The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 407: The battle has ended, and 50 years of hope have been carried

In the night, under the shining of the stars, the battle between Lin Luo and the Creator continued passionately. Although the power of the two has reached the limit until now, they are not as powerful as they were at the beginning, but every time The collision is still earth-shaking and unstoppable, even the world-class powerhouse will be crushed into **** immediately under this kind of attack.


Under the control of the Creator, the palace of the tombkeeper galloped across the sky with the sound of rolling thunder, drawing a bright straight line like a meteorite falling to the ground, while on the opposite side, following Lin Luo's thought command, the floating city rapidly rotated. , Like a huge spinning top, tearing the air.

boom! !

The two collided again, but this time they didn't bounce apart as they used to, but they were glued to each other as they competed. Because the floating city was spinning rapidly, the sound of the two magic rubbing was extremely stern, which was simply the harshest scream in history. At the same time, countless sparks burst out.

"Woo...!" The creator felt the pressure, frowned, his face was covered with sweat, the destructive power of the floating city's rotation has exceeded the defensive limit of the magic barrier, if it continues like this, her tombkeeper's palace will be destroyed. Broken! But now her power is almost exhausted, and she can't do it if she wants to strengthen her defense, her magic power still has its limit.

"If this is the case, then I will attack to the end...burn it! The wild land!"

With a loud shout, the creator saw countless magma rushing out of the tomb-keeper’s palace. They did not scatter, but as if controlled by something, they all gathered on the surface of the tomb-keeper’s palace and wrapped them in groups. When I got up, in an instant, the tomb-keeper's palace was burning like a huge fireball.


Seeing this, Lin Luo suddenly changed color, and the tombkeeper's palace had become a "volcano" at this moment. This kind of burning has no effect on it, but it is very dangerous for his floating city. It is completely automatic. It was just like entering the sea of ​​fire, but for a short moment, under the erosion of the high temperature, the floating city had shrunk in a circle.

That kind of flame is absolutely unusual!

"What a creator, then let's make the last fight...Tian Lei summoned!"

Lin Luo stretched out his hand and pointed towards Gao Tian. In an instant, dark clouds rolled in the sky and endless violent thunder fell from the sky... His floating city does not have its own armed system like the palace of the tombkeeper, so at this time he can only use the power of heaven and earth Contend against each other, and the only natural force he can use is Thunder!

thunderbolt! thunderbolt! …

Lin Luo raised his power to the limit. Hundreds of huge thunders struck the floating city almost at the same time, but this did not stop. The dark clouds above the sky were still tossing violently, and more lightning fell to the floating city. Soon , The entire floating city has been entangled by violent thunder and lightning, it is like a warrior of the Three Kingdoms with an unparalleled overlord.

The collision between the city and the city, the confrontation between thunder and fire, is earth-shaking, and the momentum is overwhelming. Every blow carries the power of destroying the world!

"Okay, very good!" The creator suddenly laughed, with a hint of remembrance in his passionate voice, "Thirty-five thousand six hundred years, this is the time I have survived, except for the jihad and the final battle. I have never been defeated, and now your appearance seems to have made me see the strong age of the ancients again, arousing my already cooled blood, I want to thank you, but... now is my age!"

The tombkeeper's palace slammed into Lin Luo with fiery flames, and the power was already unstoppable.

"Whether it is the ancient times or yours, it has nothing to do with me. You are carrying the last wish of the last era and the world of this era. That is the source of your strength, but... what I am carrying is also mine. The source of strength, let this blow testify, is it because you are carrying a heavy burden, or is it because the thing I carry can go further!"

The Floating City carried the rage thunder that tore the sky and the earth drawn a bright light in the air, and rushed away.

Regardless of whether it is the creator or Lin Luo, their power is close to zero. Right now is their final blow. There is no opportunism, no tricks, and only the purest power to fight head-on... This blow will determine who wins. Who loses.

The moment the tombkeeper’s palace collided with the floating city, the result was already out. Amidst the sky-shaking explosion, all the lightning on the floating city dissipated in an instant, and the “unparalleled body” was destroyed. Because the impact wave blasted away the thunderclouds above the sky.

However, even so, the floating city was not defeated, because before the thunder and lightning disappeared, it had already extinguished all the flames on the tombkeeper's palace. The magic of the creator was completely emptied at that moment, and it could no longer be controlled. With countless The gravel splashes, the palace of the tombkeeper...falls!

