The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 584: Rin Tosaka, commander of the three armies, the road to dominance begins!

Just when Lin Luo and the Dark King joined forces to attack the evil king, the Sky City also entered a state of emergency preparations. The twelve floating cities around the main city sounded violent alarms...that was set by Chao Ling Yin himself. The sirens of the People's Republic of China receive signals through artificial satellites arranged outside. With the city in the sky as the center, the alarm range can reach up to 100 kilometers.

The method of collecting information is the screen, which converts the captured people and objects into combat effectiveness values ​​through specific data simulations. According to the combat effectiveness, the alert level is temporarily divided into seven levels. Level 4 and below are the areas that they can solve. At level 5, they will fall into quite a bitter battle. At level 6 is the desperate situation of a lifetime of nine deaths. As for level 7...that is already an invincible level.

At this moment, all the sirens in the Sky City have reached a minimum of level five!

"Damn it, how could this happen!" As soon as the siren sounded, the first reaction was the super ring tone. Before, she had just finished the experiment for three consecutive days and three nights, and she was about to take a good rest. She was awakened without even closing her eyes. When she saw the picture and combat power value returned from the siren, she I can't believe it.

Since the birth of these sirens, she has not heard the level 5 alarms, even the level 7 alarms, but the so-called level 7 alarms were not triggered by others, but Evangeline, but now... …The countless ants rushing from all directions are the real enemies!

After being transformed by Chao Ling Yin, the main hall on the seventh floor of the Sky City has become her main activity place, whether it is an experimental break. This may be unbearable for others, but the super-ring tone of "scientist who sells his soul to science" is not only not boring, but very excited. In addition to the necessary communication with other people, there are almost two times a day. Stay here for more than ten hours, and sometimes even stay for several days in a row.

Now, Chao Ling Yin is sitting in front of the main console, as if his hand speed is almost twice the normal number of people, he is tapping on the keyboard quickly, and his face is full of solemnity. And in a row next to her, sitting Chachawan and several robots made by Chao Lingyin are doing the same job.

Their main task is to fully analyze the enemy's data, including weaknesses and specialties, and then feed these data back to outside combatants so that they can make targeted attacks and defenses.

"Attention, there are about a thousand enemy troops in front of you, the immortal element, and preliminary estimates are that their strength is above the spiritual level, of which 30% have reached the spiritual level intermediate level, and a very small number of individuals have reached the spiritual level advanced...risk level five!" Data analysis It was Super Ring Tone that was best at it. In less than a moment, she got some of the enemy's specific information, and then transmitted all the information to the recipient outside through the communicator.

"The number of enemies right behind is the same as above. They belong to the monsters, and they are all flying monsters. The defense strength is quite abnormal, the strength level is above the spiritual level, and some individuals reach the advanced spiritual level...the fifth level of danger!"

"There are about two thousand enemies in the direction at four o'clock on the right. It is a ghost army. It is immune to all physical attacks. The strength is extremely terrifying. The high level of the spiritual level is plural... Damn, how can there be so many, the danger level is six!"

"There are more than 3,000 enemies in the direction of ten o'clock on the left, all of them are orc legions, and their strength ratings are... uh! Spirit... the peak of the spiritual stage! The peak of the spiritual stage with more than double digits! No, we will all be destroyed!" When they saw the data displayed in front of them, the super-ring tone was shocked, and there was an unconcealable fear on his face. There were so many peaks of the spirit level, they could not stop it anyway.

"Don't worry, someone in the orc army has already resisted us, it's the dragon!" At this moment, a girl's voice came from the communication machine in Chao Lingyin's hand, and said very calmly.

Hearing this sentence, the super ring tone hurriedly clicked on the keyboard. Sure enough, just now because of focusing on the enemy's data analysis, but did not find out. At this moment, thousands of dragons have already killed those orc legions, blocking the opponent's offensive. After getting down, the two parties are in a state of stalemate.

"Damn, why are so many enemies appearing all at once? We don't even have time to fully prepare, and Teacher Lin Luo is not here..." Although the most dangerous enemy has been blocked by their strongest defenders, it is super Lingyin still couldn't feel relieved, couldn't help but say.

In fact, at the same time the sirens sounded, the nuclear bomb she made was launched. With the terrifying lethality of nuclear bombs, most enemies can be wiped out in an instant, but...Nuclear bombs need a certain amount of time to activate, and this time is already It is enough for those high-level enemies to "destroy" nuclear bombs. After all, although most of the invaders are not humans, they are not without brains.

Therefore, none of the nuclear bombs she dropped exploded.

"Calm, super ring tone." The voice of the girl came from the communicator again, "We live here, no matter how many enemies come, we must protect the world. This is inevitable since we participated in the war of gods. It’s just that the expected situation is a little earlier, and... you haven’t slept for several days after doing research. I feel that your spirit is in a state of extreme tension. I suggest you take a break."

