's strategy. At this time, all aspects must be taken care of. Otherwise, if the favorability of either of the two parties is too different... Sorry, set sail.

In fact, the difficulty of Huiye and Meihong is not very high here, at most it is MAX-, and even more difficult is the protagonist team-the black and white counterattack and the red and white unrestrained behavior, this is the veritable MAX.

The protagonist team’s strategy route is not accessible at the beginning, but must be entered after the plot reaches a certain level, which is the black and white harem of NTR. But Black and White will not abandon her harem, so when they attack the Black and White harem, they will collide with Black and White and enter the awkward situation of mutual NTR.

And only after finishing all the harems in black and white, will he enter the route of black and white, and at the same time, he will also enter the route of red and white, which is a good friend of her.

But there is another problem to pay attention to here, that is, the number of black and white harems is relatively large. For example, when you are searching for a book of black and white harems, you will simultaneously enter the route of the Red Devil Hall. All kinds of broken two girls, any gap in the favorability of either party will be GAMEOVER!

The only safer is the Alice route, because there are not many people related to her, but the producer is very unscrupulous. There is a hidden plot in the Alice route. If it can’t be achieved, the hatchet will be used, and After that, Alice will blacken and wash Gensokyo in blood.

In addition, you will also enter the route of Zi Ma when you are attacking Red and White, and you will enter the route of Bai Yulou at the same time when you are attacking Zi Ma... At the same time, because of the various indiscretions of red and white, when her strategy reaches a certain level, she will Enter the route of the Sanae group.

When the black-and-white route, the red-white route, and the purple mother route reach a certain boundary point, they will enter the Di Lingdian route, because the structure of the Di Ling Hall is more complicated, and soon after the start, it will enter the Yama group route... , No matter which one is attacked first, you will reach at least three sets of routes at the same time, with all kinds of difficulty MAX.

Finally, even if the player has completed all the girls in Gensokyo, don't be proud, because after that, there will be an ultimate BOSS for you to attack, that is, EX-rank-Fantasy Girl!

After a certain period of time, you will be able to guide the fantasy girl. If you succeed, congratulations, the position of the king of the harem of Gensokyo will not be shaken, otherwise all the harem will rebel, and all the archives will be automatically canceled when the fantasy girl is attacked. One chance, either heaven or hell.

Such a setting can make the exercise more realistic, and it also allows players to be more cautious when attacking.

Faced with such a huge challenge, even Lin Luo, who has the title of "King of Raiders", is almost as difficult to overcome as if he had encountered a moat. After all, it is a game for exercises, so even if he is a game maker, he won't get any favorable conditions. Everything has to start from scratch.

Seeing "I" being hit by a hatchet again and again, by a good ship again and again, either by the second young lady, or thrown out of Gensokyo by the red and white, or by the purple mother in the gap to Halley's comet, he will also be sentenced to Shiji Eighteen layers of hell, of course, occasionally will be turned into frogs by frogs, and then frozen to pieces...In short, there are various death experiences, which are unique.

However, even in the face of such difficulties, Lin Luo did not step back, facing death and failure. The ship climbed up from wherever it was good, and the hatchet stood up from wherever it was...Finally, after seven days and nights. He worked tirelessly, and after hundreds of deaths, he finally overthrew Gensokyo and achieved the ambition of Gensokyo's harem.

In these seven days, except for the necessary eating and drinking, he almost never left the screen. Even if he ate, he ate the instant noodles in the room... This kind of life seemed to make him go back to the past again, with a unique nostalgia sense.

Although the process was difficult and rugged, the result was perfect.

"Ah, sure enough, this is the life of a house." After enjoying all the CG, Lin Luo walked off the bed and couldn't help sighing. If it wasn't for lack of talent, he would like to express a poem. Feelings in the heart.

After seven days and seven nights of self-challenge, his tactical ability has risen to the next level. He believes that in the future, even if he really arrives in Gensokyo, he will be mixed like rain and wind.

"Oh, no one shared such an achievement with me. Life is really lonely." Lin Luo sighed again. In the past, every time he finished a game, he would post the strategy on the Internet, making countless otaku worship. Over time, he has the title of King of Raiders and has become a legend in the house world.

But now... Ah, yes!

Lin Luo suddenly remembered that there are also many people in this world. Although they are all data projections, for those people, they really exist in this world and can also be shared objects.

Thinking of this, Lin Luo didn’t hesitate to connect the entire virtual world with his own Sky City into a huge network using the already-made projection program, and then through the "virtual network", he made this "Strategic Fantasy" The game and strategy process of "Hometown" are passed on.

Of course, this is not free, and getting something for nothing is a bad thing, even in a virtual world, so the game and the guide were packaged into a thousand copies, and he was labeled 998... As long as 998, Gensokyo will take home. .

"In this way, it won't be long before the data world projected by me will probably become a house world, hahahaha." Lin Luo couldn't help but feel very proud, seeing that less than a few minutes passed. The thousand copies of Gensokyo had been purchased in half, making him even more excited about that world.

"Maybe, someday in the future, that virtual world will become the real world." Lin Luo couldn't help thinking like this. It is not impossible to change from fantasy to reality, at least not Lily. Come here.

Now that the game is over, there is no need to stay in the room anymore. Although there are many other games, after playing the classic Gensokyo, the other games suddenly become a little dull.

"Well...this is the emptiness after the battle..."

I wonder if the gang of tigresses outside are going to condemn themselves? Lin Luo frowned slightly, and after thinking about it, he felt that what he should face is still to face, and now his strategy strength has grown qualitatively, there are many new moves that can be used in reality...well, if if it is possible.

Pushing open the door, looked around, no one.

"That's right, although there is a chance to wait for the rabbit, but in seven days they were not stupid enough to stay here forever."

Walking down from the second floor cautiously, Lin Luo found that in the lobby on the first floor, everyone was sitting around the huge dining table. Looking at the wall clock on the wall, it happened to be twelve noon, lunch time.

"Master, good noon."

Before Lin Luo went down the stairs, a sharp-eyed maid bowed slightly to him.


In an instant, everyone's eyes were looking towards him, Lin Luo's heart trembled subconsciously, being stared at by hundreds of people at the same time, the sense of oppression was still quite strong. What surprised him was that most people turned their heads immediately after looking at him and continued to fight with the food on the table.

Uh, have their anger disappeared?

Lin Luo was fortunate and disappointed at the same time. Wouldn't he have no chance to experiment with his new moves?

"Yo." Lin Luo stepped forward, greeted everyone on the table with a friendly smile on his face.

"We thought you were already dead." Everyone was indifferent, only Evangeline said sarcastically.

"Hey." Lin Luo gave a dry laugh, it seems that reality and the game can't be out of touch, but then again.

"Why are you at my house?" Lin Luo asked, looking at a red-haired girl sitting at the table.

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