The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 434: Three kings battle table, half test of the nine knights

Lin Luo knows the nightmare world, and Arthur has just said that when acting gods designate a world that suits their abilities to walkers, they generally give four levels, from easy to difficult to normal. Difficult level, **** level and nightmare level, just like a copy in the game.

In terms of survival rate, as long as it is not a brain-disabled idiot plus an intellectual disability, or no longer wants to live, it will basically not die in the ordinary world, and the survival rate will reach more than 95%. Of course, the risk is low and the opportunity will naturally decrease. Therefore, as long as they are not brain-disabled, idiots and mentally handicapped, generally speaking, they will not choose this level of world, except for traveling.

The survival rate of the difficult level is about 50%. Opportunities and crises are halfway open. Most walkers will choose this kind of world to improve their strength. The hell-level world is dangerous, with a survival rate of less than 15%. Unless it is a strong man who desperately wants to become stronger or is extremely afraid of death, few people will choose this kind of world.

But the most dangerous thing is the nightmare level. This can be said to be a mortal world, because the survival rate is only 1%. Among all the walkers, only the dark king has challenged it. Even the evil king is only a **** of challenge. Level only.

And the reason why the Dark King would do this, Lin Luo can understand his feelings. Since the guardian beast is his most important existence, it is equivalent to his relatives and friends. If Lin Luo is replaced, if Mikoto and others do it for themselves And if someone is killed, he will also challenge the nightmare world to become stronger and try to take revenge.

However, the world that Lin Luo chose was not released by the agent god, but the host. After signing the heart contract with the host, they took their world as a copy.

If calculated according to the difficulty, the Forbidden Plane should be of the difficult level, while the Moon Plane is the Hell level. The plane of the weapon race and the plane of the magic teacher are probably regarded as ordinary level, although it is in the plane of the magic teacher. Encountered the strongest opponent, but not life-threatening.

After experiencing the nightmare world, it is not impossible for the Dark King to become a strong man second only to him and the evil king from the pinnacle of the human rank. After all, he himself has such a huge dimension in the plane of the magic teacher. Growth, if there is no improvement in quality and quantity after surviving from the nightmare world, then it would be a big joke.

However, what made Lin Luo unable to understand was that the Dark King's heart code turned out to be the book of controlling the beast? This is simply impossible. The owner of the Book of Controlling the Beast should be Liu Ziwen, and Liu Ziwen is already dead, how could it be in the hands of the Dark King? Can Xindian also change the owner?

"It should be impossible." When Lin Luo asked this, Arthur was also puzzled. "According to my acting god, the heart code cannot be changed, unlike the heart of the world, as long as it fits. When the degree is reached, you can merge, eldest brother, maybe the walker you met is not holding the real book of controlling the beast, right?"

"Is it a fake?" Lin Luo couldn't help frowning slightly. Arthur's words were not unreasonable. First of all, after defeating Liu Ziwen, he did not find his heart, which is logically impossible; second, although one At first he felt that Liu Ziwen was very strong, but from the power displayed by the walkers during the war, Liu Ziwen was really too weak and too weak.

LV2's walkers are the weakest and they are also elementary to the spiritual level, and many have even reached the intermediate spiritual level, but Liu Ziwen...not to mention his own strength, even if the alien beast he summons can't beat a LV5 superpower. , Less than the peak of the human rank! How can such strength be worthy of the LV2 walker?

But it’s a bit unbelievable to say that his heart code is a counterfeit product...

"Forget it, leave him alone for now, anyway, I don't understand it now. When I meet the Dark King, things will be clear at a glance." Lin Luo waved his hand and said calmly.

"Yeah." Arthur nodded, and then he said to Lin Luo solemnly, "Brother, it doesn't matter if you are the Dark King, but if you meet the Evil King, please don't fight him anyway!"

"Why? Do you think I can't beat him?" Lin Luo was taken aback for a moment, and asked with a smile.

"Yes." Idols are always number one in the hearts of fans. Lin Luo originally thought that Arthur would shook his head to deny, or said roundly, but he didn't expect that he nodded without hesitation, "Although I have never seen evil Wang, I don’t understand his abilities, but before I came to this world, my acting **** once said to me that the strongest among the walkers is the evil king, and no matter who encounters him, there is only one dead end! "

"Uh!" Lin Luo's expression froze suddenly, and the other party's tone was not joking. If he only said it himself, he might be able to ignore it, but since it was said by the acting **** behind him, he had to pay attention to it. , "Even if the Dark King and I meet him, will we only die?"

"should be."

