The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 479: Little banquet, unexpected visitors, it’s been a long time since I saw you

After being NTR by Romeo, the Dongfang Xiucai vomited blood to death and issued a vicious curse. This is a normal human behavior. At least nine out of ten men would do this, but after his death he changed his sexual interest. I don’t know if it was because of the deep It is for other reasons that he changed to the embrace of his friends because he was victimized by a woman. Anyway, he just floated to the back of the mountain. It takes fearless courage to take this step. I believe that only one person out of 10,000 men will have this kind of behavior. courage.

Dongfang Xiucai found true love on the back mountain... guess so think so. So the feelings between Romeo and Juliet are viewed with tolerance, but because the underworld is different from the present world, the cursed box was born by him at first, but after such a long time, A unique individual had already been formed, and he could no longer destroy it with his power, and he could not even influence it.

Knowing this kind of thing, Lin Luo really has the urge to kill. If he can, he really wants to burn the **** curse on fire, but this is impossible, even if his black flames of destruction can burn time. Burning space can't burn the curse, because that curse is a kind of miss.

The formation of resentment definitely requires a kind of feeling. This kind of feeling is essentially a kind of longing for people and things. Whether it is the longing in the deep consciousness or the longing outside the appearance, what power can I do to obliterate the longing? Even the God of Evil can only attract the curse to the past, it is impossible to forcibly obliterate it.

It seems that this matter still needs help... Lin Luo is already weak, and sighs secretly. He knows that this trip to the underworld has no meaning other than feeding You Youzi.

On the other hand, after finishing the matter, the senior official Ximen hurriedly left. According to him, he could not bear to be separated from Dongfang Xiucai for too long...Seriously, Lin Luo wanted Youyouzi to take these two Gay guys have been overtaken, so as not to obstruct people's vision and appetite.

"In this way, you can only find the God of Eun to solve the curse." After the senior official of Simon had left, Youyouzi looked at Lin Luo, with an unpredictable smile in his eyes, "but only with you. With the current amount of curse, it would be very dangerous if you directly contact the God of Eunuch."

"That's why it's troublesome..." Lin Luo frowned. Of course he knew this too, otherwise he wouldn't use it in the underworld at all, so he could just go to Monster Mountain and look around, so he wouldn't be blind.

"It seems that you can't find a good way for a while. Why don't we go to enjoy the cherry blossoms now."

"Sakura viewing?"

"Yeah, eating delicious food while admiring the beautiful scenery is really the greatest joy of life, don't you think so?" You Yuko was excited, and her elegant smile was irresistible.

"...Okay." Lin Luo hesitated for a moment and nodded in agreement. As You Youzi said, there is no way now anyway. It's a pity that you don't appreciate it once in the underworld, and you may have something to do. It's just that I don't want to say it for the time being, after all, she has always been slow.

Lin Luo and You Yuzi both decided to enjoy the cherry blossoms, and Lily and Yaomeng naturally had no possibility of rejecting them, and then went to her so-called best cherry blossom viewing spot with the master of the underworld.

The westbound demon, the demon tree with countless human dead bones buried, here is their cherry blossom viewing spot. Standing under the westbound demon, Lin Luo looks around, and the entire underworld has a panoramic view. Of course, the underworld is very big. It's not the end, but I have to say that this is indeed the best place to see the entire underworld. Not only can you see the ghosts flying in the sky, but you can also see countless cherry blossoms falling with the wind, as if it is raining with cherry blossoms. This beauty is impossible to see in this world.

"Ah, I'll turn, I'll turn, I'll turn..." I don't know if it's because I'm full, but You Yuko seems to be in a very good mood, waving a fan and dancing in circles on the spot. Because the undead has no weight, she gives people a feeling of air when she turns, coupled with her good figure and elegant movements, even such a simple circle is pleasing to the eye.

"Master You Youzi, don't do this." Although Lin Luo looked very seductive, Yao Meng was obviously a bit embarrassed and hurriedly persuaded You Youzi.

"No, right?" Youyouzi smiled, turning around and said, "Yommeng, I just want to dance when I'm happy. This is the most interesting thing." Ignoring Yaomeng's persuasion, Youyouzi turned happier. .

