The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 583: Since ancient times, the pikemen have been so hard, but luck has never been E

The evil king sent soldiers into his own world? Hearing this sentence, Lin Luo was extremely shocked and apprehensive, but he was not the kind of fool who believed what others said, and felt that this thing was impossible.

Except for the walkers and the acting gods, no one can enter the world of the gods war. This has become a basic setting. If the evil king himself can penetrate into his world, I can believe it, after all, the other party even cut off the starlight. Dadao can do all such perverted things.

However, now that the evil king is here, no matter how strong his subordinates are, it is impossible to enter the world of God War!

"Do you think I would believe what you said?" Lin Luo said coldly. He guessed that the reason the other party said such words was nothing more than disturbing his own state of mind, preventing him from fighting with peace of mind, or even daring to run away.

"Do you think I bluffed you?" The evil king smiled without answering, and asked in the same tone. Then he stretched out his hand in the void and grabbed it. Suddenly, the space shook, and his hand was already flashing black. The long sword of Youguang, the blade slashed across, and the space seemed to be slightly distorted, faintly exuding an air of unknownness.

"That's..." Lin Luo couldn't help but change his face when he saw this sword. He recognized this sword as the sword held by Liu Qu, the walker who had the book of the assassin during the first battle of God, and had the ability to distort space to a certain extent, but now this sword is in the hands of the evil king. ...

The evil king knew that Lin Luo had probably guessed it, and he didn't hide it. He smiled seemingly, "Yes, this sword is owned by the miscellaneous fish of a certain book of assassins. In the second battle of God After I beheaded him, this sword was also collected by me by the way, and he should also be a participant in the first battle of God."

really! Lin Luo knew this was the case. After all, the walks he had encountered with the evil king, except for him and the dark king, died, but he didn't understand, what did this have to do with the other party's ability to invade his own world?

Suddenly, a trace of joking flashed in the eyes of the evil king, and his smile was obviously a bit gloomy, "Your expression seems to be difficult to understand. It seems that you have not killed other gods who have participated in the first battle. Walkers of war, then I will tell you kindly...Walkers who have participated in the war of gods, their heart will instinctively record the coordinates of the world of war of gods, and then, as long as there are other walkers, their hearts When the code is absorbed, the coordinates will shift, which means...I know the definite coordinates of your world!"

Hearing this, Lin Luo's pupils widened sharply, and it suddenly dawned on him that if things were really the case, maybe the evil king was telling the truth... Thinking of this, he could no longer calm down, and fear rose from the bottom of his heart.

However, Lin Luo still couldn't believe that the evil king could send people outside of God's War to his own world with just one coordinate. You must know that they belong to a different plane. Isn't it true that there is no Avenue of Stars?

"How did you do it?" Lin Luo asked instinctively in a hurry.

"Sure enough." Hearing these words, the evil king couldn't help but sneered. "I have long heard that the proxy gods don't wait to see you. It was originally just hearsay, but now it seems to be the truth. It is even the most basic of the king of the world. I don't know my ability... It's really stupid. Why should you be afraid of a trash fish."

The last sentence is obviously scolding the agent god, and his tone is somewhat unhappy, but this is also reasonable, after all, he is the strongest among the walkers, the agent gods do not jealous of him, but are jealous of Lin Luo, any People who are arrogant will be mentally unbalanced.

"The basic ability of the king of the world?" Lin Luo's expression changed, "What is that?"

"Idiot, do you think I will tell you?" The evil king sneered, unhappy and unhappy, but it was impossible for him to tell Lin Luo about such an important matter. The combat power doubled, how could he give up such an advantage.

He threw away the long sword in his hand, pointed the tip of the gun at Lin Luo, and smiled, "Of course, I can tell you the result. You should remember the war in Gensokyo. At that time, I also let tens of thousands of troops into that world. ?"

"Uh!" Upon hearing these words, Lin Luo's expression was stunned for an instant, and the whole body was cold. At that time, he didn't even think about why the evil king was able to send so many troops. He thought it was the ability of the Avenue of Stars...

"With the coordinates of your world, plus the ability of the king of the world, I can send my troops into your world, although there is only one chance at the moment, but..." As he said, the evil king opened his hands. , The color of arrogance flashed in his eyes, "As you think, I have now dispatched all the remaining troops in my world, a dozen ground-level powerhouses plus dozens of spiritual-level peak powerhouses, and tens of thousands. The army of planning, let me ask you!"

The tip of the gun pointed at Lin Luo and said proudly: "Ming Wang, what is your world using to stop me?!"

What to block? Lin Luo couldn't answer, yes, if what the evil king said was true, then what would his world use to block it? Even if it is as strong as the guardian dragon, there are no more than ten peaks of spiritual ranks, and the girls in the sky city may not even have high spiritual ranks... He is also asking himself, what to stop?

"Since... you have the ability to enter my world by yourself, why don't you take the action yourself, but intercept me here?" Lin Luo's face was faintly pale, but he still didn't give up the idea that the evil king was just lying. If the king's strength directly enters his own world, no one can stop him. It is enough to clear all the lives in that world in one day. When that time comes, he will be greatly injured. Why bother?

