The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 535: The ultimate effort of ordinary people and the miracle of genius

Marisa is not a genius, she is just an ordinary person, she does not have the magical talents like Pachuli, nor does she have special abilities like Sakiya, nor does she have the help of gods and human beliefs like Sanae. , Not to mention the invincible power that is gifted by heaven like Reimu. Although there is such a famous teacher as Succubus, the master is the dragon who sees the head but not the end, and the study of magic is basically based on her independent research.

As an ordinary human being, without any special abilities, without any external help, she can be so strong and have a place in Gensokyo... All of this is the result of her own countless efforts.

And her hard work will not be seen by anyone, but she is alone with countless successes and failures, learning and learning again and again. Although her magic seems gorgeous and powerful, it is accumulated drop by drop with sweat, just like large fireworks blooming in a banquet. People can only see the beauty and magnificence of the fireworks, but they will not know what lies behind the beauty. How much hard work has been done.

However, no matter how hard she tried, she was still just an ordinary magician.

Unlike Marisa, Sanae is a genius. Not only does he possess too many specialities beyond ordinary people, but he has inherited the position of Fengzhu in the family from the time he was born, and has learned secret techniques passed down from generation to generation since childhood. Moreover, she has been able to cause miracles since she was a child, and she has also reaped people's beliefs, and in one fell swoop, she has become the status of a human **** that ordinary people will never reach.

She was able to call for miracles and gained the love of the gods. Two powerful gods gave her careful guidance and education. Even if she didn't work hard, her strength could grow steadily day by day. If you add a little effort, Then her achievements will leave ordinary people far away in a blink of an eye.

Because she is a genius, she has the ability of miracles, she has the help of gods, and she has a unique advantage that no one can reach. A little genius can surpass ordinary people for ten years, and even more effort may be unfair, but this is the world.

Just like at this moment, the two people with similar strengths had only slightly changed their state because of the genius, and her strength had reached the point where she was almost equal to that of the gods.

But in the attack of the ground breaking that day and the roar of the storm, Marisa, as an ordinary person, was completely downwind. Not only was she unable to use any means of attack, even the defense was quite difficult, and she could only barely evade. .

Lin Luo no longer looked around with the mood of watching the show. In fact, he stood up when Sanae used the art of opening up the world, because at this time, the strength of Sanae has almost reached the ground level, and Marisa is still just With a high-level spirit level and such a huge power gap, Marisa's crisis is self-evident... The blackened Sanae will not be merciful.

Lin Luo was going to save Marisa when necessary, and then stop the fight between the two. He wasn't only two of them as high as it was. He could completely wake up Sanae, but...watching Marisa fled in embarrassment in the air. , He couldn't help but hesitate.

Because of the rainstorm, Marisa’s clothes were soaked, and her face was pale because of the violent wind. The drenched body combined with the gust of wind, the cold eroded her body... Lin Luo could see clearly. The body of the girl standing on the broom was trembling violently, and it was even crumbling, and might fall from the air at any time.

Coupled with the sky and the earth that smashed her from time to time, she would be photographed into pieces if she was careless, but! Even in such a state, she still did not surrender, clenching her teeth and persisting, her eyes were not afraid and uneasy, but unyielding and fighting spirit.

Marisa is a person who is striving for strength and victorious. She works silently to catch up with Reimu, who is strong without training. Even if she fails countless times, even if she hardly wins once, she has never given up. It was Sanae who was weaker than Reimu.

This is different from ordinary spell card rule battles. The spell card rules are just a battle game, but at the moment it is a real battle!

From the girl's painful but still smiling expression, Lin Luo understood what she meant: whether genius or ordinary person, this kind of thing is meaningless, as long as you keep working hard, mortals will one day surpass genius!

At this moment, Lin Luo could also see that under Marisa's carefree appearance, what was hidden was an unwavering determination and courage to resist defeat.

"Then, come on, Marisa." Lin Luo smiled slightly and sat down again.

boom! boom! boom!

In the sky, the wind is roaring, the rain is floating, the sky is roaring, and the ground is rushing. Marisa, who was struck by these four forces, was already embarrassed. In order to avoid the attacks of heaven and earth, she had to adjust the flying speed of the broom to the highest, and in order to avoid the tearing of the violent wind, she had to calmly feel the direction of the wind, following the wind and the wind. It is necessary to achieve extremely precise control against the wind, and it is not easy to do this, and it can even be said to be quite difficult, because her state is already extremely weak at the moment, and the cold attack not only makes her body a little stiff, but also Even thinking is a bit slower than usual, but!

