The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 664: The end of an era...the day when the phoenix spreads its wings and soars

Lin Luo knows that Mikoto’s current strength is no longer the same as it was at the time. What is the difference compared to half a year ago is that it is a world and a place. Let alone how many mysteries he has mastered, it is just a matter of close combat. The powerful combat power displayed and her own power control ability made him feel tremendous pressure.

Under the premise of not using the spiral force, whether Lin Luo can beat her or not, if he dares to be merciful, maybe he can really prepare his will as Mikoto said.

"Be careful, this is the Heavenly Dao Sword-Three Souls and Seven Souls!" Lin Luo shouted loudly, and the sword of mist and rain fell with lightning.

The sword of Heaven comes out, slashes three souls and destroys seven souls. Once it hits, it can instantly annihilate human body and soul together. It is an extremely powerful sword skill in the Second Sword Stream of Life... Lin Luo did not show mercy, or even exceeded the level. In the past, he would have many flaws in the use of the Heavenly Dao Sword, but now it has almost reached the perfect state, and the sword wind that whizzed out seemed like a punishment from the Heavenly Dao.

But in the face of such an attack, Mikoto smiled indifferently, and did not seem to look at it. Between the flashes of electric light, a huge thunder struck down, completely blasting the sword wind, and at the same time clenched a fist with his right hand and blasted forward. It was the release of the fist pressure that made Lin Luo feel suffocated, as if all the air had been sucked away.

Lin Luo was taken aback, not retreating but advancing, grabbing with his left hand in the void, the blade of the piercing hole made a semicircle, and the fist pressure visible to the naked eye seemed to be frozen in an instant...This is exactly the measure of the six swords. No thought of robbery.

Moment and eternity are only in the blink of an eye.

"Beyond time and space, I am the peak!" In the clear voice, Mikoto's figure suddenly became blurred, and that speed was reaching the limit. Even in the solidified space, she still couldn't catch her.

When Mikoto completely disappeared from his eyes, Lin Luo immediately realized that it was not good, and the two swords recovered, and while turning back, he violently extended his right hand. Suddenly, a white buckler was blocking him. Strong shield.


There was a loud and earth-shattering noise, and even the space had a shock, the frantic shock wave spread to the surroundings, more concentrated on the buckler, faint cracks appeared.

Lin Luo knew that the strongest shield might not be able to stop Mikoto’s attack. He didn’t hesitate at all. He stretched out at the highest speed and retreated hundreds of meters. At the same time, countless white **** of light bloomed from his fingers, surrounding Mikoto. Keep the water dripping, then open the bow with the left hand, and pull the arrow with the right... With a scream, the strongest spear shoots out!

At this time, Mikoto fired a super-electromagnetic gun, and the two forces collided violently in mid-air.

"The sword of endless iron thunder!" An attack is easy to dodge and easy to block, but it would be different if it was an attack of thousands. Using electromagnetic force to instantly tune the sand and iron under the ground to form countless iron-sand swords, and at the same time let the swords be attached to the terrifying divine thunder... In the shirking sound, as Mikoto's fingers point forward, thousands of them contain The sword of iron thunder with divine might broke through the light of fantasy, and then shot towards Lin Luo.

Lin Luo's face changed. The attack was so fast that he could not even unlock the treasure of the pseudo-king. In desperation, he had no choice but to use the seventh sense to make himself disappear...The sword of iron thunder shot from his mental body. , But did not cause any damage to him.

Seeing this, Mikoto couldn't help but froze, and then stretched out her hand, "Unicorn!"

A white beast with angel wings appeared beside Mikoto.

"Unicorn?" Lin Luo was stunned. It was the first time he saw this legendary sacred beast, but then again, isn't the unicorn accessible only to virgins, Mikoto is obviously a young woman!

Even in this kind of high-level battle, Lin Luo still couldn't help but complain. Of course, he complained, but he didn't care about it at all... After seeing her seventh consciousness, Mikoto was not only not surprised, but turned back. Summoning the unicorn is obviously very confident in the beast's combat power.

Then, the beast raised his head slightly.

In an instant, Lin Luo seemed to see the original space collapse like confetti, another invisible space shrouded himself, his mental body was unable to move, a huge force was obliterating his existence...Although the spiritual body was The immortal is immortal, but if the existence disappears, he will also die.

Obviously, the disappearance of the seventh consciousness has been cracked!

At this moment, Lin Luo was truly shocked. Although he seemed to be playing fiercely before, he still retained a bit of strength, but this disappearance technique was not used to attack, of course he did his best. I thought that even if Miqin could crack it, it would at least be a lot of trouble, but Miqin broke in an instant. You know, even the evil king couldn't crack this trick at the beginning!

