The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 408: The inheritance of magic and the farewell night

The palace of the tombkeeper has once again returned to its original place. Although the creator’s magic power has been exhausted and it is impossible to recover in such a short period of time, she has other sources of power, that is, the super-ring sound is in three. The magical power source that was probed before the sky is under the action of this magical power source that the tomb-keeper's palace is activated again.

Of course, the main use of that magical power source for creation is also a more troublesome thing. According to her, it is the cornerstone of this world and an important source of magical power for maintaining this world. It’s just that it has settled down because of certain things. It needs to be refined again to become a source of magic power again, and this time will take fifty years.

This time is exactly the same as the time the Creator gave to humans in this world. It seems that she also has her own intentions, but Lin Luo does not pay much attention to this. Even if it is the future development of this world, he does not want to intervene. He has done enough. , There is no need to work too hard for this world.

Therefore, all the discussions about the future were handed over to Nagyal and others, and Lin Luo took this opportunity to take a good day's rest, and by the way added a little magic power from Evangelin's body.

Three days later, Lin Luo's strength had been fully restored, and the Creator, Najib and others seemed to have agreed on a plan agreed upon by both parties. Of course, it was only a general plan. As for the details, it was not the Creator's concern.

On the next day, the Creator deliberately took Evangelin to the palace of the tombkeeper. It took a full day before Evangelin came out of it. No one knew what the two said. Even Lin Luo asked, Evan Gillin didn't say a word, but Lin Luo felt that her mood seemed to be much better.

"By the way, she said that you should also go to the palace of the tomb guard, um, bring Munako with you."

what? Listening to Evangelin's words, Lin Luo looked inexplicable. The creation is still plausible when he sees himself. After all, he is also her son-in-law. The mother-in-law sees her son-in-law, but what does Mu Naoxiang do? The two of them are eight poles and can't make a difference.

Although Lin Luo felt very strange, Evangeline would not lie to her, and the Creator could not do anything meaningless, so on the next day he took Mu Naoxiang to the tomb-keeper's palace.

Using teleportation, in less than ten minutes, he took Mu Nao Xiang to the palace of the tomb guard. It was an acquaintance who came out to greet him... Fett who refused to change his name, besides his few An alien harem.

Fett, who refused to change his name, still had that expressionless appearance, not cold, but not enthusiastic, but the eyes of Lin Luo from his harems were very complicated, and they seemed to be very interested in him, but their expressions were different. A little scared.

"Master is waiting for you inside, please come with me." Fett, who refused to change his name, said to Lin Luo lightly, and then walked in one direction without looking back.

Lin Luo originally wanted to play a skirt-lifting game with several of his harems, but it seemed that he didn't have this chance, and followed Fett's footsteps with a little disappointment.

"Teacher, why is the creator mainly looking for me?" On the way, Mu Naoxiang couldn't help being curious anymore, and asked Lin Luo, although her personality was informal, she was still a little nervous about the existence of the Creator.

"Well, I'll know at that time." Lin Luo scratched his head. To be honest, he wanted to know the reason more than Mu Naoxiang.

Soon, Fett, who refused to change his name, took them into a room. The room was very spacious and the magic inside was very sufficient. Standing in it was like being in an ocean of magic. Lin Luo looked around in the room and found that there seemed to be a bathroom here.

I was wondering why Fett brought him to the bathroom. The latter had already retired and closed the door. Then Lin Luo was surprised to find that there was a sudden crash in the huge bath, and a beautiful woman was naked. Stepped out of was the Creator.

Lin Luo was stunned, staring at the Creator's naked body in a daze.

"Wow!" Mu Nao Xiang was also taken aback, and subconsciously covered her eyes.

"I said, can't you wear a piece of clothing?" Lin Luo said silently, but his eyes glanced at the Creator from time to time...This is a man's instinct, and he can't be blamed for being rude.

"What's the matter?" The creator smiled radiantly, as if he didn't care at all, "I have lived so long and have already ignored gender. Would you feel embarrassed? Or... have an impulse?" She said. There was a provocative look in his eyes.

"..." Well, Lin Luo is already unable to complain, but he has to admit that the Creator's figure is indeed perfect, and it is full of primitive charm, if it hadn't been satisfied with Mikoto's body last night , Or really impulsive at this moment.

"What's the matter with you looking for us?" Lin Luo asked selectively ignoring the Creator's naked body.

The Creator chuckled lightly, made a black robe with magic power, and simply put it on his body, and then slowly said: "I already learned about you from my daughter yesterday, including the so-called **** war. "

"Oh!" Lin Luo was taken aback. The guy Yiwen said all about it, his mouth is really unreliable.

