The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 550: The day of awakening comes again, the raging red demon

The fighting power of the Crimson Devil Mansion is not top in Gensokyo, but it is definitely on the front line. Even if the Crimson Devil Mansion group that has removed the spell card rules destroys Gensokyo, it is possible to destroy Gensokyo. No amount of miscellaneous fish is a gift for them... But there is a saying, quantitative changes cause qualitative changes. Hundreds of thousands of trash fish are a gift, but what about tens of thousands of trash fish?

No matter how great the power is, when it is finally exhausted, sometimes there will be situations where the murder will be soft.

For example, now, there are too many enemies invading the Red Devil Mansion. In this vast room, at a glance, it is densely packed, and it is impossible to count how many there are. Remilia and the others don’t know how many they have killed, but they kill one batch after another, as if there is no end at all. They have gathered together at this moment, and they are all enemies around. Surrounded by.

"Where did this number come from?" Paqiuli was puzzled. Even with her knowledge, she couldn't see the way the enemy came in. It felt like she was teleporting from a different space.

"Sakuya, reduce the space of this room." Remilia said in a deep voice. Although the space is convenient for fighting, they are already attacked by the enemy at this moment. This vast space is not beneficial to them, it is just a place for the enemy to stay. Although she is proud, and although she believes that no one can be better than herself, she also knows that it is useless to face an inexhaustible enemy, even if it is invincible, and there are not only trash fish among the enemies.

"No, Miss." But Sakiya shook her head with a look of embarrassment. "There are too many enemies. If I shrink the space now, we will be crowded together."

"Damn it!" Remilia gritted her teeth bitterly, "Then I will wipe out these guys in one fell swoop!"

As she spoke, she had jumped up from where she was, with lightning speed, after avoiding the attacks of countless enemies, she rushed to the high altitude behind the enemy in an instant, and then went straight down.


Remilia's head and feet rushed up and down. The violent impact not only blasted the enemy to pieces, but also smashed the ground to pieces. The messy cracks spread to the surroundings, and then, a bright red light like blood Since her body blooms.

"The red city that never sleeps!"

A huge **** cross was born on the ground, and the red light beams all gathered from the spiritual energy released terrifying pressure, and countless enemies were wiped out in an instant. Only this blow wiped out all the enemies within a radius of more than ten meters. When the red light stopped, Remilia flew backwards backwards.

At this moment, the surrounding enemies all attacked her, energy waves, projecting weapons, and some people with their bare hands... But Remilia didn't even look at it, but showed a disdainful smile.

"Sakuya World!" When this voice sounded, time stopped, the world was silent, and those attacks that were only a few inches away from Remilia could no longer work. Countless silver flying knives crisscrossed like lightning, not only destroying the enemy, but also smashing all the blades thrown by the enemy.

"Don't know that time is controlled by our side?" Remilia smiled slightly and retreated calmly.

"Remy, be careful!" But before she could fly away from the center of the enemy formation, Pa Qiuli suddenly exclaimed.

Remilia was taken aback for a moment, then subconsciously looked back, only to see a silver giant sword hitting her heart directly!

"How is this possible?" Sakiya was first shocked when she saw this scene. Now her power has grown. As long as her realm is not too high, she can stop that person's time arbitrarily, and of course, she can also deliberately not stop some people's time. The move she is currently displaying only stops the enemy's time, but... why can a mere sword break her world?

"Damn! This sword..." But the one who panicked the most was Remilia. She felt that this sword was full of sacred power, like the sacred power of the church that had dealt with her before. This is the natural enemy of vampires. Stabbed, she was dead.

Remilia didn't dare to be careless anymore, and retreated at the fastest speed, but the sword seemed to recognize her, chasing her, and the speed was getting closer...

"Absolute defense!"

Remilia couldn't be faster than that sword, and she couldn't break the sword with her power. She was about to be hit. A colorful pyramid suddenly appeared on her body, and then with a clang, the sword was blocked. Down.

Remilia recognizes this pyramid. This is the absolute defense created by Paqiuli's fusion of Qi Yao's attributes, which can ignore any attacks.

"Pachi, well done, thank you..." Remilia subconsciously turned her head and looked at Paqiuli, but before she finished her words, her eyes widened suddenly, her eyes were unimaginable horror, she saw Then, a dark figure appeared behind Paqiuli...

Because all the attention was focused on Remilia, coupled with the power required for absolute defense, at this moment, Paqiuli's own defense is infinitely close to zero, she did not find the shadow behind her, waiting for her to see When it came to the expression on Remilia's face, she was shocked, but it was too late.

Huh! There was the sound of something being torn apart.

"Huh?" Pa Qiuli felt a pain in her back and body, and she instinctively looked down, and saw a **** blade in her abdomen.

