The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 536: Yuyuko said, I want to sleep in your room for one night

"Are they two okay?" Looking at Marisa and Sanae lying calmly on the ground, as if they had already fallen asleep, the blue-haired two-ponytail girl with a baby face and wearing an expedition uniform breathed a sigh of relief. Can't help but look at Lin Luo next to him and ask.

Lin Luo smiled slightly, "Don't worry, they are just over-consuming their strength and their bodies are not injured. I will let them sleep for a while, and they will be better when they wake up."

Marisa was exhausted and was attacked by the cold, so her body looked extremely weak, and Lin Luo would be fine if she got rid of her cold. And Sanae’s situation is similar, because the blackening caused her to temporarily upgrade abnormally. After returning to normal, the force that exceeded her own limit immediately caused her body to become extremely fatigued, and she fell into fainting. Lin Luo also fainted. Treated her for a while.

Although neither of the two took advantage of the fight like this, or it could be said that they were both losers, Sanae came into contact with a higher realm because of this, and Marisa used a low realm to fight for a higher realm until she ran out of strength. The defeat, in general, is of great benefit to them... At least, with this experience, their future breakthroughs will be easier.

"That...thank you." Hearing Lin Luo's answer, the girl with two ponytails completely relaxed, and then nodded in thanks to Lin Luo, but she did not dare to look at his face, and seemed extremely scared.

"It's nothing, this is what I should do." Lin Luo smiled. He still knew the girl in front of him. It was the Kappa who lived on the Monster Mountain. The name was Hecheng Hatake, who was the one who talked with Marisa on the phone before. people. Her profession is a water conservancy engineer. Not only can she manipulate water, but she is also good at making various props and base construction. She often makes some weird inventions and has the title of "Super Monster Warhead".

According to legend, she is also one of Marisa's harem.

"You repaired that mecha?" Lin Luo couldn't help asking as he looked at the Gundam a few meters away. According to Marisa, the mecha that was bombarded by her could not be revived. At this moment, it is intact, and there is no sign of bombardment. In Gensokyo, there is no other than Heseong Hatake. The second person can do that.

"Yeah." Speaking of this, the girl seemed a little excited. She was no longer as afraid of life as she was before, and immediately nodded and said, "After Marisa broke this robot, she regretted it very much, so please me fix her, but This robot is very troublesome to construct. I also dissected it before re-assembling it through analysis. It took me several days."

Anatomy? This term made Lin Luo quite speechless. He had heard anatomy of a frog and anatomy of a human body, but he had never heard of anatomy of Gundam. It was really a new term. As for Marisa feeling regret and guilt, he didn't believe that Marisa was able to help repair Gundam. He felt that it was Marisa who was afraid of blackening Sanae to do this.

"You made Marisa's mobile phone too, right?" Lin Luo asked again.

"Yes, yeah!" The girl nodded again, her expression was more excited than before, her voice suddenly increased by an octave, and she said loudly, "That is the mobile phone that Marisa and I can communicate with each other. It took me a long time. It’s made, you see, the color and shape are the same..."

With that said, she took out the mobile phone exactly the same as Marisa from her backpack, and various tools, and began to explain to Lin Luo the manufacturing process of the mobile phone and the difficulties and experiences encountered in making the mobile phone. .

"..." Lin Luo was at a loss for words, and sure enough, this guy has a strange character. Although Hecheng's character is very scary, he often suddenly changes his attitude and tone when talking to people. The first minute is sad, the next minute may become very happy. In short, it is difficult for ordinary people to adapt.

Regarding the manufacture and principle of mobile phones, Lin Luoke was not interested in knowing this, so after a few perfunctory words, he left and left... Sanae has recovered, Gundam has been repaired, and the battle between her and Marisa is not. It may go on, but there is no need to worry about it.

Lin Luo was a little bit depressed when he was walking on the road to Huiyongting Pavilion. He wanted to discuss the contract with Kaguya, but he did not expect that Marisa would be dragged into the war between her and Sanae, wasting so much time. It's unfortunate.

"It's so disaster and difficult, I hope no one will disturb me anymore." Lin Luo thinks this way, but sometimes, I don't want to encounter anything but will encounter something. I just returned to the Forever Pavilion, before he walked in. There was a very enthusiastic voice from the other side of the room, "Ah, my food!"

This is a very nice voice, full of magnetism and elegant, as if it came from the mouth of a noble lady, but it gives people a frivolous feeling in the ear... There is only one person in Gensokyo with this tone, Lin Luo Looking up, sure enough, he saw Youyouzi who wrote ghost and read as a foodie.