"Well asked, this question is really great!" The evil king laughed loudly, then he lowered his face and looked straight at Lin Luo, with faint resentment and hatred in his eyes, "I won't do it for myself. Leave any troubles behind. Although it’s easy for me to invade your world personally, it’s easy to kill your world, but...even if I kill all your contractors, you will not die, you think I will give Do you have a chance to get up again?!"

"..." Lin Luo understood, the evil king wanted to cut the grass and root. Indeed, although his chain of life is connected with the contractor, both glory and loss are all lost, but in the end he will not live and die together. Even if the contractor is dead, his cultivation base will be greatly reduced at most. In a period of weakness for a long time, and vice versa.

And before I was in Gensokyo, even if the evil king could re-enter that place, he would not dare to pass easily before he reached the heavenly rank. Then, once I learned that the sky city was completely destroyed, what would happen then? The evil king can't predict...

In fact, this is the case. After experiencing the Dark King, the Evil King also worried that Lin Luo would be killed and reborn like the Dark King. After returning from the "mortal world", the Dark King, who was originally just an ant, became the second strongest king of the world in one fell swoop, and Lin Luo himself is the king of the world, plus the potential that even the acting gods are afraid of, if it is true Make the same choice as the Dark King, once it succeeds... it is simply unimaginable!

What's more, he has already provoked a dark king. If Lin Luo's hatred is brought back, he is considered to have forged an insoluble **** feud with the two kings of the world. Although it was originally a hostile position, it is difficult to guarantee In that case, will it become a situation where he is one enemy and two, then he would be too dangerous.

But now it's different. The Sky City is dealt with by his subordinates, while Lin Luo is dealt with by his own hands. He has an overwhelming advantage on both sides, and there is no possibility that he can't win. Moreover, as long as one of the contractors dies, Lin Luo will be greatly injured, and it will be easier for him to win!

"I cut off your Avenue of Stars. You will not be able to use it again within three days. Even if you want to go to the rescue, it will be useless. It is a pity... After teleporting the subordinates, it is temporarily impossible for me to go to you again. The world is gone, otherwise you will die faster!" said the evil king, the ending is doomed, only the process has to go on, but no one can stop his victory!

"You..." Lin Luo's face was completely bloodless, and he was completely speechless. At this moment, no matter how tough his mind was, he could no longer calm down, and even his body couldn't help shaking.

I thought that the people who invaded Gensokyo were already the entire army of the evil king, but he did not expect that he still had one hand, and it was specifically used to attack his own world, more than a dozen ground steps and dozens of spiritual peaks. Enemies of this level... but there is not even a strong ground-level in his own world!

Although Lin Luo tried his best to calm himself down, how could he calm down in the face of such a dead end? The low combat power of the Sky City, let alone a dozen levels, the dozens of peaks of the spirit level alone are enough to make him desperate!

It is precisely because of the failure to kill the evil king in Gensokyo that the situation is now... horrible!

"Hahaha..." Looking at Lin Luo's painful and desperate face, a sensation of revenge spontaneously emerged in the heart of the evil king, making him unable to help laughing. Originally, he didn't need to tell Lin Luo about this. With his current strength, Lin Luo could crush the opponent even without stimulating Lin Luo, but Gensokyo's hatred made him unable to forget!

Killed 112 times, and was beaten like a bereaved dog without the strength to fight back. Anyone can trample on his head. This is a humiliation that can never be cleared for him! At the moment when he left Gensokyo, he vowed to bloodbath Gensokyo one day. Although he can't do it now, that day will not be far away.

At this moment, interest is collected first.

"There is no way to the sky, no way to enter the earth, no self-protection, no power to save people, look! This is your current situation, despair! You gave me the humiliation that day, I will give it back ten times!" The evil king Yang Tian Laughing wildly, never at this moment, he felt that revenge was so happy, and this mood made him unable to bear to kill his opponent immediately.

"Then I'll kill you first!" Lin Luo roared, the sword of mist and rain swung away with lightning, destroying the black flames and forming a giant dragon leaving the sword, and at the same time, the strongest spear in his left hand made a stern whistling sound. To the evil king.

Only with this plan, he can only return to the Sky City if he kills the evil king in the shortest time, but... how can the evil king be so easy to kill?

"It's useless, it's impossible for you to defeat me in this universe." The evil king sneered, and the Desperate Magic Spear pierced out, stirring up the space storm that ruined the world, and instantly blasted Lin Luo's attack away. , His body leaped high, looking down at Lin Luo, " much strength can you show now? Want to kill me, it's just a dream!"

As the so-called Hedong for thirty years and Hexi for thirty years, half a month ago, the evil king was completely attacked by Lin Luo and others in Gensokyo. He was killed in embarrassment. Under the chaos of his mind, he couldn't even reach 50% of his strength. Played out, and finally had to borrow the Avenue of Stars to escape.