"I'm not going to give up like this, now I have nothing to do except fight!" After avoiding the squeeze of the world and passing through the layers of storms, Marisa flew towards Sanae, and said loudly, from her body. What broke out was not the cowardice in the face of this terrorist force, but the boiling fighting spirit.

"So, as long as you knock you down, all problems will be solved, right?!"

"Then you come and try... defeat the current me." Sanae was expressionless, and then, Mikui in her hand pointed forward, "Miracle... the star ceremony that summons Kamikaze!"

Several light talisman shot out from Yubi, and then wrapped around her arm like a snake. When the dazzling light broke out, the light talisman suddenly spread out, forming a circle with a diameter of more than five meters. Inside the circle, there was a huge tornado. It started to twist and aimed directly at Marisa.

Because at the time of the star ceremony, Sanae’s miraculous art of opening the world and calling the wind and rain had stopped, and the earth and the sky were restored to their original state once again, and she was able to give Marisa a chance to breathe slightly. Standing on the broom, she got out of her hat. Removed the mini gossip stove.

"Ah, this is your kamikaze, let you see my magic cannon... my ultimate magic cannon with full firepower!" Marisa also pointed the gossip furnace at Sanae, and the magic power was full. Open, and inject all the remaining strength of oneself into the Eight Diagrams furnace.

Although her tone seemed confident, her eyes were a bit dignified. She knew that Sanae's current strength was far above her, and her own remaining strength was not much. Even if she used her full strength, she would be able to win. Hope is small, but!

"It's fun to reverse in this defeat!" Marisa laughed, and then both hands shook violently, and a white light beam that was several times larger than before came out like a meteor that pierced the sky.

"Magic Cannon... the ultimate spark of the Second Universe!"

"Never allow...Kamikaze!"

At the same time, Sanae’s attack has also been released. It is a storm formed by countless rotations and compressions. Its density is not known how many times stronger than ordinary wind. The moment it shoots, it sounds dull like thunder. Such a sound can make people feel the terrifying power contained in it.

Regardless of whether it is the magic cannon or the kamikaze, the speed of the two has exceeded the limit that the naked eye can catch. Before they touch, a jet of air has formed on the trajectory of the attack. Then there was a bang, and the two forces collided with each other. A stalemate was formed.

The power of magic cannons lies in destruction, and the power of kamikaze lies in tearing. In terms of instantaneous explosive power, magic cannons are still above the kamikaze, so the kamikaze was suppressed from the beginning, but after all, the power of Marisa is not as good as Sanae, only suppressed. In a few seconds, Kamikaze had counterattacked strongly, and with a chirp, the huge beam of light was immediately blasted into powder, spreading and falling in the sky like a huge firework.

"Ah, look, what a beautiful firework."

"That magician, is she setting off fireworks again?"

At the Forever Pavilion not far away, the fairies were attracted by the sound. When they saw the sky full of fire, they suddenly pointed to the sky, talking, laughing, and looking very happy.

And below the spark, Marisa couldn't help showing a wry smile, "Oh, I still can't beat it, this is really bad..."

Before she finished speaking, her body fell to the ground along with the broom. The magic cannon just used up all her strength, and now she can't even fly, she is extremely weak.

"Marisa, I have repaired the mecha...Ah!" Just as Marisa fell down, a girl with a double ponytail wearing an expedition uniform, a sun hat and a backpack flew over from a distance. Behind her was a huge mecha, which was the Gundam that Lin Luo gave to Sanae. It's just that when she was still excited when she saw Marisa falling from the sky, she suddenly exclaimed.

This voice attracted Marisa’s weak eyes, and also attracted Sanae’s attention. When he saw that his beloved Gundam was intact, his eyes lit up, and the black air all over his body disappeared without a trace. "Ah, my mecha..."

However, she hadn't finished her words, her eyes dizzy and she fell from the sky.

Huh! Huh!

Just when the two girls were about to come into close contact with the ground, Lin Luo had already activated teleportation, holding them in his arms almost at the same time, and then returned to the ground.

"Really, this is nothing short of a fight."

Looking at their weak, as if already asleep faces, Lin Luo couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly.

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