The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 487: Nothing really happened... It's true!

The life of embracing left and right is not all beautiful, at least Lin Luo felt that this time embracing left and right was not heaven, but hell...Well, he admitted that when he woke up, he saw heaven indeed.

The moment Lin Luo opened his eyes, what Lin Luo saw was not the ceiling, but a face, a girl's face.

When a person just wakes up, there will always be a certain period of fuzzy consciousness, especially after being drunk, it has nothing to do with being strong or not. The vague consciousness made Lin Luo not see very clearly. Instinctively he thought it was a girl who had been in a relationship with him, so he didn't care and touched the other person's face lightly.

Under this touch, Lin Luo felt something was wrong, the posture of the arms stretched felt a bit contrary, and he subconsciously looked to the right side, he was stunned, because he saw the face of the second girl...His consciousness is no matter what. No matter how vague, I wouldn't think that I was capable of three Ps now. At this moment, my head immediately became sober.

After seeing who the two girls who slept with him were, Lin Luo couldn't help but burst into cold sweat... The person who slept peacefully with his head on his chest was Reimu. Reimu's sleeping appearance was not very good, almost Half of his body was lying on his body, with a trace of saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth, which wetted his chest.

The one sleeping on his right side is Marisa. Marisa’s sleep is worse than Reimu. Reimu just talks but doesn’t use her hands. But Marisa uses her hands and feet, completely using his body as a pillow. , His hands were squeezed to death, and the two legs stretched out like an octopus... And what made Lin Luo intolerable the most was that Marisa’s face was on his shoulders, her mouth was facing his neck, and her saliva was all The dripping on it, and the heat spit out from time to time, made him completely calm.

Similarly, Lin Luo's own sleeping appearance is not very good. If you don’t say anything else, let’s just talk about the left hand, passing directly through Reimu’s naked armpit and pressing it on her chest. It doesn’t matter if she fell asleep before, but she is awake now. After coming over, the feeling is clear, and Reimu's arms are so tightly clamped that he can't pull it out even if he wants to.

Black and white are precious, red and white are more expensive, if it is double-flying solid, both can be thrown away.

Lin Luo's current mood is very complicated, and he is somewhat reluctant to leave. Of course, even if he is willing, it is useless. There is a red and white on the left and a black and white on the right. In addition to the right hand, there is a little room for movement. He has been restrained. , There is no way to escape.

This time is really going to end... Lin Luo doesn't know whether he should be happy for the present heaven or sad for the **** afterwards. The only thing he knows is that the bad luck this time is too **** fierce!

How can I do?

In any case, his own life is still more important. He didn't want to be bombarded by dreams or ultimate demon because of this little bargain. He immediately used his mind to try to figure out a way to get out of this predicament.

Generally speaking, it's not too bad, at least his right hand can still move, so he carefully stretched out his right hand, and gently pulled Reimu's arm without disturbing Marisa as much as possible... His movements are very impressive. It was light, so light that there was no sound, even he himself couldn't feel that he was moving, and then after the time that made his heart tremble, he finally pulled Reimu's arm up, and then took this opportunity to leave. The girl's **** slowly pulled out her hands.

This was another thrilling process. In less than three minutes, Lin Luo felt as if he had been fighting with Yakumo Zi for a day and night, with cold sweat on his head.

Finally, his left hand was also free from the red and white shackles. Lin Luo couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He was about to move Reimu's head away from his chest, but at this moment, Marisa on the other side suddenly turned over. A palm hits down like a fly, and its unbiased goal is Reimu's face!

Nima! It's so cruel!

Lin Luo's face changed drastically. If the black and white slap is implemented, he doesn't know whether the red and white will be stubborn, but he must be dead. Between Qianjun's shot, Lin Luo's left hand blocked it like lightning, finally letting Hong Bai get through the crisis of the palm frame.

He continued to put Marisa's hand back gently, and looked around, and found that the two of them were not abnormal. In order to prevent Marisa from suddenly attacking, this time, Lin Luo planned to move Marisa away. But his hand had just touched Marisa's head, and the Reimu on the other side waved her palm like revenge, which made people point out that the place where her palm fell was Marisa's chest.

I rely on! Lin Luo almost vomited blood, these two guys couldn't make a living even when they fell asleep, pure heart wouldn't let people live!

