The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 428: Knight, royal sister, loli, king, death

"Ahhhhh, I finally came back alive, it hurts, this time I was directly exploded."

In an abandoned warehouse, a young man struggled to get up from the ground, frowning, and gently rubbing the joints of his body. He looked around, not caring that he was naked at all, walked to a hanger that fell on the ground, and picked up a somewhat torn piece of clothing from there.

"Haha, I’m really lucky. I didn’t expect that I was reborn in a clothing store this time... Although this dress is a bit torn, I can barely wear it. Well, I can go out if I find another pair of pants. Haha, I’m really A genius."

The man laughed like an idiot. While putting the dress on, he rummaged through boxes and cabinets on the ground and found it. After a while, he found a pair of pants that he could wear. He held it in his hand and gestured. It just fits, no matter whether it is dirty or not, I wore it directly on my body.

"The book of the knight has become a reality!" After he was neatly dressed, the man suddenly looked straight and stretched his hand forward. Suddenly a silver book appeared in his hand. When he opened it, he couldn't help scratching his head, appearing Very troubled, "Eighteen times, it is really troublesome, I have died in this world 18 times..."

"But it's okay, as long as my chivalry spirit is not extinguished, I won't really die, haha!" He was still troubled just now, and in a flash he laughed again, his face full of confidence.

"By the way, I don't know if the two girls escaped?" After returning the book of knights to his body, the man frowned again, looking a little worried, "Can't stay here, those two The host’s combat effectiveness is so low, and that **** can control people all over the world. It is difficult for them to survive in their current state. I have to help them, otherwise my eighteen deaths would be meaningless."

Having said this, the man suddenly raised his head and closed his eyes with a solemn expression, "Sister, although I have been involved in this kind of battle where I must hunt others to become stronger, no matter where I am, I will definitely I will never forget what you taught me, help the strong and help the weak, help women, and be an upright and kind person... Don’t worry, although I am still weak now, I can definitely find ways to become stronger without hunting others. This way, I will never let this battle of God tarnish my faith. Don't worry about my safety, as long as my chivalry spirit is immortal, I will never die, because I am a knight!"

After speaking, the man opened his eyes with a bright expression in his eyes, and then quickly rushed out of the warehouse and ran away.


In the evening, Jianshan Huangquan and Tugong Kagura finally woke up leisurely. When they saw that they had all changed their clothes, and their bodies seemed to have been washed fragrantly, they couldn't help being taken aback.

"Kagura, did you change my clothes for me in a bath?"

"Sister Huangquan, did you change my clothes for me in a bath?"

The two said in unison, and then they froze at the same time.

Three seconds later, Jianshan Huangquan still maintained the same expression, but Tugong Kagura had deliberately recognized his head and looked at Lin Luo who was lying on the side. His face was quite complicated. Huangquan followed her gaze. After going over, I was surprised when I saw Lin Luo...By the way, Lin Luo was pretending to be asleep now.

"Ah, you are already awake, I'm so sorry, because I was a little tired, so I took a nap." A few seconds later, Lin Luo sat up from the ground, stretched his waist, rubbed his eyes, and made a pair of sleepy eyes. He looked like, "Hey, have you changed your clothes? I declared in advance that I have been sleeping, I didn't take a peek."

Tuguong Kagura is slightly weak in character, and she is their savior. Even if she washes them for nothing while they are asleep, she may be shy, but most of them will not lose their temper. But Jianshan Huangquan is different. She is a kind of strong imperial sister. Although she is gentle towards Tuguong Kagura, she doesn’t have much affection for men, and she is extremely shy and can be said to be violent. Tsundere, if she knows that she not only looked at her whole body but also touched her whole body when she was asleep, she would definitely run away. Regardless of your savior, it would be light to swipe it directly... So, Lin Loso pretended to be completely unaware.

"That... didn't you change it for us?" Tu Gong Kagura said instinctively, but just after she finished speaking, she blushed and lowered her head. Obviously, this problem was a bit "overweight" for her.

After Jianshan Huangquan heard these words, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"How is it possible!" Lin Luo immediately made a righteous and awe-inspiring look, "I have been sleeping just now, and I have no idea about the surrounding things. Besides, how could I do that when you are asleep."

"But Sister Huang Quan and I were asleep just now. Who changed those clothes? And... take a bath?" Tugong Kagura raised his head, his face filled with confusion.

"I think you must have woke up in a daze, washed your body, changed your clothes, and then fell asleep again because of fatigue, so you don't remember it."