"Finally saw you, I have been thinking of you for many days, let me eat, ah..." Youyouzi flew to Lin Luo lightly, folded his hands on the right side of his shoulders, and opened his mouth. He obviously wanted Lin Luo to feed her.

Moe is really cheap now, why is everyone selling it?

Lin Luo said that he was very speechless, and You Yuzi's action was purely malicious, so shameless! However, her methods are better than those of the eldest lady. The eldest lady eats as soon as she comes up, while You Youzi uses cuteness to gain favorability and fight for the upper limit of food. There is still a certain gap between the IQs of the two.

"Master Youyouzi, don't do such a shameful thing!" As it was said, wherever there is Youyouzi, there are Demon Dreams. Before Lin Luo started feeding, Demon Meng had already rushed up with a frantic expression.

Well, it is indeed a shame to beg for food so blatantly as You Yuko in broad daylight. It is not surprising that Yao Meng will feel embarrassed. However, the great You Yuko obviously doesn’t care about his identity and face. The food is lighter than a feather.

"Yommeng, you are not right to say that." Sure enough, after listening to Yaomeng's words, You Youzi turned her head to give her a special education on food, "You have to know that the people rely on food as the sky, and the loss of life is small. Starving to death is big, no matter what, filling your stomach is the most important thing."

"But... you can't be so disregarded, you are the master of the underworld, and being seen by so many people begging for food is not a bit of majesty!" Yao Meng pointed to the flying fairies around, according to I struggled with reason, but the fairies were too late to play, and would not pay attention to the situation here.

Youyouzi smiled, seemingly stress-free, "Is it right? Don’t you know? There are only food, clothing, housing and transportation in the four things. Only with these four things can I be a complete person. I have all the clothing, housing, and transportation. The only thing missing is food. As for majesty or something, that kind of thing is not a basic need at all."

"..." Yaomeng was speechless. After a while, she said, "But you are not a human being at all, but a ghost."

"It's too much to treat ghosts as something other than human beings." Youyouzi looked aggrieved.

"That, I didn't..." Yao Mengxiang wanted to explain, but Youyouzi no longer paid attention to her, but made the previous cute move, facing Lin Luo, which made her quite entangled.

Lin Luo didn't know if he should sympathize with Youyouzi, or applaud Youyouzi's wonderful debate, but he knew one thing...No matter what you do, don't reason with Youyouzi, you are wrong. , She will educate you with correctness, and when you say it is correct, she will educate you with perverse theory, anyway, no matter what you say, she can say black as white and white as black, making you powerless Until the rebuttal.

Seeing that Youyouzi's selling cuteness index has reached the pass line, Lin Luo doesn't mind feeding her, but it would be a bit too much to take out dragon-like food in this place, so before he walked to Youyouzi and Yaomeng Sitting there, drinking tea and chatting, took out a few dishes from the storage space.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Lin Luo just took it out, and before he could stabilize it, You Youzi had already taken all the plates, and when she handed them back, she had already swept away the food on the plates.

"..." Lin Luo was really speechless and hadn't seen him in half a month. This food-eater seems to have improved again.

But such a bit of food is obviously not enough to stuff You Youzi's teeth. After eating, he licked his lips, raised his head and looked at Lin Luo, a hungry girl with a pitiful expression, "I want more."

It seems that while the ability to eat goods grows, Yuyuko's selling cuteness level has also risen geometrically.

Without mentioning whether Lin Luo was cute, the Demon Meng who was sitting next to her could not stand it anymore. She was really embarrassed, and she had already recognized her head, so she couldn't see it.

"Don't be cute anymore, this will make me very stressed." Lin Luo's mouth twitched a bit. Although he suppressed negative desires, it does not mean that he has no desires, and You Yuzi's appearance can definitely cause any one. The man's desire, coupled with her seductive expression, can be called death.

If it hadn't been for his temperament to have matured, he might have been successfully teased by her.

In order to prevent You Youzi from continuing to sell cute, Lin Luo reluctantly took out the food again. This time You Youzi didn’t eat it right away. Instead, he looked at the space next to Lin Luo curiously and asked: "Where did you come from this food? Why do you always see you take it out from there?"

"That is my spatial warehouse, which stores all kinds of daily necessities, but it is invisible with the eyes." Lin Luo did not hide it, telling the truth.

"It turned out to be like this." Youyouzi suddenly realized, then his eyes rolled and his eyes blurred, "Can you let me enter your space and stay for one night?"

"..." Lin Luo almost stumbled, yes, this foodie is going to copy his nest!

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