"It's really unexpected that the world will be so big, and there are things that even I don't know..." The creator sighed with emotion, and then said to Lin Luo sternly, "I originally needed my daughter to manage this world for me. Yes, but since she has chosen you, I can’t stop it. In order to make her survive as much as possible in the battle of Gods, I have taught her all the knowledge about using the source yesterday. This is the only thing I can do. What she did, and then I will give you another gift."


The creator nodded, and then looked at Mu Naoka, "This gift of mine may not be of much use to you, but it should be of great help to this girl... The magic of this era originated from me, and this girl is The magic of this era, so I will teach her all magic except ancient magic."

"Ah!" Not only did the Creator's words shock Lin Luo, even Mu Naoxiang didn't react for a while.

"If it is a general way of teaching, it will take at least several years to accept all my magic. I don't think you can wait such a long time."

Lin Luo showed a natural expression.

The Creator didn't care either, and smiled, "So I plan to enter these magics into her body in a nearly inherited way. This will take about seven days. How about this gift?

"Of course." Lin Luo didn't hesitate. Hearing what he said, Mu Naoxiang nodded slightly.

The next is the seven-day heritage. During these seven days, Lin Luo did not leave the tomb-keeper’s palace, but waited outside the room... Until seven days later, when he stepped into the room again, he found Mu Naoxiang His temperament has changed a lot, and it is unfathomable in four-character terms. Although the intensity remained the same, he could feel an extremely powerful force hidden in the girl's body.

The way of inheritance of the Creator cannot make Munaoka become stronger quickly, and she can't use most of the magic immediately, but...The Creator is a strong man of the ground level, and Munaoka has learned all her magic, plus that almost With infinite magic power, it is not difficult to imagine that Mu Naoxiang's future is at least a level. If she grows fast enough, this future may be reached soon.


After that, after staying in the magical world for another three days, after finishing the necessary things, Lin Luo took everyone back to the real world, and the members of the Red Wings stayed in the magical world except for the guard Wing Chun. , They need fifty years to change the world and get the recognition of the Creator.

Of course, they are not the only ones working hard for this, but all those who want peace.

Ma Fanliang Academy is still so noisy and peaceful. Although it has been confused because of the exposure of magic, it has basically restored the original peace. The only difference is that you can often see those wand-wielding exercises in the academy. The student of magic...

Lin Luo went to find Neji first, and asked him to go to the magical world during the summer vacation.

"The magic world?"

Lin Luo nodded, "Yes, you will take a test there. If you pass then you will be a teacher, and you can also see the people you have always wanted to meet." This is his test and Najib's test. At the same time It is also the test of the creator, a test that must be accepted to become the future leader of the wizarding world.

"I understand Master, I will definitely go to the magic world." Negi said firmly.

After that, Lin Luo handed a "resignation" to the dean. This resignation was not only for him, but also Sakiya, Evangeline, Mikoto, Mu Naoka, Setsuna and Chao Lingyin, and Cha Chawan, these people. Both will go to another world with him tomorrow.

Knowing that Lin Luo and the others are leaving here, the students of the Triple A are full of reluctance, because this time they leave, I don’t know when they will see it. On this day, the Triple A is not in class, and everyone is immersed in the faint sadness of parting. in.

Mu Nao Xiang's farewell to the Library Adventure Club.

The farewell between Setsuna and his work partner in the demons.

Chao Lingyin bid farewell to her club.

The farewell between Chachawan and the stray animals in the college...

In the evening, under the huge world tree, Triple A held a farewell banquet led by Yukihiro Ayaka, but it was not only the Triple A students who came to attend, but there were many others. For example, fans of Saki Ye, fans of Lin Luo, fans of Evan Jielin, fans of Bilibili and fans of Mercury Lantern.

These fan groups were established at the time of the martial arts conference and are their respective supporters. By the way, Mikoto's nickname is also Bilibili here.

Of course, in addition to this, there are more people who yearn for magic.

This evening, the world tree was almost full of people, and the banquet lasted until very late.

At the moment when the banquet was about to end, Lin Luo stood up and said, "This is my last night as a teacher at Ma Fanliang Academy. All I want to say is one thing... Whether it’s magic or life, whether it’s immersion in Fantasy is still a person willing to be ordinary. Please never forget the innocence and ideals in your heart at this moment. No matter where in the world you are, ideals... never die!"


"Cheers for the ideal!"

"Showing adults can't drink...but today is allowed!"

The broken world of juan seven

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