"..." Lin Luo was silent. His current strength has reached the peak of the spiritual level, and he has faintly felt the edge of the ground step. Could it be that the evil king is already a ground level? Even if he is a level and can't beat him by himself, he can use the Avenue of Stars to escape, but the Acting God is so sure that the evil king can even break the Avenue of Stars?

No, it shouldn't be possible! The defense of the Avenue of Stars is still invincible at least for now, so... does the evil king have a way to inhibit the opening of the Avenue of Stars?

In Lin Luo's view, this is the only possibility. Otherwise, it would not be possible to explain the killing in the mouth of the agent god. Moreover, in the second battle of the gods, he killed eight walking people in a row. Run away from the avenue.

"Then the Dark King? How does his strength compare to mine?" Lin Luo asked again.

"My acting **** has not said this, but I have seen the Dark King and have a certain understanding of his strength." As he said, Arthur suddenly picked up a branch and gestured on the ground, "My ability You can roughly judge the specific strength of a person. If you divide the three kings of the world into one level, with 100 points as the highest combat power, then the result is like this..."

Lin Luo looked down, his face changed.

Ming Wang, fight half strength with 80 points.

Dark King, combat power 85 points.

Evil King, 99 points of combat power (lowest rating).


Is he the weakest of the three kings of the world?

"How accurate is your ability to judge?" Lin Luo asked in a deep voice.

"One hundred percent, at least, I have never missed it before." Arthur said decisively, "Big Brother's current ability is a spiritual level high. If the rule power can be fully deployed, I think I can at least reach the peak of the spiritual level, and even sprint towards the ground level. Realm, but even so, your eldest brother can still only rank third in strength."

"That's really bad..." Lin Luo frowned suddenly. He originally predicted that one would be better than himself and one would be about the same as himself, but the result was that one was far above him, and the other was slightly taller. In this case, if the evil king can kill the sky city, he will be over!

"In fact, big brother, you don't have to worry too much. My strength meter doesn't count your contractor. If you have a strong contractor by your side, you won't necessarily be weaker than the two of them." Arthur reminded.

Hearing what he said, Lin Luo was somewhat relieved. Indeed, Yiwen is also the peak of the spiritual stage like himself. The two peaks of the spiritual stage combined, even if he can't beat the evil king, at least he can beat the dark king, and, The other girls have unlimited potential, as long as they are given enough time, even if you go to Gensokyo next time, if you can bring back a character like Yaunzi or Kamen Yuka...

"Well, that's the end of the battle of God, let's talk about the current situation." Lin Luo nodded and said to Arthur. Whether it is the Dark King, the Evil King, or Gensokyo, it is still far away to him, and can be temporarily put aside. At present, it is more important to solve the other walker in this snack world.

"Okay, big brother." Arthur nodded in understanding, and then said sternly, "That walker I played against him when I was in another world. Although I haven't won once, I know a little bit about his information..."

Nether, the master of the Book of Ghost Dao, has the ability to freely control spirit creatures. He has a heart of the world and is a strong ruler, but the rule power is not yet understood. It is guessed that it is related to the undead. This world The change was caused by him by controlling the evil spirits to run away. The purpose was to kill Huang Quan and Kagura, but for some unknown reason, he himself was unable to do it himself.

"Rule-level powerhouse, it's really a loss for you to survive against him." Lin Luo couldn't help but look at him a few more times, seemingly jokingly said. Although Arthur doesn’t know much, it’s enough for Lin Luo. If it’s only a rule level, the threat to him is not great. Even if a 100% rule level like Mo Xinming appears again, even if he Without unraveling the rules, there is a considerable chance of winning.

"Hehe, because my ability is the eternal spirit. As long as my chivalry spirit is not extinguished, even the power of rules can't kill me." Arthur scratched his head and smiled.

Well, Chunyuan Yangping first-class strongman... Lin Luoxin said. After the conversation just now, Arthur’s abilities were not reserved, and all confided to him. In general, Arthur was a man who lived by chivalry. The spirit is immortal and the flesh is immortal, at least twice the strength. The power of evolution cannot kill him, and it is unknown whether the power of three evolutions can kill him.

Of course, Lin Luo didn't plan to try. He already trusted Arthur 90%. As long as he passed his last test, he could be his first ally in this battle of God.

"What the **** is the walker and the **** war you just mentioned? Also, is the change in this world a good thing the walker does?" At this moment, Huang Quan suddenly walked up to the two of them and said in a deep voice.

Before Lin Luo could speak, Arthur said to her with a weird look: "Sister-in-law, don't you know until now?"

"..." Lin Luo was speechless, his sister-in-law had all come out.

Nine knights, GOOD!

Only half the test remains for you.

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