The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 480: The realm monster Yakumo Purple, unfathomably powerful

What appeared in front of everyone was a tall girl with long blonde hair. She was wearing very beautiful clothes, tied with a bow, and holding a sun umbrella in her hand.

The girl is about seventeen or eighteen years old. I don’t know if the clothes set off her, or she set off the clothes, which made her look very beautiful. When the breeze blows, the skirt shook, the parasol was spinning, and countless cherry blossoms. As if attracted by her, dancing around her, although standing there, it gave people the illusion of going away, full of mysterious temperament.

Seeing her appearance, Rao Shi Lin Luo couldn't help but feel moved, because this girl was not someone else, but the great sage of the monsters-Yakumo Zi.

Regardless of the young girl’s appearance, she is actually a big monster who has been alive for at least 1,200 years. In fantasy, when it comes to the history of monsters, few are longer than her, and her strength is also related to her. The survival time is average, which is one of the best in Gensokyo.

Generally speaking, no matter what kind of monsters will have their own race, for example, Remilia belongs to the vampire family, Shemeimaruwen belongs to the tengu family, and Alice and Pachuli belong to the magician family. There is no race without race. Monster, but... this rule does not exist in Yakumo Zi, because she is the most special monster of a person and race. If she insists on calling her a certain race, then she can only be called a monster of realm.

The foundation of the establishment of the world is the realm, such as the realm of the underworld and the present, the realm of life and death, the realm of water and fire, the realm of night and day, the realm of heaven and hell... Without these realms, time and space would also be It won't exist, everything will turn into a chaos, and Yakumo Zi manipulates the power of this realm.

This ability represents destroying everything and creating everything. It can no longer be described with power, but reaches the root of all things and is the basic composition of all laws. In theory, it has reached the realm of gods and even far surpassed gods.

In addition to the power of realm, she can also tear apart space, not only in physical space, but also in pictures, in human dreams, and even in fictional stories, where she can freely enter and exit. It can be said to be omnipotent.

And as the great sage among the monsters, she is also very outstanding in wisdom, and she has even reached the point where she can infer the changes in the starry sky in an instant, even if she is not inferior to the legendary Jiang Taigong. A monster that is almost invincible in terms of power and mind.

As for how powerful Yakumo Zi is, Lin Luo couldn't predict... This shocked Lin Luo. Before, no matter what kind of character he was, he could roughly guess where the strength of the other party was, such as Yuyuko beside him. It is a complete ground-level powerhouse, but Yakumo Zi is unknown?

He didn't know whether it was because his realm was too low, or the opponent's realm was too high, so that he could not see the strength of Yakumo Zi, but he could be sure that the strength of the opponent was definitely beyond his original imagination. ...When he was fighting with the Creator, the Creator briefly projected the ancient holy wars, and the Creator in the projection could not see its power, but the Creator clearly stated that she was at the highest level in her peak period. Then, Yakumo Zi's strength is also around the high level!

This can't help making Lin Luo sweat in his heart, the gap is too big, such a gap, he wants to take away Boli Reimu is simply idiotic dreams.

The name Yakumo Zi represents her realm and ability, which means "a strong wall that keeps the gods inside". If the **** is replaced by a witch, it is the composition of Gensokyo... She, Yakumo Zi absolutely does not Will let the witch leave Gensokyo!

The strength of Yakumo Zi not only surprised Lin Luo, even Lily felt a very heavy pressure at the moment when the opponent appeared. If it weren’t for her xinxing had reached the ground level, plus the other party seemed to have no hostility, it seemed to be An acquaintance that You Yuzi knew, she probably had already swung a sword and chopped it out, after all, in Yakumo Zi's hand, she was still holding a dish that was obviously stolen from Lin Luo.

"It tastes really good, it seems that I came right this time." Yakumo Zi walked to the crowd and put the wine and vegetables in her hand on the tablecloth. She is not a foodie like You Yuko, although she often uses her abilities. She didn't steal anything to eat, but she didn't have a big appetite, and the dishes she stolen were just a little bit less.

"Master Zi, please sit here." Seeing Yakumozi coming over, Yaomeng immediately stood up from the ground and gave her position to the other party. His expression looked very respectful, and Yakumozi sat down without hesitation. , And Yaomeng sat down slightly behind You Youzi's side.

