The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 427: The alluring sister Huang Quan and the hidden threat

After washing Tugong Kagura, Lin Luo began to wash Jianshan Huangquan again. At this time, he felt tremendous pressure. Tugong Kagura is only fourteen years old after all, and his body has not yet developed. Although he is a girl, he actually She was a poor-breasted loli, so when she helped Tugong Kagura for nothing, Lin Luo could easily suppress her body's instincts.

But Jianshan Huangquan is a pure girl, no, it's Yujie! Except that the **** are not too full, the body curves are all perfect. Such a superb elder sister is lying in her arms now, at her mercy, it is absolutely impossible to say that she has no thoughts and desires.

When wiping the girl’s body, Lin Luo could feel her heartbeat speeding up every time her fingers slid over the skin on the girl’s body, especially when the fingers were in contact with the important parts of the girl, there was an evil fire in her body. Emerging, under the stimulation of Hermon, the body instinctively reacted, pressing between Jianshan Huangquan's buttocks.

And because of the movement of the body, the girl’s breath spurted on Lin Luo’s neck from time to time, and the black hair slid across his nose, exuding the unique fragrance of a girl... This temptation, as long as it is a real man, can’t resist. live.

Lin Luo is not a righteous gentleman, let alone Liu Xiahui, who is not in a mess. If there is a beauty lying on the bed and saying that he can play with him, he will never refuse, but it is his bottom line to take responsibility after playing. Therefore, he never actively provokes those girls who don’t have the heart of the world. Otherwise, with his ability, he can’t find what kind of woman he wants, especially in the magical world, even if the entire Ma Fanliang Academy’s girls are visited again. It's a breeze.

Although Huang Quan has the heart of the world, Lin Luo will not let her go, but the girl is in her current state, it is okay to wipe her oil, but if she really violates her at this time, it is no different from rape, it is a scum move. , Lin Luo still couldn't do it.

Therefore, even though his body's desires are almost swelling, Lin Luo still sticks to his bottom line...Speaking of which, in this state, he can still resist infringing on Huangquan, even he feels that he has the willpower. Great progress.

About ten minutes later, Huang Quan's body was finally washed clean by him, and then he dried his body and put on clothes. The beautiful young girl transformed herself into a beauty in men's clothing.

Holding Huangquan and placing her next to Kagura, Lin Luo didn't dare to stay with the two girls for fear that the beast's heart would rise again. He immediately jumped into the pond and buried her whole body in the water, trying to get Cold water to cool his desires...Although there was only a dozen minutes of time just now, the lethal power of Jianshan Huangquan was too great, making him like **** in heaven.

"Ah, self-inflicted, I knew that sister Huangquan was so lethal to me, so I shouldn't have washed her for nothing, and it made me unable to get up right now. It's a hell." Lin Luo was soaking in the pond. , While enjoying the cold water cleaning, complaining, now half of his mind is the snowy white and tender **** of Jianshan Huangquan.

"Sure enough, you can't live, huh!" Lin Luo snorted coldly in his heart. His right hand stretched out from the water, and a white light shot towards the distance. There was a scream in an instant, and a scream was over fifty meters away. The evil spirit approaching here was instantly killed by him.

Although he is now burying his head in the water, how could he put Huangquan and Kagura on the shore without any preparation? As early as the beginning, he had set up a barrier with the strongest sense of 100 meters in diameter. Dangerous creatures or hostile forces could not escape his eyes as long as they approached.

Five minutes later, Lin Luo finally got out of the water. It was because he used the natural ability of the Waterstop Realm he obtained from Mu Naoxiang to calm his spirit, otherwise, it would take at least twenty. minute.

On the shore, Huang Quan and Kagura still did not wake up. The two young girls lay peacefully together, sleeping soundly, just like a pair of real sisters. Lin Luo didn't bother them either, and lay down on the grass a few miles away from the girls, watching the surrounding environment while enjoying the brief peace.

"What happened in this world?" Lying on the ground, Lin Luo muttered to himself. Everything is completely different from the original plot. It will cause such a phenomenon. He has already guessed some of the reasons, but the specific process You have to wait for the two girls to wake up and then ask, maybe it will be an uphill battle...

At the same time, somewhere in this city, in a dark room.

