The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 663: Be my hero, be your hero

Lin Luo returned from the Magic Cannon World to the Sky City in the blink of an eye. Although it was not the first time to take the Avenue of Stars, after the previous mutation, he said goodbye to the Big Three in the blink of an eye. Returning to his own world still made him feel unreal... But now that he is back, things over there have to be temporarily put aside, after all, this sky city also needs to be taken care of.

"Huh?" Standing in the atrium, Lin Luo looked around. Originally thought that the Sky City would be completely damaged after the last ten thousand invasions, but now it seems that except for the forest and mountains below it can be seen a little bit. Except for a trace of gunpowder, the Sky City is intact. It seems that this defense battle is much more beautiful than he thought...and it must be more difficult.

As he imagined, he didn't see anyone outside, so he probably rested in the main hall.

Lin Luo stood outside for a while, just looking at the surrounding scenery so calmly. After a while, he smiled slightly, turned and walked towards the main hall, but just as his footsteps stepped out, there was a hint of alertness in his heart, which made him instinctive. Exit back several tens of meters.

At the same time, he saw the place where he was standing just now exploding fiercely, with rubble splashing...The only ones who can instantly explode the buildings of the Sky City are the powerhouses above the ground level!

Lin Luo was taken aback, and immediately looked up, and saw a young girl with tea-haired hair standing not far from the other side, her body covered in electric light, her right palm was slightly opened, and she was pointing at the place where it exploded before.

"Mikoto?!" Lin Luo was stunned, looking at the girl in front of him for unknown reasons, it was Misaka Mikoto.

"It's very fast. It escaped my blow." A thought-provoking smile flashed in his eyes, and his raised fingers gently touched the bangs in front of his forehead. No matter what time he was so confident, she was so confident. This action has undoubtedly become her mark.


Listening to this long-lost voice, Lin Luo couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but still couldn't help complaining, "What are you doing? I thought there was an enemy." If he didn't see the girl in front of him, he would still I would really suspect that the City of the Sky was captured by someone, and it would make such a sudden attack.

"Huh? You dare to complain!" But for some reason, Lin Luo's words seemed to ignite the anger of the girl, and the flashes of electric current became more violent, and the silver teeth bite and squeezed the in his hand. Current, said capriciously and arrogantly, "Then let's have a fight, so that you can't say anything!"

Lin Luo was speechless. After nearly half a year, he finally returned to the City of the Sky. It was nothing more than a warm welcome. He even asked himself to fight, "Hey, hey, don't bring this, I just came back... Uh!"

He thought Mikoto was just in a arrogant state and wanted to comfort him, but before he could finish his words, he realized that Mikoto was no longer on the other side.


The sound came from his ears, Lin Luo saw a faint electric light flashing in front of his eyes, he knew that Mikoto had bullied him. Before thinking about it, the body instinctively reacted, moved instantaneously, and instantly retreated to the edge of the sky city, but!

"too slow."

The voice of the girl followed him closely, which made Lin Luo's expression change, and at the same time he felt a huge force hit his chest. Even with his current physique, he couldn't bear it. There was a colic in the abdomen, and then the whole person flew back like a bombed cannonball, until he flew hundreds of meters away, he could stand in the air.

Looking down, he saw a big hole in the clothes on his chest, and a clear fist print was printed on the naked skin. The fist print did not disappear, and the pain never disappeared. The pain made him frown.

This really!

While Lin Luo was shocked, she was also baffled. Looking at the girl opposite, Mikoto was also looking at him, but the expression on her face seemed very angry.

"Have you seen my strength?"

"Huh?" Lin Luo was taken aback when he heard these words, and then remembered that Mikoto is a competitive person. When she was in the academy city, she often went to fight with those bad boys, although it would not be too radical. It hurts people's lives, but sometimes it is imperceptible. Even if the entire school district is out of power, it is not a strange thing. So in general, she is a person who both yearns for peace and likes to fight.

"Are you trying to compete with me?" After understanding this, Lin Luo suddenly felt. He saw that before in the magic gun world, when the book of contract could be used normally, Mikoto had reached the state of fusion like Hatsune, and his comprehensive strength was even stronger to the intermediate level of his level. Then, with It doesn't seem strange that her character wants to fight herself.