At this moment, Lin Luo was intercepted midway by him, his strength was not as strong as the opponent, and his character was hit by a huge blow because of the opponent's words. Let alone fighting with all his strength, he couldn't even deal with it calmly.

How similar the two situations are, the difference lies in the change of position.

Although Lin Luo attacked desperately, but unable to exert his full strength, he could not be the opponent of the evil king. In a short period of time, his body had been injured countless...this is still under the circumstances of the evil king's mercy. Of course, he The mercy of his subordinates is more of the entertainment before the cat eats the mouse.

Damn it! calm! calm! Calm down! He was just disturbing my psychology. He said this deliberately. In fact, it is impossible, impossible... Lin Luo tried his best to calm his heart, but he couldn't do it. No matter how he tried to calm down, he didn't. The way to cut the Sky City, as long as he thinks of countless enemies invading the Sky City, he can no longer concentrate.

People are children of the environment, but also children of the mood. People will run away because of anger, and they will also be powerless because of sadness. Lin Luo is in such a state now...worrying about the safety of the city in the sky, and thus nervous, desperate, and even collapse. 50%? No, he can't even play 30% of his strength!

Moreover, the seed of the holy stone was also "sealed". With the strength of the evil king, even facing the seed of the holy stone, it would be defeated. It is impossible to die. Even if it is used, it is impossible to help the Sky City at all except threatening oneself.

Despair completely enveloped Lin Luo.

And what made him unbearable most was the words that the evil king rang all the time. In his words, Lin Luo presented scenes of blood flowing in his mind, which was a huge mental torture.

It might be better if you can die happily, but... now Lin Luo can't survive, can't die!

"You're done!" The evil king said in a deep voice, and while speaking, the spear pointed out, and it pierced Lin Luo's heart accurately. In the splash of blood, Lin Luo's chest was pierced, and the whole person flew out hundreds of meters.

"It's not the last moment, it's too early to say victory or defeat!" Almost at the same time, a thunderous voice rang from above the two, and Lin Luo and the evil king reflexively raised their heads.

I saw an avenue of stars descending from the sky, falling on the ground with a bang, the light was condensed in an instant, and a young man with delicate eyes came was the King of Darkness!

"You bastard! Why did you come here?" Seeing this scene, it was not Lin Luo, but the evil king who was most surprised. Seeing the person in front of him was dumbfounded, he could hardly believe it.

But the Dark King didn’t even look at him. He looked at Lin Luo, whose body had recovered from the healing technique, and said, “I have sent my troops to rescue your world, although it may not be able to help you block all enemies. , But at least we can buy time. As long as we work together to kill this person during this period of time, his ability will be eliminated, and then you can use the Avenue of Stars to return to your own world."

This sentence made Lin Luo's eyes widened for an instant, and a glimmer of hope finally flashed in his dim eyes, "You...really?!"

"Of course! I have already said that my enemy is only the Evil King!" The Dark King nodded solemnly.

"You bastard, what I'm asking you, why did you come here?!" The evil king almost roared. The appearance of the dark king at this time and place was completely beyond his expectation, and it was even more unbearable for him. It was a shame that the other party completely ignored him.

"You have used the Avenue of Stars to deal with me once, have you forgotten?" The Dark King turned his head to look at the evil king at this time, with a vaguely revealing hatred in his eyes, and sneered, "You have the ability to target the Avenue of Stars. Yes, I also have the power of you as the king of the world. And you probably don’t remember, I gave you such a big gift before, but it’s a pity that Gensokyo was not able to kill you."

"Could it be..." The evil king's eyes drenched, and he finally understood after hearing these words, it is no wonder that the information he got did not match the facts. It turned out that everything was caused by the other party, which caused him to fall into the trap and enter Gensokyo. Place... Damn it!

"Good, good!" The evil king said three good words in a row, the anger in his tone was unconcealed, and he smiled grinningly, "There is a way to heaven, you don't go, **** has no way, you break in... You are seeking your own death! "

When talking, the disorderly rules are activated, and the body disappears in an instant, turning into five black spots, but!

Before the evil king could attack, four bright lights flashed behind the dark king, which was even more dazzling than the sun. Then he sealed his hands and shouted, "The four-party beasts will determine the order of the world, and return my true world!"

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!

The four strong lights shot into the distance in an instant, and a faint light almost enveloped the entire world. Under the impetus of that invisible force, the five black spots disappeared, and the evil king revealed his original face.

"You!" As strong as the evil king, he was also shocked and inexplicable at this moment. His disorderly rules... were suppressed!

Four sacred beasts!

"You **** it!" The evil king suddenly became angry, and the anger in his eyes rose like flames. At this moment, his face was as hideous as a demon, and he raised his desperate spear and stabbed towards the dark king.


At this moment, a black flame formed a huge spiral facing the evil king under the hood, exuding a terrifying power of destruction.

"Don't forget, you have two enemies!" Lin Luo held the sword of mist and rain and fell from above.

Fight back...start!

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