Of course, this does not mean that Mikoto's strength is stronger than the evil king. After all, as long as he masters the correct method, even the elementary power can crack his disappearance, and the method used by Mikoto is not known to him. , It is estimated that it should be a higher level of mystery, Lin Luo can't understand it temporarily.

Faced with such a high-level mystery, Lin Luo could only present his body again, and then stared at the **** the opposite side with scorching eyes. Now he did not dare to retain his strength at all.


The fierce battle between the two outside the Sky City is naturally not hidden from others. Not long ago, Rin Tosaka and a dozen girls stood in the atrium to watch, the kind of battle that surpassed them too high. In their eyes, it doesn't seem to be a competition at all, it's all about fighting each other with fate.

At first they were worried that there would be any accidental injury, but after watching for a long time, there was nothing else except Lin Luo vomiting a few mouthfuls of blood, so they quickly calmed down. Of course, they will not leave here, after all, this level of battle can also bring them great inspiration, and...seeing Lin Luo being suppressed by Mikoto made them especially relieved.

"Hit, hit me hard, beat that guy to death, tell him to underestimate us!" Especially Miss Rin, cheering for Mikoto with her teeth and claws.

Lin Luo watched from six directions and listened to all directions, with a natural panoramic view of her small movements, and couldn't help feeling very depressed... He knew that he had probably committed public anger.

Originally, with Lin Luo's strength, without using spiral force, it would not be a matter of going to win and lose with the current Mikoto. It is estimated that it will take at least a day or two. In other words, it is a consumption. In order to maintain his own "dignity", he didn't want to lose, but!

Looking at the expressions of the girls below, he felt that if he really wanted to fight with Mikoto for a few days and nights to seize the position of the winner, he would probably offend all these aunts and grandma. Then he would not say anything. He thought I'm afraid entering the house is also extremely difficult.

So...think about it, at this time, it's better to give up in a hurry.

First, let these aunts relieve their anger and let them make a living. Secondly, everyone has a step down, and then he bows his head and admits his mistake, and the incident is over. As for the other third and fourth points, that is his own selfish desires, not to mention it.

So, just when Mikoto struck a heavy punch, Lin Luo saw the timing and sold a flaw without showing a trace, and then the heavy punch hit his chest with a loud bang, and his whole body was smashed. He went underground and didn't get up for a long time.

"Lose...I admit defeat." Lin Luo staggered out of a pit more than ten meters deep, holding one hand, and said weakly.

This was not what he pretended, because Mikoto's punch was not merciful at all. When he was hit head-on, he almost lost his life. If he changed to a weaker one, he probably died.

It is said that one night husband and wife are good for a hundred days, and the hundred days husband and wife are as deep as the sea. It seems that this sentence is not all true. It is simply to kill him to play such a heavy hand!

Of course, this also proves the gravity of Mikoto's resentment from the side.

Naturally, Mikoto could not know that Lin Luo was complaining about her. After hearing him admit defeat, she immediately floated down from the sky, and then looked down at him as if looking at a bad gangster on the street, and said proudly: "What else do you have to say now? ?"

"No, it's my fault. I shouldn't underestimate you, let alone believe you. It's all my fault, I'm sorry." Lin Luo decisively admitted his mistake, and the tone was as sincere as possible.

"Uh..." Mikoto didn't expect him to be so refreshing, but she was shocked and depressed: Damn, I apologized so quickly, then I didn't have a chance to say the lines that I had spent several nights thinking of. !

Mikoto was very upset. Originally, she wanted to take this opportunity to educate Lin Luo and let him deeply realize his mistakes, but the other party’s apology, her re-education was obviously meaningless, which made her feel like she was Like a fool.

"Huh!" Mikoto snorted coldly, turned her head and looked awkward, "Just... I made the remarks just now on your behalf, and it doesn't include my mood...maybe a little..."

The remarks just now obviously referred to her confession before the two started fighting. Lin Luo could still hear this. It was obvious that Sister Pao was arrogant again.

If it was the past, Lin Luo would probably say "You are arrogant", but now he won't be unhappy. If Mikoto sends him another shot in shame, he might not be able to save his life.

Afterwards, the two returned to the city of the sky and looked at these long-lost girls on the opposite side. Lin Luo was full of emotion. In order to resolve their grievances, he apologized again sincerely. After nearly half an hour of fatigue bombing, he Finally freed it.

And this incident also made Lin Luo understand that they don't need his protection, because they are not nestlings hiding under the eagle, but can fly with the eagle...Phoenix!

The power of the Sky City is not weak, Mikoto, Tosaka Rin, Maiye Shenli, Lei...All the girls here are not weak, and the time for their own protection has passed. Each of them is...

"You are the strongest!"

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