Lin Luo worked like the law and caught Reimu’s "attack" with his own hands, because he wanted to prevent the other party from waking up suddenly, so he used all the power-relieving moves, so that he would not make a loud noise. , It wouldn't make Reimeng feel violent contact, but this kind of move was very difficult for Lin Luo at the moment, so most of the strength was offloaded on himself, let alone, it really hurts.

"Forget it, let's move both sides together this time..."

Finding that both of them hadn't woken up yet, Lin Luo couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then created the rules to activate. White mist rose in his hands, and the heads of the two of them were carefully moved outwards, and they had just been supported Leaving his body, suddenly!



Reimu and Marisa waved their palms to each other's cheeks at the same time as if they had scum in their hearts.

"I..." Lin Luo collapsed completely, Nima! The old naughty boy is just playing with his hands when he is bored. It's good for you to play with each other in your dreams, and your combat power has broken through the sky!

He couldn't move his hands, and his regularity was still not omnipotent. When he was helpless, Lin Luo conditioned reflexively to raise his body, and then he slapped twice, causing him to slap twice on his face.

"..." Lin Luo really wanted to cry, if it was the price of eating tofu, then he would admit it!

But it turns out that this is just an appetizer. Reimu and Marisa’s fights in their dreams have reached the point of mutual indignation. At the beginning, it was just two people. You waved me and I waved it, but as time passed a little bit. , The "battle" intensified, and the two waved their hands together, and they fought in mid-air.

"Yes, you play slowly, I'll go to sleep first." After a dozen slaps, Lin Luo no longer wanted to stop. The two goods were asleep without knowing whether they were friends or enemies in their previous lives. When he was able to pinch each other so fiercely, he could no longer control, so he simply lay down, closed his eyes, and continued to sleep.

When he fell asleep, Lin Luo realized how stupid he was before. Neither Reimu and Marisa are arrogant, one is a very open-armed witch, and the other is a foolish magician who lacks certain knowledge, as long as it is not the real one. "Breakthrough", even if they lie down and slept together for a night, they will not be proud, and the reason for falling asleep is still drunk, at most it is embarrassment and entanglement.

Besides, as long as he has been pretending to be asleep and pretending to know nothing, he may not even be able to avoid the embarrassment... Thinking of this, Lin Luo was somewhat relieved and put one in his arm. Not long after, he really Fell asleep.

I don’t know how long it took, Reimu gradually woke up. When he saw the scene in front of him, he was stunned. Instinctively, he looked at his body and found that his clothes and everything were intact, and his body was not abnormal. Slightly relieved, but his eyes were blank, "Strange, why is it like this?"

I scratched my head in confusion, the memories of last night flashed in my mind scene by scene, and then Reimu understood it, and Cuixiang moved them together after drunk 80%.

What a nosy ghost... Secretly slandered, Reimeng gently moved Lin Luo's arm. She didn't want to be seen by this kind of embarrassment. Since she was the first to wake up, she had to escape before Lin Luo and Marisa woke up, and then put the matter in her stomach forever.

However, before she got up from Lin Luo, Marisa on the other side also woke up, and the two of them suddenly looked at me and I looked at you, staring with big eyes and small eyes, and the air was condensed.

"Ah, it's really weird, is it because you drank too much wine yesterday?" Suddenly, Marisa patted her head, the focus of her eyes became disorganized, "I can't see anything, I have to wash my face... Um, where is the door? I touched me..."

As a result, the blind Marisa was born, waving his hands in the air and walking out on tiptoes.

"...A lot of hallucinations and auditory hallucinations, my eyes and ears are not working, it seems that I have to pray for a little bit." At this time, Reimu also said in a daze, and then walked out.

Although there was only one door and the width of the door was not large, the two girls who had become "blind" miraculously did not collide with each other. After leaving the door, they walked across the corridors on both sides.

After almost ten minutes or so, the two met again at the gate of the shrine.

"Oh, Reimu, you got up so early, and you look good."

"You too, Marisa, looks very healthy."

"Fortunately, I always insist on exercising. After all, Cuixiang seems to be gone."

"...Hahaha, who is Cuixiang, I have forgotten a little bit."

"...Well, I can't remember what you say."


The two stood facing each other like this, speaking meaningless words. After a long while, they seemed to feel that they had nothing to say, and the atmosphere fell into embarrassment once again.


"I didn't see anything just now!"

"I heard nothing just now!"

The two looked at each other for a moment, and then shouted in unison.

Afterwards, the two seemed to laugh happily, "Haha, that's it, nothing happened just now."

As a result, a certain memory was hidden by them.

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