Seeing this scene, Lin Luo suddenly thought of something... It is said that the Louguan sword used by Yaomeng was made by Yakumo Zi. I wonder if it is true?

"Ahhh, it's really surprising. Speaking of you, aren't you inactive during the day, but now it's morning." Youyouzi laughed, with a hint of humor in her tone.

"Didn't I just said it. I smelled the scent here when I woke up, but it's spring now." Yakumo Zi said casually, she said that was a little baffling, if she didn't understand her People didn't understand the meaning of her words at all. At least Lily's eyes flashed blankly after listening to her words.

However, Lin Luo is quite familiar with Yakumo Zi, and can understand her...Yakumo Zi is a nocturnal monster. The main activity time is from evening to midnight, and he has to sleep at least 12 hours a day. Performing Winter Eyes is not so much a sage as a idler.

"Are these two friends your new friends? A human with a vampire aura, a special ghost, I haven't seen it before." Yakumo Zi looked at Lin Luo and Lily, although not hostile, but in his eyes But there is a faint scrutiny.

As the creator of Gensokyo, Yakumo cherishes Gensokyo very much. She does not oppose people from the outside world living in Gensokyo. After all, most of the outsiders have the knowledge and technology that Gensokyo lacks. This is also true for Gensokyo. A rare talent that can promote the development of Gensokyo... In fact, many people who strayed into Gensokyo are because Yakumo Shi deliberately distorted the barrier, and the legendary Shenyin came from her.

But Lin Luo and Lily are different from those outsiders, because their strength has surpassed most of the monsters in Gensokyo, and this kind of strength will be another abnormal change if they mess up.

When Yakumo Zi looked at them, Lily was also looking at Yakumo Zi, faintly tit-for-tat, although she was not a militant, but such a powerful figure still gave her a sense of war.

Lin Luo didn't say anything. He just continued to take out the food and drink in the storage space, but his mind had already turned on eight times the speed... Before coming to Gensokyo, she had prepared for most familiar monsters and humans. They had a good impression, but the only thing that was not clearly prepared was Yakumo Zi and a few others. It was not that he ignored them, but because they had no clear "weakness."

Yakumo Zi’s personality cannot be thought of from a human perspective, nor can it be measured from a monster’s perspective. In addition to her ability is clear and precise, no matter her age, residence, hobbies, interests, everything is Mystery, it can even be said that her whole person is made up of mystery.

If you insist on saying that there is something that can arouse her favor... I wonder if beautiful clothes count?

"They are guests who come to play in the underworld..." Youyouzi covered her mouth and laughed, and introduced each other to each other. Not friends, but guests. Obviously, it is not a simple thing to become friends of Youyouzi. Meal can make her feel good, but it can't make friendship.

"That's it." Yakumo Zi nodded slightly, without saying anything.

Although she chuckled lightly, she seemed a little cold, but Lin Luo felt relieved. Ordinary people can't predict Yakumozi's principle of action at all. There is only one thing... Be careful with her smile. If she smiles sweetly, it means more horrible things will happen.

To be honest, Lin Luo was a little worried before. After all, he is now caught in bad luck. It is not surprising that what happens, but now Yakumo Zi’s cold correspondence shows that he and Lily are not at heart, even if they can’t be friends. At least it won't be an enemy. There is nothing better than this.

The next banquet became five people, Yakumo Zi was very talkative, probably because she slept for a winter, or she was like this, she said the most during the banquet, basically everyone else In one word, she can say ten sentences. The content of the speech is also varied, including things about Gensokyo and her own daily life, dreams when she slept, and some interesting things that happened by chance...Of course, the authenticity can not be judged.

What makes Lin Luo more concerned about is a dream she said... In the dream she became a college student in the outside world, a member of a certain spiritual organization, specializing in exploring the secrets of the realm, but in the dream she was very weak and only had to see The ability of enchantment level.

This dream made Lin Luo think of one thing. If it was only a guess before, then it is probably true now...Yakumo Zi also exists in the outside world!

During the conversation, Lin Luo also talked about the curse, trying to get Yakumo Zi to help. With the ability of the other party, he believed that it should not be difficult to solve the curse, but to his disappointment, Yakumo Zi's answer went yes. The ambiguity made him unable to understand.

"After sleeping for so long, my body seems a little stiff, do you want to have fun?" When the banquet was about to end, Yakumo Zi suddenly raised his head and asked Lily, with an unpredictable smile flashing in his eyes.

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