"Yes, is that so?" Tugong Shenle asked weakly.

"Of course." Lin Luo nodded affirmatively. In fact, there are many loopholes in his words. As long as a person with a little agile mind can easily expose his lies, it's just that Tugong Kagura's brain is not very agile, on the contrary, she It also brings a little natural attributes. It is naturally impossible to find out the loopholes in Lin Luo's words for a naturally weak little loli.

Jianshan Huangquan frowned slightly. What the other party said made her very suspicious. She was not so confused that she didn't know if she had taken a bath or changed clothes, but... Kagura can't guarantee it, maybe it is. It is not impossible for Kagura to change, and it is not this kind of problem that concerns her most now.

"Kagura, who is he?" Jianshan Huangquan approached Tugong Kagura's ear and asked softly.

"Sister Huangquan, he was the one who saved us before..." Tugong Kagura immediately said what had happened before. After listening to her, Jianshan Huangquan's expression was still weird, but he looked towards Lin Luo's eyes have become much milder.

"My name is Jianshan Huangquan, thank you for saving me and Kagura." Standing up, Jianshan Huangquan bowed deeply to Lin Luo, his face full of sincerity. It is easiest for people to feel help when they are desperate, and she is no exception. Although it is just a handy effort for the other party, it is a life-saving grace for them.

As for the question of "changing clothes and taking a bath" just now, she has already left her behind. If someone who can easily kill Santuhe in seconds, if he really wants to violate them, he doesn't need to take advantage of them to fall asleep. Even now, they can. There was absolutely no ability to resist, and she did not feel any trace of being violated.

"Um, my name is Tugong Kagura, thank you for saving us." Seeing Huang Quan's movements, Tugong Kagura also learned something.

"My name is Lin Luo, you don't have to be so polite." Lin Luo walked over to them and smiled, "I think you must be hungry. Come and eat something to restore your strength."

I didn’t know, I was shocked when I heard Lin Luo said that, the two of them felt their stomachs panicked with hunger, almost flat, and their stomachs sent out a cooing signal...This made the two girls face red and red. All bowed their heads.

Lin Luo didn't laugh at them either. He took out a lot of food directly from the storage space. It was not quick food like bread and steamed buns, but hot meals, steamed fish, braised pork, sweet and sour chicken, Mapo tofu...sufficient. More than a dozen dishes were laid out on the ground, in addition to a pot full of rice.

Jianshan Huangquan and Tugong Kagura were stunned. It was not that they had never seen these dishes, but how did Lin Luo change these dishes? They can clearly feel that these dishes have just been prepared, but there are no cooking tools and traces around them, which is amazing.

Of course they didn’t know that Lin Luo’s storage space was not affected by time and space. These meals were prepared by the maids before they were put in. Of course, they were the same as freshly cooked... They were used to the delicious food made by the maids, Lin Luo I don't want to eat other junk food.

Not long after they were surprised, their attention was quickly turned away, and the fragrant dishes made them irritate.

Seeing the two greedy faces, Lin Luo smiled faintly, and gave them two bowls of rice, and handed them over, "Come on, fill up your stomach first, and then talk about what we all want to know."

At this point, the two of them did not hesitate, and immediately took the job and began to gobble up. There was no trace of the image of a lady. They were really hungry. For the past 15 days, let alone food, even if there are too few bread and buns. what.

Just after they had eaten half a bowl, both of them raised their heads and looked alert. At the same time, Lin Luo's gaze was turned to the side, only to see that outside the enchantment range of fifty meters, the mountains and plains were full of life. There are more than thousands of dead people and evil spirits!


It’s still in the room of the underworld, the stern young man, but it’s different from before. At this moment, his face is full of smiles, "Hehe, I remember someone said before that Lin Luo has flaws in analyzing the world’s rules, so I’ll In response to this weakness, he kept sending troops to harass him, leaving him no time to analyze the rules of the world, but I took advantage of this time to speed up the analysis... The root of my strength is death, as long as the more people die, I can analyze the rules of the world. The faster the speed, once my strength is restored to 100%, there will be a mere king of the world who cannot use the power of rules, hahahaha!"

Having said that, he laughed fiercely and stretched out his hands, "Come on, let the power of death spread throughout the world, and let the entire world of human beings become my strength and my strength, and this world will become hell. And I will be marching towards the king of the world, what a wonderful feeling, this smell of destruction... don't you think so? Santuhe."

Seeing the other party squinting at him, Santuhe quickly knelt down and said respectfully: "Yes, my master, please bring this world to destruction."

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