Lily looked at You Yuzi in surprise, then looked at the bewildered demon dream, and couldn't help asking: "Is she like this normally?"

"Uh, this is Master Youyouzi's... habit." Yao Meng replied embarrassedly.

It is indeed a habit, habitual and natural to be cute... Lin Luo complained in his heart.

After a while, Yuyuko's desire to dance seemed to have been satisfied. He sat down on the grass and said to Lin Luo: "Let's have some snacks now. By the way, there is wine. You can't forget the wine while enjoying the cherry blossoms. , This is necessary for a banquet."

"..." Lin Luo was speechless, less than an hour after eating breakfast, You Youzi already wanted to eat snacks, this guy's stomach is really a bottomless pit. He felt that the reason why You Yuko invited him to enjoy the cherry blossoms was probably to eat. Not many people can afford this kind of big stomach king, and...when did it become a banquet?

Although he was full of complaints in his heart, Lin Luo would not refuse. He took out some food from the storage space. This time he did not take out anything like cows, dragons, etc., but very ordinary food, the biggest one. It's just roasting the whole chicken, of course, wine is also indispensable.

Yaomeng deserves to be You Youzi’s personal affair. Before Lin Luo took out the food, he had already laid a cloth mat on the ground. There were more than a dozen dishes of wine and vegetables on the pink cloth mat. The four people sat across from each other, plus the sky. With the cherry blossoms blowing in the wind, this sudden banquet did have a somewhat elegant mood.

The banquet is considered to be a specialty of Gensokyo. Whether it’s the look of Hakurei or the Red Devil Mansion, a grand banquet is held almost every once in a while, especially after every change is over, there will always be a gathering in front of Hakurei Shrine. A large group of people, gods and ghosts, regardless of race, strength or weakness, drink and enjoy cherry blossoms very harmoniously. Even enemies who have fought with each other before will become very friendly at the banquet. This kind of thing may only happen in a peaceful place like Gensokyo.

Lin Luo didn't expect that his first banquet in Gensokyo would be held in the underworld. This made him a little bit dumbfounded, but there was no trace of dissatisfaction in his heart. After all, it is a good thing to be able to get closer to Yuyuko. Of course, the most Of course the one who is happy must belong to You Youzi. With Lin Luo there, she has no worries about having nothing to eat.

The four of them were drinking and eating while looking at the surrounding scenery and chatting and laughing. They seemed to be happy. Before coming to the underworld, Lin Luoke didn't expect it to go so smoothly, so he temporarily let go of the curse in his heart, and was immersed in this short banquet. In the middle, it's just that You Yuzi often said nothing, the jumping of thinking makes people unable to adapt, somewhat depressed.

"Why is this only one cherry tree not blooming?" Halfway through the banquet, Lily suddenly pointed to the huge cherry tree behind her and looked at Yuyuko and asked strangely. The entire underworld, whether it is a monster cherry tree or an ordinary cherry tree, cherry blossoms. Both seemed to never die, but the one beside them seemed to have withered, not only without flowers, but also without leaves, which made Lily very curious.

The cherry tree she was referring to was the Westward Demon. Lin Luo hadn't mentioned this to her, because this tree had a great relationship with You Yuzi, so Lin Luo didn't even interrupt when she mentioned it at this moment.

"This is the Westward Demon." You Yuko raised her head, glanced at the cherry tree faintly, and then said to Lily, "It is a bit different from the ordinary cherry tree, because a certain deceased is sealed underneath, so the Westward Demon is already I can't bloom anymore. Although I have tried to make it bloom and resurrect the dead below, it was finally stopped by the witch of Hakuli." Yuyuko didn't mind talking about his "ugliness" and smiled slightly. Now, it's just that there is a faint disappointment in her eyes, probably still a little bit worried about the dead under the tree that has not been revived.

"So that's it." Lily suddenly understood.

In fact, You Yuko's statement is wrong. It is not that the Westward Demon sealed the deceased, but the deceased sealed the Westward Demon, and that deceased was You Yuko himself.