"What a joke, how can I take a break at this time? Don't worry about me, I have a way to adjust myself." Almost without even thinking about it, Super Ringtone retorted loudly. Although she knew that the other party was doing it for her good, and she knew that her current state of mind was not suitable for this kind of work, could she ignore this embarrassing situation now?

If you go to rest now, I am afraid there will be no time to rest again.

The **** the opposite side seems to know that Chao Ling Yin will not take a break, and does not object. The calm voice is not only encouraging Chao Ling Yin, but also seems to encourage herself, "Okay, then we will each be a guard. Work...this is our war, which can be won and cannot be defeated."

"Yeah, but don’t be too aggressive. The enemy is really terrifying this time. If it’s really unmatchable, I will use the teleporter I made to return to the Sky City. At least there are no strong tiers. The defense of the Sky City is still absolute. Yes." The super ring tone nodded, and then both parties exited the communication mode.

"Chachawan, you are here to take over the enemy's data analysis." After finishing the call, Chao Lingyin stood up and said to the girl next to him while walking towards the exit of the control room.

Cha Cha Wan immediately sat in Chao Ling Yin's position, but couldn't help but ask: "Chao, how about you?"

Chao Ling Yin turned his head and smiled, "I'm going to prepare a secret weapon."


In the atrium of the Sky City, at this moment, all the girls except Misaka Mikoto were gathered together. Tosaka Rin put down the communicator and looked at the people around him, his expression extremely heavy, "Everyone has heard clearly, this time the enemy is coming beyond imagination, but there is only one thing we can do...welcome the enemy!"

Everyone nodded together. Although some of the weak-character girls had some faint fear in their eyes, none of them flinched. As Rin Tosaka said before, this is their world and must be protected!

Among these girls, Rin Tosaka is not the strongest, nor the smartest, but she is the first to follow Lin Luo, and she has experienced the most in the battle of Gods, although usually no one will live there. Under this arrogant, modern mechanical idiot who can't even use mobile phones "flexibly", she still has a certain right to speak at this critical moment of life and death.

In a war, no leader is absolutely impossible. At this moment, Lin Luo and Evangeline are not there, so this burden can only fall on her. Although Nero was the prince of Rome during her lifetime, her character was not suitable for leadership, and she did not deliberately fight for this position.

In large-scale wars, Rin Tosaka may not work, but in battles with a few or even dozens of people, the insights she put forward can still convince everyone. As for the bad habit of making mistakes at a critical moment, there will naturally be others. Come to correct...that's CC.

So, with Rin Tosaka as the commander in chief, CC as the military division, the two are in charge of the local battle command, and Chao Lingyin sits in the Sky City, defending from the overall situation... The girls' first world defense battle has begun!

This is the first time, and it may be the last time!

Under the command of Rin Tosaka, the division of labor was clear. First, the black rock shooter and the black Saber formed a team, and at the same time, add night-weary to lead a hundred mechanical maids equipped with special gundams, including her, to fight the undead enemies head-on. Although it is an undead type, it is actually just a few skeleton soldiers. As long as they are smashed, they cannot be resurrected. Therefore, even technological weapons can be effective, and both Black Rock’s fire type attacks and Black Saber’s light type attacks are both. Can cause huge damage to the undead.

Secondly, a team composed of Maiye Shenli and Bee Eater Sho Chi, plus a hundred maids with Gundam also led by Jiu Yuan, resisted the army of Warcraft from the rear. For biological enemies, the abilities of the two of them are quite suitable. Not to mention the atomic destruction of Maiye Shenli and the power of fallen angels, the mental control of bee-eater exercises alone can achieve the effect of instigating rebellion, but the spiritual level is advanced. I am afraid that the enemy will be difficult to entangle.

In the end, Kanyama Huangquan and Tuguong Kagura formed a team to resist the ghost army that attacked from the right. Both of them are experts in spirit removal. Naturally, they are the best at dealing with this type of enemy, but they are now In terms of strength, if it’s still very troublesome for the upper spiritual level, and technology weapons can’t cause damage to ghosts, it’s a waste of Gundam troops to send them uselessly, and the danger is as high as level six. The two of them are obviously not good enough, so Nero must be added to control the whole game, as well as the combination of guards and guards, Munoka and Sakura Sakura, just in case.

Rin Tosaka needed to observe the audience in order to make a timely investigation. He was unable to attack head-on and stayed in the atrium temporarily. Of course, the same was true for CC as a military division, and it was also impossible for Reevely to fight head-on. The commander's flag could not be down, and as a guard, fifty mechanical maids with gundams were left for protection in the atrium.

The only remaining little Saber and Wei led the remaining fifty mechanical maids to go up to the left to support the dragons. Although the dragons are large in number, the number of enemies is even greater. The more than a dozen powerhouses at the peak of the spirit level rely solely on dragons. It is almost impossible for Wanxuan and the others to block the peaks of their several spiritual ranks, but if they add the super auxiliary ability of the small Saber, they can pull the combat power of the two sides to a very close level... Anyone dropped their chin in shock.