"Ah, I lost." The creator didn't want to be buried with her palace. When the tombkeeper's palace fell, he flew out with only a little magic power left, and his body stayed in the void. Sigh slightly.

At this moment, Lin Luo can really see the appearance of the Creator. If you put aside the vicissitudes of her face and the huge power, she is almost no different from an ordinary woman.

Although Lin Luo won, he didn't have much excitement, because in this battle he had used all the power he could use, the rules he brought, and the abilities of the king of the world, but he had only tried his best to suppress it. The creator is only one point, and he is still an incomplete creator. If the opponent is a ground-level, then he has absolutely no chance of winning.

As the tombkeeper’s palace fell, a huge black hole appeared above the sky again, and the floating city quickly flew towards that black hole... Lin Luo immediately flew out of the floating city. The battle just now consumed all of his With power, he can no longer control the floating city, nor can he suppress the world's rejection, the floating city will return to its original world.

Afterwards, the floating city was swallowed by a black hole, and there was a earth-shattering sound from below. The tomb-keeper's palace had the closest contact with the earth, but it did not disintegrate because of this.

"Creator, do you have anything else to say now?" Lin Luo flew to the front of the Creator and said sternly.

"Hahaha." The Creator looked up to the sky and laughed. "There is nothing to say, you won this battle. Of course what I said before counts, you don't have to worry."

"I'm not talking about this." Lin Luo couldn't help but give her a blank look. He knew that the creator was referring to Evangelin, but even if the other party disagrees, no one can stop him from taking Evangelin away. The Avenue of Stars is the real absolute defense, which even Gaia can't break through. "What I want to ask is, about the human beings in this world, do you still want to destroy them?"

"Don't you think I shouldn't?" After all, the Creator is still the Creator. Even if he loses to Lin Luo, he will not be discouraged. They are their creators. Since they can't satisfy me, then I am qualified to destroy them."

Although the Creator's words are extremely domineering, Lin Luo has no way to refute it. As she said, everything in this world is her property, and she doesn't need to look at anyone's face unless someone can kill her.

In this world, there is no one who can kill the Creator. Even if it is Lin Luo, although she has defeated her, she has no ability to kill her. Moreover, she is still Evangelin’s mother, even if Lin Luo has the ability. Maybe kill her.

"What you said makes sense. If I was made by someone, it is his right to destroy me." Lin Luo nodded and then shook his head. "But it is also my right to live if I want to live. Come and kill me, I will definitely resist, just like humans in this world."

"Really an objective evaluation." The Creator smiled faintly, and said noncommittal. "Then what do you think I should do? For the sake of you being my son-in-law, I allow you to comment on me, and if your opinion is good, I will also try to accept it as a reward for your victory."

I don’t want your rewards, and things in this world are about my bird’s affairs... Lin Luo is speechless, but I spit out, if I have this opportunity, then within my own ability, I will give a little bit of it to this world. Power is nothing, after all, he also has recognized friends in this world, and he can't do it when he sees the destruction of a world with his own eyes.

"My opinion is to give mankind in this world another chance. After all, there are only a small number of people who are ambitious and want to start war. You have seen the scene in New Ostia. Most people still want the world to be peaceful. As for those ambitious, just kill them directly. What do you think of this method?" Lin Luo suggested.

"The idea is good, but the ambitions are inexhaustible. There is war where there are people. Moreover, without the right people leading, the wrong era will come again sooner or later." The Creator shook his head and sighed.

"I have someone to choose the right leader. If it is that person, I believe it will satisfy you." Lin Luo smiled.

"If it is this plan, we can also accept..." Suddenly, there was a voice from a person next to him. The two turned their heads and saw that all the people on the airship had come over, and the person who was speaking had already regained consciousness. Najib, he said sternly to the Creator, "At least 90% of magicians in the world want peace. All of us will work hard for this and create a world that is ideal for you and me, although it may cost A long time, even several generations."

"Huh." The Creator snorted coldly. After a while, she suddenly smiled, "...then try it, I will give the humans in this world another chance, but I will only give you 50 years, and I will Watching at the highest point of the world, if fifty years from now, I haven’t seen the world I want to see, at that time, I won’t be..."

"No problem at all!" Before the creation was finished, Najib and the others nodded immediately.

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