The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 425: The spirit of the heart is easy to understand, like a dream like an illusion

Time went back to a few minutes ago. After killing the spirit eliminators, Lin Luo chased in the direction where Bai Rui flew at the fastest speed. Along the way, he connected all the intermittent clues, and then came up with I came to a conclusion... The host of the Heart of the World in the Snack Noodles is Tuguong Kagura!

It’s not difficult to draw this conclusion. Avenue of Stars randomly chooses to go to the world in two ways. One is by Lin Luo's own orders, and the second is under the premise that there is no heart and no agreement with the world. In this case, the book of contract will be prompted.

Therefore, the world chosen by the Avenue of Stars this time is not random, but led by Bai Rui, but Bai Rui does not have the heart of the world, and it is impossible to affect the Avenue of Stars with its power. Then, it can be affected by Bai Rui The only person on the Avenue of Stars is the host of the Heart of the World who has a close connection with Bai Rui... and this person can only be Tuguong Kagura!

Regardless of whom Bai Rui was lodged with when he was summoned by Liu Ziwen, as long as Tugong Kagura was the host of the Heart of the World, there would be no problem... A strong desire can trigger the power of the Heart of the World to stop time. , Even to turn back time and space, then it is only natural to summon the things that originally belonged to her.

Bai Rui heard her call and responded to her call, but this call could not explain Lin Luo, so it chose the most appropriate time, that is, when Lin Luo started the Avenue of Stars with his own Power broke through the seal forcibly, and it brought Lin Luo to the plane of zero food.

Although this was only a guess that Lin Luo deduced, he believed that the error should not be too much. After all, apart from the mysterious power generated by the Heart of the World in responding to the host's wishes, nothing could affect his Avenue of Stars.

But here is a problem. If there is no extremely strong desire, the power of the heart of the world cannot be lured out, let alone under the premise of sealing, then, in what kind of dangerous situation, the earth palace **** The call of music can be conveyed to Bai Rui through the heart of the world?

At least, it's not just when you are in danger of your own life. Whether it's Misaka Mikoto or Tosaka Rin, the reason for their seducing the power of the heart of the world is not for themselves.

Then recalling the weird actions of the spiritualists before and the horrible scene of this city, Lin Luo guessed a rough idea. Not long after that, he suddenly heard a reminder from the book of contract: Bai Rui wanted to cut off his contact with him and re-recognize the master. No, to be correct, he should return to the original master.

After receiving that reminder, Lin Luo felt astonished in his heart, but he soon understood it... From the very beginning when he subdued Bai Rui, he was wondering why he was able to control Bai Rui without the ability to control the beast. Rui conquered? He finally knows the reason now, because Tugong Kagura is the host of the Heart of the World, and has a trace of contact with him invisibly. It is not so much to subdue Bai Rui, but to keep Bai Rui for her. Now it meets Tu Miyakagura, then naturally gave priority to the original owner, after all, he was just taking care of it on his behalf.

So Lin Luo did not hesitate to agree to Bai Rui's request, and at the same time galloped forward at the fastest speed, and then this was the next scene. He saved the soil from Santuhe at the time of the first shot. Gong Kagura and Kanshan Huangquan.

But the weird things did not end here. He originally thought that the host of the Heart of the World was only Tugong Kagura, or to the greatest extent, Tugong Kagura and Jianshan Huangquan each had a world heart. However, in any case, he Never thought that Tugong Kagura and Jianshan Huangquan would use the same heart of the world!

This kind of thing has never happened before. Lin Luo didn't even think about it. After all, the heart of the world has replaced the hearts of the hosts. How can one heart be used by two people?

However, such examples are not uncommon. Just like the Gemini among the twelve golden saints. Everyone thinks that there is only one Gemini Saint, but in fact there are two. As a pair of twins, they both have Gemini. Power, and once there is only one person left, it is not a Gemini.

Therefore, rather than saying that Jianshan Huangquan and Tugong Kagura are one and half of the two sharing a heart of the world, it is better to say that the heart of the world must be hosted by two people. Only when the two are one is complete. Don't... After all, it is the heart of the spirit!

The spirit of the heart is simple, and the heart is in the same life for a lifetime.

In terms of feelings, both of them regard each other as more important than their own lives. In terms of experience, although it is only four years, these four years have far exceeded the 40 or even 400 years of other people. In terms of identity, one It is the white maiden and the black maiden, which is the foundation of this world... In this zero-food plane, or looking at the entire world, which two people are more suitable for the heart of the spirits than Kanshan Huangquan and Tuguu Kagura ?