"You useless rubbish, I told you to kill those two women. You didn't succeed. Instead, you dragged your half-dead body back. You're a **** brain-fucked!" This is a thin, cold-faced young man. , He raised his foot and kicked the gray-haired boy who was kneeling in front of him fiercely, and cursed, "Obviously there is such a good opportunity to kill those two women. Watching a movie in the sky, I didn't do anything when I should do it, now it's fine, they were saved by someone...Damn, I really want to slap you to death!"

boom! The white-haired boy was kicked out in an instant, hitting the opposite wall heavily, spitting out a mouthful of blood, but there was no dissatisfaction on his face, instead he quickly climbed in front of the young man, very respectful Looking at each other earnestly, "Master, I'm sorry, I thought everything was under my control, but I didn't expect to kill such a strong man halfway through, I..."

"Control your head!" Before the gray-haired boy finished speaking, the young man kicked him again, but this time he didn't use much force, he just kicked him down. You are still in control of his strength, do you think you are the king of the world?!"

Faced with the beating and scolding of the youth, the white-haired youth did not want to resist at all, but just kneeled in front of the other party, like a believer who bears the wrath of God.

"What is a villain? Kill when it should be killed, and kill it when it shouldn't. As long as it is an enemy, no matter whether it is strong or weak, you must do your best to punish it. You can't give the enemy a little chance to grow up. This is the real villain!" The young man lifted the body of the white-haired boy, with infinite anger in his eyes, "A guy like you, with a little bit of strength, feels proud, you deserve to be killed as a villain! If not! I see you still have some usefulness, I have left you to fend for yourself a long time ago!"

"Yes, Santuhe thanked the master for his life-saving grace." The white-haired boy was Santuhe. Although he was smashed by Lin Luo with a sword, he did not die because of the power of the killing stone, but he was seriously injured. , And now under the treatment of this young man, he has almost recovered.

Santuhe raised his head and said respectfully to the young man: "However, as long as the master goes out, even that person will only have a dead end. With the power of the killing stone, the master will be invincible in the world. Opponent of the master."

"The world is invincible?" Listening to the other party's flattery, the young man was not happy, but sneered, and threw Santuhe away. "Just rely on your **** to say that he is that kind of stuff? Don't be kidding. Now, you worm sitting on a well and watching the sky, don’t know how big the sky is and how high the earth is. He is Lin Luo, if Lin Luo is that kind of stuff, then what am I? I’m not even as good as that kind of stuff!"

"Master?!" Hearing these words from the youth, Santuhe was shocked.

However, the youth did not pay attention to him, but frowned deeply, "Damn it, **** it! I thought there was only the undead fool in this world, but he didn't expect that Lin Luo would appear now, one of the three kings. The character... Hell, I can’t beat the Three Kings with my current strength. Fortunately, he has just arrived in this world, and the rule power is impossible to use, and the mystery of this world is so low that I want to do it in a short time It’s impossible to unlock the power of rules, um, let me think about it..."

The young man wandered in the room, thinking deeply, while Santuhe knelt on the side and dared not speak. He knew that his master hated interrupting him when he was thinking. If he interrupted his thinking, he would definitely suffer. Torture.

"Since he is one of the three kings, his strength is at least at the peak of the spiritual stage, and it is still the true peak. Unlike the two cheating rookies peaks, even if the rule power is suppressed, he can at least display the strength of the intermediate spiritual stage. If I fight with him now, my odds of winning should be 50%... No, right! Too risky, the Three Kings is definitely not only regular power, if you add his ability to hold the bottom of the box, my odds of winning will definitely not exceed 30%, only one chance , I can’t do this kind of things with big risks and small rewards..."

"Then use the power of this world to deal with him? Although most of this world is miscellaneous soldiers, some guys are still very powerful, even if there are many ants, they can kill the elephant, let alone a king who can't use regular force... also No, if he sees a bad situation and leaves with those two hosts, then everything I have done will be meaningless."

"Would you like to control those leaders and throw a nuclear bomb at Lin Luo? No, there is a very dangerous thing on the two women. If the power of that thing is pulled out by the nuclear bomb, I can't escape death... Damn it! Obviously it is. Such a weak host has such a powerful thing, I can't connect them close to them, and I can't even attack them... I originally planned to control the people around them to assassinate them, I blame the undead bastard!"

As soon as he said this, the young man suddenly became angry, and his eyes almost burst into flames, "That bastard, who obviously participated in the battle of God, is so innocent and mentally disabled, and has repeatedly ruined my good deeds. How can there be such an idiot in this world! Chivalry? Ride your mother's ghost path! Can Chivalry be eaten? Can Chivalry become stronger? Chivalry... By the way!"

Suddenly, the young man's eyes lit up, and he thought of something.

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