The battle team was configured, and before they set off, Tosaka Rin solemnly pointed out that if they would retreat to the Sky City when they could not resist, that would be their last line of defense. Although the Sky City can defend against any attacks below the ground level, theoretically speaking, as long as they hide in the Sky City, there will be no trouble, but!

The theory is only theory after all. After the test of the super ring tone, the defense of the sky city against the peak of the spiritual rank is not absolute. Maybe one or two can not break through the sky city, but if the number here reaches a plural number, it will be dangerous, and... ... God knows that besides these, there will be no other enemies in the future. They can't sit still and must weaken the enemy's strength as much as possible.

In fact, they were lucky this time, because when the enemy appeared far away, the alarm sounded in time, giving them such a little preparation time, otherwise, if the enemy descended directly to the Sky City and faced so many numbers , They had no other way to correspond except to shrink in the main hall.

Of course, in fact, this is not luck, but the home court advantage of the king of the world. In order to avoid sudden attacks, invaders who cross into this world cannot directly reach the center of the world, but stay away from at least a hundred miles In addition, this is also a kind of balance in the battle of God.

Seeing the girls leave one by one, Rin Tosaka frowned without a trace of excitement.

"Don't be too nervous, this configuration is the most correct at the moment, and you have done a good job." Seeing her showing that expression, CC couldn't help but say, his tone of praise. To be honest, she was really surprised. When she decided to let Tosaka Rin be the commander in this battle, she herself didn't expect this usually arrogant girl to show such a strong and decisive side, although there are still shortcomings in some places. In addition, his excellent commanding ability is vividly displayed, and he can analyze the details calmly, which is quite rare at such an age.

"But there is too much difference." Rin Tosaka shook his head and smiled bitterly. Although all the available combat power has been used, there is too much difference between the overall strength and the individual combat power and the enemy, and there is almost no possibility of winning. Said it was resistance, it was more like death. If it weren't for the space jumping device with super ringing sound, she would not dare to send so many companions to such a dangerous battlefield.

In fact, Rin Tosaka did not know that most of the invaders this time were blocked by the troops sent by the Dark King. The two armies were in a fierce confrontation, otherwise they would not have to face these spiritual levels. The enemy, but the unstoppable tier strong!

At that time, even if they hide in the city of the sky, there is no use, there is only a dead end.

Of course, even now, it is still a life-threatening situation for them!

"I hope Super Ringtone can surprise us." Rin Tosaka frowned and said in a deep voice. She knows that Chao Ling Yin has a secret weapon, but it is very troublesome to activate it in a short time. If they can sustain that period of activation, and then use Chao Ling Yin's secret weapon to make the final trump card, it is not without the possibility of victory.

"Overcoming the past self, the result of the action can be produced in just a few minutes...I am still a little uneasy." CC said calmly. Unlike others, as a life-and-death, she will not panic because of the immediate crisis, although Her heart may not really be calm.

Tosaka Rin smiled bitterly. From the time she got along, she knew that the people around her had the temperament of a philosopher, and often said something that people didn’t understand. For example, this time, she might still ponder the meaning of the other person’s words before, but now ... She is not in that mood.

Behind the two of them, Revelie was silent, she didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, but seeing the enemy getting closer and closer in the distance, there was an inexplicable light in her eyes.

Around, fifty mechanical maids each ride in a ten-meter-high high, surrounding the three of them, with their huge muzzles facing the surroundings, motionless as if they were still. Although they don't have to directly participate in the battle, their tasks are not easier than others, which puts them under great pressure. Fortunately, they are all robots, and there is no mental inability to concentrate.

At this moment, except for the orc troops who had already fought with the dragon clan, the other invaders were all a few miles away, but the girls were already ready. In addition to the frontal black combination rushing over at full speed, the super power group and the lily group are standing on the edge of the sky city, and then...

"A bridge to the stars!"

With this sweet drink of the girls, a huge light curtain stretched out from the edge of the sky city in an instant.

The Sky City is floating in the air. Except for the Undead Legion that attacked from the front, the Warcraft Legion and the Ghost Legion are both air combat troops, and not everyone can fly here. Some people are even less good at air combat. For this reason There must be a platform suitable for combat. This super ringing sound has been noticed for a long time, so she has not long ago created a prop that can allow girls to fight in the air, that is...the bridge of the starry sky!

It is a light curtain extending from the city of the sky. As long as they bring the corresponding props, when they walk on this light curtain, they will be no different from stepping on the ground. In this way, even the enemy in the air can handle it. .

The starry sky bridge was erected, and the light curtain directly extended nearly 10,000 meters, and the girls slammed toward the enemy.

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