The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 426: The sleeping girl must be washed for nothing

Lin Luo's sacred healing technique is omnipotent, but it is not omnipotent. It can treat some physical injuries 100%, but if it is some mysterious power, then his healing technique will encounter difficulties, such as what he has encountered now. Difficult problem. Although Jianshan Huangquan's body has completely recovered, no matter whether it is the internal organs or the body surface skin, there is no wound, but there is one treatment technique that does not work, and that is the power of the killing stone.

Jianshan Huangquan did not have a killing stone, but when Santuhe attacked her, she passed the power of the killing stone to her body. This was a force she could not resist. Although she saved her life with the help of the heart of the world, It was just that the Killing Stone could not affect the Heart of the World, but the World Heart in a sealed state would not help Jianshan Huangquan to exclude the power of the Killing Stone, and even Lin Luo's healing technique could not do it.

After all, the power of the killing stone is world-destroying. If Lin Luo's rule power can work, with the creation of rules and healing skills, it should be able to remove the power of the killing stone, but now his healing skills can only work on the body.

"Sister Huangquan... can't you come back?" Seeing Jianshan Huangquan was still in a coma, Tugong Kagura couldn't help worrying again, looking at Lin Luo anxiously.

"No, the life is saved, but there is still some residual power that has not disappeared. That is more troublesome..." Seeing Tugong Kagura's face full of anxiety, Lin Luo smiled, "Don't worry, she didn't wake up. Just because I let her sleep for a while, there is no danger of life, so basically she is cured."

"Really?" Tugong Kagura suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Lin Luo eagerly.

"Of course, I can promise."

"Great, sister Huangquan..." Hearing Lin Luo's confident words, Tugong Kagura was relieved, and the depression and sorrow over the past few days was wiped out, and he hugged Jianshan Huangquan's body again. Crying and laughing, this kind of lost and regained joy made her only express with tears.

Lin Luo didn't bother her, but after she cried for a while, she took out a piece of clothing from the storage space and handed it to her, saying, "Well, if you want to cry or laugh, you should wait for Huang Quan to wake up. Come over and talk about it. Now put her on a dress. It's not good to be naked after all."

After Lin Luo said this, Tugong Kagura was stunned. Now Jianshan Huangquan is still naked, his face is slightly red, and he wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes, and took the clothes in Lin Luo's hand to put on Jianshan Huangquan. ...... The clothes Lin Luo gave were his own spares. They couldn’t be women’s clothing, but Tugong Kagura didn’t care either. In this extraordinary period, it’s good to have food and clothes. If you need to wear clothes, It would be too extravagant to be entangled.

Although it is a men's clothing, it is not uncomfortable to wear on Jianshan Huangquan. After all, she is not the kind of weak woman. As long as she fits well, regardless of whether men's clothing or women's clothing is worn, it will not look uncomfortable. In terms of size, the gap between her and Lin Luo is not much.

"By the way, change all your clothes by the way." After Tugong Kagura dressed Jianshan Huangquan, Lin Luo took out a few more clothes and handed them to Tugong Kagura.

"Hey, need it." Tugong Kagura was taken aback and waved again and again.

"Let's see, can you still wear your clothes now?" Lin Luo pointed to the girl's clothes. The girl looked down and saw that her clothes were not only stained with blood and dirty, but even some pieces of meat were attached. It was splashed while cutting the living dead. If it was Tuguong Kagura before, he wouldn't care about it, but now that he had clean and fragrant clothes in front of him, he immediately felt that the set on his body was disgusting to the extreme.

"But..." Tuguong Kagura couldn't help lowering her head, and her eyes flashed with shame and embarrassment. Although she wanted to change it immediately, she was a young girl after all. She was still in front of a strange man to change her clothes on this street. You can't do it even in this extraordinary period.

Lin Luo could also see her entanglement. After thinking for a while, he took the clothes from Tugong Kagura back and put them back into the storage space, "Forget it, just go find a place to wash down and change clothes. Right."

"Oh." Tugong Kagura nodded slightly, but his eyes were very curious. A few pieces of clothing appeared and disappeared in Lin Luo's hands. In her opinion, it was almost like magic, but she didn't care too much. After all, Lin Luo had healed Huang Quan's injury so easily, she wouldn't be surprised no matter how miraculous things were.

Then, Lin Luo hugged Jianshan Huangquan’s body, while Tugong Kagura inserted the Lion King into the sheath. Both Luan Honglian and Bai Rui entered their respective seals. Only when they stood up, the girl felt her feet. Falling softly and feebly to the ground.