"Let's compare your size!" But Lin Luo obviously wanted to be bad. Mikoto stared at her, then pointed to Lin Luo and said bitterly, "I'm teaching you, let you know that I...we don't need that kind of thing. Protector!"

"Um...what are you talking about?" Lin Luo felt that his head was a little awkward.

"Don't pretend to be crazy and stupid!" Mikoto yelled, then her face gradually calmed down, staring at Lin Luo, and said as she walked towards, "What did you think about when I talked with you last time?"

Last time?

Lin Luo clearly remembered that the last time she talked with Mikoto was during the Three Kings War. Although she did not know how Mikoto did it, it was precisely because of her words that she could cheer herself up and fight wholeheartedly. What was in my mind at that time...

"You have lost the will to fight?" Mikoto's gaze was calmer than ever, as if he could see through Lin Luo, and said in a deep voice, "Because this world is facing the danger of destruction, being invaded by countless powerful enemies, let you You think we have no chance of victory under your wings, so you can't see hope, you are desperate, and you lose the will to fight, right?"

"This..." Lin Luo was speechless. He finally knew why Mikoto was angry. Although he did not lose the will to fight at the time, he was really in a state of despair for a while, and most of his mind was focused on the city in the sky. With the safety of everyone, I can't fight with all my strength.

It's just that he didn't know why Mikoto knew his mood at the time.

At this time, Mikoto also gave the answer, "Cross-world calls are actually an advanced level of mind-to-heart calls. Although that ability cannot be improved on the surface, as long as I reach fusion, I can use it across the world. Spiritual calls, of course, will also be very restrictive, and when we use them, our spiritual chains are connected, so I can know your state of mind at the time. You should also know this."

That's right, although you can't know what the other person is thinking when you use the mind call, but the expression of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy is still easy to convey.

"Do you know? When you were in academy city, you found that you tried your best to prevent your sisters from experimenting. Although you were mad at me without waiting for Lin Luo to answer, Mikoto continued, "But I It’s more fun. At that time, I thought you were my hero. As long as I shouted in my heart, you would be able to come to my side to help me. Until now, I still think so, but!"

Speaking of this, Mikoto's eyes dazzled, "I'm not the kind of person who is willing to be protected, so are everyone, have you seen it? This city in the sky! This world! It is protected by our strength! I, everyone, And everyone here is working hard, working hard to move forward, working hard to become stronger, not standing behind you, but standing on the same horizon with you, we... are not protected!"

"..." Lin Luo lost his voice again.

"I still remember that when I was fettered by my own guilt, you came to my spiritual world and pulled me out. At that time, you said this to me... this time you are not alone. Let's do it again!"

Lin Luo couldn't help but stunned. It was a very distant memory, but it was also a memory that could not be forgotten anyway. It was precisely because of that time that he and the girl in front of him could truly come together.

"Because of that sentence, I have the courage to face my fault, and it also made me realize that I am not alone in fighting the darkness of the Academy City. Someone can rely on, and someone can fight with me. That is really one A very happy thing, but that does not mean that we need to be protected!"

"Maintaining oneself, maintaining self-esteem, this is everyone's independent personality. When people who can only snuggle behind others, think that they can't do anything, and are considered by others that they can't live without his protection, that person can't live without his protection. The dignity is gone! Why don’t you believe it more? Why not have hope for us? I believe that even in times of despair, we can see hope, and believe that we can also be the heroes who protect everything!"


"Give me a good realization, now I will not be merciful, I will use all my strength to defeat you, and let your body remember that not need to be protected!"


The girl's voice had just fallen, and her person had disappeared from where she was, and appeared behind Lin Luo almost at the same time. With a punch, the sky shattered, and the sound wave confounded her soul.

Even Lin Luo's color changed after such an attack. The fist pressure that swished by was almost like a roar facing a thousand mountains and rivers, which made him feel an irresistible feeling in his heart...not a normal fight, not an ordinary discussion, this It was a real battle, and Mikoto worked hard to prove her battle.

Lin Luo couldn't ignore this realization and said seriously, "I will use my full strength, it's okay."

Mikoto smiled proudly and waved, endless thunder fell from the sky, "Of course, if you dare to be merciful, first think about the will and inheritance distribution!"

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