Although ghosts are a lifeless existence, as time goes by, basically all ghosts will become Buddhas, reincarnate, or pass away silently, but You Yuko is different because of the seal of the Westward Demon.

The Westbound Demon sealed Yuyuko’s dead body, while the Yuyuko’s dead body sealed the power of the Westbound Monster. The overlap of these two seals allowed Yuyuko’s time to stop in the long river of time. Therefore, as long as this seal continues to exist, then Yuyuko will never die as an undead.

Conversely, if the barrier is unlocked and the Westward Demon blooms, or the dead body of You Yuko is dug up, then the still time will begin to flow, which will once again be linked to You Yuko's death.

Resurrecting the Youyouzi under the Westbound Demon will cause the current Youyouzi to disappear, and it is only natural that her plan will fail just a few minutes ago. In the end, You Yuzi could only manipulate death, and she couldn't do things like resurrecting people.

No matter when, You Yuzi will be the princess of the underworld, and will always exist as the eldest lady of the Xixing Temple family. The moment the Xixing Demon blooms, she will never see her.

"Ah, let's not talk about the Westbound Demon. Let's continue the banquet. This wine and this food are really delicious." Youyouzi smiled slightly and took a sip from the wine glass, even though he was outside. It seems that Yuyuko is a tragic undead princess, but she herself is very happy, which can be seen from the smile on her face that will almost never disappear.

Lin Luo looked at her casually, but a doubt flashed in her heart. Regarding the fact that the dead body under the Westbound Demon was her, did You Youzi really not know or pretended not to know?

Judging from the existing information, You Yuko is really unaware, she is just a natural foodie with a powerful body, but if you take a close look at her experience layer by layer, she is just a natural foodie with a powerful body. It is not difficult to find that there is unfathomable intellect under her natural appearance.

Before she was alive, because of her special power, Yakumo Zi, the great sage among the monsters, wanted to eat her and got close to her. But in the end, Yakumo Zi was infected by the charm of Yuyuko’s personality. She gave up that idea and became a true life-and-death friendship with You Youzi, even after You Youzi's death, the friendship between the two was never broken.

How could he be a simple character who can be valued by the monster sage Yakumo Zi? Take the second lunar war as an example. Yuyuko's seemingly brainless actions were always in coordination with Yakumozi's plan, which enabled Yakumozi to defeat his life rival, Yue, for the first time. The mind of the eight meanings of Yonglin.

At that time, the two did not set up a detailed plan, but communicated with wisdom based on tacit understanding...Perhaps as Paqiuli said, Youyouzi is the kind of wise and foolish character, and she will not pursue the unavailable things. Just pursue the little happiness in front of me.

Of course, these are only Lin Luo’s guesses. As for the truth, I am afraid that only You Youzi himself knows, and he will not go to the roots. Some things will only be more interesting if they are immersed in mystery. Once exposed to the light, Then it's not interesting.

God, why is it awe-inspiring?

It is not because of their strength, but because of their mystery. If that layer of mystery is stripped away, then the so-called **** is at best a creature with powerful power, which can only make people scared, but not Respectful.

Because of the presence of a big stomach king like You Yuko, the food and wine in front of the four disappeared very quickly. In less than half an hour, Lin Luo had already changed three times, but obviously it was impossible for the banquet to last for only half an hour, so, After eating the food and wine again, Lin Luo took out the fourth meal from the storage space, but!

Just after taking the wine and vegetables out of the storage space, Lin Luo suddenly felt a lightness in his hand, and turned around to see that the wine and vegetables had disappeared.

Lin Luo was shocked. With his current strength, even the fastest person would not be able to silently take things from him... This is just a joke!

"Ah, it seems that another guest is here." On the opposite side, You Youzi who saw this scene showed a dazed expression and chuckled lightly.

After listening to her, Lin Luo couldn't help but think of someone suddenly.

And at this moment, a voice rang from beside them, "I just woke up and smelled the scent here in the distance. Small banquets can't lack large decorations."

The four of them immediately looked towards the voice, and saw a young girl standing holding an umbrella under the cherry tree not far away, with a small smile on her mouth.

"Ahhhhh, it's been a long time...Zi." Youyouzi laughed.

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