Pa Qiuli was pierced by the enemy with a sharp sword, and everyone saw this scene.

"Miss Paqiuli!" Hong Meiling was the closest to her, and immediately threw away the enemies that had besieged her, and rushed towards Paqiuli. A huge air current gathered in her hands and blasted towards the dark shadow with all her strength.

The black shadow cracked his mouth and looked extremely disdainful, but he still drew out the long sword and retreated. Suddenly, Paqiuli's body was pouring blood, and she fell on her back.

Hong Meiling missed a hit and immediately hugged Paqiuli in her arms, but because she was concerned about it, she did not see the enemy behind her.

"Sakiya World!" Sakiya saw it and wanted to stop the world's time, but...useless!

"Damn it! Stop it!!!" Seeing that the enemy's hand had reached Red Meiling, Sakuya's face changed drastically, but the more panicked she became, the more she couldn't concentrate and couldn't stop the enemy's time!

"China, get away!" Remilia shouted loudly, and she was about to rush over subconsciously, but as soon as she stepped out of the absolute defense, the silver giant sword came head-on, forcing her to hide.

"Huh?" Hong Meiling was stunned. Before she could recover, she felt a terrifying force hit her body. She immediately spewed a mouthful of blood, with a painful look on her face, holding her handkerchief. Qiuli's body fell down.

"Fran, what are you doing!!!" Seeing this scene, Remilia roared angrily, leaving Fran deliberately to let her deal with these secretly powerful enemies, but now...why there is no one Block?

But when she looked at Fran, she found that Fran had been restrained by the enemy.

"Sister, this person... this person has no eyes on his body, I can't catch his eyes..." Fran faced a person shrouded in black robe, her face was extremely panicked, and the whole person was there. Trembling, retreating step by step, let alone attacking, it was like a helpless child.

"Your quadruple existence, let me use it!" Remilia roared angrily. Never at this moment, she blamed her sister so much.

"No, no! I..." But Fran didn't seem to hear her, holding her head in her hands, her eyes full of fear, "No! No! I don't want to be like that, I don't want to kill, I don't want... Sister, help me, Fran is so scared, it's so dark and terrible here..."

"Fran?" Remilia was shocked.

"With a strong power but not worthy of the strength of the mind, slowly in your memories to despair." The black-robed man standing opposite Fulan made a low voice, pointing his palm to Fu a few meters away. Orchid.

"Spirit attack?!" Remilia understood. Not only was this person not "dead" like Huiye and Meihong, but he was also good at using mental attacks. He confined Fran to her when she first awakened.

"Ah!" Remilia heard a scream again as her thoughts flashed in her mind.

"Sakiya?" She immediately turned her head to look, and saw that Sakiya was in the air, and a black aperture trapped her. No matter how hard she struggled, Ren Sakuya couldn't escape from that aperture.

"Time control, you can break it with a high-dimensional barrier." A man in a mage's robe stood under Sakuya, disdainfully said.

"This..." Remilia was dumbfounded.

In less than ten seconds, Paqiuli and Hong Meiling fell to the ground with serious injuries, Sakiya was trapped, and even Fran, who was the ace, was suppressed...Looking at the scene before her, Remilia was only Feeling extremely cold in her hands and feet, she lowered her head to look at the blood on her hands, and then at the two people who had fallen in a pool of blood, she seemed to have seen the first day of awakening in the past.

How terrible it is, how painful it is, how desperate it is... I can only move forward in death, only find myself in death, killing and killing ceaselessly, in order to survive!

The pain and the unwillingness made these hands soaked in blood and the despair.

I don't want to remember anymore, all the sadness and despair that I used to have, from a human to a vampire, I don't want to feel it anymore, but...why?

Why does this despair come again?

is it wrong? Because of my pride and willfulness, everyone is also facing this kind of despair. If you ask other people for help earlier, this kind of thing may not happen.

Are you really going to die? Is the Red Devil Mansion really going to perish? Is this a punishment for one's own willfulness?

Why why why why why...

I can not be reconciled!

"I am the Lord of the Night...Ahhhhh!!!"

Suddenly, Remilia looked up to the sky and roared. In the roar of despair and unwillingness to kill, two huge black wings stretched out from her, and behind the black wings was the even bigger red one. Wings cover the sky and the sun.

The dark red mist makes her more like a red demon. At the same time, it also dyes the whole world red. Originally, she could only rely on Paqiuli’s help to create the Red Devil Township. Now, she can only rely on her own power. Do it, but!

There was no trace of pride in Remilia's heart, only endless anger!

"The destruction of the Red Devil Mansion? This kind of thing... will never happen!"

This was the words spoken from the devil's mouth. While speaking, she took the initiative to tear apart the absolute defense, and then took the initiative to face the silver giant sword.


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