The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 435: The angry sister Huang Quan is also so charming

When Lin Luo and Arthur were talking, Jianshan Huangquan and Tugong Kagura had been listening. They couldn't understand what they were talking about. There were too many specific nouns, which made them feel confused. But Jianshan Huangquan is not a fool or a natural stupid after all, she can still do it by analogy, and she can understand things that she doesn't understand.

What Lin Luo and Arthur are talking about is not ancient classical Chinese, nor Martian or M78 Nebula, but they have too many special terms in their conversations, such as God Fight, Walker, Acting God, Heart Code, Host Apart from these, other meanings are easy to understand.

Then Isayama Huangquan just needs to translate these specific terms into what he can understand. For example, the battle of God is a competition, the walker is the contestant, the acting **** is the administrator, the heart code is the proof of the contestant, the world The heart is an important prop in the game... In this way, she can clearly understand the meaning of the dialogue between the two.

There is a very special competition, with different worlds as the playing field. Each of the acting gods has a walker to participate. The walkers compete for the heart of the host world to become stronger, and they are taken away from the host of the world heart. Will die, whether in the game or outside the game, if the walkers meet, there will be a life-and-death battle, and at the same time they will hunt down the host of the heart of the world in their own way, but sometimes they will be killed.

Take this world as an example. Although it is not in the arena, there are three walkers who have entered this world, and one walker controls all the evil spirits in this world in order to kill the host of the heart of the world. That host launched a series of pursuits...This is the conclusion that Jianshan Huangquan came to after the concept swap, and the so-called host is her and Tuguong Kagura!

This made Jianshan Huangquan very angry, almost to the point of being intolerable, just for that kind of thing, just to kill the two of them, just to make himself stronger, and make the whole world a mess, countless people. They died because of this. Among them were their friends, relatives, partners, and thousands of people who had nothing to do with the matter. This kind of thing... absolutely cannot be forgiven!

Jianshan Huangquan gritted his teeth, his angry eyes almost burst out with fire, what do those walking people think of this world and the human beings in this world? Such arbitrarily playing with this world and the human beings in this world... At this moment, her hatred for the walker reached the highest level in history, and she did not even have a good face when facing Lin Luo and Arthur, because these two people Also a walker!

Regarding Jianshan Huangquan’s questioning, Lin Luo could understand that if the two moved in different places, he might be even more angry, but Arthur obviously didn’t see her suppressed great anger, instead he called his sister-in-law dumbly. The word coquettish came out of his mouth, not to mention Lin Luo calmly unable to secretly delight in his heart, even Jianshan Huangquan was stunned, and the momentum of questioning was suddenly reduced by half.

"You, what are you talking about? What sister-in-law?!" Jianshan Huangquan was ashamed and annoyed. If it wasn't for the other party or her and Kagura's life-saver, just this mess of words would be enough to make her violent.

"Huh? Haven't you signed a contract with your eldest brother?" Arthur was taken aback for a moment, but he reacted after speaking. He can still understand whether he signed the contract or not, and he couldn't help scratching his head and laughing." Sorry, I thought you had already signed a contract with your eldest brother, your future sister-in-law."


Lin Luo got it. Not only was his name nine, his personality was nine, and his IQ should also be nine, otherwise it would be impossible to say such a nine.

"I said, don't call me sister-in-law!" Jianshan Huangquan's tone has been suppressed to a low octave, and he barely restrained the anger in his heart, and said in a deep voice, "What is going on with the **** war you just mentioned? Is it the kind who will slaughter innocent humans for their own strength?!"

"Uh!" Although Arthur is a nine, but the obvious meaning is still understandable, and he felt the anger in Jianshan Huangquan's tone, and quickly explained, "It's not like this, that sister-in-law... Don't get me wrong. , Although there are indeed some people who do no evil, most of the walkers will still abide by the rules of the **** war, and will not cause huge damage to the current world. We can only say that we are out of luck and we have encountered a ignorance of all rules. The walker. In fact, the person Nether is notorious among the walkers. Many people are very dissatisfied with his behavior. Some walkers also try to besieged him."

