The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 271: Countdown to Departure and Black Rock Route

"Can I play it?" Black Dragon MM Onyxia stared at Lin Luo with a look like "Are you an idiot?"

This is not a place for you to play, you should go back to your volcanic sea to roll and take a bath. Lin Luo glared at her back, but the other party could no longer see, because after speaking, Heilong MM continued to lower his head to deal with the food on the table.

"..." Lin Luo felt that this uncle was not here to control Lolita, but to eat. Moreover, the appearance of eating it gorgingly is as if it hasn't eaten for three months, it is really detrimental to the image of a beautiful girl, and the appetite is as good as Saber.

It's really hard to understand, this small man, where did so many crops go? Oh no, this guy is not a human, but a dragon! Thinking of this, Lin Luo suddenly realized.

"Master, please have a meal." After Lin Luo sat down, the maid kindly arranged tableware for him. After eating the instant noodles in the room for seven days, the bird had already faded from his mouth, and he couldn't care about it at this time. What kind of table manners, began to sweep everything on the table... By the way, he didn't have much table manners.

"MASTER, your secret chopsticks are in the wrong place." Because there are more big stomach kings on this table, chopstick fights often occur. For example, now, Nero slapped Lin Luo's chopsticks. .

"By the way, I'm just picking up a dish, you don't need to be so excited." Lin Luo was quite depressed.

"But, this is what I like." As he said, Nero poured all the tea into his bowl with a very quick action.

Lin Luo couldn't help but give her a blank look. In desperation, he had to change his goal, but when he stretched his chopsticks to a plate of bamboo fragrant chicken, he suddenly screamed, and the dish was gone. At that time, the whole plate of bamboo fragrant chicken has been held by the black Saber.

"..." Lin Luo was speechless, his eyes happened to see that the black Saber was also carefully looking at him, his amber eyes were full of warning.

"Okay, I'll let you." Lin Luo couldn't help but sweat, and then when he wanted to move the target again, he found that the food on the table was suddenly a lot less for some reason, and he frowned, "Is it an illusion?"

"Today's food is very delicious." Hearing this voice, Lin Luo quickly turned his eyes, and saw that Lily had already placed five empty plates in front of him, and then slapped two more.

Lin Luo couldn't help twitching at the corners of his mouth. He quietly leaned over and asked Mikoto, who was sitting next to him, softly, "Do they usually look like this when they eat?"

"Uh, that..." Mikoto's face was somewhat embarrassed, "Most of the time we eat in another restaurant, but today we only said to clean up the whole city, so we had no choice but to fight with the Sabers. "

"These guys are not eating at all, but mopping up." Evangeline also frowned, and then she called a maid not far away and whispered, "Tell Jiu Yuan, let them move faster over there. We will eat dim sum in the same place in an hour."

The maid understood her heart and ran away.

Lin Luo: "..."

"But having said that, they weren't so cruel before, how come they have become so cruel now?" Lin Luo asked strangely. During the time in the Moon World, although the Sabers often rushed to eat, they were not rampant. At this level, even Yiwen, who is a Wannian loli, can't stop it now. It's too cruel!

"Well..." Rin rubbed his forehead and whispered, "Lily said that the food the maids made was so delicious, so it made them appetite."

"So that's it." Lin Luo has a deep understanding of this. In the data he set, every maid is a master chef, and every one of them is equivalent to a small Chinese master. It is not uncommon to raise SABERs so slanderously. It makes sense.

"Little guy, this is mine, don't grab it with me!"

"It's not, it's obviously the first thing that people want!"

On the other side of the dining table, Little Saber and Black Dragon MM are in a fierce battle. Their target is a fish.

"Does this guy come often too?" Lin Luo pointed to the black dragon MM and asked Mikoto.

Mikoto patted her forehead and seemed to feel a headache, "During the seven days when you were absent, she was basically here except when she was sleeping at night, and she was at the table with Sabers when she ate."

Yes, Lin Luo understands that Heilong MM has already regarded this as her home.

"Sister, I want to eat fish." At this moment, he suddenly heard a milky voice from across the table.

"Huh?" Lin Luo was stunned, staring at the voice. It took a long time for her to see that there were two little girls sitting next to Lily, who looked like two or three years old, and they were so beautiful. Very cute, and they look exactly the same, obviously twins.

"Come on, this is the fish you want." Lily gently sandwiched the two pieces of fish into the bowls of the two little girls, with a loving expression on her face.

Lin Luo was petrified in an instant. If it were normal, he would never miss these two little girls. It was just that they didn’t pay attention just now. Secondly, these two girls were too young and were completely on the table by Lily. The empty plate was blocked, so he didn't see it until now. But this is not the point. The question is...Where did these two little girls come from? !