Before, she could ignore foreign objects because of her nervousness, but now she was relaxed, and she immediately felt her own fatigue. She was so weak that she didn't have any strength, and even her legs were trembling.

Lin Luo was eager and quick, and he had already copied the girl into her arms before she fell down, and then he held one in one hand and the other in the other and galloped away.

Being held in the arms of a strange man made Tugong Kagura extremely uncomfortable, but she also knew that her current figure was not suitable for the journey, and the other party was their savior. Although she felt embarrassed in her heart, she was not. So much to say, but she couldn't suppress the doubts that had been hovering in her mind anyway, and couldn't help but softly ask, "Well...Who are you? Why would you help us?"

Lin Luo lowered his head and smiled and said, "I will talk about this later. Now I will take you to take a good bath and eat something. You should be very hungry now. You can only speak after you have enough food and drink. ."

Seeing him saying this, Tugong Kagura couldn't ask any more, so she had to keep the doubt down. Anyway, if the other party really wanted to hurt them, she wouldn't have the ability to resist at all.

Because the entire city is being attacked by evil spirits, and the enemy is determined to kill Jianshan Huangquan and Tugong, almost most of the houses have suffered huge damages, supermarkets, bathhouses, shops... these can be. None of the places for them to rest and look for food materials are intact. Even if there is one intact occasionally, they are filled with the living dead and are no longer available.

Anyway, Lin Luo searched for a long time and did not find a place where the two girls could take a bath. Finally, he decisively ran towards the forest on the outskirts of the city. After about half a time, he bypassed countless living dead and evil spirits, and finally found a source of water. It was a clean pond, then stopped.

But when he looked down at the faces of the two girls, he found that Tuguong Kagura was asleep.

"Ah, this is a bit troublesome." He patted Tuguong Kagura's cheek lightly, but the other party didn't mean to wake up at all. This is justified. After all, the two girls fled almost endlessly for fifteen. God, there is no time to relax, physically and mentally exhausted, now that you relax, how can you not sleep soundly.

Lin Luo let Jianshan Huangquan sleep for this reason. But now that both of them are asleep, what about taking a bath? It was hard for him to find a clean source of water. The waste is shameful, or... did you wash them yourself?

Lin Luo felt that this idea was a little shameless. Taking the bath for the two young girls while sleeping is obviously taking advantage of the danger, but... God knows when they will fall asleep this time, it would be inappropriate to wake them up forcibly. Huang Quan is okay, but Kagura can't be allowed to wear clothes stained with flesh and blood all the time, right?

After a minute of fighting between heaven and humans, Lin Luo finally decided to flip a coin to decide this issue. If it is positive, wait until they wake up. If it is negative, then they will be washed away.

Reaching out, a coin flew towards the sky, and when it fell, it turned around on the ground a few times, and finally... it was the reverse side. Lin Luo swears that he absolutely didn't use any superpowers, and the coins were normal.

"...So, it's not me taking advantage of others, but God's will."

God, the second child, and the third one, since even the boss said that if you want to help these two girls wash for nothing, then of course you can't defy God's will as a little brother, and those who act against the sky will be struck by lightning!

So, after another battle between heaven and man, Lin Luo gently placed the two girls by the pond. Jianshan Huangquan had just put on new clothes, and after his own treatment, he could temporarily put them in the back. After the previous battle, Kagura's body was covered with blood stains and minced meat. It looked too unhealthy and had to be washed first.

Soon, the clothes on Tugong Kagura's body were stripped clean by Lin Luo, but looking at the girl's body, Lin Luo couldn't feel a trace of desire in his heart... It was scars and blood stains, and even in some places. Scarred, black and white, not as white and tender as a girl should be.

Once again, he used the treatment technique to remove the injury from the girl's body, then picked up her petite body and stepped into the pond, took out a towel from the storage space and gently wiped her body...During this process, Tugong Kagura still slept soundly, as if dreaming in deep sleep, with a peaceful expression on her face.

Looking at her appearance, Lin Luo was defeated...Although he did have a little bit of advantage at the beginning, the peaceful face of the girl made him feel ashamed.

The reason why Tuguong Kagura falls asleep is not only because he is tired, but also because he has found a sense of security. It is trust and dependence on himself. If he takes this opportunity to wipe the oil, it would be a beast, because of the skin. The trace of desire that arose from the blind date was completely turned off, and after washing her body in a hurry, Lin Luo immediately put on clean clothes.

At this moment, the girl lying on the ground is wearing a set of men's casual clothes, her face is delicate and white, and with her short hair, she looks like a graceful teenager.

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