The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 551: Reinforcement from another world, the true ancestor descends

The silver giant sword containing holy power has absolute power to kill vampires, just like a mouse meeting a cat, it can only run away but cannot resist, so Remilia can’t get out of Pachuli’s absolute defense. She would die if she came out and was chopped by a giant sword... Originally, it should be like this.

However, the violent Remilia has been compared with the present and the past. She rushed from the front to the silver giant sword, the sharp gun Ganggnier took shape in her hand in an instant, and pierced directly forward.

Ka! With a crisp sound, the silver giant sword's offensive was blocked in the lightning-like contact, and the blade deflected.


Without giving the other party any opportunity, the demon roared, and Gangnir came out again, and the tip of the spear with red mist stabbed heavily on the surface of the sword. There was a sudden click, and a crack appeared on the silver giant sword.

"Break it to me!" Remilia gritted her teeth and roared, the violent power passed forward through Gangnir.


In the loud noise, the silver long sword was smashed in an instant.


At the same time, a silver-haired man in silver clothes appeared at the hilt of the sword, quickly backing away, holding the hilt with a shocked expression, seemingly unable to believe that Remilia smashed his sword with just one blow.

Seeing that man's figure, Remilia's blood-red eyes showed a trace of sorrow, because she felt that the holy power did not come from that sword, but the man in front of her. Without any hesitation, with the idea of ​​taking advantage of his illness to kill him, Remilia turned into a red electric light, and the sharp gun Gangnier pierced the opponent's heart.

Remilia's feeling is correct. This silver-haired man is not a human being, but is actually a belief of the church. In a sense, he is similar to some of the "gods" of Gensokyo, who specializes in killing vampires. He can integrate his own power into any weapon, so that the weapon has the ability to move independently, not only the attack and speed are improved by a geometric factor, but the weapon with the holy power is also a nemesis to the vampire.

"Damn it!" Seeing Remilia attacked, the silver-haired man snorted angrily, and the whole person turned into a silver light and fled to the distance. Although he could be transformed into an entity, but without the weapon, he could not beat Remilia and could only escape.

Remilia did not continue to chase after a miss, but turned her spear to kill others...Gangnir threw out, attacking the mage who trapped Sakiya, her hands spread out, and two black wings. Two circular halos appeared on each of them, and countless barrage blasted towards the black-robed man who carried out a mental attack on Fran, while she herself killed the white-haired man who knocked down Hong Meiling.

Remilia wants to pick three!

"Has the potential exploded, huh!" The white-haired man snorted and took the lead. Remilia's rampage came too suddenly, from her roar to the repulsion of the silver giant sword, it was only a moment, and he was the only one who reacted the fastest in this period of time.

Although he intends to completely solve the two wounded who fell to the ground, the two of them have lost their combat effectiveness, and it is fine to leave them alone for the time being, but Remilia can pose a threat to them, be sure to get rid of them first!

boom! boom! boom……

The two of them fought against each other with lightning and stone fire. In less than a second, they had already attacked more than a dozen moves. Remilia’s physical attacks were already very strong, she was in a state of rampage, and her strength had reached the ground level. In a rage, she shot mercilessly, and every blow was shocking, but even so, she only hit the opponent with half a catty...because the opponent is also a ground level!

In fact, with the exception of the silver-haired man who is an incomplete stratum, the other four are all complete stratum powers, otherwise, with the combat power of the Red Devil Hall, it would not be possible to be suppressed so easily.

While Remilia was fighting the white-haired man, on the other side, the wizard who trapped Sakiya in a high-dimensional space also faced Gang'nir's swift attack... The sharp gun Gang'nir stabbed the target. Previously, he would not stop. The shot fired with the power of the ground step would retreat even if the power of the same level was strong.

Although he possessed the ability to create high-dimensional space, he could only create one at a time. In desperation, the mage had to give up pressure on Sakiya and avoid Ganggnir's pursuit.

Without the suppression of the mage, Sakiya could not escape from the high-dimensional space yet, but she also relaxed a lot, trying to find a way to crack it.

The black-robed man who carried out a mental attack on Fran had to stop facing Remilia’s huge barrage, and instead attacked Remilia. While evading the barrage, he was mysterious and unpredictable. The mental shock wave rushed to Remilia like a tide.

boom! boom! boom!

Remilia frowned, she just felt that there was a huge hammer beating in her mind, making her a headache, and she wanted to smash her head. This kind of pain made her unable to concentrate on fighting, so she had to concentrate most of her attention on the barrage and attacked the black-robed man, but she fell under the wind in the attack of the white-haired man, and every move was considered abnormal. Strenuous.