"Your daughter?" Looking at Lily, Lin Luo didn't want to blurt out.

"You are her daughter!" Before Lily spoke, the black dragon MM on the other side had already started cursing. She pointed to the two little girls and said loudly, "Ding Dang and Linglong are the daughters of the eldest sister!"

Dingdang and Linglong...Well, that should be the names of these two little girls. In other words, they are Long Wanxuan's children, "It turns out to be those two dragon eggs."

"Although the meaning is correct, why do I feel a little upset." Heilong MM frowned.

"Illusion and illusion." Lin Luo waved his hand and looked at the two little girls again. As expected, they were indeed somewhat similar to Long Wanxuan.

"Woo..." Being stared at by Lin Luo like this, the two little girls seemed a little scared, blinked their big flashing eyes, and drew back while pouting.

"Don't be afraid, come, come to my brother's side." Lin Luo felt more and more cute as he watched, and he couldn't help beckoning kindly.

"Woo..." The two little girls moved suddenly, but they didn't come to Lin Luo's side, but hid behind Lily.

"..." Lin Luo felt very embarrassed, and seemed to be disliked.

"Hahahaha!" Black Dragon MM suddenly laughed and looked at Lin Luo contemptuously, "Hmph, I want to lie to my two nieces, you are still very tender, they are not as good as you humans."

"Your map artillery is very large, do you intend to be laughed at by the group?" Lin Luo gave her a white look, of course, somewhat depressed, because Ding Dang and Linglong looked at him like uncle weird, and let him What I don't understand is why they are so close to Lily? Lily had stolen them in the first place, and it would be a very unacceptable thing for Lily to be so kind to them.

But this doubt was quickly answered.

"Don't be afraid, Ding Dang Linglong, my sister will protect you." Like a real big sister, Lily gently patted the two little girls on the shoulders and said softly, "If you sign a contract with your sister, there will be no I can hurt you, how?"

"..." Okay, this guy hasn't given up on his dream of being a dragon knight, but he abducts a child, saying that your morals are really lost, my king!

...In this way, lunch was spent in a tangled and lively atmosphere. Although Lin Luo was not full, he was better than what he had eaten seven days ago, and he was looking forward to the snack time an hour later.

After lunch, Black Dragon MM and Lily took the two little dragon girls to the atrium of Sky City to play. The game they played was very simple, that is, sliding down the Rainbow Bridge that connects Sky City and the earth.

The two held one by one, sat at one end of the top of the bridge, and then slid down with an inertial swish, and when they reached the bottom, they ran up and then slid, making the two little dragon girls laugh... , In order to increase the favorability of Little Dragon Girl, Lily worked very hard.

Others also do their own things, watching movies, taking a nap, playing video games, there may not be other things in Sky City, but the entertainment venues are still quite complete, and it will not be boring in a short time.

Looking forward to the snack time in an hour, Lin Luo didn't do anything special. Instead, he wandered around in the Sky City. Although the city was built by him, it doesn't mean that he has no motivation to play.

Lei and Mercury Lantern accompanied him to stroll around. They weren't as noisy as the others, they both seemed very quiet along the way. It is rare to enjoy the time alone with my father, the Mercury Lantern just sits quietly on Lin Luo's shoulder... She ignored Lei, who didn't say a word.

Although Lei didn't say much, she still occasionally looked at Lin Luo with expectant eyes.

Lin Luo knew that she couldn't wait more or less, so he touched her head and smiled and said, "Lei, we will go to the Eddylu Garden in three days."

Hearing these words, Lei's eyes suddenly opened wide, and after confirming that Lin Luo had not fooled her, she nodded heavily, "Hmm!"

"My father..." The soft voice of a mercury lamp rang in his ears.

"What's the matter?" I don't know if it was an illusion, Lin Luo felt that there was also a certain expectation in the tone of the mercury lamp.

"No, nothing." The girl turned her gaze, as if she wanted to say something, but finally shook her head.

what happened? Does she also want to go to the world of "Rose Maiden"? But it’s not right. Isn’t Mercury’s biggest wish to get the love of his father? Now that this wish has been fulfilled, there shouldn't be anything worthy of her nostalgia in the world of "Rose Maiden", is it... because they are really popular?

Lin Luo was a little unpredictable.

"Huh, what is she doing?" At this moment, Lin Luo suddenly saw that in a corner of the atrium, a girl with two ponytails was standing there, staring into the distance in a daze.

black Rock Shooter.

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