Of course, how long did Lin Luo think about this kind of thing, because now the most important thing is not about the heart of the world, but Jianshan Huangquan’s injury, hurried to Jianshan Huangquan’s side to check her body, even Lin Luo was also in a panic. The organs and tissues of his body were almost 80% damaged. The internal organs, blood vessels and even nerves were almost completely necrotic. The only thing that protected normal vitality was the heart. With such an injury, Jianshan Huangquan could still survive. A miracle!


Without paying attention to Tugong Kagura's shocked eyes, Lin Luo squatted on the ground and directly tore off Jianshan Huangquan's shirt, exposing her upper body completely to the air.

"Ah!" Tugong Kagura covered his mouth in exclamation and took a breath of air. It was not because of Lin Luo's rude actions, but because she saw Jianshan Huangquan's injuries. The shocking knife wound almost killed the girl. The body was split in half, and the wound was completely black, and black congestion came out of it.

"This, this is..." There were tears in Tugong Kagura's eyes. Because there was no cure, she had never dared to touch the wound of Jianshan Huangquan, and she did not expect it to be so serious. You must know that it was not at the beginning. It's not so serious, but why does it just become like this when it deteriorates?

Looking at the terrifying wound, Tugong Kagura's heart was cut with a knife. With such injuries that ordinary people can die several times, the other party never said a painful word, and he did not hesitate to make the injury worse and saved himself several times. , This made her heart full of touch and guilt. If possible, she would rather hurt herself than Jianshan Huangquan.

"This is not a pure physical attack, with the power of the killing stone. So although it was just an ordinary knife wound at first, under the erosion of the killing stone, her body began to die little by little. This can no longer be regarded as a trauma. , But touched the root of the body."

Lin Luo gently stroked Jianshan Huangquan’s naked body, and said in a deep voice, Jianshan Huangquan’s ability to save her life is not a miracle. In addition to her own will, the more important thing is that the heart of the world has become her heart. Otherwise, if it's just the heart of ordinary people, it won't be able to hold on to the present, and the whole body will rot and die.

"Sister Huang Quan... Is she, she still saved?" After hearing Lin Luo's words, Tugong Kagura's heart became even more disturbed, no matter who the man in front of him was or what purpose, he rushed forward. Kneeling down on both knees, grasping Lin Luo's arm forcefully, crying and begging, "Please, save her, she is my most important person, as long as you save her, no matter what you want me to do. I am willing, please, as long as you can save her!"

The girl burst into tears, only to kneel down and kowtow.

"Don't worry, although this kind of injury may be unsolvable for others, I can definitely save her, and I came for this." Lin Luo touched the girl's head and smiled comfortingly. "Trust me, I will return you a lively sister Huangquan soon."

"Yeah." Under Lin Luo's soft voice, the girl finally stopped crying and nodded heavily. Although she didn't know the person in front of her, her gentle tone made her feel at ease. It was in Jianshan Huangquan. There is not much difference in the tenderness experienced by the body, which makes people trust and rely on.

After half a month of continuous fighting, Tugong Kagura would not trust a stranger casually, but because of the connection between the Heart of the World and the Book of Contract, she has an instinctive affection for Lin Luo. Moreover, it was Lin Luo who had just rescued them, a person who could easily kill Santuhe in seconds. If he wanted to disadvantage them, he didn't need to set up any scam.

And more importantly, Lin Luo said that Jianshan Huangquan could be saved. For Tugong Kagura, it surpassed everything in this world. As long as Jianshan Huangquan could be saved, it would be fine if she died herself.

On the other side, Lin Luo has already pressed his hands on Jianshan Huangquan's body... Holy healing technique, activate!

Muscle repair... Visceral repair... Bone repair... Cell repair... Blood repair... Nerve repair...

Except for the heart, no part of Jianshan Huangquan's body is intact. It can be said that her body has been completely necrotic. Lin Luo's healing technique is almost omnipotent. It is impossible to repair her in an instant. It must be one step. One step.

Physical repair is a very simple matter. With Jianshan Huangquan’s current strength, Lin Luo’s vitality is not consumed. Soon, the terrifying wound between her chest and abdomen was completely healed, and the whole person seemed to be bathed in the holy. In the light, her face gradually turned ruddy, and after a while, there was no trace of scars on the girl's body, and even the dark blood stains disappeared with the treatment.

Seeing this scene, Tugong Shenle cried with joy, and at the same time, his heart was full of incredible shock, making himself helpless, but the person in front of him only touched it so lightly, and he was completely healed in less than a minute. Now, this kind of thing... the girl felt like she was dreaming.

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