Shenzhan has things that are expressly prohibited, and there are also some things that are within the rules but are not absolutely prohibited. For example, what Nether is doing now belongs to the latter. It is a verbal rule not to cause devastating damage to the world where the walker is currently located, that is, the walker may or may not obey it.

But since it is what the Acting God said, it is regarded as a verbal rule, and most walkers will still try their best to abide by it, unless it is truly a matter of life and death, otherwise, it will not cause too much damage to that world.

After all, the walkers are not all the kind of ruthless people, and the hunting of the host is only because the heart of the world allows them to increase their strength as soon as possible. And in those dungeon worlds, sometimes the walkers will meet some people who suit their wishes. Once they become friends, they will not play that world like a game, like this thousands of people. The massacre of people is generally not likely to be done by walkers.

But Netherworld is an exception, because his heart code is to use death as the source of power. The more people he kills, the stronger his power. Therefore, every time he goes to a world, almost tens of thousands of creatures will die.

Although Nether has never participated in a **** war, once entered a certain world with several other walkers. It was a very mysterious world, so some walkers temporarily formed an alliance there to improve their strength, even Also established a relatively good relationship with the local people.

However, because of the killing nature of Netherworld, not only did those who walked return without success, even their friends in that world were all killed, so those who walked hated Netherworld, and some people even decided if If there is a chance, they will besiege the Netherworld.

If there is a level of good and evil among the walkers, then Lin Luo and Arthur belong to the good camp, and the dark king and some walkers are the neutral camp, and the evil king and the nether are the evil camp... However, even the evil king of the evil camp would not carry out such a world-class massacre, because it did not make any sense to him. Among all the walkers, only Nether was unscrupulous, and even the dark king would not please him. , I want to find a chance to kill him.

"It turned out to be like this..." After listening to Arthur's words, Jianshan Huangquan was a little relieved, and apologized, "I'm sorry, but I'm giving it all."

Water and fire, heat and cold, light and darkness, everything is opposed, and there are also good and evil in human beings. Since the walkers are all human beings, there are naturally different good and bad things. She still understands this truth, but just now It was so angry that he would kill all walkers in one shot.

"No, you are right to treat the walker as an enemy." Although Arthur waved her hand repeatedly to indicate that she didn't need to apologize, Lin Luo nodded and said in a deep voice, "It is true that there are some good people among the walkers, even more. Most of them are neutral, but that is only when they face ordinary people, but your host is different. Most people are selfish, even if their nature is not bad, but in order to survive in the battle of gods , And will not show mercy to the host's subordinates. For a walker like Arthur who desperately protects the host, one is already a miracle."

"Hehe, because I am a knight, it is my bounden duty to protect women and the weak." Listening to Lin Luo's praise, Arthur scratched his head and laughed like an idiot.

"I know, from your conversation just now, I also learned a little bit of information. For the walker, the heart of the world in the host is a tool for them to become stronger. Therefore, for the host, the walker will not treat them Treat it as equal human beings."

Jianshan Huangquan’s tone is very calm and looks calm. In fact, this point of view also applies to her. For example, when she removes spirits, she will not treat those evil spirits as equal to ordinary humans. Therefore, it is impossible to say that it is too angry, the weak eats the strong, this is the oldest natural law, who made them be placed in the position of prey from the beginning.

But at this point, she looked at Lin Luo with scorching eyes, "Since you said that Arthur's protection of the host is a miracle, why are you also protecting the host? You are also a walker."

"The reason..."

"Big brother is different from other walkers." Before Lin Luo explained, Arthur said loudly as if defending an idol, "Other walkers rely on hunting for the heart of the world to improve their strength. But the eldest brother becomes stronger by protecting the host and signing a contract with the host. Therefore, the eldest brother is a walker who exists for the host."

You deserve to be a knight, this is really fair and honest... Lin Luo was sighed in his heart, idiots also have the power of idiots, and if you want to change yourself, you really can't say so arrogantly.

"Sign the contract? What's that?" Jianshan Huangquan couldn't help asking another name for **** warfare.

"Walkers all raise their level with the heart of the world. All walkers are no exception, but there are differences in the way..."

Later, Arthur explained to Jianshan Huangquan and Tuguong Kagura in detail about the difference between the book of contract and other heart codes, and when he finished speaking, the two girls were all stunned.

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