Suddenly, a black light flashed from the void, hitting Remilia's neck.

"It's you, who stabbed Paki!" Although she was in the midst of a hard fight, Remilia listened to all directions and knew everything around her. She did not forget that there were five strong enemies. , Especially the black assassin who stabbed Paqiuli into serious injuries.

When the black light hit her, Remilia ignored the white-haired man’s attack and abruptly took a punch from him, enduring the severe pain, and shot it like lightning, holding the black light tightly with sharp nails. To the heart of the assassin.


What is an assassin? One hit must hit, and the instant shot is called an assassin.

Obviously, an assassin of the tier was not able to be killed so easily. The moment Remilia grabbed the long sword, he retreated decisively, but because of this, a large piece of flesh was caught in his chest.

Under the stimulation of the blood, Remilia appeared even more violent. Amidst the roar, the barrage came out, and the attack was extremely fierce. Every blow seemed to shatter the space and made a loud bang.

The white-haired man and the assassin were immediately suppressed, and they were only able to resist for a while.

"Don't underestimate her!" At this moment, the mage chased by Gangnir rushed over, and it was a space separation technique directly facing Remilia.

"Uh!" Remilia snorted, she felt her body cut in half, and the huge pain stopped her movement.

"This kind of pain is far worse than my anger...!" Just as the two opposing people were planning to take this opportunity to kill, Remilia roared up to the sky, reorganizing her body with a strong force, and the domineering attack would The mage is also involved in the battlefield.


Remilia is already very strenuous with one enemy four, but before she can adapt, there is a sound of breaking through the sky, with sacred power.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw that it was a long silver sword.

"Come on! I'm going to kill you all!" In the bloodthirsty and violent roar, the two red wings behind Remilia exploded with terrible pressure and blasted towards the silver long sword.

With one against five, the red devil deserves it!

...Five-dimensional space.

Lin Luo and the evil king have been fighting here for several minutes. The strength of the evil king is indeed the first among the walkers. Every blow makes him feel great pressure, and every second he has kind and death passing by. The illusion, even if he uses his full strength, still falls behind, but... it's still not as good as Yakumo Zihe Feng Jian Yuxiang!


The strongest spear was thrown out, and the huge space storm was swept up, and the sea water split into two halves instantly.

"It's useless!" The evil king laughed, the black spear stabs forward, and the strongest spear is shot out immediately, and then rushes forward, "You are not as good as me, and your world is not as good as mine. Now, I have come to this world with dozens of powerful tiers, and you have no more chances!"

"Dozens of tiered powerhouses?" Lin Luo sneered, drew a sword from the void, and swiped forward suddenly, like a galaxy pouring, half-moon white light slashed towards the evil king, "Don't underestimate Gensokyo, you will regret it! "

"Haha, Gensoxiang, I have captured the right time and the right place. The five strongest tiers have already killed the Red Devil Mansion. Without any reinforcements, they will all be wiped out within ten minutes!" The evil king laughed and punched. Out, the half-moon white light shattered immediately.

"No reinforcements? Do you really think so?"


"A person can be killed in one second, a city can be destroyed in one minute, and I can do my best in one night!" Lin Luo roared and swung a knife forward to kill. Will not occupy!"

"Kill you, everything is mine!" The evil king roared wildly, and the pitch-black spear pierced out.


Although Remilia has become stronger, and extremely strong, facing five strong people of the same level, it is impossible for her to win if she has the ability to reach the sky. A few minutes later, she has completely fallen into the wind. I don't know how many times of reorganization, she is waiting for Sakiya to get out of trouble, she is waiting for Fran to wake up, but... till now, she still can only fight alone.

With two fists hard to beat with four hands, Remilia's despair grew stronger.

"Damn it!" Remilia roared, but her heart wailed, reinforcements, she needs reinforcements, she needs partners, not for herself, but for the entire Red Devil Mansion, as long as someone can help her protect the Red Devil Mansion, she can Let go of all pride.

However, it was just an extravagant hope, and there was no reinforcement at all.

Seeing that silver sword pierce her throat, Remilia smiled bitterly, closed her eyes and waited for her death. She knew that everything was over. After reorganizing her body a dozen times, there was no hope of regeneration.

"Is this giving up? It's too fast."

At this moment, she heard the voice of a young girl.

Remilia opened her eyes fiercely, and saw that the silver long sword had been held by one person. It was a blond girl, about ten years old, and she looked about the same age as herself.

"Waiting is a very hard thing, don't you think so?"

The girl grinned, crushed the silver long sword to pieces in an instant, and then raised her hand.

"Rick Lak Lak Lak Lak Lak... the eternal darkness, the eternal glacier!"

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